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class mindflow.geometry.Triangle(name, vertices, boundary_type='uniform', dtype=np.float32, sampling_config=None)[source]

Definition of triangle object.

  • name (str) – name of the triangle.

  • vertices (numpy.ndarray) – vertices of the triangle.

  • boundary_type (str) –

    this can be 'uniform' or 'unweighted'. Default: 'uniform'.

    • 'uniform', the expected number of samples in each boundary is proportional to the area (length) of the boundary.

    • 'unweighted', the expected number of samples in each boundary is the same.

  • dtype (numpy.dtype) – data type of sampled point data type. Default: np.float32.

  • sampling_config (SamplingConfig) – sampling configuration. Default: none.

Supported Platforms:

Ascend GPU


>>> from mindflow.geometry import generate_sampling_config, Triangle
>>> triangle_mesh = dict({'domain': dict({'random_sampling': True, 'size': 300}),
...                       'BC': dict({'random_sampling': True, 'size': 300, 'with_normal': False,}),})
>>> vertices = np.array([[0., .1], [.9, .2], [.5, .6]])
>>> triangle = Triangle("triangle", vertices,
...                     sampling_config=generate_sampling_config(triangle_mesh))
>>> domain = triangle.sampling(geom_type="domain")
>>> bc = triangle.sampling(geom_type="bc")
>>> print(domain.shape)
(300, 2)