Release Notes
MindSpore Flow 0.2.0 Release Notes
Major Feature and Improvements
Data Driven
[STABLE] Airfoil2D_Unsteady: Transonic airfoil flow is simulated by data-driven methods (using FNO2D and Unet2D).
[STABLE] API-FNO1D/2D/3D: FNO1D, FNO2D and FNO3D APIs are refactored to improve the commonality. "Channels_last" and "channels_first" input formats are supported. Activation functions can be set respectively. Users can set compute data type of SpectralConvDft and FNO-skip. Hyper parameters of projection and lifting layers, residual connection and positional embedding are supported.
[STABLE] API-UNet2D: UNet2D API are refactored. Users can define the improving and reducing of UpConv and DownCov by 'base_channels'. Data formats of 'NCHW' and 'NHWC' are supported.
Data-Mechanism Fusion
[STABLE] API-Percnn: The percnn API is added to learn the spatiotemporal evolution rules of physical fields on coarse grids through the recursive convolutional neural network. By default, the input of two physical components is supported. The number of conv layers and kernel size can be customized to implement applications on different physical phenomena.
[STABLE] PeRCNN-gsrd3d: Add case of solving 3d GS reaction-diffusion equation by PeRCNN.
Physics Driven
[STABLE] Boltzmann: Boltzmann equation with D1V3-BGK and secondary collision term is solved. The relevant papers are published in SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing.
[STABLE] Periodic Hill: Periodic hill flow are solved by PINNs.
[STABLE] Possion: Poisson equations with periodic and robin boundary conditions are solved by PINNs.
[RESEARCH] Cma_Es_Mgda: Add CMA-ES and Multi-objective Gradient Optimization Algorithm(mgda) to solve PINNs.
[RESEARCH] Moe_Pinns: Support MOE-PINNs.
[RESEARCH] Allen-Cahn: Allen-Cahn equation is solved by PINNs.
Thanks to the following developers for their contributions:
hsliu_ustc, Yi_zhang95, zwdeng, liulei277, chengzrz, mengqinghe0909, xingzhongfan, jiangchenglin3, positive-one, yezhenghao2023, lunhao2023, lin109, xiaoruoye, b_rookie, Marc-Antoine-6258, yf-Li21, lixin07, ddd000g, huxin2023, leiyixiang1, dyonghan, huangxiang360729, liangjiaming2023, yanglin2023
Contributions to the project in any form are welcome!