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class mindquantum.core.gates.PhaseFlipChannel(p: float, **kwargs)[source]

A phase flip channel.

Phase flip channel express error that randomly flip the phase of qubit (applies Z gate) with probability \(P\), or do noting (applies I gate) with probability \(1-P\).

Phase flip channel applies noise as:

\[\epsilon(\rho) = (1 - P)\rho + P Z \rho Z\]

where \(\rho\) is quantum state as density matrix type; \(P\) is the probability of applying an additional Z gate.


p (int, float) – probability of occurred error.


>>> from mindquantum.core.gates import PhaseFlipChannel
>>> from mindquantum.core.circuit import Circuit
>>> circ = Circuit()
>>> circ += PhaseFlipChannel(0.02).on(0)
>>> print(circ)
q0: ──╢ PFC(p=1/50) ╟───

Kraus operator of the quantum channel.


list, contains all Kraus operators of this quantum channel.