Higher-order Operator-level Parallelism
Operator-level Parallelism is a commonly used parallelism technique in large model training inference, which can slice the tensor across multiple cards and effectively reduce GPU memory on a single card.
The configuration of operator-level parallelism in MindSpore is implemented through mindspore.ops.Primitive.shard() interface, which describes the way each input tensor is sliced through tuples, is suitable for most scenarios and has a simpler configuration process. However, this slicing approach only describes the tensor slicing logic, but hides the specific arrangement of the tensor on the device rank. Therefore, it has limitations in expressing the mapping relationship between tensor slicing and device ranking, and cannot meet the requirements of some complex scenarios.
To cope with these complex scenarios, this tutorial introduces a higher-order operator-level parallel configuration method with an open device arrangement description.
Hardware platforms supported for advanced operator-level parallel models include Ascend, GPU, and need to be run in Graph mode.
Operator-level Parallelism describes MindSpore basic slicing logic for tensors, but cannot express all the slicing scenarios. For example, for a 2D tensor "[[a0, a1, a2, a3], [a4, a5, a6, a7]]", the tensor layout is shown below:
Figure: Schematic of 2D tensor arrangement
It can be seen that the 0-axis of the tensor, e.g. "[a0, a1, a2, a3]" slices to the discontinuous card "[Rank0, Rank4, Rank2, Rank6]" and the tensor is sliced according to strategy=(2, 4), the arrangement should be as follows:
Figure: Schematic of a 2D tensor arranged according to a sharding strategy
Therefore, directly slicing the input and output tensor of the operator according to the number of slices fails to express some slicing scenarios with special requirements.
Interface Configuration
In order to express sharding as in the above scenario, functional extensions are made to the shard interface.
The parameters in_strategy and out_strategy both additionally receive the new quantity type tuple(Layout) type. Layout is initialized using the device matrix, while requiring an alias for each axis of the device matrix. For example: "layout = Layout((8, 4, 4), name = ("dp", "sp", "mp"))" means that the device has 128 cards in total, which are arranged in the shape of (8, 4, 4), and aliases "dp", "sp", "mp" are given to each axis.
By passing in the aliases for these axes when calling Layout, each tensor determines which axis of the device matrix each dimension is mapped to based on its shape (shape), and the corresponding number of slice shares. For example:
"dp" denotes 8 cuts within 8 devices in the highest dimension of the device layout.
"sp" denotes 4 cuts within 4 devices in the middle dimension of the device layout.
"mp" denotes 4 cuts within 4 devices in the lowest dimension of the device layout.
In particular, one dimension of the tensor may be mapped to multiple dimensions of the device to express multiple slices in one dimension.
The above example of "[[a0, a1, a2, a3], [a4, a5, a6, a7]]" sliced to discontinuous cards can be expressed by Layout as follows:
from mindspore import Layout
a = [[a0, a1, a2, a3], [a4, a5, a6, a7]]
layout = Layout((2, 2, 2), name = ("dp", "sp", "mp"))
a_strategy = layout("mp", ("sp", "dp"))
It can be seen that the "[a0, a1, a2, a3]" of the tensor a is sliced twice to the "sp" and "mp" axes of the device, so that the result comes out as:
The following is exemplified by a concrete example in which the user computes a two-dimensional matrix multiplication over 8 cards: Y = (X * W)
, where the devices are organized according to 2 * 2 * 2
, and the cut of X coincides with the cut of the tensor a. The code is as follows:
import mindspore.nn as nn
from mindspore import ops, Layout
import mindspore as ms
ms.set_auto_parallel_context(parallel_mode=ms.ParallelMode.SEMI_AUTO_PARALLEL, device_num=8)
class DenseMatMulNet(nn.Cell):
def __init__(self):
super(DenseMatMulNet, self).__init__()
layout = Layout((2, 2, 2), name = ("dp", "sp", "mp"))
in_strategy = (layout("mp", ("sp", "dp")), layout(("sp", "dp"), "None"))
out_strategy = (layout(("mp", "sp", "dp"), "None"), )
self.matmul1 = ops.MatMul().shard(in_strategy, out_strategy)
def construct(self, x, w):
y = self.matmul1(x, w)
return y
Operation Practice
The following is an illustration of operator-level parallel operation using an Ascend or GPU standalone 8-card example:
Sample Code Description
Download the complete sample code: distributed_operator_parallel.
The directory structure is as follows:
└─ sample_code
├─ distributed_operator_parallel
├── advanced_distributed_operator_parallel.py
├── run_advanced.sh
└── ...
is the script that defines the network structure and training process. run_advanced.sh
is the execution script.
Configuring a Distributed Environment
Specify the run mode, run device, and run card number through the context interface. Unlike single-card scripts, parallel scripts also need to specify the parallel mode parallel_mode
to be semi-automatic parallel mode and initialize HCCL or NCCL communication through init.
In addition, on Ascend hardware platforms, where some memory needs to be reserved to ensure sufficient device memory for communication, the maximum device memory that can be used by the model can be limited by setting the max_size
parameter. On GPUs, no reservation is required. Here, if device_target
is not set, it will be automatically specified as the backend hardware device corresponding to the MindSpore package.
A sample configuration is shown below:
import mindspore as ms
from mindspore.communication import init
Loading Dataset
In the operator-level parallel scenario, the dataset is loaded in the same way as a single card is loaded.
The code is as follows:
import os
import mindspore.dataset as ds
def create_dataset(batch_size):
dataset_path = os.getenv("DATA_PATH")
dataset = ds.MnistDataset(dataset_path)
image_transforms = [
ds.vision.Rescale(1.0 / 255.0, 0),
ds.vision.Normalize(mean=(0.1307,), std=(0.3081,)),
label_transform = ds.transforms.TypeCast(ms.int32)
dataset = dataset.map(image_transforms, 'image')
dataset = dataset.map(label_transform, 'label')
dataset = dataset.batch(batch_size)
return dataset
data_set = create_dataset(32)
Defining the Network
In the current semi-automatic parallel mode, it is necessary to define the network with ops operators (Primitive). The user can manually configure some operator sharding strategy based on single card network.
For example, the network structure after configuring the strategy is:
import mindspore as ms
from mindspore import nn, ops
class Network(nn.Cell):
def __init__(self):
self.flatten = ops.Flatten()
self.fc1_weight = ms.Parameter(initializer("normal", [28*28, 512], ms.float32))
self.fc2_weight = ms.Parameter(initializer("normal", [512, 512], ms.float32))
self.fc3_weight = ms.Parameter(initializer("normal", [512, 10], ms.float32))
self.matmul1 = ops.MatMul()
self.relu1 = ops.ReLU()
self.matmul2 = ops.MatMul()
self.relu2 = ops.ReLU()
self.matmul3 = ops.MatMul()
def construct(self, x):
x = self.flatten(x)
x = self.matmul1(x, self.fc1_weight)
x = self.relu1(x)
x = self.matmul2(x, self.fc2_weight)
x = self.relu2(x)
logits = self.matmul3(x, self.fc3_weight)
return logits
net = Network()
layout = Layout((2, 2, 2), ("dp", "sp", "mp"))
net.matmul1.shard((layout("mp", ("sp", "dp")), layout(("sp", "dp"), "None")))
net.relu1.shard(((4, 1),))
layout2 = Layout((8,), ("tp",))
net.matmul2.shard((layout2("None", "tp"), layout2("tp", "None")))
net.relu2.shard(((8, 1),))
The ops.MatMul()
and ops.ReLU()
operators of the above networks are configured with a sharding strategy, where net.matmul1
is also consistent with the sharding arrangement of tensor a above, and net.matmul2
is sliced into 8 parts at the Reduce axis of MatMul.
Training the Network
In this step, we need to define the loss function, the optimizer, and the training process, which is partially the same as that of the single card.
The code is as follows:
import mindspore as ms
from mindspore import nn
optimizer = nn.SGD(net.trainable_params(), 1e-2)
loss_fn = nn.CrossEntropyLoss()
def forward_fn(data, target):
logits = net(data)
loss = loss_fn(logits, target)
return loss, logits
grad_fn = ms.value_and_grad(forward_fn, None, net.trainable_params(), has_aux=True)
def train_step(inputs, targets):
(loss_value, _), grads = grad_fn(inputs, targets)
return loss_value
for epoch in range(10):
i = 0
for image, label in data_set:
loss_output = train_step(image, label)
if i % 10 == 0:
print("epoch: %s, step: %s, loss is %s" % (epoch, i, loss_output))
i += 1
Running a Standalone 8-Card Script
Next, the corresponding scripts are called by commands, using the mpirun
startup method and the 8-card distributed training script as an example of distributed training.
The code is as follows:
bash run_advanced.sh
After training, the log files are saved to the log_output
directory, and the part of the file directory structure is as follows:
└─ log_output
└─ 1
├─ rank.0
| └─ stdout
├─ rank.1
| └─ stdout
The results on the Loss section are saved in log_output/1/rank.*/stdout
, and the example is as below:
epoch: 0, step: 0, loss is 2.3016002
epoch: 0, step: 10, loss is 2.2889402
epoch: 0, step: 20, loss is 2.2848126
epoch: 0, step: 30, loss is 2.248126
epoch: 0, step: 40, loss is 2.1581488
epoch: 0, step: 50, loss is 1.8051043
epoch: 0, step: 60, loss is 1.571685
epoch: 0, step: 70, loss is 1.267063
epoch: 0, step: 80, loss is 0.9873328
epoch: 0, step: 90, loss is 0.7807965
Other startup methods such as dynamic networking and rank table
startup can be found in startup methods.