Large Model Accuracy Optimization Guide

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Overview and Scenarios of Accuracy Issues


As the Ascend AI processor (hereinafter referred to as NPU) is widely used in deep learning, the MindSpore framework, which is developed natively based on the Ascend NPU, also shows better performance advantages. During large-scale cluster training, the performance improvement will greatly save users the cost of large model development. Therefore, more and more users are gradually migrating their original training models to MindSpore. However, due to the differences in hardware and framework usage, users may encounter accuracy problems after completing the model migration.

This paper summarizes the common accuracy problems in the training process of large models and general accuracy problem localization methods, and seeks to help users quickly troubleshoot accuracy problems and shorten the time for model accuracy problem localization.

Categorized Summary of Common Problems

Various accuracy problems often occur in large model training, and the common problems include that the loss fails to converge, the loss converges poorly, the loss runs away at the late stage of training, the accuracy overflows, and the loss can not be fitted to the benchmark in the process of descending. These accuracy problems may be caused by a variety of sources, including the structure of the model, the dataset, the hyperparameters, the precision of the forward and reverse computation, the calculation of the optimizer, the floating-point computational accuracy, and randomness.

When accuracy problems occur, the problem can be analyzed from the source of these accuracy errors. A quick troubleshooting based on CheckList is performed first, followed by parameter and weight alignment, fixed randomness and turning on deterministic calculations before executing in/out problem troubleshooting and long stable training elimination. At the current stage, this paper mainly introduces the general method of accuracy localization for the scenarios with accuracy benchmarks, and the content of accuracy problem localization without accuracy benchmarks will be added successively.

Accuracy Problems Location CheckList

Before locating the operator accuracy problem, we should first eliminate the interference of other non-operator factors. Combined with the previous precision positioning cases, the CheckList before precision positioning is summarized. In order to easier locate the problems, users can first carry out quick troubleshooting according to the CheckList.

Network Structure CheckList

  • Generalized structure (Llama2 as an example)

Key parameters




transformer layers

Check for alignment with benchmarks


The number of attention heads in transformer

Check for alignment with benchmarks


Transformer hidden layer size

Check for alignment with benchmarks


Feed-Forward Network hidden layer size

intermediate_size corresponds to the ffn-hidden-size parameter in Megatron, which is not configured in MindFormers, but is calculated from multiple_of and ffn_dim_multiplier. Check for alignment with benchmarks.


Attention module in transformer

- Check that the following structures and calculations are aligned: the attention structure has different structures such as MQA, GQA, and MHA.
- Sparse computational models: causal/sliding window attention (SWA), etc.
- Whether the matrix of wq/wk/wv has a fusion computation.


Regularization functions, common structures are LayerNorm, RMSNorm

Check for alignment with benchmarks


Regularized epsilon parameters

Check for alignment with benchmarks


Dropout in the network

Currently, when MindSpore opens Dropout, recalculation cannot be enabled; if precision comparison is carried out, it is recommended that both sides be closed to reduce the random factor.

activation function

Common activation functions ReLU/GeLU/FastGeLU/SwigLU etc.

Check for alignment with benchmarks

fusion computation

Common fusion operators include FA, ROPE, Norm, SwigLU; some users will fuse Wq, Wk, Wv for computation

When comparing accuracy on the same hardware, if fusion algorithms are used, they need to be consistent. When comparing accuracy on different hardware, focus on checking whether there are differences in the fusion calculation.

position code


Check the way to use positional coding: absolute/relative positional coding.


vocabulary size

The vocab size is recommended to be a multiple of 16; if it is odd, it may affect the computational results of matmul. In the pre-training scenario, the vocabulary size can be changed by modifying the parameters. In the SFT scenario, if the vocabulary size of the pre-training weights is odd, the weights need to be padded.

  • MOE Structure

Key parameters




Number of experts

Check for alignment with benchmarks


Number of shared experts

Check for alignment with benchmarks


Number of experts selected per token

Check for alignment with benchmarks


Expert capacity factor

Capacity factor requirement 1.0 <= Capacity factor <= expert_num/num_experts_chosen, which is recommended for accuracy comparison. When capacity factor < 0, it is dynamic capacity, corresponding to dropless MoE operation, i.e., no token is discarded.


Load balancing loss contribution factor

When turned on, it is recommended to be less than 0.05; if precision alignment is performed, it is recommended not to turn it on, LOSS prints in an inconsistent manner.


routing expert policy

Currently MindFormers has TopkRouterV1 and TopkRouterV2; V2 is a high-performance mathematical equivalent implementation of V1, and it is recommended to use V2, V1 will be deprecated subsequently.


Whether to enable the sdrop method

It is recommended to set it to true, corresponding to Megatron need to set the parameter as follows parameters:
moe-token-drop-policy: position
moe-pad-expert-input-to-capacity: True.


Decide on the expert's dense layer

It needs to be calculated using fp32 to prevent overflow.


Whether to use the fusion operator for dispatch as well as combine indexing calculations

The parameter takes effect when enbable_sdrop=True, and precision alignment is recommended to be set to True.


Whether the gating factor is used in the shared expert network

Check if the shared expert network has a gating factor, if so set it to True.

Optimizer CheckList

Key parameters



adam optimizer

optimizer type

If Megatron uses the adam optimizer, the mathematically equivalent implementation of MindFormers is AdamW.


adam optimizer minimal value parameter

Check the parameters for consistency, recommended value is 1e-8.


adam optimizer gradient momentum parameters

Check the parameters for consistency, recommended value is 0.9。


adam optimizer gradient variance parameter

Check the parameters for consistency, recommended value is 0.95。


weight decay

By default bias and one-dimensional weights are not decayed and the user is checked for special operations.


learning rate

After setting up warmup, learning rate decay, draw a graph to see if the learning rate change is consistent.


Learning rate warmup step percentage

refer to the last parameter


clipping gradient

Check the parameters for consistency, recommended value is 1.0.


Global batch size

Consistency with the benchmark can be checked by printing a log during training.

Weight CheckList

Key parameters




Weight initialization type

MindFormers usually sets the param_init_dtype type to fp32. This is because the gradient communication type needs to be the same as the weight type, controlling the communication type to be fp32. Megatron gradient communication type defaults to fp32 and is not tied to the weight type.

Mixed-precision CheckList

Key parameters




Compute accuracy

Keep alignment with benchmarks


layerNorm/RMSNorm compute precision

Megatron is not configurable, need to check that implementations are consistent.


When MindSpore uses FlashAttention, the internal Softmax fix is calculated with FA.

Megatron is not configurable, needs to check if the implementation is consistent.

Calculation of weights

accuracy calculation for each weight such as, Embedding, lm_head, type of calculation is configurable only for small arithmetic splicing implementations

Megatron is not configurable, need to check that implementations are consistent.


Calculation accuracy of rotary position encoding

Since MindFormers weight initialization needs to be set to fp32, and the usual calculation precision is bf16/fp16, it is necessary to check whether the weight data type is converted to bf16/fp16 before weight calculation.

bias add

bias in the linear layer

If bias is present, Linear layer checks consistency in the computational accuracy of add.

residual add

sum of residuals

Check that the accuracy of the calculation of the residuals is consistent with the benchmarks


Loss Calculation Module

Check that the accuracy of the calculation of the entire loss module is consistent with the benchmarks

Operator High Precision Mode

Ascend Calculator supports high precision mode

Method: context.set_context(ascend_config= {"ge_options":{ "global":{ "ge.opSelectImplmode":"high_precision" } } })

Parallel Strategy CheckList

Key parameters




data parallel

Parallel slicing affects the communication behavior, and the calculations that introduce communication after slicing may be slightly different from the single-card calculations.


model parallel

No effect on accuracy


pipeline parallel

No effect on accuracy


Enable Megatron Short Sequence Parallelism, only effective when tp>1

No effect on accuracy


optimizer parallel

For optimizer parallel, MindSpore and PyTorch have different implementation schemes and inconsistent communication behavior. It is recommended to turn it off when performing precision alignment.


multicopy parallel

When performing performance optimizations, you need to check whether turning on multiple copies affects accuracy.

Other CheckList

Key parameters


Data Check

Check if the data is abnormal, you can randomly select part of the data for decode, encode check to see if the position of input and label is correctly corresponding.

Special Words Check

Check whether the special ids such as bos_token_id, eos_token_id, pad_token_id are consistent with the ids when the data is produced.

input_ids check

Check whether inputs_id in embedding is consistent with 0<=inputs_id<vocab_size; if there is out-of-bounds behavior, it will fetch dirty data and lead to precision anomaly.

Overflow Detection

Overflow Status Aligns PyTorch, suggest to use INFNAN_MODE, i.e., export MS_ASCEND_CHECK_OVERFLOW_MODE=INFNAN_MODE.

Graph Operator Fusion

Turn off graph operator fusion, i.e. enable_graph_kernel: False.

Training Inference Template Consistency

If training SFT, you need to make sure that the input template used for training inference is consistent.

Version Check

Check whether the versions of MindSpore, MindFormers and CANN are compatible, it is recommended to use the latest compatible version.

Differences with Open Source

MindFormers has supported the mainstream open source LLM models, and has been more fully tested. If you are developing based on the open source models in MindFormers, you can focus on checking the differences with the open source models in MindFormers.

Introduction to Accuracy Debugging Tools

In accuracy localization, MindSpore's Dump tool is mainly used. Mainly support O0/O1/O2 mode, different modes support Dump function is not exactly the same, the required configuration files and the data format generated is also different. O0/O1 supports host and device modes to support Dump data format .npy file; O2 only supports host mode, supports Dump data format .npy and .bin file. For details, please refer to Dump Function Debugging, and the following is only a brief introduction to the two Dump methods.

O0/O1 Graph Mode Dump

MindSpore's Dump tool is enabled by configuring a JSON file, which Dumps out all the operator data in the network, saving the tensor and statistics in the statistic.csv table. The following gives a JSON example of full operator Dump in (O0, O1) mode:

    "common_dump_settings": {
        "op_debug_mode": 0,
        "dump_mode": 0,
        "path": "/absolute_path",
        "net_name": "ResNet50",
        "iteration": "0|5-8|100-120",
        "saved_data": "tensor",
        "input_output": 0,
        "kernels": ["Default/Conv-op12"],
        "support_device": [0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7]
    "e2e_dump_settings": {
        "enable": true,
        "trans_flag": true

Refer to Dump Function Debug for the field meanings of the configuration parameters.

After configuring the JSON file, set the Dump environment variable to point to the configured JSON file, you need to set the absolute path:


After setting the environment variables, start the program training to get the corresponding Dump data.

O2 Graph Mode Dump Way

This method dumps out all the operator data in the network and saves the statistic.csv table of tensor and statistical information. The JSON example of full operator Dump in O2 mode is as follows.

    "common_dump_settings": {
        "op_debug_mode": 0,
        "dump_mode": 0,
        "path": "/absolute_path",
        "net_name": "ResNet50",
        "iteration": "0|5-8|100-120",
        "saved_data": "tensor",
        "input_output": 0,
        "kernels": ["Default/Conv-op12"],
        "support_device": [0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7],
        "statistic_category": ["max", "min", "l2norm"],
        "file_format": "npy"

Refer to Dump Function Debug for the field meanings of the configuration parameters.

After configuring the JSON file, set the Dump environment variable to point to the configured JSON file, you need to set the absolute path:


After setting the environment variables, start the program training to get the corresponding Dump data.

Other Introductions

In addition to the full amount of operator Dump introduced above, the tool also supports partial data Dump, overflow Dump, specified-condition Dump and so on. Limited to space, interested users can refer to Dump function debugging for configuration and use. In addition, TroubleShooter web development debugging is also provided, can be used in the weight conversion, weight comparison and other scenarios. For more information, refer to TroubleShooter tool introduction.

Generalized Processes for Accuracy Positioning

Quickly troubleshoot the problem by using the Accuracy Problems Location CheckList section. If the accuracy problem still exists after completing the CheckList and there is no obvious direction, you can narrow down the scope of the problem by using the accuracy location generic process in this section. The current generalized process is mainly for benchmarked scenarios, and the following section will take the scenario of comparing the accuracy of GPU+PyTorch and Ascend+MindSpore as an example to introduce the accuracy localization process.

There are two main ideas for problem positioning:

  • Simplified training scenarios based on single card/standalone, small-scale model replication problems.

  • Fix the random factor and compare the loss difference with the benchmark during training to locate the cause of the accuracy difference.

The training process of the model can be decomposed into the following processes: data input, forward computation, loss, backward computation, gradient, optimizer weight update, and next step. The following will describe how to rank each stage of the training in conjunction with the flow of the following figure.


Stage 1: Pre-training Preparation

Conducting accuracy comparison between GPU+PyTorch and Ascend+MindSpore requires simplifying the scenario and fixing the randomness before reproducing the problem. There are three main parts as follows:

  • Aligning parameters, downsizing models, single-card/stand-alone reproduction problems;

  • Load the same weights for training;

  • Each step trains the same data.

Aligning Parameters

In the parameter alignment session, some parameters need special instructions, and refer to the following settings. The rest of the parameters are set according to the original scene, to ensure that PyTorch and MindSpore parameters are consistent. Parameter setting instructions:






Reduced model size facilitates quick verification that a single card can run in data-only parallelism.



Fixed learning rates to ensure alignment with benchmarked learning rates.



Steps for warmup



If the user has no special requirements, follow the default settings.



Turn off the randomness parameter, and If there are other randomness parameters, they should be turned off.

Features such as model parallelism, flow parallelism, sequence parallelism, optimizer parallelism, etc. are recommended to be turned off first, and then parallel features are gradually added after the accuracy is aligned.

Weight Conversion

During training, MindSpore is loaded with the same weights as PyTorch. In case of pre-training scenarios, you can use PyTorch to save an initialized weight and then convert it to MindSpore weights. Because MindSpore weight names differ from PyTorch, the essence of weight conversion is to change the names in the PyTorch weight dict to MindSpore weight names to support MindSpore loading. Refer to weight conversion guide for weight conversion.

Save the dataset for each step of PyTorch training. During MindSpore training, load the same dataset for training, thus ensuring the same training dataset for each step. Refer to the Appendix for the implementation code.

Fixed Randomness and Start Deterministic Computation

The training process fixes randomness and turns on deterministic computation in the following way:

  • NPU adds the following environment variables:

    export HCCL_DETERMINISTIC=true  # HCCL deterministic
    export ASCEND_LAUNCH_BLOCKING=1  # Hardware deterministic
  • PyTorch code, add the following to

    def seed_all(seed=42):
        os.environ['PYTHONHASHSEED'] = str(seed)
        if is_gpu:
            torch.backends.cudnn.deterministic = True
            torch.backends.cudnn.enable = False
            torch.backends.cudnn.benchmark = False
  • PyTorch code, add the following to

    from mindspore import context
    def seed_all(seed=42):
        os.environ['PYTHONHASHSEED'] = str(seed)

After completing the above preparations, single card training is initiated. If the problem is not reproduced, the scenario is gradually complicated, such as adding relevant features, expanding the model size, etc., until the problem is reproduced, so as to locate the cause of the problem. If the problem is reproduced, or the time needed to reproduce is longer, then the problem localization in stage 2 can be opened.

Stage 2: Basic Problem Identification

By comparing the loss and local norm of the first step (step1) and the second step (step2), the forward computation, backward computation, and optimizer computation are sequentially ranked.

Comparison of Step1 Losses

After fixing the weights, dataset, and randomness, the difference in the loss value of the first step of training is compared. The loss value of the first step is obtained from the forward computation of the network. If the difference with the benchmark loss is large, it can be determined that there is an accuracy difference in the forward computation, which may be due to the model structure is not aligned, and the accuracy of the operator is abnormal. The tensor values of each layer of MindSpore and PyTorch can be obtained by printing or Dump tool. Currently, the tool does not have automatic comparison function, users need to manually identify the correspondence for comparison. For the introduction of MindSpore Dump tool, please refer to Introduction of Accuracy Debugging Tools, and for the use of PyTorch Dump tool, please refer to Function Explanation of Accuracy Tools

Find the correspondence of layers through PyTorch api_stack_dump.pkl file, and MindSpore statistc.csv file, and initially determine the degree of difference between input and output through max, min, and L2Norm. If you need further comparison, you can load the corresponding npy data for detailed comparison.

Comparison of local norm Values for step1

The local norm reflects the sum of squares of the gradients of a given weighted slice on that device, and comparing the local norm value with the benchmark allows for an initial assessment of the difference in the reverse computation. The calculation formula is as follows:

\[ localnorm = \sqrt{x_1^2 + x_2^2 + \cdots + x_n^2} \]

Where \(x_1 , x_2, \cdots, x_n\) is the gradient of a particular weight. MindFormers supports printing the local norm via yaml configuration as shown below:

# wrapper cell config
  type: MFTrainOneStepCell
  local_norm: True
  scale_sense: 1
  loss_scale_value: 65536
  use_clip_grad: True

There is no configuration in Megatron to print local parameters, and you need to embedded modify the file megatron/core/optimizer/

def get_parameters(self):
    params = []
    grad_norm_list = []
    for param_group in self.optimizer.param_groups:
        for param in param_group['params']:
            grad_norm = torch.norm(param.grad, 2)
            grad_norm_list.append(grad_norm ** 2)
    print_rank_0(f"print torch local norm:")
    return params

Below is an example of a local norm comparison, comparing the local norm values corresponding to the weights.

local norm

It can be found that in the scenario shown in this figure, the local norm value of model.tok_embeddings.embedding_weight has a large difference, which can be focused on troubleshooting the implementation of the embedding and the calculation accuracy, etc.

The local norm value only serves as a preliminary judgment of whether the reverse computation is correct, if we want to compare the reverse computation in depth, we need to compare the MindSpore and PyTorch reverse computation values layer by layer by using the Dump tool.

Optimizer Computational Troubleshooting

In the case where the loss of step1 is aligned with the local norm, if the difference in the loss of step2 is large, further troubleshooting of the optimizer computation is required.

  • Firstly, check whether the parameters that affect the gradient update, such as learning rate, optimizer parameters, weight decay, are consistent with the benchmark.

  • Secondly troubleshoot the optimizer computation with the following steps:

    • Save the gradient from PyTorch step1.

    • Load the gradient of PyTorch at MindSpore step1 for optimizer update.

    • Compare the difference in weights after the update or the difference in loss values at step2.

If there is a significant difference, there is a problem with the optimizer update and further targeting of the optimizer is required.

PyTorch saves the weight gradients, and to use apex as an example, modify the file apex.optimizers file.

def get_parameters(self):
    params = []
    grad_id = 0
    for param_group in self.optimizer.param_groups:
        for param in param_group['params']:
             # Embedded modification to save the gradient of torch as numpy
  "xx/grad_{grad_id}.npy", param)
            grad_id += 1
    return params

MindFormers loads the gradient reference implementation. Note that it requires the user to find the correspondence between MindFormers and PyTorch gradients on their own by modifying mindformers/wrapper/

class MFTrainOneStepCell(nn.TrainOneStepWithLossScaleCell):
    def __init__(self...):
        # Embedded modification to load the weight of torch
        grad_0 = Tensor(np.load(f"xxx/grad_1.npy"))
        grad_1 = Tensor(np.load(f"xxx/grad_x.npy"))
        self.grads = [grad_0, grad_1, ..., ]

    def construct(self, *inputs):
        # Embedded modification to force replacement of gradient with torch gradient
         grads = self.grads
        if self.use_clip_grad:
            grads, global_norm = self.clip_grad_norm(grads)

The above code, only for the realization of the reference, needs to modify the code according to the actual situation.

If it is found that there is no problem with the optimizer calculation, and the loss difference of the second step is large, then it is necessary to re-compare the inverse calculation of the first step in detail through the Dump method.

Stage 3: Long and Stable Training Troubleshooting

After the above operations of aligning the loss and local norm of step1 and step2, troubleshooting the forward computation, backward computation, and optimizer update, long stable training is initiated to compare the loss of each step.

Weights Not Updated

Set learning rate = 0, i.e., weights are not updated, and train 1k step; compare the loss values and the differences in the global norm. At the current stage, due to the large amount of data, detailed comparison of the local norm of each weight for each step is labor intensive, so the backward computation error is determined by comparing the global norm. This is a simple and quick way to verify the forward and backward computation, if there is a large difference in the value of a particular step loss or norm, then use that data alone to analyze the forward and backward. Note that global norm prints in the Megatron with the field grad norm.

Benchmark Error Confirmation

Before the training of weight update, it is necessary to confirm the benchmark error, that is, turn off the deterministic computation, repeat running the benchmark training twice to see the error of the benchmark itself, as a reference to determine whether the error is reasonable. Due to the differences in hardware or the underlying calling operator, the computational process of training will inevitably have a certain degree of error. When MindSpore training is compared with PyTorch for loss, if the error is within the benchmark error range and the error fluctuates up and down along the 0-axis, the error can be considered reasonable.

Loss Diffusion

The learning rate is set > 0, the weights are updated, and the long stability test is performed. The training to a certain step appeared the phenomenon of large differences in the loss, after which the training loss began to diverge, as shown in Fig:


In this scenario, the training before and after the mutation can be targeted for troubleshooting, and the following troubleshooting can be tried:

  • Check the data situation near the loss mutation to troubleshoot if there is any abnormal data. Decode the data to text via tokenizer to see if the data is abnormal; at the same time, you can try to skip this batch of data for training to verify whether it is caused by the data.

  • Check if there is precision overflow in the vicinity of the mutation.

  • You can check whether there is any abnormality in the local norm, Dump the training data of the mutation step, troubleshoot the calculated mutation points, and analyze whether the operator outputs abnormally.

Loss Varies Greatly in the Later Stages

It is also possible to have a better fit in the early part of the training period and a large difference in the convergence loss in the later part of the training period in the long stability test, as shown in Fig:


In this scenario, troubleshooting can be done from the following perspectives:

  • Examine whether the parameters are aligned: focus on examining the parameters related to the optimizer, such as the optimizer type, learning rate, weight decay. We can compare whether the change of learning rate during training is consistent by drawing diagrams, and we also need to confirm whether the weight of weight decay is consistent with the benchmark.

  • Mixed accuracy checking: through the Dump tool, carefully check whether the mixed accuracy is consistent with the benchmark in the calculation process;

  • If there is a difference in the loss at convergence, but the difference is small, such as less than 1%, the accuracy acceptance can be performed by evaluating the downstream tasks.

Scenario Expansion

After completing the single-card alignment, gradually expand from single-card to multi-card testing and cluster testing; model size and related features such as model parallelism, flow parallelism, optimizer parallelism are added as appropriate. Gradually expand from simple scenarios to actual training scenarios, so as to troubleshoot the impact of the added features on the accuracy.

Case Details

This section will introduce the completion of accuracy ranking based on the above accuracy localization process with practical examples.

Problem Phenomenon

Training the model with a 128-card cluster and comparing training with Ascend+MindSpore training with GPU+PyTorch training reveals that the late training convergence loss is about 0.1 higher than GPU+PyTorch. As shown in the figure, the convergence is not as expected:


The blue line is the Ascend+MindSpore training curve and the red line is the GPU+PyTorch training curve.

Problem Location Process

Before locating the problem, check against the CheckList to confirm that there is no error and then start locating the problem.

First the loss alignment of step1 is confirmed to be OK. Compare the local norm of step1 and calculate the difference between the Local norm value of each weight and the benchmark, the Embedding weight has a large difference between the local norm value and the benchmark.

local norm

The reason for this is that MindFormers uses fp32 for weight initialization, and fp32 precision is used for both forward and backward embedding calculations, while PyTorch forward and backward calculations are bf16, which leads to differences in the calculated local norm values.

Once the computational accuracy is aligned, the exhaustive optimizer computation is also fine, and the long stable training alignment starts.

The long stable training exhaustion will be extended from single card experiments to multi-card experiments by first setting the LEARNING RATE=0, i.e., the weights are not updated. Forward computation of the loss difference of each step is around 0.001, and the forward computation error is as expected. The difference of global norm of each step is about 0.05, and the difference of reverse calculation is not significant. It is initially judged that the model migration code is correct, the model structure is consistent, and the difference of forward and reverse calculation is not significant.


Re-weight update, single card training, set learning rate=1e-5, train 1k steps. Convergence late loss has a steady 0.1 difference, reproducing the problem.


Perform problem troubleshooting. Identify the following problems:

  • Identify inconsistencies in computational accuracy during training through Dump file exclusion, and harmonize inconsistencies.

  • Weight decay implementation is inconsistent, weight decay is performed on all weights in user PyTorch network. bias weights and one-dimensional weights in MindFormers do not have weight decay by default.

After fixing the problem, experiment again, train 10,000 steps, the loss difference fluctuates around the 0 axis and is less than 0.03, the accuracy meets the expectation, and the single-card accuracy is aligned.

After completing the single card training, start the multi-card training test: set the learning rate=1e-5, train 1,000 steps. convergence is consistent in the late stage of training, but there is a stable 0.05 error in the middle stage of training.


To verify that this error is within reasonable limits, the deterministic computation was turned off and the GPU experiment was run twice repeatedly. The red line in the figure is the curve of MindSpore training, and the blue and green lines are the curves of the first and second GPU training, respectively. At the training instability around 7,000 steps, the curve of MindSpore training is right between the curves of the two GPU trainings, indicating that the error is within a reasonable range and the problem is finally solved.



Currently MindFormers does not support reading PyTorch's bin dataset directly. Currently you can refer to the following method to ensure that Megtron reads the same data. Modify the code so that the data trained by Megatron in each step is saved and MindFormers reads the same data for training. Modify

import numpy as np
import os

step_num = 0
def get_path(local_rank):
    global step_num
    path = f"path/step_{step_num}/rank_{local_rank}"
    os.makedirs(path, exist_ok=True)
    return path

def forward_step(data_iterator, model: GPTModel):
    """Forward training step.

        data_iterator: Input data iterator
        model (GPTModel): The GPT Model
    args = get_args()
    timers = get_timers()

    # Get the batch.
    timers('batch-generator', log_level=2).start()
    global stimer
    with stimer(bdata=True):
        tokens, labels, loss_mask, attention_mask, position_ids = get_batch(

    # =========== The following code has been added ===========
    local_rank = torch.distributed.get_rank()
    path = get_path(local_rank)
    print(f"paht is f{path}")

    global step_num
    step_num += 1

    tokens_npy = tokens.cpu().numpy(), 'tokens.npy'), tokens_npy)
    labels_npy = labels.cpu().numpy(), 'labels.npy'), labels_npy)
    loss_mask_npy = loss_mask.cpu().numpy(), 'loss_mask.npy'), loss_mask_npy)
    attention_mask_npy = attention_mask.cpu().numpy(), 'attention_mask.npy'), attention_mask_npy)
    # =========== The above is the new code ===========


    with stimer:
        output_tensor = model(tokens, position_ids, attention_mask,

    return output_tensor, partial(loss_func, loss_mask)

The data is saved according to the following directory structure:

├── step_0
│   ├── rank_0
│   │   ├── attention_mask.npy
│   │   ├── labels.npy
│   │   ├── loss_mask.npy
│   │   └── tokens.npy
│   ├── rank_1
│   │   ├── attention_mask.npy
│   │   ├── labels.npy
│   │   ├── loss_mask.npy
│   │   └── tokens.npy
│   ├── rank_2
│   └── rank_7
│       ├── attention_mask.npy
│       ├── labels.npy
│       ├── loss_mask.npy
│       └── tokens.npy
├── step_1
├── step_2

Each step in MindFormers reads the corresponding data for training. The way is as follows:

Create a new and put it into mindformers/dataset/. The code is as follows:

import os
import copy
from glob import glob
import numpy as np
import mindspore as ms
from mindspore.dataset.transforms import TypeCast
from mindspore.dataset import GeneratorDataset
from import logger
from mindformers.version_control import get_dataset_map
from import MindFormerRegister, MindFormerModuleType
from import get_real_rank
from .base_dataset import BaseDataset

class NumpyDataset:
    def __init__(self, dataset_dir, rank_id):
        self.token_list = []
        self.label_list = []
        self.index = []"dataset rank_id: %d", rank_id)"dataset dir: %s", dataset_dir)
        steps_dir = os.listdir(dataset_dir)"steps dir: {steps_dir}")
        new_steps_dir = []
        for step_dir in steps_dir:
            if not step_dir.startswith("step_"):
        steps_dir = new_steps_dir
        steps_dir.sort(key=lambda x: int(x.split("_")[1]))
        for step_dir in steps_dir:
            step_index = int(step_dir.split("_")[1])
            data_dir = os.path.join(dataset_dir, step_dir, f"rank_{rank_id}")
            token_path = os.path.join(data_dir, "tokens.npy")
            label_path = os.path.join(data_dir, "labels.npy")
            token = np.load(token_path)
            label = np.load(label_path)
            self.index.append(step_index)"get %d numpy data.", len(self.index))"==========NumpyDataset init succeed==========")

    def __len__(self):
        return len(self.token_list)

    def __getitem__(self, index):
        return self.token_list[index], self.label_list[index]

class NumpyDataloader(BaseDataset):
    def __new__(cls, dataset_config):"Now create Numpy Dataset")
        dataset_config = cls.check_dataset_config(dataset_config, locals())
        dataset_config = copy.deepcopy(dataset_config)
        rank_id, device_num = cls._generate_shard_info()
        dataset_config.rank_id = rank_id
        dataset_config.device_num = device_num

        dataset = cls._process_numpy_data(dataset_config)

        type_cast_op = TypeCast(ms.int32)
        dataset = dataset.batch(dataset_config.batch_size, drop_remainder=dataset_config.drop_remainder,
        dataset = dataset.project(columns=dataset_config.input_columns)
        for input_arg in dataset_config.input_columns:
            dataset = get_dataset_map(dataset, type_cast_op,
        dataset = dataset.repeat(dataset_config.repeat)
        return dataset

    def _process_numpy_data(cls, dataset_config):
        dataset_dir = dataset_config.data_loader.dataset_dir
        rank_id = get_real_rank()
        dataset = NumpyDataset(dataset_dir, rank_id)
        dataloader = GeneratorDataset(source=dataset, column_names=dataset_config.input_columns,
                                      num_shards=None, shard_id=None, shuffle=dataset_config.data_loader.shuffle,
        return dataloader

mindformers/dataset/ adds:

from .numpy_dataset import NumpyDataloader

Modify the following configuration item of the training yaml, refer to Config Configuration Description for the meaning of the configuration item:

train_dataset: &train_dataset
    dataset_dir: ""  
    shuffle: False #True
  input_columns: ["input_ids", "labels"]
  type: NumpyDataloader

Due to the difference between MindFormers and Megatron data processing part, when using Megatron saved numpy data for training, we need to modify the code for processing tokens and labels. Taking Llama as an example, the original code is to perform slice operation on input_ids to get tokens and labels, which is not needed when using Megatron saved data. Modify mindformers/models/llama/

class LlamaForCausalLM(LlamaPreTrainedModel):
    def construct(self, input_ids, labels=None, input_position=None, position_ids=None, attention_mask=None,
                  input_embeds=None, init_reset=None, batch_valid_length=None, batch_index=None, zactivate_len=None,
                  block_tables=None, slot_mapping=None, prefix_keys_values=None, llm_boost_inputs=None):
        if hasattr(self, 'llm_boost'):
            if not self.is_set_kvcache:
                self.is_set_kvcache = True
            llm_boost_inputs["cos_embed"] = self.model.freqs_mgr.freqs_cos
            llm_boost_inputs["sin_embed"] = self.model.freqs_mgr.freqs_sin
            return self.llm_boost.forward(llm_boost_inputs)

        bsz, seqlen = self.shape(input_ids)
        if self.use_past:
            if not isinstance(batch_valid_length, Tensor):
                batch_valid_length = self.ones((bsz,), mstype.int32)

        # =========== The following is the modification code ===========
        # if
        #     tokens = self.slice(input_ids, (0, 0), (bsz, seqlen - 1), (1, 1))
        # else:
        #     tokens = input_ids
        tokens = input_ids
        # =========== The above is the modification code ===========

        if batch_valid_length is not None:
            batch_valid_length = self.reshape(batch_valid_length, (-1,))
        output = self.model(tokens, batch_valid_length, batch_index, zactivate_len, block_tables, \
                            slot_mapping, prefix_keys_values)
        pre_gather = (not self.use_past or self.is_first_iteration) and batch_valid_length is not None
        if pre_gather:
            output = self.gather(output, self.sub_batch_valid_len(batch_valid_length, 1), 1)
        logits = self.lm_head(output)

        input_mask = self.cast(self.not_equal(tokens, self.pad_token_id), mstype.float32)
        if labels is None:
            labels = self.slice(input_ids, (0, 1), (bsz, seqlen), (1, 1))
            if labels.ndim > 1:
                # =========== Delete the following code ===========
                # if
                #    labels = self.slice(labels, (0, 1), (bsz, seqlen), (1, 1))
                # =========== Delete the above code ===========
                label_mask = self.cast(self.not_equal(labels, self.ignore_token_id), mstype.float32)
                input_mask = self.mul(input_mask, label_mask)

        # Omit the subsequent code