Custom Operator with Third Party Frontend

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As one of the future development goals of MindSpore, the fusion of AI and scientific computing draws more and more attention from the industry. Based on the flexibility of the representation, MindSpore custom operator also makes exploration on the scientific computing, and introduces the programming frontend for HPC to MindSpore via custom operator.

Defining Custom Operator of julia Type

Julia is a high level general programming language which has high performance and is easy to use. Julia is firstly designed for scientific computing, and also gain the favor of general users due to its high effience. The custom operator of julia type uses Julia to describe the internal calculation logic of the operator. The framework will automatically call this function during the network runtime.

Operator output shape and data type inference can be realized by defining Python functions to describe the inference logic of the operator output shape and the data type.

If the custom operator only supports specific input and output data types, you need to define the operator information. For the creation of operator information, please refer to Registering the Operator Information.

Custom Operator Use Cases of julia Type

Takes the function of adding two input tensors as an example to introduce how to define a custom operator of julia type.

Firstly, users need to implement Julia functions via separate files, such as (add.jl):

# add.jl
module Add
# inputs: x, y, output: z, output should use .= to inplace assign
function add(x, y, z)
    z .= x + y

Secondly, refer to the Julia function written above in a custom operator in the network script, taking as an example:

import numpy as np
import mindspore as ms
import mindspore.ops as ops


if __name__ == "__main__":
    op = ops.Custom("./add.jl:Add:add", out_shape=lambda x, _: x, out_dtype=lambda x, _: x, func_type="julia")
    x0 = np.array([[0.0, 0.0], [1.0, 1.0]]).astype(np.float32)
    x1 = np.array([[2.0, 2.0], [3.0, 3.0]]).astype(np.float32)
    output = op(ms.Tensor(x0), ms.Tensor(x1))

The following points need to be explained in this example:

  • Use Python lambda functions to infer the output shape and data type, and pass them to the out_shape and out_dtype parameters of the Custom primitive. In this example, the lambda function indicates that the output shape and data type are the same as the information of the first input tensor.

  • The operator information is not registered, so the operator information of the custom operator will be inferred from the inputs.

Execute case:


The execution result is as follows:

[[2. 2.]
 [4. 4.]]

Matters need attention:

  1. User should make sure to download the correct version of Julia, that is, version >= 1.6.0.

  2. User is required to set julia/lib to LD_LIBRARY_PATH, because the Julia C API called at runtime is obtained from, taking julia-1.6.5 as an example:

    # download julia-1.6.5
    # for arm server
    # wget
    # extract file
    tar xvf julia-1.6.5-linux-x86_64.tar.gz
    # if $JULIA_DIR not exist
    export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$PWD/julia-1.6.5/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH
    # else
  3. Custom operator's first arg func should keep format like file_name:module_name:func_name, file_name should include path, suggest using absolute path.

  4. Julia file should include module, module include function, both ends with end.

  5. The input and output order of the Julia function needs to be consistent with the input and output order of the operator.

  6. The final output of the Julia function, i.e. assignment of kernel output, needs to use .=, otherwise the result cannot be written to memory.

  7. Julia code supports Julia's common syntax, users need to ensure that the syntax is correct and the function can be executed correctly.

  8. Users who want to use Julia's third-party software packages in Julia files need to download the corresponding software to ensure that they can call it correctly, which can be called through import pkg; pkg.add ("somepkg") to install.

  9. julia array is column major arranged in memory, while numpy array is row major. If Julia and numpy are compared, non-elemwise calculations need to consider memory arrangement. In the Julia function, the conversion of numpy array and julia array can be performed by following the following code example:An example of MatMul:

    function change_input_to_row_major(x)
       return permutedims(reshape(x, reverse(size(x))), length(size(x)):-1:1)
    function change_output_to_row_major(x)
       return reshape(permutedims(x, length(size(x)):-1:1), size(x))

Taking matrix multiplication as an example:

# julia array is column-major, numpy array is row-major
# user should change julia or numpy's layout to keep same behavior
A[2,3]               B[3,4]               C[2,4]
[[1, 2, 3]       [[1, 2, 3, 4]         [[38, 44, 50,  56]
 [4, 5, 6]]       [5, 6, 7, 8]          [83, 98, 113,128]]
1.inputs read numpy data from memory:
[[1, 3, 5]       [[1, 4, 7,10]
 [2, 4, 6]]       [2, 5, 8,11]
                  [3, 6, 9,12]]
2.inputs after reshape(reverse(shape)):
[[1, 4]          [[1, 5, 9]
 [2, 5]           [2, 6,10]
 [3, 6]]          [3, 7,11]
                  [4, 8,12]]
3.inputs after transpose/permutedims:
[[1, 2, 3]       [[1, 2, 3, 4]         [[38, 44, 50,  56]
 [4, 5, 6]]       [5, 6, 7, 8]          [83, 98, 113,128]]
1.output after transpose/permutedims:
                                       [[38, 83]
                                        [44, 98]
2.output after reshape:
                                       [[38, 50, 83, 113]
                                        [44, 56, 98, 128]]
3.output read numpy data from memory:
                                       [[38, 44, 50,  56]
                                        [83, 98,113, 128]]
function foo!(x, y, z)
    x = change_input_to_row_major(x)
    y = change_input_to_row_major(y)
    z .= gemm(x, y, z)
    z .= change_output_to_row_major(z)

For more complete examples of julia-type custom operators, see the use cases in the MindSpore source code.