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mindspore.ops.incre_flash_attention(query, key, value, attn_mask=None, actual_seq_lengths=None, pse_shift=None, dequant_scale1=None, quant_scale1=None, dequant_scale2=None, quant_scale2=None, quant_offset2=None, antiquant_scale=None, antiquant_offset=None, block_table=None, num_heads=1, input_layout='BSH', scale_value=1.0, num_key_value_heads=0, block_size=0, inner_precise=1, kv_padding_size=None)[source]

The interface for incremental inference.

  • B: Batch size

  • N: Num of attention heads

  • kvN: Num of key / value heads

  • S: Sequence length

  • D: Head dim

  • H: Hidden layer size

  • kvH: Hidden size of key / value

where \(H=N\times D\), \(kvH=kvN\times D\).

Self attention constructs an attention model based on the relationship between input samples themselves. The principle is to assume that there is a length of the input sample sequence \(x\) of \(n\), and each element of \(x\) is a \(d\) dimensional vector, which can be viewed as a token embedding. This sequence can be transformed through 3 weight matrices to obtain 3 matrices with dimensions of \(n\times d\). The self attention calculation formula is defined as:

\[Attention(Q,K,V)=Softmax(\frac{QK^{T} }{\sqrt{d} } )V\]

where the product of \(Q\) and \(K^{T}\) represents the attention of input \(x\). To avoid the value becoming too large, it is usually scaled by dividing it by the square root of \(d\) and perform softmax normalization on each row, yields a matrix of \(n\times d\) after multiplying \(V\).


  • If there is no input parameter and no default value, None needs to be passed.

  • The shape of the tensor corresponding to the key and value parameters needs to be completely consistent.

  • \(N\) of parameter query is equal with num_heads. \(N\) of parameter key and parameter value is equal with num_key_value_heads. num_heads is a multiple of num_key_value_heads.

  • Quantization

    • When the data type of query, key, and value is float16 and the data type of output is int8, the input parameter quant_scale2 is required and quant_offset2 is optional.

    • When antiquant_scale exists, key and value need to be passed by int8. antiquant_offset is optional.

    • The data type of antiquant_scale and antiquant_offset should be consistenct with that of query.

  • pse_shift

    • The pse_shift data type needs to be consistent with query, and only supports D-axis alignment, which means that the D-axis can be divided by 16.

  • Page attention:

    • The necessary condition for enabling page attention is that the block_table exists, and the key and value are arranged in a contiguous memory according to the index in the block_table. The support dtype for key and value is float16/bfloat16/int8.

    • In the enabling scenario of page attention, 16 alignment is required when input types of key and value are float16/bfloat16, and 32 alignment is required when input dtype of key and value is int8. It is recommended to use 128.

    • The maximum max_block_num_per_seq currently supported by blocktable is 16k, and exceeding 16k will result in interception and error messages; If you encounter \(S\) being too large and causing max_block_num_per_seq to exceed 16k, you can increase the block_size to solve the problem.

    • The multiplication of all dimensions of the shape of the parameters key and value in the page attention scenario cannot exceed the representation range of int32.

    • When performing per-channel post quantization, page attention cannot be enabled simultaneously.

  • kv_padding_size:

    • The calculation formula for the starting point of KV cache transfer is \(S-kv\_padding\_size-actual\_seq\_lengths\). The calculation formula for the transfer endpoint of KV cache is \(S-kv\_padding\_size\). When the starting or ending point of the KV cache transfer is less than 0, the returned data result is all 0.

    • When kv_padding_size is less than 0, it will be set to 0.

    • kv_padding_size needs to be enabled together with the actual_seq_lengths parameter, otherwise it is considered as the KV right padding scene.

    • It needs to be enabled together with the atten_mask parameter and ensure that the meaning of atten_mask is correct, that is, it can correctly hide invalid data. Otherwise, it will introduce accuracy issues.

    • kv_padding_size does not support page attention scenarios.


Only support on Atlas A2 training series.

  • query (Tensor) – The query tensor with data type of float16 or bfloat16. The shape is \((B, 1, H)\) / \((B, N, 1, D)\).

  • key (Union[tuple, list]) – The key tensor with data type of float16 or bfloat16 or int8. The shape is \((B, S, kvH)\) / \((B, kvN, S, D)\).

  • value (Union[tuple, list]) – The value tensor with data type of float16 or bfloat16 or int8. The shape is \((B, S, kvH)\) / \((B, kvN, S, D)\).

  • attn_mask (Tensor, optional) – The attention mask tensor with data type of bool or int8 or uint8. The shape is \((B, S)\) / \((B, 1, S)\) / \((B, 1, 1, S)\). Default: None.

  • actual_seq_lengths (Union[Tensor, tuple[int], list[int]], optional) – Describe actual sequence length of each input with data type of int64. The shape is \((B, )\). Default: None.

  • pse_shift (Tensor, optional) – The position encoding tensor with data type of float16 or bfloat16. Input tensor of shape \((1, N, 1, S)\) / \((B, N, 1, S)\). Default: None.

  • dequant_scale1 (Tensor, optional) – Quantitative parametor, the tensor with data type of uint64 or float32. It is disable now. Default: None.

  • quant_scale1 (Tensor, optional) – Quantitative parametor, the tensor with data type of float32. It is disable now. Default: None.

  • dequant_scale2 (Tensor, optional) – Quantitative parametor, the tensor with data type of uint64 or float32. It is disable now. Default: None.

  • quant_scale2 (Tensor, optional) – Post Quantitative parametor, the tensor with data type of float32. The shape is \((1,)\). Default: None.

  • quant_offset2 (Tensor, optional) – Post Quantitative parametor, the tensor with data type of float32. The shape is \((1,)\). Default: None.

  • antiquant_scale (Tensor, optional) – Pseudo Quantitative parametor, the tensor with data type of float16 or bfloat16. The shape is \((2, kvN, 1, D)\) when input_layout is 'BNSD' or \((2, kvH)\) when input_layout is 'BSH'. Default: None.

  • antiquant_offset (Tensor, optional) – Pseudo Quantitative parametor, the tensor with data type of float16 or bfloat16. The shape is \((2, kvN, 1, D)\) when input_layout is 'BNSD' or \((2, kvH)\) when input_layout is 'BSH'. Default: None.

  • block_table (Tensor, optional) – The tensor with data type of int32. The shape is \((B, max\_block\_num\_per\_seq)\), where \(max\_block\_num\_per\_seq = ceil(\frac{max(actual\_seq\_length)}{block\_size} )\). Default: None.

  • num_heads (int, optional) – The number of heads. Default: 1.

  • input_layout (str, optional) – The data layout of the input qkv, support 'BSH' and 'BNSD'. Default 'BSH'.

  • scale_value (double, optional) – The scale value indicating the scale coefficient, which is used as the scalar of Muls in the calculation. Default: 1.0.

  • num_key_value_heads (int, optional) – Head numbers of key/value which are used in GQA algorithm. The value 0 indicates if the key and value have the same head nums, use numHeads. Default: 0.

  • block_size (int, optional) – The maximum number of tokens stored in each block of KV in page attention. Default: 0.

  • inner_precise (int, optional) – An int number from {0, 1} indicates computing mode. 0 for high precision mode for float16 dtype. 1 for high performance mode. Default: 1.

  • kv_padding_size (Tensor, optional) – The tensor with data type of int64. The range of values is \(0\le kv\_padding\_size \le S-max(actual\_seq\_length)\). The shape is \(()\) or \((1,)\). Default: None.


attention_out (Tensor), the shape is \((B, 1, H)\) / \((B, N, 1, D)\).

  • TypeError – dtype of query is not float16 or bfloat16.

  • TypeErrorkey and value don't have the same dtype.

  • TypeError – dtype of attn_mask is not bool, int8 or uint8.

  • TypeError – dtype of pse_shift is not bfloat16 or float16.

  • TypeErrorscale_value is not a double number.

  • TypeErrorinput_layout is not a string.

  • TypeErrornum_key_value_heads or num_heads is not an int.

  • TypeErrorinner_precise is not an int.

  • TypeErrorquant_scale1 is not Tensor of type float32.

  • TypeErrorquant_scale2 is not Tensor of type float32.

  • TypeErrorquant_offset2 is not Tensor of type float32.

  • ValueError – size of actual_seq_lengths is not 1 or B.

  • ValueErrorinput_layout is a string but of (BSH) or (BNSD).

  • ValueErrornum_heads is not divisible by Q_H.

  • ValueErrornum_heads is not divisible by num_key_value_heads.

  • RuntimeErrornum_heads is not greater than 0.

  • RuntimeErrorattn_mask shape is not valid.

Supported Platforms:



>>> from mindspore import ops
>>> from mindspore.common import Tensor
>>> from mindspore.common import dtype as mstype
>>> import numpy as np
>>> B, N, S, D, kvN = 1, 4, 10, 128, 1
>>> query = Tensor(np.random.randn(B, 1, N * D), mstype.float16)
>>> key = [Tensor(np.random.randn(B, S, kvN * D), mstype.float16)]
>>> value = [Tensor(np.random.randn(B, S, kvN * D), mstype.float16)]
>>> ifa_ms = ops.incre_flash_attention
>>> attn_out = ifa_ms(query, key, value, num_heads=N, num_key_value_heads=kvN)
>>> attn_out
Tensor(shape=[1, 1, 512], dtype=Float16, value=
[[[ 1.6104e+00,  7.3438e-01,  1.0684e+00 ... -8.7891e-01,  1.7695e+00,  1.0264e+00]]])