High-Level API for training or inference. |
Callback to back up and restore the parameters during training. |
Abstract base class used to build a Callback class. |
The configuration of model checkpoint. |
Stop training when a monitored metric has stopped improving. |
The FlopsUtilizationCollector interface counts the model utilization information MFU and the hardware utilization information HFU. |
Records the network outputs and metrics information into a History object. |
Callback for creating simple, custom callbacks. |
Change the learning_rate during training. |
Monitor the loss in train or monitor the loss and eval metrics in fit. |
This callback is used to enable the TFT feature MindIO TFT. |
The checkpoint callback class. |
Respond to the user's closing request, exit the training or eval process, and save the checkpoint and mindir. |
Reduce learning rate when the monitor has stopped improving. |
Hold and manage information about the model. |
Monitor the time in train or eval process. |
Evaluation Metrics
API Name |
Description |
Supported Platforms |
Calculates the accuracy for classification and multilabel data. |
Calculates the BLEU score. |
Computes the confusion matrix, which is commonly used to evaluate the performance of classification models, including binary classification and multiple classification. |
Computes metrics related to confusion matrix. |
Computes representation similarity. |
The Dice coefficient is a set similarity metric. |
Calculates the F1 score. |
Calculates the Fbeta score. |
Calculates the Hausdorff distance. |
Calculates the average of the loss. |
Calculates the mean absolute error(MAE). |
Computes the Average Surface Distance from y_pred to y under the default setting. |
Base class of metric, which is used to evaluate metrics. |
Measures the mean squared error(MSE). |
Calculates the occlusion sensitivity of the model for a given image, which illustrates which parts of an image are most important for a network's classification. |
Computes perplexity. |
Calculates precision for classification and multilabel data. |
Calculates recall for classification and multilabel data. |
Calculates the ROC curve. |
Computes the Root Mean Square Surface Distance from y_pred to y under the default setting. |
Calculates the top-1 categorical accuracy. |
Calculates the top-5 categorical accuracy. |
Calculates the top-k categorical accuracy. |
API Name |
Description |
Supported Platforms |
Computes the AUC(Area Under the Curve) using the trapezoidal rule. |
Gets the metric method based on the input name. |
Gets all names of the metric methods. |
This decorator is used to rearrange the inputs according to its indexes attribute of the class. |