Optimization Techniques

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Considering that in actual parallel training, there may be requirements for training performance, throughput or size, optimization can be considered in three ways: parallel strategy optimization, memory optimization and communication optimization

  • Parallel Strategy Optimization: parallel strategy optimization mainly includes the selection of parallel strategy, sharding technique under operator-level parallel, and multi-copy technique.

    • Strategy Selection: Depending on the model size and data volume size, different parallel strategies can be selected to improve training efficiency and resource utilization.

    • Sharding Techniques: The sharding technique refers to the reduction of tensor rearranging to improve training efficiency by manually configuring the sharding strategy for certain key operators.

    • Multiply Copy: Multi-copy refers to splitting a training batch into multiple ones in an iterative step to concurrently communicate and compute the model in parallel and improve resource utilization.

  • Memory optimization: memory optimization includes recompute, dataset sharding, Host&Device heterogeneity and heterogeneous storage, with the main goal of saving memory space.

    • Gradient Accumulation: Gradient Accumulation updates the parameters of a neural network by computing gradients on multiple MicroBatches and summing them up, then applying this accumulated gradient at once. In this way a small number of devices can also train large Batches, effectively minimizing memory spikes.

    • Recompute: Recomputation is a time-for-space technique that saves memory space by not saving the results of certain forward operator calculations, and when calculating the reverse operator, the forward results need to be used before recomputing the forward operator.

    • Dataset Sharding: When a dataset is too large individually or even cannot be loaded onto a single device, the data can be sliced for distributed training. Slicing the dataset with model parallel is an effective way to reduce the graphics memory usage.

    • Host&Device Heterogeneous: When the number of parameters exceeds the upper limit of Device memory, you can put some operators with large memory usage and small computation on the Host side, which can simultaneously utilize the characteristics of large memory on the Host side and fast computation on the Device side, and improve the utilization rate of the device.

    • Heterogeneous Storage: Heterogeneous storage can copy the parameters that are not needed temporarily or intermediate results to the memory or hard disk on the Host side, and then restore them to the Device side when needed, thus reducing the memory consumption.

  • Communication optimization: communication optimization includes communication fusion and communication subgraph extraction and multiplexing, and the main goal is to reduce communication delay and improve performance.

    • Communication Fusion: Communication fusion can merge the communication operators of the same source and target nodes into a single communication process, avoiding the extra overhead caused by multiple communications.

    • Communication Subgraph Extraction and Multiplexing: By extracting communication subgraphs for communication operators and replacing the original communication operators, the communication time-consumption can be reduced and the model compilation time can be reduced at the same time.