mindspore_federated.startup.federated_local 源代码

# pylint: disable=missing-docstring
# Copyright 2022 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
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# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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"""Interface for start up single core servable"""
import os.path
import numpy as np
from mindspore_federated._mindspore_federated import Federated_, FLContext, FeatureItem_
from ..common import _fl_context
from .feature_map import FeatureMap
from .. import log as logger
from .ssl_config import init_ssl_config, SSLConfig
from ..common import check_type
from .yaml_config import load_yaml_config

def load_ms_checkpoint(checkpoint_file_path):
    load ms checkpoint
    logger.info(f"load checkpoint file: {checkpoint_file_path}")
    from mindspore import load_checkpoint
    param_dict = load_checkpoint(checkpoint_file_path)

    feature_map = FeatureMap()
    for param_name, param_value in param_dict.items():
        weight_np = param_value.asnumpy()
        if weight_np.dtype != np.float32:
            logger.info(f"Skip weight {param_name}, type is {weight_np.dtype}")
        feature_map.add_feature(param_name, weight_np, True)
        logger.info(f"Weight name: {param_name}, shape: {list(weight_np.shape)}, dtype: {weight_np.dtype}")
    return feature_map

def save_ms_checkpoint(checkpoint_file_path, feature_map):
    logger.info(f"save checkpoint file: {checkpoint_file_path}")
    from mindspore import save_checkpoint, Tensor
    if not isinstance(feature_map, FeatureMap):
        raise RuntimeError(
            f"Parameter 'feature_map' is expected to be instance of FeatureMap, but got {type(feature_map)}")
    params = []
    for feature_name, feature in feature_map.feature_map().items():
        params.append({"name": feature_name, "data": Tensor(feature.data)})
    save_checkpoint(params, checkpoint_file_path)

def load_mindir(mindir_file_path):
    load mindir
    logger.info(f"load MindIR file: {mindir_file_path}")
    from mindspore import load, nn
    graph = load(mindir_file_path)
    graph_cell = nn.GraphCell(graph)
    feature_map = FeatureMap()

    for _, param in graph_cell.parameters_and_names():
        param_name = param.name
        weight_np = param.data.asnumpy()
        if weight_np.dtype != np.float32:
            logger.info(f"Skip weight {param_name}, type is {weight_np.dtype}")
        feature_map.add_feature(param_name, weight_np, True)
        logger.info(f"Weight name: {param_name}, shape: {list(weight_np.shape)}, dtype: {weight_np.dtype}")
    return feature_map

class CallbackContext:
    def __init__(self, feature_map, checkpoint_file, fl_name, instance_name,
                 iteration_num, iteration_valid, iteration_result):
        self.feature_map = feature_map
        self.checkpoint_file = checkpoint_file
        self.fl_name = fl_name
        self.instance_name = instance_name
        self.iteration_num = iteration_num
        self.iteration_valid = iteration_valid
        self.iteration_result = iteration_result

class Callback:
    define callback of fl server job

    def __init__(self):

    def after_started(self):
        Callback after the server is successfully started.

    def before_stopped(self):
        Callback after the server is stopped.

    def on_iteration_end(self, context):
        Callback at the end of one iteration.

            context (CallbackContext): Context of the iteration.

[文档]class FLServerJob: """ Define Federated Learning cloud-side tasks. Args: yaml_config (str): The yaml file path. More detail see `federated_server_yaml <https://gitee.com/mindspore/federated/blob/master/docs/api/api_python_en/horizontal/federated_server_yaml.md>`_. http_server_address (str): The http server address used for communicating. tcp_server_ip (str): The tcp server ip used for communicating. Default: "". checkpoint_dir (str): Path of checkpoint. Default: "./fl_ckpt/". ssl_config (Union(None, SSLConfig)) : Config of ssl. Default: None. Examples: >>> job = FLServerJob(yaml_config=yaml_config, http_server_address=http_server_address, ... tcp_server_ip=tcp_server_ip, checkpoint_dir=checkpoint_dir) >>> job.run() """ def __init__(self, yaml_config, http_server_address, tcp_server_ip="", checkpoint_dir="./fl_ckpt/", ssl_config=None): check_type.check_str("yaml_config", yaml_config) check_type.check_str("http_server_address", http_server_address) check_type.check_str("tcp_server_ip", tcp_server_ip) check_type.check_str("checkpoint_dir", checkpoint_dir) if ssl_config is not None and not isinstance(ssl_config, SSLConfig): raise RuntimeError( f"Parameter 'ssl_config' should be None or instance of SSLConfig, but got {type(ssl_config)}") ctx = FLContext.get_instance() ctx.set_http_server_address(http_server_address) ctx.set_tcp_server_ip(tcp_server_ip) ctx.set_checkpoint_dir(checkpoint_dir) init_ssl_config(ssl_config) load_yaml_config(yaml_config, _fl_context.ROLE_OF_SERVER) self.checkpoint_dir = checkpoint_dir self.fl_name = ctx.fl_name() self.aggregation_type = ctx.aggregation_type() self.callback = None
[文档] def run(self, feature_map=None, callback=None): """ Run fl server job. Args: feature_map (Union(dict, FeatureMap, str)): Feature map. Default: None. callback (Union(None, Callback)): Callback function. Default: None. """ if callback is not None and not isinstance(callback, Callback): raise RuntimeError("Parameter 'callback' is expected to be instance of Callback when it's not None, but" f" got {type(callback)}.") self.callback = callback recovery_ckpt_files = self._get_current_recovery_ckpt_files() feature_map = self._load_feature_map(feature_map, recovery_ckpt_files) recovery_iteration = self._get_current_recovery_iteration(recovery_ckpt_files) feature_list_cxx = [] for _, feature in feature_map.feature_map().items(): feature_cxx = FeatureItem_(feature.feature_name, feature.data, feature.shape, "fp32", feature.require_aggr) feature_list_cxx.append(feature_cxx) if self.aggregation_type == _fl_context.SCAFFOLD: for _, feature in feature_map.feature_map().items(): feature_cxx = FeatureItem_("control." + feature.feature_name, np.zeros_like(feature.data), feature.shape, "fp32", feature.require_aggr) feature_list_cxx.append(feature_cxx) Federated_.start_federated_server(feature_list_cxx, recovery_iteration, self.after_started_callback, self.before_stopped_callback, self.on_iteration_end_callback)
def after_started_callback(self): logger.info("after started callback") if self.callback is not None: try: self.callback.after_started() except RuntimeError as e: logger.warning(f"Catch exception when invoke callback after started: {str(e)}.") def before_stopped_callback(self): logger.info("before stopped callback") if self.callback is not None: try: self.callback.before_stopped() except RuntimeError as e: logger.warning(f"Catch exception when invoke callback before stopped: {str(e)}.") def on_iteration_end_callback(self, feature_list, fl_name, instance_name, iteration_num, iteration_valid, iteration_reason): logger.info("on iteration end callback.") feature_map = {} checkpoint_file = "" if os.path.exists(self.checkpoint_dir): feature_map = FeatureMap() for feature in feature_list: feature_map.add_feature(feature.feature_name, feature.data, feature.require_aggr) checkpoint_file = self._save_feature_map(feature_map, iteration_num) if self.callback is not None: try: context = CallbackContext(feature_map, checkpoint_file, fl_name, instance_name, iteration_num, iteration_valid, iteration_reason) self.callback.on_iteration_end(context) except RuntimeError as e: logger.warning(f"Catch exception when invoke callback on iteration end: {str(e)}.") def _save_feature_map(self, feature_map, iteration_num): """ save feature map. """ recovery_ckpt_files = self._get_current_recovery_ckpt_files() import datetime timestamp = datetime.datetime.now().strftime("%Y%m%d_%H%M%S") file_name = f"{self.fl_name}_recovery_iteration_{iteration_num}_{timestamp}.ckpt" new_ckpt_file_path = os.path.join(self.checkpoint_dir, file_name) save_ms_checkpoint(new_ckpt_file_path, feature_map) if len(recovery_ckpt_files) >= 3: for _, _, file in recovery_ckpt_files[2:]: os.remove(file) return new_ckpt_file_path def _load_feature_map(self, feature_map, recovery_ckpt_files): """ load feature map. """ if isinstance(feature_map, dict): new_feature_map = FeatureMap() for feature_name, val in feature_map.items(): new_feature_map.add_feature(feature_name, val, require_aggr=True) feature_map = new_feature_map # load checkpoint file in self.checkpoint_dir if recovery_ckpt_files: feature_map_ckpt = None for _, _, ckpt_file in recovery_ckpt_files: try: feature_map_ckpt = load_ms_checkpoint(ckpt_file) logger.info(f"Load recovery checkpoint file {ckpt_file} successfully.") break except ValueError as e: logger.warning(f"Failed to load recovery checkpoint file {ckpt_file}: {str(e)}.") continue if feature_map_ckpt is not None: if not isinstance(feature_map, FeatureMap): return feature_map_ckpt feature_map_dict = feature_map.feature_map() for key, val in feature_map_ckpt.feature_map().items(): if key in feature_map_dict: val.require_aggr = feature_map_dict[key].require_aggr return feature_map_ckpt if isinstance(feature_map, FeatureMap): return feature_map if isinstance(feature_map, str): if feature_map.endswith(".ckpt"): return load_ms_checkpoint(feature_map) if feature_map.endswith(".mindir"): return load_mindir(feature_map) raise RuntimeError(f"The value of parameter 'feature_map' is expected to be checkpoint file path, " f"ends with '.ckpt', or MindIR file path, ends with '.mindir', " f"when the type of parameter 'feature_map' is str.") raise RuntimeError( f"The parameter 'feature_map' is expected to be instance of dict(feature_name, feature_val), FeatureMap, " f"or a checkpoint or mindir file path, but got '{type(feature_map)}'.") def _get_current_recovery_ckpt_files(self): """ get current recovery ckpt file. """ # get checkpoint files from the latest to the next new in self.checkpoint_dir: {checkpoint_dir}/ # checkpoint file: {fl_name}_recovery_iteration_xxx_20220601_164030.ckpt if not os.path.exists(self.checkpoint_dir) or not os.path.isdir(self.checkpoint_dir): return None prefix = f"{self.fl_name}_recovery_iteration_" postfix = ".ckpt" filelist = os.listdir(self.checkpoint_dir) recovery_ckpt_files = [] for file in filelist: file_path = os.path.join(self.checkpoint_dir, file) if not os.path.isfile(file_path): continue if file[:len(prefix)] == prefix and file[-len(postfix):] == postfix: strs = file[len(prefix):-len(postfix)].split("_") if len(strs) != 3: continue iteration_num = int(strs[0]) timestamp = strs[1] + strs[2] recovery_ckpt_files.append((iteration_num, timestamp, file_path)) recovery_ckpt_files.sort(key=lambda elem: elem[0], reverse=True) logger.info(f"Recovery ckpt files is: {recovery_ckpt_files}.") return recovery_ckpt_files def _get_current_recovery_iteration(self, recovery_ckpt_files): """ get current recovery iteration. """ recovery_iteration = 1 if not recovery_ckpt_files: return recovery_iteration for iteration_num, _, _ in recovery_ckpt_files: recovery_iteration = int(iteration_num) + 1 break logger.info(f"Recovery iteration num is: {recovery_iteration}.") return recovery_iteration
[文档]class FlSchedulerJob: """ Define federated scheduler job. Args: yaml_config (str): The yaml file path. More detail see `federated_server_yaml <https://gitee.com/mindspore/federated/blob/master/docs/api/api_python_en/horizontal/federated_server_yaml.md>`_. manage_address (str): The management address. ssl_config (Union(None, SSLConfig)): Config of ssl. Default: None. Examples: >>> job = FlSchedulerJob(yaml_config=yaml_config, manage_address=scheduler_manage_address) >>> job.run() """ def __init__(self, yaml_config, manage_address, ssl_config=None): check_type.check_str("yaml_config", yaml_config) check_type.check_str("manage_address", manage_address) if ssl_config is not None and not isinstance(ssl_config, SSLConfig): raise RuntimeError( f"Parameter 'ssl_config' should be None or instance of SSLConfig, but got {type(ssl_config)}") ctx = FLContext.get_instance() ctx.set_scheduler_manage_address(manage_address) init_ssl_config(ssl_config) load_yaml_config(yaml_config, _fl_context.ROLE_OF_SCHEDULER)
[文档] def run(self): """ Run scheduler job. """ Federated_.start_federated_scheduler()