MindSpore Technical Committee

昇思MindSpore首席架构师 昇思技术委员会主任


陈雷教授的研究兴趣包括数据驱动AI,知识图谱、区块链、数据隐私、社交媒体上的数据挖掘、大图上的查询优化以及概率和不确定数据库。 陈雷教授在国际著名的期刊和会议上发表了300多篇论文。他获得了ACM SIGMOD十年最佳论文奖和VLDB最佳系统演示奖。陈雷教授曾担任VLDB PC联合主席,现为 VLDB期刊的主编和IEEE TKDE的副主编,同时还是VLDB Endowment的执行成员。

昇思MindSpore首席科学家,加拿大滑铁卢大学计算机系博士,IEEE Fellow 香港科技大学教授


北京大学国际数学研究中心教授 国际机器学习研究中心副主任



智源研究院总工程师 IEEE女工程师亚太区领导组成员,IEEE女工程师协会北京分会创始人



武汉人工智能研究院 算法总监




启智社区运营主任、技术负责人 CCF开源发展委员会常务委员




MindSpore Technical Steering Committee
Lei Chen
Chen received his doctoral degree from the University of Waterloo, Canada. His research interest includes the data-driven AI, knowledge graph, blockchain, data privacy, social media mining, query optimization on large graphs, and probabilistic database. Chen has published over 300 papers in top conferences and journals. He won the prestigious ACMSIGMOD Test of Time Award and VLDB Best Demonstration Award. Chen was the co-chair of the VLDB 2019 PC, and is an executive member of VLDB Endowment. Now he serves as an editor-in-chief of the VLDB Journal and an associated editor-in-chief of IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering (TKDE).

Lei Chen
Dr. Lei Chen, Chief Scientist of MindSpore, IEEE Fellow; ACM Distinguished Scientist; Professor of the Department of Computer Science and Engineering at HKUST, receiver of the National Science Fund for Distinguished Young Scholars.
Xiang-Yang Li
He was a professor at the Illinois Institute of Technology. He held EMC-Endowed Visiting Chair Professorship at Tsinghua University. He is a recipient of China National Funds for Distinguished Young Scientist in 2016. Dr. Li received MS (2000) and PhD (2001) degree at Department of Computer Science from University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, a Bachelor degree at Department of Computer Science and a Bachelor degree at Department of Business Management from Tsinghua University, P.R. China, both in 1995. His research interests include artificial intelligence of things, data intelligence, data sharing and trading. He has co-authored more than 200 papers in premium international journals and conferences. His Google Scholar Index is 75. He and his students won several best paper awards, best demo award. He published a monograph “Wireless Ad Hoc and Sensor Networks: Theory and Applications”. He has served as editor of several journals such as IEEE TPDS, ACM/IEEE TON, IEEE TMC, IEEE TCC.

Xiang-Yang Li
Dr. Xiang-Yang Li, professor and executive dean at School of Computer Science and Technology at University of Science and Technology of China and Co-Chair of ACM China, ACM fellow, IEEE fellow and ACM Distinguished Scientist.
Shiguang Shan
Shiguang Shan received Ph.D. degree in computer science from the Institute of Computing Technology (ICT), Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS), Beijing, China, in 2004. He has been a full Professor of this institute since 2010 and now the deputy director of CAS Key Lab of Intelligent Information Processing and also a Professor with the University of Chinese Academy of Sciences. His research interests include computer vision, pattern recognition, and machine learning. He has published more than 300 papers, with totally more than 18,000 Google scholar citations. He served as Area Chairs (or Senior PC) for many international conferences including ICCV11, ICASSP14, ICPR12/14/20, ACCV12/16/18, FG13/18/20, BTAS18, AAAI20, and CVPR19/20. And he was/is Associate Editors of several journals including IEEE T-IP, Neurocomputing, CVIU, and PRL. He was a recipient of the China’s State Natural Science Award in 2015, and the China’s State S&T Progress Award in 2005 for his research work.

Shiguang Shan
Dr. Shiguang Shan, Professor, phD Tutor and deputy director of CAS Key Lab of Intelligent Information Processing of the Institute of Computing Technology (ICT), Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS).
Yonghong Tian
His research interests include multimedia big data analysis, machine learning, and brain-inspired computation. He is the author or coauthor of over 180 technical articles in refereed journals such as IEEE TPAMI/TNNLS/TIP/TMM/TCSVT/TKDE/TPDS, ACM CSUR/TOIS/TOMM and conferences such as NeurIPS/CVPR/ICCV/AAAI/ACMMM/WWW. Prof. Tian was/is an Associate Editor of IEEE TCSVT (2018.1-), IEEE TMM (2014.8-2018.8), IEEE Multimedia Mag. (2018.1-), and IEEE Access (2017.1-). He co-initiated IEEE Int’l Conf. on Multimedia Big Data (BigMM) and served as the TPC Co-chair of BigMM 2015, and aslo served as the Technical Program Co-chair of IEEE ICME 2015, IEEE ISM 2015 and IEEE MIPR 2018/2019, and General Co-chair of IEEE MIPR 2020. He is the steering member of IEEE ICME (2018-) and IEEE BigMM (2015-), and is a TPC Member of more than ten conferences such as CVPR, ICCV, ACM KDD, AAAI, ACM MM and ECCV. He was the recipient of the Chinese National Science Foundation for Distinguished Young Scholars in 2018, two National Science and Technology Awards and three ministerial-level awards in China, and obtained the 2015 EURASIP Best Paper Award for Journal on Image and Video Processing, and the best paper award of IEEE BigMM 2018. He is a senior member of IEEE, CIE and CCF, a member of ACM.

Yonghong Tian
Yonghong Tian, Boya Distinguished Professor with the School of EECS, Peking University. deputy director of Artificial Intelligence Research Center, PengCheng Laboratory, Shenzhen, China.
Tonghua Su
1.His research interests include pattern recognition, handwritten text recognition, deep learning, and GPU computation. 2.He released the first Chinese handwritten text database (HIT-MW). This database was used by hundreds of universities and institutes at home and abroad. 3.He published two monographs and translated eight books. He won the first place in two international competitions on handwritten text recognition. 4.His center had been honored as the best GPU education center for four years. 5.He focuses on studying on fundamental technologies in artificial intelligence and applying these technologies to industry. He has successfully converted his research on massive deep learning and prediction to updating traditional gas meter, automatic homework correction, handwriting input method in mobile phones, etc.

Tonghua Su
Dr. Tonghua Su, associate professor of School of Computer Science and Technogy at Harbin Institute of Technology, director of HIT-NVidia GPU research center and GPU education center.
Jianjun Chen
He is currently responsible for frontier technology research in artificial intelligence and platform planning. He is committed to researching fundamental technologies in artificial intelligence and planning on research on vertical services like computer vision, natural language processing, and knowledge map. He attempted to introduce various new techniques into the industry under an autonomous and controllable manner.

Jianjun Chen
Jianjun Chen, senior researcher at ICBC's Big Data and Artificial Intelligence Lab.
Jun Zhu
He focuses on developing statistical machine learning methods to understand complex scientific and engineering data. He is the co-director of Tsinghua SAIL (TSAIL) Group, which focus on developing machine learning theories, algorithms, and applications to problems in science, engineering and computing. TSAIL uses the tools of statistical inference and large-scale computing to deal with uncertainty and information in various domains, including text mining, image & video processing, network analysis, and neuroscience.

Jun Zhu
Jun Zhu, professor of Tsinghua University.
Han Xiao
Han is also an AI open-source evangelist. His Fashion-MNIST and bert-as-service were listed as the most popular AI open-source projects in 2017&18 world-widely. In 2018-2020, Han led a team on neural information retrieval at Tencent AI, laying down the next-gen search infrastructure. Han served in the Tencent Technical Advisory Council and Opensource Program Office, fostering the open-source and DevOps culture inside the company. Han served as a board member at LF AI Foundation in 2019, driving the open source innovation in AI by enabling international collaboration. In 2014-2018 Han worked at Zalando Research in Berlin as a Senior Research Scientist. Han received the Ph.D. (2014) and M.Sc. (2009) in computer science from the Technical University of Munich in Germany. He is also the Founder & Chairman of the German-Chinese Association of AI, a NPO registered in Germany.

Han Xiao
Dr. Han Xiao, Founder & CEO of Jina AI
Sergei Gorlatch
Prof. Gorlatch has more than 100 peer-reviewed publications in well-known international journals and conferences. He always got invitation for speech at international conferences, as well as served as a program committee member in these conferences. He was a principal investigator in several international research and development projects in the field of parallel and distributed computing and networking, funded by the European Commission, as well as by German national bodies. His recent work incudes systematic development of high-performance software for machine learning on multi-core CPU and GPU.

Sergei Gorlatch
Sergei Gorlatch, Professor of Computer Science at the University of Muenster (Germany), was Associate Professor at the Technical University of Berlin, Assistant Professor at the University of Passau, and Humboldt Research Fellow at the Technical University of Munich.
Maoguo Gong
Gong’s research interests are broadly in the area of computational intelligence, with applications to optimization, learning, data mining and image understanding. He has published over one hundred papers in journals and conferences, and holds over twenty granted patents as the first inventor. He is leading or has completed over twenty projects as the Principle Investigator, funded by the National Natural Science Foundation of China, the National Key Research and Development Program of China, and others. He was the recipient of the prestigious National Program for Support of the Leading Innovative Talents (selected by the Central Organization Department of China), the Leading Innovative Talent in the Science and Technology (selected by the Ministry of Science and Technology of China), the Excellent Young Scientist Foundation (selected by the National Natural Science Foundation of China), the New Century Excellent Talent in University (selected by the Ministry of Education of China), the Young Teacher Award by the Fok Ying Tung Education Foundation, and the National Natural Science Award of China.
He is the Executive Committee Member of Chinese Association for Artificial Intelligence, Senior Member of IEEE and Chinese Computer Federation, Associate Editor or Editorial Board Member for over five journals including the IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation and the IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems.

Maoguo Gong
Dr. Maoguo Gong received the B. Eng degree and Ph.D. degree from Xidian University. Since 2006, he has been a teacher of Xidian University. He was promoted to associate professor and full professor in 2008 and 2010, respectively, both with exceptive admission.
Amos Storkey
He is now leading a 14-person research group which focuses on BayesWatch machine learning. He has rich academic research achievements and project experiences in the fields like incremental learning / training, meta-learning, small sample learning, Bayesian models, Bayesian processes, reinforcement learning.

Amos Storkey
Amos Storkey, Professor of the School of Information, University of Edinburgh, UK.
Peter Pietzuch
He has rich academic research achievements and project experience in the fields of next-generation AI frameworks, distributed high-performance computing, machine learning, optimization algorithms, and stochastic dynamic programming.

Peter Pietzuch
Peter Pietzuch, Professor of Imperial College London (Post-doc at Harvard, Ph.D. at Cambridge), director of research at the School of Computer, and director of the Large Scale Data System (LSDS).
Jin Li
The DL Workspace headed by Dr. Li is the main AI development platform of Microsoft, and is widely used by Bing and Microsoft Cognitive Service.

Jin Li
Dr. Jin Li, co-founder and the CTO of Apulis Technology, managing director of the Artificial Intelligence Research Center of Shenzhen - Tsinghua University, IEEE Fellow, was a Partner Research Manager of Cloud Computing and Storage for Microsoft Research (Redmond, WA).
MindSpore Technical Experts Committee
Xuefeng Jin
He is the director of Huawei Central Software Architecture & Design Mgmt Dept, CRDU and the chief architect of Ascend basic software stack of Central Software Institute. He has led the design and delivery of Huawei big data/distributed database and 5G basic software.

Xuefeng Jin
Xuefeng Jin, MindSpore Chief Architect
Hanyang Wan
He is the vice director of Huawei Distributed and Parallel Software Laboratory, 2012Labs and the technology development team (TDT) leader of Ascend basic software stack of Central Software Institute. He was responsible for the delivery of compilers, heterogeneous computing, blockchain, search, and maps.

Hanyang Wan
Hanyang Wan, MindSpore General Manager
Lei Chen
Chen received his doctoral degree from the University of Waterloo, Canada. His research interest includes the data-driven AI, knowledge graph, blockchain, data privacy, social media mining, query optimization on large graphs, and probabilistic database. Chen has published over 300 papers in top conferences and journals. He won the prestigious ACMSIGMOD Test of Time Award and VLDB Best Demonstration Award. Chen was the co-chair of the VLDB 2019 PC, and is an executive member of VLDB Endowment. Now he serves as an editor-in-chief of the VLDB Journal and an associated editor-in-chief of IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering (TKDE).

Lei Chen
Dr. Lei Chen, Chief Scientist of MindSpore, IEEE Fellow; ACM Distinguished Scientist; Professor of the Department of Computer Science and Engineering at HKUST, receiver of the National Science Fund for Distinguished Young Scholars.
Cheng Li
His research focuses on intelligent computing systems and distributed storage and consistency. His academic achievements are published in well-known international conferences and journals in the computer system fields, such as OSDI, USENIX ATC, EuroSys, HotStorage, SOCC, and TPDS. In 2019, he was selected as an ACM FCA member (the only Chinese member among 36 members from around the world). He has served as program committee co-chair of the ACM TURC 2018 SIGOPS/14th ChinaSys Workshop, program committee co-chair of the ACM SOSP 2017 Poster Session, and now serves in the editorial board of China Computer Federation (CCF) Digital Library and as young AE of Frontiers of Computer Science (FCS).

Cheng Li
Doctor of Max Planck Institute for Software Systems (MPI-SWS); Special Fellow of National High Performance Computing Center at Hefei, School of Computer Science and Technology, University of Science and Technology of China; Doctoral advisor.
Yi Yang
His research focuses on theoretical and computational chemistry, especially algorithm development related to molecular dynamics (MD) simulation. He has participated in the R&D of multiple mainstream MD enhanced sampling methods, such as metadynamics, ITS, and VES, and has developed deep learning-based MD computation methods, such as IDM (J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 2019, 5571) and TALOS (J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 2019, 5791). Currently, his main research topic is on building a next-generation molecular dynamics simulation computing platform based on the Huawei MindSpore computing framework and Ascend AI processors.

Yi Yang
Doctor of Science; Associate Researcher of the Institute of Systems and Physics Biology, Shenzhen Bay Laboratory; one of the first Huawei Ascend Expert (HAE) developers.
Jie Zhao
Currently, he is mainly engaged in the research of the polyhedral model in the deep learning compiler. The team he leads developed a new storage layer optimization method in the MindSpore/akg project. This work was published at MICRO 2020 and won the Best Paper Runner-Up award, marking the third time in the 53-year history of the conference that an Asian research institute received this honor.

Jie Zhao
Doctor graduated from PARKAS Laboratory which is led by the French Institute for Research in Computer Science and Automation (INRIA) and École Normale Supérieure (Paris); one of the few researchers focusing on polyhedral model compilation technology in China.
Xiang-Yang Li
He was a professor at the Illinois Institute of Technology. He held EMC-Endowed Visiting Chair Professorship at Tsinghua University. He is a recipient of China National Funds for Distinguished Young Scientist in 2016. Dr. Li received MS (2000) and PhD (2001) degree at Department of Computer Science from University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, a Bachelor degree at Department of Computer Science and a Bachelor degree at Department of Business Management from Tsinghua University, P.R. China, both in 1995. His research interests include artificial intelligence of things, data intelligence, data sharing and trading. He has co-authored more than 200 papers in premium international journals and conferences. His Google Scholar Index is 75. He and his students won several best paper awards, best demo award. He published a monograph “Wireless Ad Hoc and Sensor Networks: Theory and Applications”. He has served as editor of several journals such as IEEE TPDS, ACM/IEEE TON, IEEE TMC, IEEE TCC.

Xiang-Yang Li
Dr. Xiang-Yang Li, professor and executive dean at School of Computer Science and Technology at University of Science and Technology of China and Co-Chair of ACM China, ACM fellow, IEEE fellow and ACM Distinguished Scientist.
Shiguang Shan
Shiguang Shan received Ph.D. degree in computer science from the Institute of Computing Technology (ICT), Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS), Beijing, China, in 2004. He has been a full Professor of this institute since 2010 and now the deputy director of CAS Key Lab of Intelligent Information Processing and also a Professor with the University of Chinese Academy of Sciences. His research interests include computer vision, pattern recognition, and machine learning. He has published more than 300 papers, with totally more than 18,000 Google scholar citations. He served as Area Chairs (or Senior PC) for many international conferences including ICCV11, ICASSP14, ICPR12/14/20, ACCV12/16/18, FG13/18/20, BTAS18, AAAI20, and CVPR19/20. And he was/is Associate Editors of several journals including IEEE T-IP, Neurocomputing, CVIU, and PRL. He was a recipient of the China’s State Natural Science Award in 2015, and the China’s State S&T Progress Award in 2005 for his research work.

Shiguang Shan
Dr. Shiguang Shan, Professor, phD Tutor and deputy director of CAS Key Lab of Intelligent Information Processing of the Institute of Computing Technology (ICT), Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS).
Yonghong Tian
His research interests include multimedia big data analysis, machine learning, and brain-inspired computation. He is the author or coauthor of over 180 technical articles in refereed journals such as IEEE TPAMI/TNNLS/TIP/TMM/TCSVT/TKDE/TPDS, ACM CSUR/TOIS/TOMM and conferences such as NeurIPS/CVPR/ICCV/AAAI/ACMMM/WWW. Prof. Tian was/is an Associate Editor of IEEE TCSVT (2018.1-), IEEE TMM (2014.8-2018.8), IEEE Multimedia Mag. (2018.1-), and IEEE Access (2017.1-). He co-initiated IEEE Int’l Conf. on Multimedia Big Data (BigMM) and served as the TPC Co-chair of BigMM 2015, and aslo served as the Technical Program Co-chair of IEEE ICME 2015, IEEE ISM 2015 and IEEE MIPR 2018/2019, and General Co-chair of IEEE MIPR 2020. He is the steering member of IEEE ICME (2018-) and IEEE BigMM (2015-), and is a TPC Member of more than ten conferences such as CVPR, ICCV, ACM KDD, AAAI, ACM MM and ECCV. He was the recipient of the Chinese National Science Foundation for Distinguished Young Scholars in 2018, two National Science and Technology Awards and three ministerial-level awards in China, and obtained the 2015 EURASIP Best Paper Award for Journal on Image and Video Processing, and the best paper award of IEEE BigMM 2018. He is a senior member of IEEE, CIE and CCF, a member of ACM.

Yonghong Tian
Yonghong Tian, Boya Distinguished Professor with the School of EECS, Peking University. deputy director of Artificial Intelligence Research Center, PengCheng Laboratory, Shenzhen, China.
Tonghua Su
1.His research interests include pattern recognition, handwritten text recognition, deep learning, and GPU computation. 2.He released the first Chinese handwritten text database (HIT-MW). This database was used by hundreds of universities and institutes at home and abroad. 3.He published two monographs and translated eight books. He won the first place in two international competitions on handwritten text recognition. 4.His center had been honored as the best GPU education center for four years. 5.He focuses on studying on fundamental technologies in artificial intelligence and applying these technologies to industry. He has successfully converted his research on massive deep learning and prediction to updating traditional gas meter, automatic homework correction, handwriting input method in mobile phones, etc.

Tonghua Su
Dr. Tonghua Su, associate professor of School of Computer Science and Technogy at Harbin Institute of Technology, director of HIT-NVidia GPU research center and GPU education center.
Jianjun Chen
He is currently responsible for frontier technology research in artificial intelligence and platform planning. He is committed to researching fundamental technologies in artificial intelligence and planning on research on vertical services like computer vision, natural language processing, and knowledge map. He attempted to introduce various new techniques into the industry under an autonomous and controllable manner.

Jianjun Chen
Jianjun Chen, senior researcher at ICBC's Big Data and Artificial Intelligence Lab.
Jun Zhu
He focuses on developing statistical machine learning methods to understand complex scientific and engineering data. He is the co-director of Tsinghua SAIL (TSAIL) Group, which focus on developing machine learning theories, algorithms, and applications to problems in science, engineering and computing. TSAIL uses the tools of statistical inference and large-scale computing to deal with uncertainty and information in various domains, including text mining, image & video processing, network analysis, and neuroscience.

Jun Zhu
Jun Zhu, professor of Tsinghua University.
Han Xiao
Han is also an AI open-source evangelist. His Fashion-MNIST and bert-as-service were listed as the most popular AI open-source projects in 2017&18 world-widely. In 2018-2020, Han led a team on neural information retrieval at Tencent AI, laying down the next-gen search infrastructure. Han served in the Tencent Technical Advisory Council and Opensource Program Office, fostering the open-source and DevOps culture inside the company. Han served as a board member at LF AI Foundation in 2019, driving the open source innovation in AI by enabling international collaboration. In 2014-2018 Han worked at Zalando Research in Berlin as a Senior Research Scientist. Han received the Ph.D. (2014) and M.Sc. (2009) in computer science from the Technical University of Munich in Germany. He is also the Founder & Chairman of the German-Chinese Association of AI, a NPO registered in Germany.

Han Xiao
Dr. Han Xiao, Founder & CEO of Jina AI
Sergei Gorlatch
Prof. Gorlatch has more than 100 peer-reviewed publications in well-known international journals and conferences. He always got invitation for speech at international conferences, as well as served as a program committee member in these conferences. He was a principal investigator in several international research and development projects in the field of parallel and distributed computing and networking, funded by the European Commission, as well as by German national bodies. His recent work incudes systematic development of high-performance software for machine learning on multi-core CPU and GPU.

Sergei Gorlatch
Sergei Gorlatch, Professor of Computer Science at the University of Muenster (Germany), was Associate Professor at the Technical University of Berlin, Assistant Professor at the University of Passau, and Humboldt Research Fellow at the Technical University of Munich.
Maoguo Gong
Gong’s research interests are broadly in the area of computational intelligence, with applications to optimization, learning, data mining and image understanding. He has published over one hundred papers in journals and conferences, and holds over twenty granted patents as the first inventor. He is leading or has completed over twenty projects as the Principle Investigator, funded by the National Natural Science Foundation of China, the National Key Research and Development Program of China, and others. He was the recipient of the prestigious National Program for Support of the Leading Innovative Talents (selected by the Central Organization Department of China), the Leading Innovative Talent in the Science and Technology (selected by the Ministry of Science and Technology of China), the Excellent Young Scientist Foundation (selected by the National Natural Science Foundation of China), the New Century Excellent Talent in University (selected by the Ministry of Education of China), the Young Teacher Award by the Fok Ying Tung Education Foundation, and the National Natural Science Award of China.
He is the Executive Committee Member of Chinese Association for Artificial Intelligence, Senior Member of IEEE and Chinese Computer Federation, Associate Editor or Editorial Board Member for over five journals including the IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation and the IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems.

Maoguo Gong
Dr. Maoguo Gong received the B. Eng degree and Ph.D. degree from Xidian University. Since 2006, he has been a teacher of Xidian University. He was promoted to associate professor and full professor in 2008 and 2010, respectively, both with exceptive admission.
Amos Storkey
He is now leading a 14-person research group which focuses on BayesWatch machine learning. He has rich academic research achievements and project experiences in the fields like incremental learning / training, meta-learning, small sample learning, Bayesian models, Bayesian processes, reinforcement learning.

Amos Storkey
Amos Storkey, Professor of the School of Information, University of Edinburgh, UK.
Peter Pietzuch
He has rich academic research achievements and project experience in the fields of next-generation AI frameworks, distributed high-performance computing, machine learning, optimization algorithms, and stochastic dynamic programming.

Peter Pietzuch
Peter Pietzuch, Professor of Imperial College London (Post-doc at Harvard, Ph.D. at Cambridge), director of research at the School of Computer, and director of the Large Scale Data System (LSDS).
Jin Li
The DL Workspace headed by Dr. Li is the main AI development platform of Microsoft, and is widely used by Bing and Microsoft Cognitive Service.

Jin Li
Dr. Jin Li, co-founder and the CTO of Apulis Technology, managing director of the Artificial Intelligence Research Center of Shenzhen - Tsinghua University, IEEE Fellow, was a Partner Research Manager of Cloud Computing and Storage for Microsoft Research (Redmond, WA).
Jian Cao
Dr. Jian Cao is currently a tenured professor with the Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Shanghai Jiao Tong University. He is also the director of research institute of network computing and service computing. Dr. Cao’s research interests include intelligent data analytics, service computing, collaborative computing and software engineering. Besides national and provincial government research grants, his research is also supported by many industry partners, such as Morgan Stanley, Ctrip, Samsung and Docomo, just to name a few. He has published more than 200 hundred research papers in prestigious journals and conferences. Dr. Cao has won 10 ministerial or provincial level scientific and technological achievements rewards. Currently, he is the distinguished member of CCF and the senior member of IEEE.

Jian Cao
Dr. Jian Cao is currently a tenured professor with the Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Shanghai Jiao Tong University.
MindSpore User Committee
Yi Yang
His research focuses on theoretical and computational chemistry, especially algorithm development related to molecular dynamics (MD) simulation. He has participated in the R&D of multiple mainstream MD enhanced sampling methods, such as metadynamics, ITS, and VES, and has developed deep learning-based MD computation methods, such as IDM (J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 2019, 5571) and TALOS (J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 2019, 5791). Currently, his main research topic is on building a next-generation molecular dynamics simulation computing platform based on the Huawei MindSpore computing framework and Ascend AI processors.

Yi Yang
Doctor of Science; Associate Researcher of the Institute of Systems and Physics Biology, Shenzhen Bay Laboratory; one of the first Huawei Ascend Expert (HAE) developers.
Han Xiao
Han is also an AI open-source evangelist. His Fashion-MNIST and bert-as-service were listed as the most popular AI open-source projects in 2017&18 world-widely. In 2018-2020, Han led a team on neural information retrieval at Tencent AI, laying down the next-gen search infrastructure. Han served in the Tencent Technical Advisory Council and Opensource Program Office, fostering the open-source and DevOps culture inside the company. Han served as a board member at LF AI Foundation in 2019, driving the open source innovation in AI by enabling international collaboration. In 2014-2018 Han worked at Zalando Research in Berlin as a Senior Research Scientist. Han received the Ph.D. (2014) and M.Sc. (2009) in computer science from the Technical University of Munich in Germany. He is also the Founder & Chairman of the German-Chinese Association of AI, a NPO registered in Germany.

Han Xiao
Dr. Han Xiao, Founder & CEO of Jina AI
Community Manager
Hu Xiaoman
She has rich AI technology practices and open source experience, who led the team to implement multiple image recognition and object detection projects, distributed deep learning framework, and large model platform projects, and won one of "33 China Open Source Pioneers" in 2021, "OSCAR Open Source Pioneer" issued by CAICT in 2022, and other industry open source awards.

Hu Xiaoman
Hu Xiaoman, director of Huawei MindSpore Open Source Ecosystem, chairman of the Outreach Committee of Linux Foundation AI & Data Foundation, expert of Chinese Institute of Electronics, owner of TinyMS open source project, founder of MSG Women In Tech, and one of the female representatives of Huawei Technologies.