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# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
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# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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from mindspore.ops import operations as op
from mindspore import get_context, PYNATIVE_MODE
from mindspore_xai.common.utils import ForwardProbe, retrieve_layer, unify_inputs, unify_targets
from .backprop_utils import GradNet
from .intermediate_layer import IntermediateLayerAttribution
def _gradcam_aggregation(attributions):
Aggregate the gradient and activation to get the final attribution.
attributions (Tensor): the attribution with channel dimension.
Tensor: the attribution with channel dimension aggregated.
sum_ = op.ReduceSum(keep_dims=False)
relu_ = op.ReLU()
attributions = relu_(sum_(attributions, 1))
attributions = op.Reshape()(attributions, (attributions.shape[0], 1, *attributions.shape[1:]))
return attributions
[docs]class GradCAM(IntermediateLayerAttribution):
Provides GradCAM explanation method.
`GradCAM` generates saliency map at intermediate layer. The attribution is obtained as:
.. math::
\alpha_k^c = \frac{1}{Z} \sum_i \sum_j \frac{\partial{y^c}}{\partial{A_{i,j}^k}}
attribution = ReLU(\sum_k \alpha_k^c A^k)
For more details, please refer to the original paper: `GradCAM <https://openaccess.thecvf.com/content_ICCV_2017/
The parsed `network` will be set to eval mode through `network.set_grad(False)` and `network.set_train(False)`.
If you want to train the `network` afterwards, please reset it back to training mode through the opposite
network (Cell): The black-box model to be explained.
layer (str, optional): The layer name to generate the explanation, usually chosen as the last convolutional
layer for better practice. If it is ``''``, the explanation will be generated at the input layer.
Default: ``''``.
- **inputs** (Tensor) - The input data to be explained, a 4D tensor of shape :math:`(N, C, H, W)`.
- **targets** (Tensor, int, tuple, list) - The label of interest. It should be a 1D or scalar tensor, or an
integer, or a tuple/list of integers. If it is a 1D tensor, tuple or list, its length should be :math:`N`.
- **ret** (str, optional): The return object type. ``'tensor'`` means returns a Tensor object, ``'image'``
means return a PIL.Image.Image list. Default: ``'tensor'``.
- **show** (bool, optional): Show the saliency images, ``None`` means automatically show the saliency images
if it is running on JupyterLab. Default: ``None``.
Tensor, a 4D tensor of shape :math:`(N, 1, H, W)`, saliency maps. Or list[list[PIL.Image.Image]], the
normalized saliency images if `ret` was set to ``'image'``.
TypeError: Be raised for any argument or input type problem.
ValueError: Be raised for any input value problem.
Supported Platforms:
``Ascend`` ``GPU``
>>> import numpy as np
>>> import mindspore as ms
>>> from mindspore_xai.explainer import GradCAM
>>> from mindspore import set_context, PYNATIVE_MODE
>>> # only PYNATIVE_MODE is supported
>>> set_context(mode=PYNATIVE_MODE)
>>> # The detail of LeNet5 is shown in models.official.cv.lenet.src.lenet.py
>>> net = LeNet5(10, num_channel=3)
>>> # specify a layer name to generate explanation, usually the layer can be set as the last conv layer.
>>> layer_name = 'conv2'
>>> # init GradCAM with a trained network and specify the layer to obtain attribution
>>> gradcam = GradCAM(net, layer=layer_name)
>>> inputs = ms.Tensor(np.random.rand(1, 3, 32, 32), ms.float32)
>>> label = 5
>>> saliency = gradcam(inputs, label)
>>> print(saliency.shape)
(1, 1, 32, 32)
def __init__(self, network, layer=""):
super(GradCAM, self).__init__(network, layer)
self._saliency_cell = retrieve_layer(self._backward_model, target_layer=layer)
self._avgpool = op.ReduceMean(keep_dims=True)
self._intermediate_grad = None
self._aggregation_fn = _gradcam_aggregation
self._resize_mode = 'bilinear'
self._grad_net = GradNet(self._backward_model)
def _hook_cell(self):
if get_context("mode") != PYNATIVE_MODE:
raise TypeError(f"Hook is not supported in graph mode currently, you can use"
f"'set_context(mode=PYNATIVE_MODE)'to set pynative mode.")
if self._saliency_cell:
self._saliency_cell.enable_hook = True
self._intermediate_grad = None
def _cell_hook_fn(self, _, grad_input, grad_output):
Hook function to deal with the backward gradient.
The arguments are set as required by `Cell.register_backward_hook`.
del grad_output
self._intermediate_grad = grad_input
def __call__(self, inputs, targets, ret='tensor', show=None):
"""Call function for `GradCAM`."""
self._verify_data(inputs, targets)
self._verify_other_args(ret, show)
with ForwardProbe(self._saliency_cell) as probe:
inputs = unify_inputs(inputs)
targets = unify_targets(inputs[0].shape[0], targets)
weights = self._get_bp_weights(inputs, targets)
gradients = self._grad_net(*inputs, weights)
# get intermediate activation
activation = (probe.value,)
if self._layer == "":
activation = inputs
self._intermediate_grad = unify_inputs(gradients)
if self._intermediate_grad is not None:
# average pooling on gradients
intermediate_grad = unify_inputs(
self._avgpool(self._intermediate_grad[0], (2, 3)))
raise ValueError("Gradient for intermediate layer is not "
mul = op.Mul()
if len(intermediate_grad) != 1 or len(activation) != 1:
raise ValueError("Length of `intermediate_grad` and `activation` must be 1.")
# manually braodcast
intermediate_grad = op.Tile()(intermediate_grad[0], (1, 1, *activation[0].shape[2:]))
attribution = self._aggregation_fn(mul(intermediate_grad, activation[0]))
if self._resize:
attribution = self._resize_fn(attribution, *inputs,
self._intermediate_grad = None
return self._postproc_saliency(attribution, ret, show)