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import numpy as np
import mindspore as ms
import mindspore.nn as nn
from mindspore.train._utils import check_value_type
from mindspore import log
from mindspore_xai.explainer.perturb.replacement import RandomPerturb
from .metric import LabelSensitiveMetric
[docs]class Robustness(LabelSensitiveMetric):
Robustness perturbs the inputs by adding random noise and choose the maximum sensitivity as evaluation score from
the perturbations.
num_labels (int): Number of classes in the dataset.
activation_fn (Cell): The activation layer that transforms logits to prediction probabilities. For
single label classification tasks, `nn.Softmax` is usually applied. As for multi-label classification
tasks, `nn.Sigmoid` is usually be applied. Users can also pass their own customized `activation_fn` as long
as when combining this function with network, the final output is the probability of the input.
TypeError: Be raised for any argument type problem.
Supported Platforms:
``Ascend`` ``GPU``
def __init__(self, num_labels, activation_fn):
check_value_type("activation_fn", activation_fn, nn.Cell)
self._perturb = RandomPerturb()
self._num_perturbations = 10 # number of perturbations used in evaluation
self._threshold = 0.1 # threshold to generate perturbation
self._activation_fn = activation_fn
[docs] def evaluate(self, explainer, inputs, targets, saliency=None):
Evaluate robustness on the explainer.
Currently only single sample (:math:`N=1`) at each call is supported.
explainer (Explainer): The explainer to be evaluated, see `mindspore_xai.explainer`.
inputs (Tensor): A data sample, a 4D tensor of shape :math:`(N, C, H, W)`.
targets (Tensor, int): The label of interest. It should be a 1D or scalar tensor, or an integer.
If `targets` is a 1D tensor, its length should be :math:`N`.
saliency (Tensor, optional): The saliency map to be evaluated, a 4D tensor of shape :math:`(N, 1, H, W)`.
If it is None, the parsed `explainer` will generate the saliency map with `inputs` and `targets` and
continue the evaluation. Default: ``None``.
numpy.ndarray, 1D array of shape :math:`(N,)`, result of robustness evaluated on `explainer`.
TypeError: Be raised for any argument type problem.
ValueError: Be raised if :math:`N` is not 1.
>>> import numpy as np
>>> import mindspore as ms
>>> from mindspore import nn, set_context, PYNATIVE_MODE
>>> from mindspore_xai.explainer import Gradient
>>> from mindspore_xai.benchmark import Robustness
>>> set_context(mode=PYNATIVE_MODE)
>>> # Initialize a Robustness benchmarker passing num_labels of the dataset.
>>> num_labels = 10
>>> activation_fn = nn.Softmax()
>>> robustness = Robustness(num_labels, activation_fn)
>>> # The detail of LeNet5 is shown in model_zoo.official.cv.lenet.src.lenet.py
>>> net = LeNet5(10, num_channel=3)
>>> # prepare your explainer to be evaluated, e.g., Gradient.
>>> gradient = Gradient(net)
>>> input_x = ms.Tensor(np.random.rand(1, 3, 32, 32), ms.float32)
>>> target_label = ms.Tensor([0], ms.int32)
>>> # robustness is a Robustness instance
>>> res = robustness.evaluate(gradient, input_x, target_label)
>>> print(res.shape)
self._check_evaluate_param(explainer, inputs, targets, saliency)
if inputs.shape[0] > 1:
raise ValueError('Robustness only support a sample each time, but receive {}'.format(inputs.shape[0]))
if isinstance(targets, int):
targets = ms.Tensor([targets], ms.int32)
if saliency is None:
saliency = explainer(inputs, targets, show=False)
saliency = saliency.asnumpy()
norm = np.sqrt(np.sum(np.square(saliency), axis=tuple(range(1, len(saliency.shape)))))
if (norm == 0).any():
log.warning('Get saliency norm equals 0, robustness return NaN for zero-norm saliency currently.')
norm[norm == 0] = np.nan
full_network = nn.SequentialCell([explainer.network, self._activation_fn])
original_outputs = full_network(inputs).asnumpy()
sensitivities = []
inputs = inputs.asnumpy()
for _ in range(self._num_perturbations):
perturbations = []
for j, sample in enumerate(inputs):
perturbation_on_single_sample = self._perturb_with_threshold(full_network,
np.expand_dims(sample, axis=0),
perturbations = np.vstack(perturbations)
perturbations = explainer(ms.Tensor(perturbations, ms.float32), targets, show=False).asnumpy()
sensitivity = np.sqrt(np.sum((perturbations - saliency) ** 2,
axis=tuple(range(1, len(saliency.shape)))))
sensitivities = np.stack(sensitivities, axis=-1)
sensitivity = np.max(sensitivities, axis=1) / norm
return 1 / np.exp(sensitivity)
def _perturb_with_threshold(self, network: nn.Cell, sample: np.ndarray, original_output: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray:
Generate the perturbation until the L2-distance between original_output and perturbation_output is lower than
the given self._threshold or until the attempt reaches the max_attempt_time.
# the maximum time attempt to get a perturbation with perturb_error low than self._threshold
max_attempt_time = 3
perturbation = None
for _ in range(max_attempt_time):
perturbation = self._perturb(sample)
perturbation_output = self._activation_fn(network(ms.Tensor(sample, ms.float32))).asnumpy()
perturb_error = np.linalg.norm(original_output - perturbation_output)
if perturb_error <= self._threshold:
return perturbation
return perturbation