sciai.common.train_cell 源代码

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import os
from numbers import Number

import mindspore as ms
from mindspore import nn, ops, amp
from mindspore.ops import zeros_like, ones_like

from sciai.utils import time_second, time_str, print_log
from sciai.utils.check_utils import to_tuple, _batch_check_type, _check_value_in

[文档]class TrainCellWithCallBack: r""" TrainOneStepCell with callbacks, which can handle multi-losses. Callbacks can be as follows: 1.loss: print loss(es). 2.time: print time spent during steps, and time spent from start. 3.ckpt: save checkpoint. Args: network (Cell): The training network. The network supports multi-outputs. optimizer (Cell): Optimizer for updating the network parameters. loss_interval (int): Step interval to print loss. if 0, it wouldn't print loss. Default: 1. time_interval (int): Step interval to print time. if 0, it wouldn't print time. Default: 0. ckpt_interval (int): Epoch interval to save checkpoint, calculated according to batch_num. If 0, it wouldn't save checkpoint. Default: 0. loss_names (Union(str, tuple[str], list[str])): Loss names in order of network outputs. It can accept n or n+1 strings, where n is the count of network outputs. If n, each string corresponds to the loss in the same position; if n + 1, the first loss name represents the sum of all outputs. Default:("loss",). batch_num (int): How many batches per epoch. Default: 1. grad_first (bool): If True, only the first output of the network would participate in the gradient descent. Otherwise, the sum of all outputs of the network would be taken into account. Default: False. amp_level (str): Mixed precision level, which supports ["O0", "O1", "O2", "O3"]. Default: "O0". ckpt_dir (str): Checkpoints saving path. Default: "./checkpoints". clip_grad (bool): Whether clip grad or not. Default: False. clip_norm (Union(float, int)): The clipping ratio, it should be greater than 0. Only enabled when `clip_grad` is True. Default: 1e-3. model_name (str): Model name which influences the checkpoint filename. Inputs: - **\*args** (tuple[Tensor]) - Tuple of input tensors of the network. Outputs: Union[Tensor, tuple[Tensor]], Tensor(s) of the loss(es). Raises: TypeError: If the input parameters are not of required types. Supported Platforms: ``GPU`` ``CPU`` ``Ascend`` Examples: >>> import mindspore as ms >>> from mindspore import nn, ops >>> from sciai.common import TrainCellWithCallBack >>> class LossNet(nn.Cell): >>> def __init__(self): >>> super().__init__() >>> self.dense1 = nn.Dense(2, 1) >>> self.dense2 = nn.Dense(2, 1) >>> def construct(self, x): >>> loss1 = self.dense1(x).sum() >>> loss2 = self.dense2(x).sum() >>> return loss1, loss2 >>> loss_net = LossNet() >>> optimizer = nn.Adam(loss_net.trainable_params(), 1e-2) >>> train_net = TrainCellWithCallBack(loss_net, optimizer, time_interval=3, loss_interval=1, ckpt_interval=5, >>> ckpt_dir='.', loss_names=("total loss", "loss1", "loss2")) >>> x = ops.ones((3, 2), ms.float32) >>> for epoch in range(8): >>> loss1, loss2 = train_net(x) step: 0, loss1: 0.07256523, loss2: 0.010363013, interval: 3.132981061935425s, total: 3.132981061935425s, checkpoint saved at: ./model_iter_0_2000-12-31-23-59-59.ckpt step: 1, loss1: 0.06356523, loss2: 0.0013630127 step: 2, loss1: 0.054565262, loss2: 0.007636956 step: 3, loss1: 0.04556533, loss2: 0.00999487, interval: 0.01753377914428711s, total: 3.150514841079712s step: 4, loss1: 0.036565356, loss2: 0.0090501215 step: 5, loss1: 0.027565379, loss2: 0.0061383317, checkpoint saved at: ./model_iter_5_2000-12-31-23-59-59.ckpt step: 6, loss1: 0.018565409, loss2: 0.0019272038, interval: 0.02319502830505371s, total: 3.1737098693847656s step: 7, loss1: 0.00956542, loss2: 0.0032018598 """ def __init__(self, network, optimizer, loss_interval=1, time_interval=0, ckpt_interval=0, loss_names=("loss",), batch_num=1, grad_first=False, amp_level="O0", ckpt_dir="./checkpoints", clip_grad=False, clip_norm=1e-3, model_name="model"): check_type_dict = { "network": (network, nn.Cell), "optimizer": (optimizer, nn.Cell), "loss_interval": (loss_interval, int), "time_interval": (time_interval, int), "ckpt_interval": (ckpt_interval, int), "loss_names": (loss_names, (str, tuple, list)), "batch_num": (batch_num, int), "grad_first": (grad_first, bool), "ckpt_dir": (ckpt_dir, str), "clip_grad": (clip_grad, bool), "clip_norm": (clip_norm, (int, float)), "amp_level": (amp_level, str), "model_name": (model_name, str) } _batch_check_type(check_type_dict) _check_value_in(amp_level, "amp_level", ("O0", "O1", "O2", "O3")) self.loss_names = to_tuple(loss_names) self.batch_num, self.grad_first, self.ckpt_dir, self.amp_level, self.model_name \ = batch_num, grad_first, ckpt_dir, amp_level, model_name network = amp.auto_mixed_precision(network, amp_level=self.amp_level) self.train_cell = TrainStepCell(network, optimizer, grad_first=self.grad_first, clip_grad=clip_grad, clip_norm=clip_norm) self.loss_interval, self.time_interval, self.ckpt_interval = loss_interval, time_interval, ckpt_interval self.start_time = self._time_second() self.last_time = self.start_time self.this_time = self.start_time self.step, self.epoch = 0, 0 self._calc_iter_print_prefix() def __call__(self, *args): """ Call train_cell with callbacks. See details in __init__. Args: *args (tuple[Tensor]): Input parameters of train cell. Returns: Union(Tensor, tuple[Tensor]), representation of loss(es) returned by train_cell. """ self.this_time = self._time_second() loss = self.train_cell(*args) loss_print = self._print_loss(loss) time_print = self._print_time() ckpt_print = self._save_ckpt() custom_print = list(filter(None, [loss_print, time_print, ckpt_print])) if custom_print: print_log(", ".join([self.iter_print] + custom_print)) self._update() return loss
[文档] @staticmethod def calc_ckpt_name(iter_str, model_name, postfix=""): """ Calculate checkpoint file name. Args: iter_str (Union[str]): Iteration number or epoch number. model_name (str): Model name. postfix (str): Filename postfix, generally can be the auto mixed precision level. Default: "". Returns: str, Filename of checkpoint. """ return f"model_{model_name}_{str(postfix)}_{iter_str}_{time_str()}.ckpt"
[文档] @staticmethod def calc_optim_ckpt_name(model_name, postfix=""): """ Calculate the latest checkpoint filename. For example, `Optimal_pinns_O2.ckpt`. Args: model_name (str): Model name. postfix (str): Filename postfix. Default: "". Returns: str, Filename of checkpoint. """ return f"Optim_{model_name}_{postfix}.ckpt"
@staticmethod def _time_second(): """ Timestamp in second. Returns: long, Second timestamp. """ return time_second() def _print_loss(self, loss): """ Return string representation of loss(es) according to loss_names if loss_interval is set > 0. Args: loss (Union[Tensor, tuple[Tensor]]): Loss(es) returned by train_cell. Returns: str, Representation of loss(es). """ if self.loss_interval > 0 and self.step % self.loss_interval == 0: if isinstance(loss, tuple): if self.grad_first: loss_names, losses = self.loss_names, [loss[i] for i in range(len(self.loss_names))] elif len(loss) == len(self.loss_names): loss_names, losses = ["total_loss"] + list(self.loss_names), [sum(loss)] + list(loss) else: loss_names, losses = [f"loss{i + 1}" for i in range(len(loss))], [loss_value for loss_value in loss] loss_tuples = [f"{loss_name}: {loss_value}" for loss_name, loss_value in zip(loss_names, losses)] loss_print = ", ".join(loss_tuples) elif isinstance(loss, (ms.Tensor, Number)): if len(self.loss_names) == 1: loss_print = f"{self.loss_names[0]}: {loss}" else: loss_print = f"loss: {loss}" else: loss_print = f"unsupported loss type: {type(loss)}, value: {loss}" return loss_print return "" def _print_time(self): """ Print time if time_interval is set > 0. Returns: str, Representation of time interval and time elapsed. """ if self.time_interval > 0 and self.step % self.time_interval == 0: this_time = self._time_second() interval, total_time = this_time - self.last_time, this_time - self.start_time self.last_time = this_time time_print = f"interval: {interval}s, total: {total_time}s" return time_print return "" def _save_ckpt(self): """ Save checkpoint if time_interval is set > 0. Returns: str, Checkpoint saving print string, or exception message when it encounters Exception. """ if self.ckpt_interval > 0: if not os.path.exists(self.ckpt_dir): os.makedirs(self.ckpt_dir) if self.batch_num != 1: save_ckpt = self.epoch % self.ckpt_interval == 0 and self.step == 0 iter_str = f"epoch_{self.epoch}" else: save_ckpt = self.step % self.ckpt_interval == 0 iter_str = f"iter_{self.step}" if save_ckpt: ckpt_name = self.calc_ckpt_name(iter_str, self.model_name, self.amp_level) optim_ckpt_name = self.calc_optim_ckpt_name(self.model_name, self.amp_level) ckpt_path = os.path.join(self.ckpt_dir, ckpt_name) optim_ckpt_path = os.path.join(self.ckpt_dir, optim_ckpt_name) ckpt_print = f"checkpoint saved at: {ckpt_path}, latest checkpoint re-saved at {optim_ckpt_path}" try: ms.save_checkpoint(, ckpt_path) ms.save_checkpoint(, optim_ckpt_path) except IOError as _: ckpt_print = "error: failed to save checkpoint due to system error!" return ckpt_print return "" def _update(self): """ Update step num and iter representation. When batch num is not 1, it clears step counter and increases the epoch counter. """ self.step += 1 if self.batch_num != 1 and self.step % self.batch_num == 0: # clear step if an epoch is finished self.epoch += 1 self.step = 0 self._calc_iter_print_prefix() def _calc_iter_print_prefix(self): """ Calculate iteration printing prefix message, and store it in self.iter_print. """ if self.batch_num != 1: self.iter_print = f"epoch:{self.epoch}, step: {self.step}/{self.batch_num}" else: self.iter_print = f"step: {self.step}"
[文档]class TrainStepCell(nn.Cell): r""" Cell with gradient descent, similar to nn.TrainOneStepCell, but can accept multi-losses return. Args: network (Cell): The training network. The network supports multi-outputs. optimizer (Union[Cell]): Optimizer for updating the network parameters. grad_first (bool): If True, only the first output of the network would participate in the gradient descent. Otherwise, the sum of all outputs of the network would be taken into account. Default: False. clip_grad (bool): Whether clip grad or not. Default: False. clip_norm (Union[float, int]): The clipping ratio, it should be greater than 0. Only enabled when `clip_grad` is True. Default: 1e-3. Inputs: - **\*inputs** (tuple[Tensor]) - Tuple of input tensors with shape :math:`(N, \ldots)`. Outputs: Union(Tensor, tuple[Tensor]), tensor(s) of the loss value(s), the shape of which is(are) usually :math:`()`. Raises: TypeError: If `network` or `optimizer` is not of correct type. Supported Platforms: ``Ascend`` ``GPU`` ``CPU`` """ def __init__(self, network, optimizer, grad_first=False, clip_grad=False, clip_norm=1e-3): super().__init__() _batch_check_type( {"network": (network, nn.Cell), "optimizer": (optimizer, nn.Optimizer), "grad_first": (grad_first, bool), "clip_grad": (clip_grad, bool), "clip_norm": (clip_norm, (int, float))}) = network self.optimizer = optimizer self.grad_fist = grad_first self.weights = self.optimizer.parameters self.grad = ops.GradOperation(get_by_list=True) self.grad_sens = ops.GradOperation(get_by_list=True, sens_param=True) self.clip_grad = clip_grad self.clip_norm = clip_norm def construct(self, *inputs): """construct""" loss =*inputs) if self.grad_fist and isinstance(loss, tuple): sens = [zeros_like(_) for _ in loss] sens[0] = ones_like(loss[0]) grads = self.grad_sens(, self.weights)(*inputs, tuple(sens)) else: grads = self.grad(, self.weights)(*inputs) if self.clip_grad: grads = ops.clip_by_global_norm(grads, clip_norm=self.clip_norm) self.optimizer(grads) return loss