mindspore_rl.environment.multi_environment_wrapper 源代码

# pylint: disable=protected-access
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"""MultiEnvironmentWrapper Class"""

#pylint: disable=W0212
from multiprocessing import Queue
import numpy as np
import mindspore.nn as nn
from mindspore.ops import operations as P
from mindspore_rl.environment.env_process import EnvironmentProcess

[文档]class MultiEnvironmentWrapper(nn.Cell): """ The MultiEnvironmentWrapper is a wrapper for multi environment scenario. User implements their single environment class and set the environment number larger than 1 in configuration file, framework will automatically invoke this class to create a multi environment class. Args: env_instance (list[Environment]): A list that contains instance of environment (subclass of Environment). num_proc (int, optional): Number of processing uses during interacting with environment. Default: ``1`` . Supported Platforms: ``Ascend`` ``GPU`` ``CPU`` Examples: >>> env_params = {'name': 'CartPole-v0'} >>> multi_env = [GymEnvironment(env_params), GymEnvironment(env_params)] >>> wrapper = MultiEnvironmentWrapper(multi_env) >>> print(wrapper) MultiEnvironmentWrapper<> """ def __init__(self, env_instance, num_proc=1): super().__init__() self._nums = len(env_instance) self._envs = env_instance self.num_proc = num_proc batch_shape = (self._nums,) obs_type = self._envs[0].observation_space.ms_dtype action_type = self._envs[0].action_space.ms_dtype reward_type = self._envs[0].reward_space.ms_dtype done_type = self._envs[0].done_space.ms_dtype obs_shape = batch_shape + self._envs[0].observation_space.shape action_shape = batch_shape + self._envs[0].action_space.shape reward_shape = batch_shape + self._envs[0].reward_space.shape done_shape = batch_shape + self._envs[0].done_space.shape self._step_op = P.PyFunc(self._step, [action_type,], [action_shape,], [obs_type, reward_type, done_type], [obs_shape, reward_shape, done_shape]) self._reset_op = P.PyFunc(self._reset, [], [], [obs_type,], [obs_shape,]) self.mpe_env_procs = [] if self.num_proc != 1: self.action_queues = [] self.exp_queues = [] self.init_state_queues = [] if self._nums < self.num_proc: raise ValueError("Environment number can not be smaller than process number.") avg_env_num_per_proc = int(self._nums / self.num_proc) for i in range(self.num_proc): action_q = Queue() self.action_queues.append(action_q) exp_q = Queue() self.exp_queues.append(exp_q) init_state_q = Queue() self.init_state_queues.append(init_state_q) assigned_env_num = i * avg_env_num_per_proc if assigned_env_num < self._nums: env_num = avg_env_num_per_proc else: env_num = self._nums - assigned_env_num env_proc = EnvironmentProcess(i, env_num, self._envs[env_num * i:env_num * (i+1)], action_q, exp_q, init_state_q) self.mpe_env_procs.append(env_proc) env_proc.start() @property def observation_space(self): """ Get the state space of the environment. Returns: A tuple which states for the space of state. """ return self._envs[0].observation_space @property def action_space(self): """ Get the action space of the environment. Returns: A tuple which states for the space of action. """ return self._envs[0].action_space @property def reward_space(self): """ Get the reward space of the environment. Returns: A tuple which states for the space of reward. """ return self._envs[0].reward_space @property def done_space(self): """ Get the done space of the environment. Returns: A tuple which states for the space of done. """ return self._envs[0].done_space @property def config(self): """ Get the config of environment. Returns: A dictionary which contains environment's info. """ return self._envs[0].config
[文档] def render(self): """ Render the game. Only support on PyNative mode. """ try: self._envs[0].render() except: raise RuntimeError("Failed to render, run in PyNative mode and comment the ms.jit.")
[文档] def reset(self): """ Reset the environment to the initial state. It is always used at the beginning of each episode. It will return the value of initial state of each environment. Returns: A list of tensor which states for all the initial states of each environment. """ return self._reset_op()[0]
[文档] def step(self, action): """ Execute the environment step, which means that interact with environment once. Args: action (Tensor): A tensor that contains the action information. Returns: - state (list(Tensor)), a list of environment state after performing the action. - reward (list(Tensor)), a list of reward after performing the action. - done (list(Tensor)), whether the simulations of each environment finishes or not. """ return self._step_op(action)
[文档] def close(self): r""" Close the environment to release the resource. Returns: Success(np.bool\_), Whether shutdown the process or threading successfully. """ for env in self._envs: env.close() for env_proc in self.mpe_env_procs: env_proc.terminate() env_proc.join() return True
def _reset(self): """ The python(can not be interpreted by mindspore interpreter) code of resetting the environment. It is the main body of reset function. Due to Pyfunc, we need to capsule python code into a function. Returns: A list of numpy array which states for the initial state of each environment. """ if self.num_proc != 1: s0 = [] for i in range(self.num_proc): self.action_queues[i].put('reset') for j in range(self.num_proc): s0.extend(self.init_state_queues[j].get()) else: s0 = [env._reset() for env in self._envs] return s0 def _step(self, actions): """ The python(can not be interpreted by mindspore interpreter) code of interacting with the environment. It is the main body of step function. Due to Pyfunc, we need to capsule python code into a function. Args: actions(List[numpy.dtype]): The action which is calculated by policy net. It could be List[int] or List[float] or other else, according to different environment. Returns: - s1 (List[numpy.array]), a list of environment state after performing the action. - r1 (List[numpy.array]), a list of reward after performing the action. - done (List[boolean]), whether the simulations of each environment finishes or not. """ results = [] if self.num_proc != 1: accum_env_num = 0 for i in range(self.num_proc): env_num = self.mpe_env_procs[i].env_num self.action_queues[i].put(actions[accum_env_num: accum_env_num+env_num,]) accum_env_num += env_num for j in range(self.num_proc): exp = self.exp_queues[j].get() results.extend(exp) else: for i in range(self._nums): exp = self._envs[i]._step(actions[i]) results.append(exp) obs, rewards, dones = map(np.array, zip(*results)) return obs, rewards, dones