# coding=utf-8
# Copyright 2018 The HuggingFace Inc. team.
# Copyright 2023 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
"""AutoProcessor class"""
import os
import shutil
import importlib
import inspect
import json
from collections import OrderedDict
from .tokenization_auto import AutoTokenizer
from ..configuration_utils import PretrainedConfig
from ..tokenization_utils_base import TOKENIZER_CONFIG_FILE
from .image_processing_auto import AutoImageProcessor
from ..image_processing_utils import ImageProcessingMixin
from ..processing_utils import ProcessorMixin
from .auto_factory import _LazyAutoMapping
from .configuration_auto import CONFIG_MAPPING_NAMES, AutoConfig
from ...tools.hub.hub import get_file_from_repo
from ...tools.generic import experimental_mode_func_checker
from ...tools import get_class_from_dynamic_module, resolve_trust_remote_code, logger
from ...tools.register.config import MindFormerConfig
from ...mindformer_book import MindFormerBook, print_dict
from ..build_processor import build_processor
EXP_ERROR_MSG = "The input yaml_name_or_path should be a path to yaml file, or a " \
"path to directory which has yaml file, or a model name supported, e.g. llama2_7b."
("bert", "BertProcessor"),
("blip2", "Blip2Processor"),
("bloom", "BloomProcessor"),
("clip", "CLIPProcessor"),
("glm", "GLMProcessor"),
("gpt2", "GPT2Processor"),
("llama", "LlamaProcessor"),
("mae", "ViTMAEProcessor"),
("pangualpha", "PanguAlphaProcessor"),
("sam", "SamProcessor"),
("swin", "SwinProcessor"),
("t5", "T5Processor"),
("vit", "ViTProcessor")
def is_experimental_mode(path):
"""Check if the experimental is used based on yaml name or path"""
experimental_mode = False
is_exists = os.path.exists(path)
is_dir = os.path.isdir(path)
if is_exists:
if is_dir:
yaml_list = [file for file in os.listdir(path)
if file.endswith(".yaml")]
if not yaml_list:
experimental_mode = True
else: # repo
if "/" in path and path.split("/")[0] != "mindspore":
experimental_mode = True
return experimental_mode
def processor_class_from_name(class_name: str):
"""Import procrossor class based on module_name"""
for module_name, processors in PROCESSOR_MAPPING_NAMES.items():
if class_name in processors:
module = importlib.import_module(f".{module_name}", "mindformers.models")
return getattr(module, class_name)
except AttributeError:
for processor in PROCESSOR_MAPPING._extra_content.values(): # pylint: disable=W0212
if getattr(processor, "__name__", None) == class_name:
return processor
# We did not fine the class, but maybe it's because a dep is missing. In that case, the class will be in the main
# init and we return the proper dummy to get an appropriate error message.
main_module = importlib.import_module("mindformers")
if hasattr(main_module, class_name):
return getattr(main_module, class_name)
return None
[docs]class AutoProcessor:
This is a generic processor class that will be instantiated as one of the processor
classes of the library when created with the ``from_pretrained()`` class method.
This class cannot be instantiated directly using \_\_init\_\_() (throws an error).
>>> from mindformers import AutoProcessor
>>> processor = AutoProcessor.from_pretrained("glm3_6b")
_support_list = MindFormerBook.get_processor_support_list()
_model_type = 0
_model_name = 1
def __init__(self):
raise EnvironmentError(
"AutoProcessor is designed to be instantiated "
"using the `AutoProcessor.from_pretrained(pretrained_model_name_or_path)` method."
def invalid_yaml_name(cls, yaml_name_or_path):
"""Check whether it is a valid yaml name"""
if yaml_name_or_path.startswith('mindspore'):
# Adaptation the name of yaml at the beginning of mindspore,
# the relevant file will be downloaded from the Xihe platform.
# such as "mindspore/vit_base_p16"
yaml_name_or_path = yaml_name_or_path.split('/')[cls._model_name]
local_model_type = yaml_name_or_path.split('_')[cls._model_type]
local_model_list = cls._support_list[local_model_type]
if not isinstance(local_model_list, dict):
if yaml_name_or_path in local_model_list:
return False
raise ValueError(f'\'{yaml_name_or_path}\' is not supported by \'{local_model_type}\', '
f'please select from {local_model_list}')
local_model_names = local_model_list.keys()
if len(yaml_name_or_path.split('_')) <= cls._model_name or \
not yaml_name_or_path.split('_')[cls._model_name] in local_model_names:
raise ValueError(f'\'{yaml_name_or_path}\' is not supported by \'{local_model_type}\', '
f'please select from {local_model_list}')
local_model_name = yaml_name_or_path.split('_')[cls._model_name]
if yaml_name_or_path not in local_model_list[local_model_name]:
raise ValueError(f'\'{yaml_name_or_path}\' is not supported by \'{local_model_type}_{local_model_name}\', '
f'please select from {local_model_list[local_model_name]}')
return False
[docs] @classmethod
def from_pretrained(cls, yaml_name_or_path, **kwargs):
From pretrain method, which instantiates a processor by YAML, directory or model_id from modelers.cn.
The API is experimental and may have some slight breaking changes in the next releases.
yaml_name_or_path (str): YAML file path, a folder containing JSON file,
or a model_id from modelers.cn. The last three are experimental features.
kwargs (Dict[str, Any], optional): The values in kwargs of any keys which are configuration
attributes will be used to override the loaded values.
A processor which inherited from ProcessorMixin.
pretrained_model_name_or_path = kwargs.pop("pretrained_model_name_or_path", None)
if pretrained_model_name_or_path is not None:
yaml_name_or_path = pretrained_model_name_or_path
if is_experimental_mode(yaml_name_or_path):
processor = cls.from_pretrained_experimental(yaml_name_or_path, **kwargs)
processor = cls.from_pretrained_origin(yaml_name_or_path, **kwargs)
return processor
def from_pretrained_origin(cls, yaml_name_or_path, **kwargs):
From pretrain method, which instantiated a processor by yaml name or path.
yaml_name_or_path (str): A supported yaml name or a path to .yaml file,
the supported model name could be selected from .show_support_list().
If yaml_name_or_path is model name, it supports model names beginning with mindspore or
the model name itself, such as "mindspore/vit_base_p16" or "vit_base_p16".
pretrained_model_name_or_path (Optional[str]): Equal to "yaml_name_or_path",
if "pretrained_model_name_or_path" is set, "yaml_name_or_path" is useless.
A processor which inherited from ProcessorMixin.
pretrained_model_name_or_path = kwargs.pop("pretrained_model_name_or_path", None)
if pretrained_model_name_or_path is not None:
yaml_name_or_path = pretrained_model_name_or_path
if not isinstance(yaml_name_or_path, str):
raise TypeError(f"yaml_name_or_path should be a str,"
f" but got {type(yaml_name_or_path)}")
is_exist = os.path.exists(yaml_name_or_path)
model_name = yaml_name_or_path.split('/')[cls._model_name].split("_")[cls._model_type] \
if yaml_name_or_path.startswith('mindspore') else yaml_name_or_path.split("_")[cls._model_type]
if not is_exist and model_name not in cls._support_list.keys():
raise ValueError(f'{yaml_name_or_path} does not exist,'
f' and it is not supported by {cls.__name__}. '
f'please select from {cls._support_list}.')
if is_exist:
logger.info("config in %s is used for auto processor"
" building.", yaml_name_or_path)
if os.path.isdir(yaml_name_or_path):
yaml_list = [file for file in os.listdir(yaml_name_or_path) if file.endswith(".yaml")]
yaml_name = os.path.join(yaml_name_or_path, yaml_list[cls._model_type])
config_args = MindFormerConfig(yaml_name)
config_args = MindFormerConfig(yaml_name_or_path)
yaml_name = yaml_name_or_path
if not cls.invalid_yaml_name(yaml_name_or_path):
if yaml_name_or_path.startswith('mindspore'):
# Adaptation the name of yaml at the beginning of mindspore,
# the relevant file will be downloaded from the Xihe platform.
# such as "mindspore/vit_base_p16"
yaml_name = yaml_name_or_path.split('/')[cls._model_name]
checkpoint_path = os.path.join(MindFormerBook.get_xihe_checkpoint_download_folder(),
# Default the name of yaml,
# the relevant file will be downloaded from the Obs platform.
# such as "vit_base_p16"
checkpoint_path = os.path.join(MindFormerBook.get_default_checkpoint_download_folder(),
raise ValueError(f'{yaml_name_or_path} does not exist,'
f' or it is not supported by {cls.__name__}.'
f' please select from {cls._support_list}.')
if not os.path.exists(checkpoint_path):
os.makedirs(checkpoint_path, exist_ok=True)
yaml_file = os.path.join(checkpoint_path, yaml_name + ".yaml")
def get_default_yaml_file(model_name):
default_yaml_file = ""
for model_dict in MindFormerBook.get_trainer_support_task_list().values():
if model_name in model_dict:
default_yaml_file = model_dict.get(model_name)
return default_yaml_file
if not os.path.exists(yaml_file):
default_yaml_file = get_default_yaml_file(yaml_name)
if os.path.realpath(default_yaml_file) and os.path.exists(default_yaml_file):
shutil.copy(default_yaml_file, yaml_file)
logger.info("default yaml config in %s is used.", yaml_file)
raise FileNotFoundError(f'default yaml file path must be correct, but get {default_yaml_file}')
config_args = MindFormerConfig(yaml_file)
lib_path = yaml_name_or_path
if not os.path.isdir(lib_path):
lib_path = None
processor = build_processor(config_args.processor, lib_path=lib_path)
logger.info("processor built successfully!")
return processor
def from_pretrained_experimental(cls, pretrained_model_name_or_path, **kwargs):
"""Experimental features."""
config = kwargs.pop("config", None)
trust_remote_code = kwargs.pop("trust_remote_code", None)
kwargs["_from_auto"] = True
processor_class = None
processor_auto_map = None
# First, let's see if we have a preprocessor config.
# Filter the kwargs for `get_file_from_repo`.
get_file_from_repo_kwargs = {
key: kwargs.get(key) for key in inspect.signature(get_file_from_repo).parameters.keys() if key in kwargs
# Let's start by checking whether the processor class is saved in an processor config
processor_config_file = get_file_from_repo(
pretrained_model_name_or_path, PROCESSOR_NAME, **get_file_from_repo_kwargs
if processor_config_file is not None:
config_dict, _ = ProcessorMixin.get_processor_dict(pretrained_model_name_or_path, **kwargs)
processor_class = config_dict.get("processor_class", None)
if "AutoProcessor" in config_dict.get("auto_map", {}):
processor_auto_map = config_dict.get("auto_map").get("AutoProcessor")
if processor_class is None:
preprocessor_config_file = get_file_from_repo(
pretrained_model_name_or_path, FEATURE_EXTRACTOR_NAME, **get_file_from_repo_kwargs
if preprocessor_config_file is not None:
config_dict, _ = ImageProcessingMixin.get_image_processor_dict(pretrained_model_name_or_path, **kwargs)
processor_class = config_dict.get("processor_class", None)
if "AutoProcessor" in config_dict.get("auto_map", {}):
processor_auto_map = config_dict.get("auto_map").get("AutoProcessor")
if processor_class is None:
# Next, let's check whether the processor class is saved in a tokenizer
tokenizer_config_file = get_file_from_repo(
pretrained_model_name_or_path, TOKENIZER_CONFIG_FILE, **get_file_from_repo_kwargs
if tokenizer_config_file is not None:
with open(tokenizer_config_file, encoding="utf-8") as reader:
config_dict = json.load(reader)
processor_class = config_dict.get("processor_class", None)
if "AutoProcessor" in config_dict.get("auto_map", {}):
processor_auto_map = config_dict.get("auto_map").get("AutoProcessor")
if processor_class is None:
# Otherwise, load config, if it can be loaded.
if not isinstance(config, PretrainedConfig):
config = AutoConfig.from_pretrained(
pretrained_model_name_or_path, trust_remote_code=trust_remote_code, **kwargs
if isinstance(config, tuple):
config = config[0]
# And check if the config contains the processor class.
processor_class = getattr(config, "processor_class", None)
if hasattr(config, "auto_map") and "AutoProcessor" in config.auto_map:
processor_auto_map = config.auto_map["AutoProcessor"]
if processor_class is not None:
processor_class = processor_class_from_name(processor_class)
has_remote_code = processor_auto_map is not None
has_local_code = processor_class is not None or type(config) in PROCESSOR_MAPPING # pylint: disable=C0123
trust_remote_code = resolve_trust_remote_code(
trust_remote_code, pretrained_model_name_or_path, has_local_code, has_remote_code
if has_remote_code and trust_remote_code: # pylint: disable=R1705
processor_class = get_class_from_dynamic_module(
processor_auto_map, pretrained_model_name_or_path, **kwargs
_ = kwargs.pop("code_revision", None) # pylint: disable=C0303
if os.path.isdir(pretrained_model_name_or_path):
return processor_class.from_pretrained(
pretrained_model_name_or_path, trust_remote_code=trust_remote_code, **kwargs
elif processor_class is not None:
return processor_class.from_pretrained(
pretrained_model_name_or_path, trust_remote_code=trust_remote_code, **kwargs
# Last try: we use the PROCESSOR_MAPPING.
elif type(config) in PROCESSOR_MAPPING: # pylint: disable=C0123
return PROCESSOR_MAPPING[type(config)].from_pretrained(pretrained_model_name_or_path, **kwargs)
# At this stage, there doesn't seem to be a `Processor` class available for this model, so let's try a
# tokenizer.
return AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained(
pretrained_model_name_or_path, trust_remote_code=trust_remote_code, **kwargs
except Exception: # pylint: disable=W0703
return AutoImageProcessor.from_pretrained(
pretrained_model_name_or_path, trust_remote_code=trust_remote_code, **kwargs
except Exception: # pylint: disable=W0703
raise ValueError(
f"Unrecognized processing class in {pretrained_model_name_or_path}. Can't instantiate a processor, a "
"tokenizer, an image processor for this model. Make sure the repository contains "
"the files of at least one of those processing classes."
[docs] @staticmethod
def register(config_class, processor_class, exist_ok=False):
Register a new processor for this class.
The API is experimental and may have some slight breaking changes in the next releases.
config_class (PretrainedConfig): The model config class.
processor_class (ProcessorMixin): The processor class.
exist_ok (bool, optional): If set to True, no error will be raised even if config_class already exists.
Default: ``False``.
PROCESSOR_MAPPING.register(config_class, processor_class, exist_ok=exist_ok)
def show_support_list(cls):
"""show support list method"""
logger.info("support list of %s is:", cls.__name__)
def get_support_list(cls):
"""get support list method"""
return cls._support_list