Distributed Weight Slicing and Merging

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In a current distributed training and inference environment, if a pre-trained weight does not match a distributed strategy, the pre-trained weight needs to be converted to adapt to the corresponding distributed strategy. MindFormers provides a set of weight conversion tools to meet the requirements in different scenarios. This tool can be used to slice a single-device weight into multi-device weights, convert between multi-device weights, and merge multi-device weights into a single-device weight. You can select Automatic Conversion or Offline Conversion as required so that a model can quickly switch between different distributed scenarios.

In addition, MindFormers supports LoRA Weight Merging to facilitate the deployment of models fine-tuned using LoRA.

Automatic Conversion

When a model loads a weight, it automatically checks whether the weight is matching the distributed slicing strategy of the current model. If they do not match, the weight is automatically converted.


Parameters in the yaml file related to automatic weight conversion are described as follows:




Absolute path or folder path of the pre-loaded weights.
- For a complete set of weights, set this parameter to an absolute path.
- For a distributed weight, set this parameter to the folder path. The distributed weight must be stored in the model_dir/rank_x/xxx.ckpt format. The folder path is model_dir.
If there are multiple CKPT files in the rank_x folder, the last CKPT file in the file name sequence is used for conversion by default.


Path of the distributed strategy file corresponding to the pre-loaded weights.
- If the pre-loaded weights are a complete set of weights, leave this parameter blank.
- If the pre-loaded weights are distributed and pipeline parallelism is used when the pre-loaded weights are saved, set this parameter to the merged strategy file path or distributed strategy folder path.
- If the pre-loaded weights are distributed and pipeline parallelism is not used when the pre-load weights are saved, set this parameter to any ckpt_strategy_rank_x.ckpt path.


Specifies whether to enable automatic weight conversion. The value True indicates that it is enabled. The default value is False.


Number of processes used for automatic weight conversion. The default value is 1.
- If transform_process_num is set to 1, only rank_0 is used for weight conversion. Other processes wait until the conversion ends.
- If transform_process_num is larger than 1, multiple processes conduct conversion. For example, for an 8-device task, if transform_process_num is set to 2, rank_0 is used for converting the weights of slices rank_0, rank_1, rank_2, and rank_3, and rank_4 is used for converting the weights of slices rank_4, rank_5, rank_6, and rank_7, and other processes wait until rank_0 and rank_4 complete the conversion.
1. A larger value of transform_process_num indicates a shorter conversion time and a larger host memory occupied by the conversion. If the host memory is insufficient, decrease the value of transform_process_num.
2. The value of transform_process_num must be a number that can be exactly divided by and cannot exceed that of NPUs.


Specifies whether to use the mindspore.transform_checkpoint_by_rank API for weight conversion.
- If transform_process_num is larger than 1, the value is automatically set to True.
- If transform_process_num is set to 1, if the target weight is a distributed weight, the mindspore.transform_checkpoint_by_rank API is cyclically called to convert the weight of each rank slice in serial mode.
- If transform_process_num is set to 1, if the target weight is a complete weight, the value is automatically set to False, and the mindspore.transform_checkpoints API is called for weight conversion.

YAML Configurations in Different Scenarios

Slicing a Single-Device Weight into Multi-Device Weights

# load_checkpoint: specifies path of the pre-trained weight file.
load_checkpoint: "/worker/llama3_8b/llama3_8b.ckpt"

# auto_trans_ckpt: specifies whether to enable automatic conversion.
auto_trans_ckpt: True

Conversion Between Multi-Device Weights

# load_checkpoint: specifies the path of the multi-device weight folder.
load_checkpoint: "/worker/checkpoint/llama3-8b-2layer-dp2mp2pp2"

# src_strategy_path_or_dir: specifies the path of the distributed strategy file.
src_strategy_path_or_dir: "/worker/checkpoint/llama3-8b-2layer-dp2mp2pp2/strategy/merged_ckpt_strategy.ckpt"

# auto_trans_ckpt: specifies whether to enable automatic conversion.
auto_trans_ckpt: True

Merging Multi-Device Weights into a Single-Device Weight

# load_checkpoint: specifies the path of the multi-device weight folder.
load_checkpoint: "/worker/checkpoint/llama3-8b-2layer-dp1mp2pp2"

# src_strategy_path_or_dir: specifies the path of the distributed strategy file.
src_strategy_path_or_dir: "/worker/checkpoint/llama3-8b-2layer-dp1mp2pp2/strategy/merged_ckpt_strategy.ckpt"

# auto_trans_ckpt: specifies whether to enable automatic conversion.
auto_trans_ckpt: True

# use_parallel: Set it to False.
use_parallel: False

Enabling Multi-Process Conversion (Optional)

# transform_process_num: specifies the number of processes involved in the conversion.
transform_process_num: 2


  • Multi-process conversion: Set the transform_process_num parameter to enable multi-process conversion. Pay attention to the memory usage. If a memory overflow occurs, you are advised to reduce the number of processes.

  • Automatic weight conversion: After this function is enabled, the system deletes the old strategy and transformed_checkpoint folders from the output directory and saves the output of the current task. After the conversion task is complete, you are advised to move the strategy and transformed_checkpoint folders to a user-defined directory to prevent them from being deleted by mistake in subsequent operations.

  • Distributed strategy file saving: The distributed strategy file is saved in the output/strategy folder. If pipeline parallelism is enabled, the system automatically merges all ckpt_strategy_rank_x.ckpt files into a merged_ckpt_strategy.ckpt file. If pipeline parallelism is not enabled, the MERGE operation is not performed.

Offline Conversion

The offline conversion function is designed to meet your requirements for manually converting weights. With offline conversion, you can convert model weights in an independent environment. Offline conversion supports multiple weight conversion scenarios, including slicing a single-device weight into multi-device weights, converting between multi-device weights, and merging multi-device weights into a single-device weight.

When using offline conversion, you can manually configure conversion parameters as required to ensure that the conversion process is flexible and controllable. This function is especially suitable for model deployment and optimization in a strictly controlled computing environment.


Parameters in the yaml file related to offline weight conversion are described as follows:




Absolute path or folder path of the source weight.
- For a complete set of weights, set this parameter to an absolute path.
- For distributed weights, set this parameter to the folder path. The distributed weights must be stored in the model_dir/rank_x/xxx.ckpt format. The folder path is model_dir.
If there are multiple CKPT files in the rank_x folder, the last CKPT file in the file name sequence is used for conversion by default.


Path of the distributed strategy file corresponding to the source weight.
- For a complete set of weights, leave it blank.
- For distributed weights, if pipeline parallelism is used, set this parameter to the merged strategy file path or distributed strategy folder path.
- For distributed weights, if pipeline parallelism is not used, set this parameter to any ckpt_strategy_rank_x.ckpt path.


Path of the folder that stores the target weight.


Path of the distributed strategy file corresponding to the target weight.
- For a complete set of weights, leave it blank.
- For distributed weights, if pipeline parallelism is used, set this parameter to the merged strategy file path or distributed strategy folder path.
- For distributed weights, if pipeline parallelism is not used, set this parameter to any ckpt_strategy_rank_x.ckpt path.


Prefix name of the saved target weight. The weight is saved as {prefix}rank_x.ckpt. The default value is checkpoint_.


Total number of slices of the target weight. Generally, the value is dp * mp * pp.


Number of processes used for offline weight conversion. The default value is 1.
- If process_num is set to 1, a single process is used for conversion.
- If process_num is larger than 1, multi-process conversion is used. For example, if the target weight for conversion is the distributed weight of eight GPUs and process_num is set to 2, two processes are started to convert the weights of slices rank_0, rank_1, rank_2, and rank_3 and slices rank_4, rank_5, rank_6, and rank_7, respectively.

Offline Conversion Configuration

Generating Distributed strategy

MindSpore generates a distributed strategy file (ckpt format) corresponding to the number of cards in the output/strategy folder after running a distributed task, which can be used in offline weight conversion.

If there is currently no distributed strategy file, it can be quickly generated by setting only_save_strategy:True in the yaml configuration file on the basis of the original distributed training/inference task. After setting, the task will stop immediately after generating the distributed strategy file, without actually executing training or inference.

Single-Process Conversion

Use mindformers/tools/ckpt_transform/transform_checkpoint.py to perform single-process conversion on the loaded weight.

Run the command.

python transform_checkpoint.py \
  --src_checkpoint /worker/checkpoint/llama3-8b-2layer/rank_0/llama3_8b.ckpt \
  --dst_checkpoint /worker/transform_ckpt/llama3_8b_1to8/ \
  --dst_strategy /worker/mindformers/output/strategy/

Multi-Process Conversion

Use mindformers/tools/ckpt_transform/transform_checkpoint.sh to perform multi-process conversion on the loaded weight.

Run the command.

bash transform_checkpoint.sh \
  /worker/checkpoint/llam3-8b-2layer/rank_0/llama3_8b.ckpt \
  None \
  /worker/transform_ckpt/llama3_8b_1to8/ \
  /worker/mindformers/output/strategy/ \
  8 2


  • When the transform_checkpoint.sh script is used, 8 indicates the number of target devices, and 2 indicates that two processes are used for conversion.

Special Scenarios

Multi-Node Multi-Device Training on Physical Machines

Training a large-scale model usually needs a cluster of servers. In the multi-node multi-device scenario, if there is a shared disk between servers, the automatic conversion function can be used. Otherwise, only offline conversion can be used. The following example is a training that uses two servers and 16 GPUs.

Scenario 1: A shared disk exists between servers.

If there is a shared disk between servers, you can use MindFormers to automatically convert a weight before multi-node multi-device training. Assume that /data is the shared disk between the servers and the MindFormers project code is stored in the /data/mindformers directory.

  • Single-process conversion

    In single-process conversion mode, you only need to set the path of the pre-trained weight in the configuration file and enable automatic weight conversion.

    Configure the parameter.

    # Set the path of the pre-trained weight file to an absolute path.
    load_checkpoint: "/worker/checkpoint/llama3-8b/rank_0/llama3_8b.ckpt"
    # Set auto_trans_ckpt to True to enable automatic weight conversion.
    auto_trans_ckpt: True
    # Set the dataset path.
    train_dataset: &train_dataset
        type: MindDataset
        dataset_dir: "/worker/dataset/wiki103/"
        shuffle: True
    # Configure the 16-device distributed strategy (for reference only).
      data_parallel: 2
      model_parallel: 4
      pipeline_stage: 2
      micro_batch_num: 2
      vocab_emb_dp: True
      gradient_aggregation_group: 4
      micro_batch_interleave_num: 1
  • Multi-process conversion (optional)

    To accelerate weight conversion, you can choose the multi-process conversion mode by setting the transform_process_num parameter.

    Configure the parameter.

    # Use two processes for conversion.
    transform_process_num: 2

    Start a task.

    Use mindformers/scripts/msrun_launcher.sh to start the task.

    # First server (main node)
    bash scripts/msrun_launcher.sh "run_mindformer.py \
      --config {CONFIG_PATH} \
      --run_mode train" \
      16 8 ${ip} ${port} 0 output/msrun_log False 300
    # Second server (subnode)
    bash scripts/msrun_launcher.sh "run_mindformer.py \
      --config {CONFIG_PATH} \
      --run_mode train" \
      16 8 ${ip} ${port} 1 output/msrun_log False 300

Scenario 2: No shared disk exists between servers.

If there is no shared disk between servers, you need to use the offline weight conversion tool to convert the weight. The following steps describe how to perform offline weight conversion and start a multi-node multi-device training task.

  • Obtain the distributed policy file.

    Before offline weight conversion, you need to obtain the distributed strategy file of each node.

    Configure the parameter.

    # Set **only_save_strategy** to **True** to obtain the distributed strategy file.
    only_save_strategy: True
    # Set the dataset path.
    train_dataset: &train_dataset
        type: MindDataset
        dataset_dir: "/worker/dataset/wikitext_2048/"
        shuffle: True
    # Configure the 16-device distributed strategy (for reference only).
      data_parallel: 2
      model_parallel: 4
      pipeline_stage: 2
      micro_batch_num: 2
      vocab_emb_dp: True
      gradient_aggregation_group: 4
      micro_batch_interleave_num: 1

    The strategy file of each node is stored in the corresponding output/strategy directory. For example, node 0 stores the ckpt_strategy_rank_0-7.ckpt file, and node 1 stores the ckpt_strategy_rank_8-15.ckpt file. Then, you need to integrate the strategy files of all nodes on the same server to facilitate subsequent operations.

  • Offline weight conversion

    On the server where all strategy files are stored, use mindformers/tools/ckpt_transform/transform_checkpoint.py to perform offline weight conversion.

    Single-process conversion

    python mindformers/tools/ckpt_transform/transform_checkpoint.py \
      --src_checkpoint /worker/checkpoint/llama3-8b/rank_0/llama_7b.ckpt \
      --dst_checkpoint ./output/llama3_8b_dp2mp4pp2 \
      --dst_strategy ./output/strategy

    Multi-process conversion (optional)

    # Use two processes for conversion.
    bash mindformers/tools/ckpt_transform/transform_checkpoint.sh \
      /worker/checkpoint/llama3-8b/rank_0/llama_7b.ckpt \
      None \
      ./output/llama3_8b_dp2mp4pp2 \
      ./output/strategy \
      16 2
  • Copy the weights to other nodes.

    Copy the distributed weights that have been converted to respective nodes. Node 0 requires only the weights of slices from rank_0 to rank_7, and node 1 requires only the weights of slices from rank_8 to rank_15.

  • Set the parameter.

    # Set the pre-trained weight path to model_dir, the distributed weight folder path.
    load_checkpoint: "/worker/checkpoint/llama3_8b_dp2mp4pp2"
    # Change only_save_strategy to False.
    only_save_strategy: False

ModelArts training

Training in ModelArts is similar to multi-node multi-device training on physical machines. Automatic weight conversion can also be enabled. You can set auto_trans_ckpt=True in the hyperparameters of a training task to enable automatic weight conversion and set transform_process_num > 1 to enable multi-process conversion.

Note: If the number of NPUs on the server node in the ModelArts resource pool is not 8, you need to set npu_num_per_node = the number of NPUs on the node. For example, if each node is configured with 16 NPUs, npu_num_per_node=16 should be set.

LoRA Weight Merging


The basic principle of low-rank adaptation (LoRA) is to parameterize the original model with low-rank weights. The core process of merging LoRA weights is to calculate the parameters of the LoRA branches and add them to the corresponding model parameters, which makes the parameter list of the final weight file the same as that of the original model and excludes additional LoRA parameters. This operation does not affect the inference result. Therefore, the model after merging still has the same performance as the original model during inference. For details about the principles and implementation of LoRA, see the following resources:


Use the LoRA weight merging script provided by MindFormers to merge LoRA weights as follows:

python mindformers/tools/transform_ckpt_lora.py \
  --src_ckpt_strategy src_strategy_path_or_dir \
  --src_ckpt_path_or_dir src_ckpt_path_or_dir \
  --dst_ckpt_dir dst_ckpt_dir \
  --prefix "checkpoint_" \
  --lora_scaling lora_alpha/lora_rank


  • src_ckpt_strategy: specifies the path of the distributed strategy file corresponding to the source weight. The file is stored in the output/strategy/ directory by default after the training task is started. If the source is a complete set of weights, you do not need to set this parameter. If the source contains distributed weights, set this parameter based on the following conditions:

    • Pipeline parallelism enabled for the source weights: Weight conversion is based on the merging strategy file. Set the parameter to the path of the distributed strategy folder. The script automatically merges all ckpt_strategy_rank_x.ckpt files in the folder into merged_ckpt_strategy.ckpt in the folder. If merged_ckpt_strategy.ckpt already exists, set the parameter to the path of the file.

    • Pipeline parallelism not enabled for the source weights: Weight conversion can be based on any strategy file. Set the parameter to the path of any ckpt_strategy_rank_x.ckpt file.

    Note: If a merged_ckpt_strategy.ckpt already exists in the strategy folder and is still transferred to the folder path, the script deletes the old merged_ckpt_strategy.ckpt and then merges files into a new merged_ckpt_strategy.ckpt for weight conversion. Therefore, ensure that the folder has enough write permission. Otherwise, an error will be reported.

  • src_ckpt_path_or_dir: specifies the path of the source weight. For distributed weights, set the parameter to the path of the folder where the source weights are located. The source weights must be stored in the model_dir/rank_x/xxx.ckpt format, and the folder path must be set to model_dir. If the source is a complete set of weights, set the parameter to an absolute path.

  • dst_ckpt_dir: specifies the path for storing the target weight, which must be a user-defined path of an empty folder. The target weight is saved in the model_dir/rank_x/xxx.ckpt format.

  • prefix: name prefix of the target weight file. The default value is "checkpoint_", indicating that the target weight is saved in the model_dir/rank_x/checkpoint_x.ckpt format.

  • lora_scaling: combination coefficient of the LoRA weight. The default value is lora_alpha/lora_rank. The two parameters are used for LoRA model configuration and need to be calculated.


Scenario 1: There is a complete set of weights for LoRA parameters.

If the weight file before merging is a complete one, you can set the parameters as follows (directly enter the path of the complete set of weights):

python mindformers/tools/transform_ckpt_lora.py \
  --src_ckpt_path_or_dir .../xxx/xxx.ckpt \
  --dst_ckpt_dir dst_ckpt_dir \
  --prefix "checkpoint_" \
  --lora_scaling lora_alpha/lora_rank

Scenario 2: There are distributed weights for LoRA parameters.

If the weight file before merging contains distributed weights, you can set the parameters as follows (enter the path of the distributed weight folder and the path of the distributed strategy folder). The obtained weights are automatically merged into a complete weight file.

python mindformers/tools/transform_ckpt_lora.py \
  --src_ckpt_strategy .../xxx/mindformers/output/strategy/ \
  --src_ckpt_path_or_dir .../xxx/model_dir \
  --dst_ckpt_dir dst_ckpt_dir \
  --prefix "checkpoint_" \
  --lora_scaling lora_alpha/lora_rank

Safetensors Weight Merging


Use the safetensors weight merging script provided by MindFormers to perform safetensors weight merging.

python mindformers/tools/convert_reversed.py \
  --src_strategy_dirs src_strategy_path_or_dir \
  --mindspore_ckpt_dir mindspore_ckpt_dir\
  --tmp_dir tmp_dir \
  --file_suffix "1_1" \
  --has_redundancy has_redundancy


  • src_strategy_dirs: specifies the path of the distributed strategy file corresponding to the source weight. The file is stored in the output/strategy/ directory by default after the training task is started. Set the distributed weight based on the following conditions:

    • Pipeline parallelism enabled for the source weights: Weight conversion is based on the merging strategy file. Set the parameter to the path of the distributed strategy folder. The script automatically merges all ckpt_strategy_rank_x.ckpt files in the folder into merged_ckpt_strategy.ckpt in the folder. If merged_ckpt_strategy.ckpt already exists, set the parameter to the path of the file.

    • Pipeline parallelism not enabled for the source weights: Weight conversion can be based on any strategy file. Set the parameter to the path of any ckpt_strategy_rank_x.ckpt file.

    Note: If a merged_ckpt_strategy.ckpt already exists in the strategy folder and is still transferred to the folder path, the script deletes the old merged_ckpt_strategy.ckpt and then merges files into a new merged_ckpt_strategy.ckpt for weight conversion. Therefore, ensure that the folder has enough write permission. Otherwise, an error will be reported.

  • mindspore_ckpt_dir: The path of distributed weight, please fill in the path of the folder where the source weight is located, the source weights should be stored as model_dir/rank_x/xxx.safetensors, and fill in the folder path as model_dir.

  • tmp_dir: Path for saving target weights, default value is "/new_llm_data/******/ckpt/nbg3_31b/tmp", target weights will be saved in /new_llm_data/******/ckpt/nbg3_31b/tmp.

  • file_suffix: Naming suffix of target weight file, default value is "1_1", The target weight will be searched in the format of *1_1.safetensors.

  • has_redundancy: Is the merged weights which remove redundancy, default value is True.


Scenario 1: Safetensors weights removed redundancy

If merging the safetensors weights which have removed redundancy, you can set the parameters as follows:

python mindformers/tools/convert_reversed.py \
  --src_strategy_dirs src_strategy_path_or_dir \
  --mindspore_ckpt_dir mindspore_ckpt_dir\
  --tmp_dir tmp_dir \
  --file_suffix "1_1" \
  --has_redundancy True

Scenario 2: Safetensors weights did not remove redundancy

If merging the safetensors weights which did not remove redundancy, you can set the parameters as follows:

python mindformers/tools/convert_reversed.py \
  --src_strategy_dirs src_strategy_path_or_dir \
  --mindspore_ckpt_dir mindspore_ckpt_dir\
  --tmp_dir tmp_dir \
  --file_suffix "1_1" \
  --has_redundancy False