Source code for mindspore.ops.functional

# This is the Python adaptation and derivative work of Myia (
# Copyright 2021-2022 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
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# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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# ============================================================================

"""The names of functional part are summarized here."""
import numpy as np

from mindspore.common._register_for_tensor import tensor_operator_registry
from mindspore.common import ms_function
from mindspore.common import Tensor
from mindspore.common import dtype as mstype
from mindspore.common._decorator import deprecated
from mindspore._checkparam import Validator as validator
from mindspore._checkparam import Rel
from mindspore.nn.grad.cell_grad import _JvpInner
from mindspore.nn.grad.cell_grad import _VjpInner
from mindspore.ops import _constants
from mindspore.ops.function import *
from mindspore.ops.primitive import constexpr, Primitive
from mindspore.ops.composite import _Grad, Shard, _Vmap, _TaylorOperation
from . import operations as P
from .operations import _grad_ops
from .operations import _csr_ops
from .operations.array_ops import UniqueConsecutive
from .operations.nn_ops import AdaptiveMaxPool2D
from .._c_expression import security

typeof = Primitive('typeof')
hastype = Primitive('hastype')
cast = P.Cast()
dtype = P.DType()
isconstant = Primitive('is_constant')

issubclass_ = P.IsSubClass()
isinstance_ = P.IsInstance()

merge = P.Merge()
geswitch = P.GeSwitch()
strided_slice = P.StridedSlice()
check_bprop = P.CheckBprop()
square = P.Square()
sqrt = P.Sqrt()
reduce_sum = P.ReduceSum()
reduce_max = P.ReduceMax()
reduce_min = P.ReduceMin()
reduce_mean = P.ReduceMean()
reduce_prod = P.ReduceProd()
sort = P.Sort()
tensor_range = P.Range()
if not security.enable_security():
    print_ = P.Print()
tensor_scatter_update = P.TensorScatterUpdate()
scatter_nd_update = P.ScatterNdUpdate()

def csr_mul(x, y):
    Returns x * y where x is CSRTensor and y is Tensor.

        This function returns the results of dense Tensor, represents the non-zero
        values of the CSRTensor. If user expects a CSRTensor as output, please directly
        use `*` operator instead. Only support dense tensor broadcast to sparse tensor
        at the moment.

        x (CSRTensor): Sparse CSR Tensor.
        y (Tensor): Dense Tensor, its shape must be able to broadcast to x.

        Dense Tensor, represents the non-zero values of the result.

    Supported Platforms:
        ``GPU`` ``CPU``
    return _csr_ops.CSRMul()(x.indptr, x.indices, x.values, x.shape, y)

def csr_div(x, y):
    Returns x / y where x is CSRTensor and y is Tensor.

        This function returns the results of dense Tensor, represents the non-zero
        values of the CSRTensor. If user expects a CSRTensor as output, please directly
        use `/` operator instead. Only support dense tensor broadcast to sparse tensor
        at the moment.

        x (CSRTensor): Sparse CSR Tensor.
        y (Tensor): Dense Tensor, its shape must be able to broadcast to x.

        Dense Tensor, represents the non-zero values of the result.

    Supported Platforms:
        ``GPU`` ``CPU``
    return _csr_ops.CSRDiv()(x.indptr, x.indices, x.values, x.shape, y)

def csr_mv(csr_tensor, dense):
    Sparse matrix-vector multiplication.

        csr_tensor (CSRTensor): Sparse CSR Tensor.
        dense (Tensor): Dense Tensor.

        Dense Tensor, represents the non-zero values of the result.

    Supported Platforms:
        ``GPU`` ``CPU``
    return _csr_ops.CSRMV()(csr_tensor.indptr, csr_tensor.indices, csr_tensor.values, csr_tensor.shape, dense)

def csr_reduce_sum(csr_tensor, axis):
    Reduces a dimension of a CSRTensor by summing all elements in the dimension.

        csr_tensor (CSRTensor): Sparse CSR Tensor.
        axis (int): Axis to be reduced.

        Dense Tensor, represents the non-zero values of the result.

    Supported Platforms:
        ``GPU`` ``CPU``
    return _csr_ops.CSRReduceSum()(csr_tensor.indptr, csr_tensor.indices, csr_tensor.values, csr_tensor.shape, axis)

csr_gather = _csr_ops.CSRGather()
csr2coo = _csr_ops.CSR2COO()
coo2csr = _csr_ops.COO2CSR()

def pack(x):
    """Call stack in this pack function."""
    print("WARNING: 'pack' is deprecated from version 1.1 and will be removed in a future version, use 'stack' instead"
    return stack(x)

partial = P.Partial()
# depend: mount a node to another node
depend = P.Depend()
identity = P.identity()

def _convert_grad_position_type(grad_position):
    """Check and convert the type and size of grad position index."""
    if isinstance(grad_position, tuple):
        for gp in grad_position:
            if not isinstance(gp, int):
                raise TypeError(f"For 'F.grad', the element in 'grad_position' must be int.")
            if gp < 0:
                raise ValueError("The element in grad_position must be >= 0.")
    elif isinstance(grad_position, int):
        if grad_position < 0:
            raise ValueError("grad_position must be >= 0.")
        grad_position = (grad_position,)
        raise TypeError(f"For 'F.grad', the 'grad_position' must be int or tuple.")
    return grad_position

_grad_weight_position = _Grad(get_by_list=True, get_by_position=True)
_grad_position = _Grad(get_by_list=False, get_by_position=True)
_grad_weight = _Grad(get_by_list=True, get_by_position=False)

[文档]def grad(fn, grad_position=0, weights=None, has_aux=False): """ A wrapper function to generate the gradient function for the input function. As for gradient, three typical cases are included: 1. gradient with respect to inputs. In this case, `grad_position` is not None while `weights` is None. 2. gradient with respect to weights. In this case, `grad_position` is None while `weights` is not None. 3. gradient with respect to inputs and weights. In this case, `grad_position` and `weights` are not None. Args: fn (Union(Cell, function)): Function to do GradOperation. grad_position (Union(NoneType, int, tuple[int])): If int, get the gradient with respect to single input. If tuple, get the gradients with respect to selected inputs. 'grad_position' begins with 0. If None, none derivative of any input will be figured out, and in this case, `weights` is required. Default: 0. weights (Union(ParameterTuple, Parameter, list(Parameter))): The parameters of the training network that need to calculate the gradient. `weights` can be got through `weights = net.trainable_params()`. Default: None. has_aux (bool): If True, only the first output of `fn` contributes the gradient of `fn`, while the other outputs will be returned straightly. It means the `fn` must return more than one outputs in this case. Specially, this is an experimental feature and is subjected to change. Default: False. Returns: Function, the gradient function to calculate gradient for the input function or cell. For example, as for `out1, out2 = fn(*args)`, gradient function will return outputs like (gradient, out2) when has_aux is set True, otherwise gradient. Raises: ValueError: If both `grad_position` and `weights` are None. TypeError: If type of Args does not belong to required ones. Supported Platforms: ``Ascend`` ``GPU`` ``CPU`` Examples: >>> import numpy as np >>> import mindspore >>> import mindspore.nn as nn >>> from mindspore import Tensor, ops >>> from mindspore.ops import grad >>> >>> # Cell object to be differentiated >>> class Net(nn.Cell): ... def construct(self, x, y, z): ... return x * y * z >>> x = Tensor([1, 2], mindspore.float32) >>> y = Tensor([-2, 3], mindspore.float32) >>> z = Tensor([0, 3], mindspore.float32) >>> net = Net() >>> output = grad(net, grad_position=(1, 2))(x, y, z) >>> print(output) (Tensor(shape=[2], dtype=Float32, value=[ 0.00000000e+00, 6.00000000e+00]), Tensor(shape=[2], dtype=Float32, value=[-2.00000000e+00, 6.00000000e+00])) >>> >>> # Function object to be differentiated >>> def fn(x, y, z): ... res = x * ops.exp(y) * ops.pow(z, 2) ... return res, z >>> x = Tensor([3, 3], mindspore.float32) >>> y = Tensor([0, 0], mindspore.float32) >>> z = Tensor([5, 5], mindspore.float32) >>> gradient, aux = grad(fn, (1, 2), None, True)(x, y, z) >>> print(gradient) (Tensor(shape=[2], dtype=Float32, value= [ 7.50000000e+01, 7.50000000e+01]), Tensor(shape=[2], dtype=Float32, value= [ 3.00000000e+01, 3.00000000e+01])) >>> print(aux) (Tensor(shape=[2], dtype=Float32, value= [ 5.00000000e+00, 5.00000000e+00]),) >>> >>> # For given network to be differentiated with both inputs and weights, there are 3 cases. >>> net = nn.Dense(10, 1) >>> loss_fn = nn.MSELoss() >>> def forward(inputs, labels): ... logits = net(inputs) ... loss = loss_fn(logits, labels) ... return loss, logits >>> inputs = Tensor(np.random.randn(16, 10).astype(np.float32)) >>> labels = Tensor(np.random.randn(16, 1).astype(np.float32)) >>> weights = net.trainable_params() >>> # Case 1: gradient with respect to inputs. >>> grad_fn = grad(forward, grad_position=0, weights=None, has_aux=True) >>> inputs_gradient, (aux_logits,) = grad_fn(inputs, labels) >>> print(aux_logits.shape) (16, 1) >>> >>> # Case 2: gradient with respect to weights. >>> grad_fn = grad(forward, grad_position=None, weights=weights, has_aux=True) >>> params_gradient, (aux_logits,) = grad_fn(inputs, labels) >>> print(aux_logits.shape) (16, 1) >>> print(len(weights), len(params_gradient)) 2 2 >>> >>> # Case 3: gradient with respect to inputs and weights. >>> grad_fn = grad(forward, grad_position=0, weights=weights, has_aux=False) >>> inputs_gradient, params_gradient = grad_fn(inputs, labels) >>> print(len(weights), len(params_gradient)) 2 2 """ if grad_position is None and weights is None: raise ValueError("`grad_position` and `weight` can not be None at the same time.") def aux_fn(*args): outputs = fn(*args) if not isinstance(outputs, tuple) or len(outputs) < 2: raise ValueError(" `fn` must return more than one outputs when has_aux is set True.") res = () for item in outputs[1:]: res += (stop_gradient(item),) return outputs[0], res def inner_grad_fn(*args): if grad_position is None: return _grad_weight(fn, weights)(*args) grad_position_ = _convert_grad_position_type(grad_position) if weights is None: return _grad_position(fn, None, grad_position_)(*args) return _grad_weight_position(fn, weights, grad_position_)(*args) def inner_aux_grad_fn(*args): _, aux_value = aux_fn(*args) if grad_position is None: return _grad_weight(aux_fn, weights)(*args), aux_value grad_position_ = _convert_grad_position_type(grad_position) if weights is None: return _grad_position(aux_fn, None, grad_position_)(*args), aux_value return _grad_weight_position(aux_fn, weights, grad_position_)(*args), aux_value if has_aux: return inner_aux_grad_fn return inner_grad_fn
[文档]def value_and_grad(fn, grad_position=0, weights=None, has_aux=False): """ A wrapper function to generate the function to calculate forward output and gradient for the input function. As for gradient, three typical cases are included: 1. gradient with respect to inputs. In this case, `grad_position` is not None while `weights` is None. 2. gradient with respect to weights. In this case, `grad_position` is None while `weights` is not None. 3. gradient with respect to inputs and weights. In this case, `grad_position` and `weights` are not None. Args: fn (Union(Cell, function)): Function to do GradOperation. grad_position (Union(NoneType, int, tuple[int])): If int, get the gradient with respect to single input. If tuple, get the gradients with respect to selected inputs. 'grad_position' begins with 0. If None, none derivative of any input will be solved, and in this case, `weights` is required. Default: 0. weights (Union(ParameterTuple, Parameter, list(Parameter))): The parameters of the training network that need to calculate the gradient. `weights` can be got through `weights = net.trainable_params()`. Default: None. has_aux (bool): If True, only the first output of `fn` contributes the gradient of `fn`, while the other outputs will be returned straightly. It means the `fn` must return more than one outputs in this case. Specially, this is an experimental feature and is subjected to change. Default: False. Returns: Function, returns the gradient function to calculate forward output and gradient for the input function or cell. For example, as for `out1, out2 = fn(*args)` , gradient function will return outputs like `((out1, out2), gradient)` . When `has_aux` is set True, only `out1` contributes to the differentiation. Raises: ValueError: If both `grad_position` and `weights` are None. TypeError: If type of Args does not belong to required ones. Supported Platforms: ``Ascend`` ``GPU`` ``CPU`` Examples: >>> import numpy as np >>> import mindspore >>> from mindspore import Tensor, ops, nn >>> from mindspore.ops import value_and_grad >>> >>> # Cell object to be differentiated >>> class Net(nn.Cell): ... def construct(self, x, y, z): ... return x * y * z >>> x = Tensor([1, 2], mindspore.float32) >>> y = Tensor([-2, 3]), mindspore.float32) >>> z = Tensor([0, 3]), mindspore.float32) >>> net = Net() >>> grad_fn = value_and_grad(net, grad_position=1) >>> output, inputs_gradient = grad_fn(x, y, z) >>> print(output) [ -0. 18.] >>> print(inputs_gradient) [0, 6.] >>> >>> # Function object to be differentiated >>> def fn(x, y, z): ... res = x * ops.exp(y) * ops.pow(z, 2) ... return res, z >>> x = Tensor(np.array([3, 3]).astype(np.float32)) >>> y = Tensor(np.array([0, 0]).astype(np.float32)) >>> z = Tensor(np.array([5, 5]).astype(np.float32)) >>> output, inputs_gradient = value_and_grad(fn, grad_position=(1, 2), weights=None, has_aux=True)(x, y, z) >>> print(output) (Tensor(shape=[2], dtype=Float32, value= [ 7.50000000e+01, 7.50000000e+01]), Tensor(shape=[2], dtype=Float32, value= [ 5.00000000e+00, 5.00000000e+00])) >>> print(inputs_gradient) (Tensor(shape=[2], dtype=Float32, value= [ 7.50000000e+01, 7.50000000e+01]), Tensor(shape=[2], dtype=Float32, value= [ 3.00000000e+01, 3.00000000e+01])) >>> >>> # For given network to be differentiated with both inputs and weights, there are 3 cases. >>> net = nn.Dense(10, 1) >>> loss_fn = nn.MSELoss() >>> def forward(inputs, labels): ... logits = net(inputs) ... loss = loss_fn(logits, labels) ... return loss, logits >>> inputs = Tensor(np.random.randn(16, 10).astype(np.float32)) >>> labels = Tensor(np.random.randn(16, 1).astype(np.float32)) >>> weights = net.trainable_params() >>> >>> # Case 1: gradient with respect to inputs. >>> grad_fn = value_and_grad(forward, grad_position=0, weights=None, has_aux=True) >>> (loss, logits), inputs_gradient = grad_fn(inputs, labels) >>> print(logits.shape) (16, 1) >>> print(inputs.shape, inputs_gradient.shape) (16, 10) (16, 10) >>> >>> # Case 2: gradient with respect to weights. >>> grad_fn = value_and_grad(forward, grad_position=None, weights=weights, has_aux=True) >>> (loss, logits), params_gradient = grad_fn(inputs, labels) >>> print(logits.shape) (16, 1) >>> print(len(weights), len(params_gradient)) 2 2 >>> >>> # Case 3: gradient with respect to inputs and weights. >>> grad_fn = value_and_grad(forward, grad_position=0, weights=weights, has_aux=False) >>> (loss, logits), (inputs_gradient, params_gradient) = grad_fn(inputs, labels) >>> print(logits.shape) (16, 1) >>> print(inputs.shape, inputs_gradient.shape) (16, 10) (16, 10) >>> print(len(weights), len(params_gradient)) 2 2 """ if grad_position is None and weights is None: raise ValueError("`grad_position` and `weight` can not be None at the same time.") def aux_fn(*args): outputs = fn(*args) if not isinstance(outputs, tuple) or len(outputs) < 2: raise ValueError(" `fn` must return more than one outputs when has_aux is set True.") res = (outputs[0],) for item in outputs[1:]: res += (stop_gradient(item),) return res def inner_grad_fn(*args): res = fn(*args) if grad_position is None: return res, _grad_weight(fn, weights)(*args) grad_position_ = _convert_grad_position_type(grad_position) if weights is None: return res, _grad_position(fn, None, grad_position_)(*args) return res, _grad_weight_position(fn, weights, grad_position_)(*args) def inner_aux_grad_fn(*args): res = aux_fn(*args) if grad_position is None: return res, _grad_weight(aux_fn, weights)(*args) grad_position_ = _convert_grad_position_type(grad_position) if weights is None: return res, _grad_position(aux_fn, None, grad_position_)(*args) return res, _grad_weight_position(aux_fn, weights, grad_position_)(*args) if has_aux: return inner_aux_grad_fn return inner_grad_fn
def _trans_jet_inputs(primals_item, series_item): """Trans inputs of jet""" value_type = [mstype.int32, mstype.int64, mstype.float32, mstype.float64] if not dtype(primals_item) in value_type or dtype(primals_item) != dtype(series_item): raise TypeError(f"For `F.jet`, the elements' types of primals and series must be the same and belong to " f"`mstype.int32, mstype.int64, mstype.float32, mstype.float64`, but got other dtype.") if dtype(primals_item) in [mstype.int32, mstype.int64]: return cast(primals_item, mstype.float32), cast(series_item, mstype.float32) return primals_item, series_item def _check_jet_inputs(primals, series): """Check inputs of jet""" if not (isinstance(primals, Tensor) and isinstance(series, Tensor)) and \ not (isinstance(primals, tuple) and isinstance(series, tuple)): raise TypeError(f"For 'F.jet', the 'primals' and `series` must be both Tensor or tuple.") if isinstance(primals, Tensor): if primals.shape == series.shape[1:]: return _trans_jet_inputs(primals, series) if primals.shape == series.shape: return _trans_jet_inputs(primals, series.expand_dims(axis=0)) raise ValueError("In series, the shape of each element must be the same as the primals.") if len(primals) != len(series): raise ValueError("The lengths of primals and series must be the same.") check_primals = [] check_series = [] for i, j in zip(primals, series): trans_primals_item, trans_series_item = _trans_jet_inputs(i, j) check_primals.append(trans_primals_item) check_series.append(trans_series_item) return check_primals, check_series _taylor = _TaylorOperation() def _preprocess_jet(x, y): concat_op = P.Concat() return concat_op((expand_dims(x, 0), y))
[文档]def jet(fn, primals, series): """ This function is designed to calculate the higher order differentiation of given composite function. To figure out first to `n`-th order differentiations, original inputs and first to `n`-th order derivative of original inputs must be provided together. Generally, it is recommended to set the values of given first order derivative to 1, while the other to 0, which is like the derivative of origin input with respect to itself. Note: If `primals` is Tensor of int type, it will be converted to Tensor of float type. Args: fn (Union[Cell, function]): Function to do TaylorOperation. primals (Union[Tensor, tuple[Tensor]]): The inputs to `fn`. series (Union[Tensor, tuple[Tensor]]): If tuple, the length and type of series should be the same as inputs. For each Tensor, the length of first dimension `i` represents the `1` to `i+1`-th order of derivative of output with respect to the inputs will be figured out. Returns: Tuple, tuple of out_primals and out_series. - **out_primals** (Union[Tensor, list[Tensor]]) - The output of `fn(primals)`. - **out_series** (Union[Tensor, list[Tensor]]) - The `1` to `i+1`-th order of derivative of output with respect to the inputs. Raises: TypeError: If `primals` is not a tensor or tuple of tensors. TypeError: If type of `primals` is not the same as type of `series`. Supported Platforms: ``Ascend`` ``GPU`` ``CPU`` Examples: >>> import numpy as np >>> import mindspore.nn as nn >>> import mindspore as ms >>> import mindspore.ops as P >>> from mindspore import Tensor >>> from mindspore.ops.functional import jet >>> ms.set_context(mode=ms.GRAPH_MODE) >>> class Net(nn.Cell): ... def __init__(self): ... super().__init__() ... self.sin = P.Sin() ... self.exp = P.Exp() ... def construct(self, x): ... out1 = self.sin(x) ... out2 = self.exp(out1) ... return out2 >>> primals = Tensor(np.array([[1, 2], [3, 4]]).astype(np.float32)) >>> series = Tensor(np.array([[[1, 1], [1, 1]], [[0, 0], [0, 0]], [[0, 0], [0, 0]]]).astype(np.float32)) >>> net = Net() >>> out_primals, out_series = jet(net, primals, series) >>> print(out_primals, out_series) [[2.319777 2.4825778] [1.1515628 0.4691642]] [[[ 1.2533808 -1.0331168 ] [-1.1400385 -0.3066662 ]] [[-1.2748207 -1.8274734 ] [ 0.966121 0.55551505]] [[-4.0515366 3.6724353 ] [ 0.5053504 -0.52061415]]] """ primals, series = _check_jet_inputs(primals, series) derivative_fn = _taylor(fn) if isinstance(primals, list) and list_len(primals) > 1: inputs = map(_preprocess_jet, primals, series) outputs = derivative_fn(*inputs) else: inputs = _preprocess_jet(primals, series) outputs = derivative_fn(inputs) if isinstance(outputs, tuple) and tuple_len(outputs) > 1: out_primals = [] out_series = [] for element in outputs: out_primals.append(element[0]) out_series.append(element[1:]) else: out_primals = outputs[0] out_series = outputs[1:] return out_primals, out_series
def _trans_derivative_inputs(primals_item): """Trans inputs of derivative""" value_type = [mstype.int32, mstype.int64, mstype.float32, mstype.float64] if not dtype(primals_item) in value_type: raise TypeError(f"For `F.derivative`, the elements of primals must belong to " f"`mstype.int32, mstype.int64, mstype.float32, mstype.float64`, but got other dtype.") if dtype(primals_item) in [mstype.int32, mstype.int64]: return cast(primals_item, mstype.float32) return primals_item @constexpr def _check_derivative_order(order): """check input order of derivative""" if not isinstance(order, int): raise TypeError(f"For `F.derivative`, the type of order must be int.") if order < 1: raise ValueError(f"For `F.derivative`, value of order should not be less than 1, but got {order}.") return True def _preprocess_derivate_order_one(x): concat_op = P.Concat() return concat_op((expand_dims(x, 0), ones((1,) + x.shape, dtype(x)))) def _preprocess_derivate_order_more(x, order): concat_op = P.Concat() return concat_op((x, zeros((order - 1,) + x[0].shape, dtype(x))))
[文档]def derivative(fn, primals, order): """ This function is designed to calculate the higher order differentiation of given composite function. To figure out `order`-th order differentiations, original inputs and order must be provided together. In particular, the value of input first order derivative is set to 1, while the other to 0. Note: If `primals` is Tensor of int type, it will be converted to Tensor of float type. Args: fn (Union[Cell, function]): Function to do TaylorOperation. primals (Union[Tensor, tuple[Tensor]]): The inputs to `fn`. order (int): For each Tensor, the `order`-th order of derivative of output with respect to the inputs will be figured out. Returns: Tuple, tuple of out_primals and out_series. - **out_primals** (Union[Tensor, list[Tensor]]) - The output of `fn(primals)`. - **out_series** (Union[Tensor, list[Tensor]]) - The `order`-th order of derivative of output with respect to the inputs. Raises: TypeError: If `primals` is not a tensor or tuple of tensors. TypeError: If `order` is not int. ValueError: If `order` is less than 1. Supported Platforms: ``Ascend`` ``GPU`` ``CPU`` Examples: >>> import numpy as np >>> import mindspore as ms >>> import mindspore.nn as nn >>> import mindspore.ops as P >>> from mindspore import Tensor >>> from mindspore.ops.functional import derivative >>> ms.set_context(mode=ms.GRAPH_MODE) >>> class Net(nn.Cell): ... def __init__(self): ... super().__init__() ... self.sin = P.Sin() ... self.exp = P.Exp() ... def construct(self, x): ... out1 = self.sin(x) ... out2 = self.exp(out1) ... return out2 >>> primals = Tensor(np.array([[1, 2], [3, 4]]).astype(np.float32)) >>> order = 3 >>> net = Net() >>> out_primals, out_series = derivative(net, primals, order) >>> print(out_primals, out_series) [[2.319777 2.4825778] [1.1515628 0.4691642]] [[-4.0515366 3.6724353 ] [ 0.5053504 -0.52061415]] """ derivative_fn = _taylor(fn) concat_op = P.Concat() series_one = 1 _check_derivative_order(order) if isinstance(primals, tuple): trans_primals = map(_trans_derivative_inputs, primals) inputs = map(_preprocess_derivate_order_one, trans_primals) if order > 1: processed_inputs = [] for element in inputs: processed_inputs.append(_preprocess_derivate_order_more(element, order)) outputs = derivative_fn(*processed_inputs) else: outputs = derivative_fn(*inputs) else: primals = _trans_derivative_inputs(primals) series = zeros((order,) + primals.shape, dtype(primals)) series[0] = series_one inputs = concat_op((expand_dims(primals, 0), series)) outputs = derivative_fn(inputs) if isinstance(outputs, tuple) and tuple_len(outputs) > 1: out_primals = [] out_series = [] for element in outputs: out_primals.append(element[0]) out_series.append(element[-1]) else: out_primals = outputs[0] out_series = outputs[-1] return out_primals, out_series
[文档]def jvp(fn, inputs, v): """ Compute the jacobian-vector-product of the given network. Args: fn (Union[Function, Cell]): The function or net that takes Tensor inputs and returns single tensor or tuple of Tensors. inputs (Union[Tensor, Tuple or List of Tensors]): The inputs to `fn`. v (Union[Tensor, Tuple or or List of Tensors]): The shape and type of v should be the same as inputs. Returns: Tuple, tuple of output and jvp. - **netout** (Tensor or Tuple of Tensors) - The output of "fn(inputs)". - **jvp** (Tensor or Tuple of Tensors) - The result of the dot product. Raises: TypeError: If the input is not a tensor or tuple or list of tensors. Supported Platforms: ``Ascend`` ``GPU`` ``CPU`` Examples: >>> from mindspore.ops import functional as F >>> from mindspore import Tensor >>> class Net(nn.Cell): ... def construct(self, x, y): ... return x**3 + y >>> x = Tensor(np.array([[1, 2], [3, 4]]).astype(np.float32)) >>> y = Tensor(np.array([[1, 2], [3, 4]]).astype(np.float32)) >>> v = Tensor(np.array([[1, 1], [1, 1]]).astype(np.float32)) >>> output = F.jvp(Net(), (x, y), (v, v)) >>> print(output[0]) [[ 2. 10.] [30. 68.]] >>> print(output[1]) [[ 4. 13.] [28. 49.]] """ jvp_inner = _JvpInner() @ms_function(hash_args=fn) def _wrap_container(*arg): args = arg[1:] vectors = arg[0] return jvp_inner(fn, vectors, *args) if not isinstance(inputs, (Tensor, tuple, list)) or not isinstance(v, (Tensor, tuple, list)): _raise_type_error() if isinstance(v, list): v = tuple(v) if isinstance(inputs, (tuple, list)): return _wrap_container(v, *inputs) return _wrap_container(v, inputs)
[文档]def vjp(fn, inputs, v): """ Compute the vector-jacobian-product of the given network. Args: fn (Union[Function, Cell]): The function or net that takes Tensor inputs and returns single tensor or tuple of Tensors. inputs (Union[Tensor, Tuple or List of Tensors]): The inputs to `fn`. v (Union[Tensor, Tuple or List of Tensors]): The shape and type of v should be the same as outputs. Returns: Tuple, tuple of output and vjp. - **netout** (Tensor or Tuple of Tensors) - The output of "fn(inputs)". - **vjp** (Tensor or Tuple of Tensors) - The result of the dot product. Raises: TypeError: If the input is not a tensor or tuple or list of tensors. Supported Platforms: ``Ascend`` ``GPU`` ``CPU`` Examples: >>> from mindspore.ops import functional as F >>> from mindspore import Tensor >>> class Net(nn.Cell): ... def construct(self, x, y): ... return x**3 + y >>> x = Tensor(np.array([[1, 2], [3, 4]]).astype(np.float32)) >>> y = Tensor(np.array([[1, 2], [3, 4]]).astype(np.float32)) >>> v = Tensor(np.array([[1, 1], [1, 1]]).astype(np.float32)) >>> output = F.vjp(Net(), (x, y), v) >>> print(output[0]) [[ 2. 10.] [30. 68.]] >>> print(output[1]) (Tensor(shape=[2, 2], dtype=Float32, value= [[ 3.00000000e+00, 1.20000000e+01], [ 2.70000000e+01, 4.80000000e+01]]), Tensor(shape=[2, 2], dtype=Float32, value= [[ 1.00000000e+00, 1.00000000e+00], [ 1.00000000e+00, 1.00000000e+00]])) """ vjp_inner = _VjpInner() @ms_function(hash_args=fn) def wrap_container(*arg): args = arg[:-1] vectors = arg[-1] return vjp_inner(fn, *args, vectors) if not isinstance(inputs, (Tensor, tuple, list)) or not isinstance(v, (Tensor, tuple, list)): _raise_type_error() if isinstance(v, list): v = tuple(v) if isinstance(inputs, (tuple, list)): return wrap_container(*inputs, v) return wrap_container(inputs, v)
shard_fn = Shard() def shard(fn, in_strategy, out_strategy, device="Ascend", level=0): return shard_fn(fn, in_strategy, out_strategy, device, level) @deprecated("2.0", "range", False) def arange(start=0, stop=None, step=1, rtype=None): r""" The ops.arange interface is deprecated, please use :class:`mindspore.ops.range` Supported Platforms: deprecated """ if stop is None: start, stop = 0, start arg_map = {"start": start, "stop": stop, "step": step} for arg in ("start", "stop", "step"): arg_value = arg_map.get(arg) if not isinstance(arg_value, int) and not isinstance(arg_value, float): _raise_arange_type_error(arg, arg_value) if start >= stop: _raise_arange_value_error(start, stop) if rtype is None: if isinstance(start, float) or isinstance(stop, float) or isinstance(step, float): rtype = mstype.float32 else: rtype = mstype.int32 data = _arange(start, stop, step) return _make_tensor(data, rtype) @constexpr def _make_tensor(data, rtype): """Make Tensor""" return Tensor(data, dtype=rtype) @constexpr def _arange(start, stop, step): """Arange compute""" return np.arange(start, stop, step) @constexpr def _raise_arange_type_error(arg, arg_value): """ Raise TypeError in both graph/pynative mode. """ raise TypeError("For mindspore.ops.arange, the argument '{}' must be int or float, but got {}." .format(arg, type(arg_value))) @constexpr def _raise_arange_value_error(start, stop): """ Raise TypeError in both graph/pynative mode """ raise ValueError("For mindspore.ops.arange, the argument 'start' must be < 'stop', but got 'start': {}, " "'stop': {}.".format(start, stop))
[文档]def narrow(inputs, axis, start, length): """ Returns a narrowed tensor from input tensor. The dimension axis is input from start to start + length. Args: inputs (Tensor): the tensor to narrow. axis (int): the axis along which to narrow. start (int): the starting dimension. length (int): the distance to the ending dimension. Returns: Tensor. - output (Tensors) - The narrowed tensor. Raises: TypeError: If the input is not a tensor or tuple or list of tensors. Supported Platforms: ``Ascend`` ``GPU`` ``CPU`` Examples: >>> import mindspore >>> from mindspore.ops import functional as F >>> from mindspore import Tensor >>> x = Tensor([[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6], [7, 8, 9]], mindspore.int32) >>> output = F.narrow(x, 0, 0, 2) >>> print(output) [[ 1 2 3] [ 4 5 6]] >>> output = F.narrow(x, 1, 1, 2) >>> print(output) [[ 2 3] [ 5 6] [ 8 9]] """ validator.check_axis_in_range(axis, inputs.ndim) validator.check_int_range(start, 0, inputs.shape[axis], Rel.INC_LEFT) validator.check_int_range(length, 1, inputs.shape[axis] - start, Rel.INC_BOTH) begins = [0] * inputs.ndim begins[axis] = start sizes = [i for i in inputs.shape] sizes[axis] = length return P.Slice()(inputs, begins, sizes)
@constexpr def _raise_type_error(): raise TypeError("The inputs type must be a Tensor, tuple or list of Tensors.") vmap_instance = _Vmap()
[文档]def vmap(fn, in_axes=0, out_axes=0): r""" Vectorizing map (vmap) is a kind of higher-order function to map `fn` along the parameter axes. Vmap is pioneered by Jax and it removes the restriction of batch dimension on the operator, and provides a more convenient and unified operator expression. Moreover, it allows users to composite with other functional modules such as :func:`mindspore.ops.grad`, to improve the development efficiency. In addition, the vectorizing map does not execute loops outside the function, but sinks loops into the primitive operations of the function for better performance. When combined with `Graph Kernel Fusion`, operational efficiency would be further improved. .. warning:: This is an experimental prototype that is subject to change and/or delete. Note: 1. The power of vmap comes from the implementation of VmapRules of primitives. Although we have designed a generalized rule for user custom operators, we can not guarantee that it works well for all operators, please be aware the risk of use. If you want to achieve a better performance, please refer to the tutorial to implement the specific VmapRule for the custom operator, which won't take too much time. 2. When calling the random number generation methods within the scope of vmap, the same random number is generated among vector functions each time. If you expect each vector branch to use different random numbers, you need to generate batch random numbers externally in advance and then transfer them to vmap. Args: fn (Union[Cell, Function]): Function to be mapped along the parameter axes, which takes at least one argument and returns one or more Tensors or the type of data supported by the MindSpore Tensor. in_axes (Union[int, list, tuple]): Specifies which dimensions (axes) of the inputs should be mapped over. If `in_axes` is an integer, all arguments of `fn` are mapped over according to this axis index. If `in_axes` is a tuple or list, which only composed of integers or Nones and the length should equal to the number of positional arguments to `fn`, indicates which axis to map for each corresponding positional argument. Note that, axis integers must be in range :math:`[-ndim, ndim)` for each argument, where `ndim` is the number of dimensions of the corresponding argument. None means not mapping along any axis. Also the mapping axis index of the `in_axes` must have at least one positional parameter not None. The sizes of the mapped axes (`axis_size`) for all arguments must be equal. Default: 0. out_axes (Union[int, list, tuple]): Specifies where the mapped dimensions (axes) should appear in the outputs. If `out_axes` is an integer, all outputs of `fn` are specified according to this axis. If `out_axes` is a tuple or list, which only composed of integers or Nones. And its length also should be equal to the number of outputs of `fn`. Note that, axis integers must be in range :math:`[-ndim, ndim)` for each output, where `ndim` is the dimension of the output of the `vmap`-mapped function. All outputs with a non-None mapped axis must specify a non-None `out_axes`, and if outputs with None mapped axis specifies a non-None `out_axes`, the result broadcasts across the mapped axis. Default: 0. Returns: Function, returns the Vectorized/Batched version function of `fn`. The arguments and outputs of this function correspond to those of `fn`, but it adds an extra batch dimension at positions specified by `in_axes` and `out_axes`. Raises: RuntimeError: If base elements in `in_axes` or `out_axes` are not a None or an integer. If the all base elements in `in_axes` or `out_axes` are None. If `in_axes` is not single integer, and the length of `in_axes` is not equal to the arguments sizes. If `out_axes` is not single integer, and the length of `out_axes` is not equal to the outputs sizes. If the `axis_size` of each arguments in the scope of `vmap` are not equal. If the axis in `in_axes` or `out_axes` is out of bounds. Supported Platforms: ``Ascend`` ``GPU`` ``CPU`` Examples: >>> from mindspore import Tensor >>> from mindspore.ops.functional import vmap >>> def test_vmap(x, y, z): # ([a],[a],[a]) -> [a] ... return x + y + z >>> x = Tensor(np.array([[1, 2], [3, 4], [5, 6]]).astype(np.float32)) # [b, a] >>> y = Tensor(np.array([[-3, -2, -1], [3, 2, 1]]).astype(np.float32)) # [a, b] >>> z = Tensor(np.array([0, 3]).astype(np.float32)) # [a] >>> output = vmap(test_vmap, in_axes=(0, 1, None), out_axes=1)(x, y, z) # ([b, a],[a, b],[a]) -> [a, b] >>> print(output) [[-2 1 4] [ 8 9 10]] """ return vmap_instance(fn, in_axes, out_axes)
tuple_setitem = Primitive('tuple_setitem') tuple_getitem = Primitive(_constants.kTupleGetItem) list_getitem = Primitive('list_getitem') list_setitem = Primitive('list_setitem') dict_getitem = Primitive('dict_getitem') dict_setitem = Primitive('dict_setitem') tuple_div = Primitive("tuple_div") tuple_len = Primitive("tuple_len") list_len = Primitive("list_len") tuple_reversed = Primitive("tuple_reversed") make_range = Primitive("make_range") make_tuple = Primitive('MakeTuple') make_dict = Primitive('make_dict') make_list = Primitive('make_list') make_slice = Primitive('make_slice') tuple_equal = Primitive("tuple_equal") list_equal = Primitive("list_equal") scalar_add = Primitive(_constants.kScalarAdd) scalar_mul = Primitive(_constants.kScalarMul) scalar_sub = Primitive(_constants.kScalarSub) scalar_div = Primitive(_constants.kScalarDiv) scalar_floordiv = Primitive(_constants.kScalarFloordiv) scalar_log = Primitive('scalar_log') scalar_pow = Primitive(_constants.kScalarPow) scalar_gt = Primitive('scalar_gt') scalar_ge = Primitive('scalar_ge') scalar_le = Primitive('scalar_le') scalar_lt = Primitive('scalar_lt') scalar_eq = Primitive('scalar_eq') scalar_ne = Primitive('scalar_ne') scalar_uadd = Primitive(_constants.kScalarUadd) scalar_usub = Primitive(_constants.kScalarUsub) scalar_mod = Primitive(_constants.kScalarMod) string_eq = Primitive('string_equal') string_concat = Primitive('string_concat') bool_not = Primitive("bool_not") bool_or = Primitive("bool_or") bool_and = Primitive("bool_and") bool_eq = Primitive("bool_eq") cumsum = P.CumSum() cumprod = P.CumProd() array_to_scalar = Primitive('array_to_scalar') is_ = Primitive("is_") is_not = Primitive("is_not") in_dict = Primitive("in_dict") not_in_dict = Primitive("not_in_dict") mixed_precision_cast = Primitive("mixed_precision_cast") broadcast_gradient_args = Primitive('BroadcastGradientArgs') array_reduce = Primitive('array_reduce') zeros = P.Zeros() zeros_like = P.ZerosLike() distribute = Primitive('distribute') embed = Primitive('embed') ref_to_embed = _grad_ops.RefToEmbed() environ_create = Primitive('EnvironCreate') environ_set = Primitive('EnvironSet') environ_get = Primitive('EnrironGet') environ_add = Primitive('EnvironAdd') J = Primitive('J') SliceGetItem = Primitive("SliceGetItem") switch = Primitive('Switch') switch_layer = Primitive('switch_layer') # for sum bprop reduced_shape = Primitive("reduced_shape") # shape_mul:input must be shape multiply elements in tuple(shape) shape_mul = Primitive("shape_mul") # a primitive to compare between tuple. stop_gradient = Primitive("stop_gradient") make_row_tensor = Primitive('MakeRowTensor') row_tensor_get_values = Primitive('RowTensorGetValues') row_tensor_get_indices = Primitive('RowTensorGetIndices') row_tensor_get_dense_shape = Primitive('RowTensorGetDenseShape') row_tensor_add = Primitive('RowTensorAdd') make_coo_tensor = Primitive('MakeCOOTensor') coo_tensor_get_values = Primitive('COOTensorGetValues') coo_tensor_get_indices = Primitive('COOTensorGetIndices') coo_tensor_get_dense_shape = Primitive('COOTensorGetDenseShape') @constexpr def print_info(info): """Print given error info""" print(info) def make_sparse_tensor(indices, values, dense_shape): """Call make_coo_tensor in this function.""" print_info("WARNING: 'SparseTensor' is deprecated from version 1.7 and will be removed in a future version. " + "Please use 'COOTensor' instead.") return make_coo_tensor(indices, values, dense_shape) make_csr_tensor = Primitive('MakeCSRTensor') csr_tensor_get_values = Primitive('CSRTensorGetValues') csr_tensor_get_indices = Primitive('CSRTensorGetIndices') csr_tensor_get_indptr = Primitive('CSRTensorGetIndptr') csr_tensor_get_dense_shape = Primitive('CSRTensorGetDenseShape') tensor_operator_registry.register('all', P.ReduceAll) tensor_operator_registry.register('any', P.ReduceAny) tensor_operator_registry.register('atan2', atan2) tensor_operator_registry.register('abs', P.Abs) tensor_operator_registry.register('tan', P.Tan) tensor_operator_registry.register('cosh', P.Cosh) tensor_operator_registry.register('pow', P.Pow) tensor_operator_registry.register('amin', amin) tensor_operator_registry.register('amax', amax) tensor_operator_registry.register('mean', P.ReduceMean) tensor_operator_registry.register('prod', prod) tensor_operator_registry.register('round', P.Round) tensor_operator_registry.register('reshape', P.Reshape) tensor_operator_registry.register('reverse_sequence', P.ReverseSequence) tensor_operator_registry.register('xlogy', P.Xlogy) tensor_operator_registry.register('flatten', P.Flatten) tensor_operator_registry.register('transpose', P.Transpose) tensor_operator_registry.register('broadcast_to', P.BroadcastTo) tensor_operator_registry.register('matmul', matmul) tensor_operator_registry.register('xdivy', P.Xdivy) tensor_operator_registry.register('argmax', P.Argmax) tensor_operator_registry.register('cumsum', P.CumSum) tensor_operator_registry.register('cummin', cummin) tensor_operator_registry.register('cummax', cummax) tensor_operator_registry.register('index_fill', index_fill) tensor_operator_registry.register('bitwise_and', bitwise_and) tensor_operator_registry.register('bitwise_or', bitwise_or) tensor_operator_registry.register('bitwise_xor', bitwise_xor) tensor_operator_registry.register('ger', ger) tensor_operator_registry.register('reduce_max', P.ReduceMax) tensor_operator_registry.register('reduce_min', P.ReduceMin) tensor_operator_registry.register('maximum', P.Maximum) tensor_operator_registry.register('minimum', P.Minimum) tensor_operator_registry.register('log1p', log1p) tensor_operator_registry.register('ceil', P.Ceil) tensor_operator_registry.register('fill', P.Fill) tensor_operator_registry.register('tile', P.Tile) tensor_operator_registry.register('logical_not', P.LogicalNot) tensor_operator_registry.register('sum', P.ReduceSum) tensor_operator_registry.register('split', P.Split) tensor_operator_registry.register('select', P.Select) tensor_operator_registry.register('zeros_like', P.ZerosLike) tensor_operator_registry.register('scalar_to_tensor', scalar_to_tensor) tensor_operator_registry.register('masked_fill', masked_fill) tensor_operator_registry.register('masked_select', masked_select) tensor_operator_registry.register('nonzero', nonzero) tensor_operator_registry.register('isclose', isclose) tensor_operator_registry.register('inv', inv) tensor_operator_registry.register('invert', invert) tensor_operator_registry.register('hardshrink', P.HShrink) tensor_operator_registry.register('soft_shrink', P.SoftShrink) tensor_operator_registry.register('diag', P.Diag) tensor_operator_registry.register('unique_consecutive', UniqueConsecutive) tensor_operator_registry.register('unique_with_pad', P.UniqueWithPad) tensor_operator_registry.register('inplace_update', P.InplaceUpdate) tensor_operator_registry.register('col2im', col2im) tensor_operator_registry.register('standard_laplace', P.StandardLaplace) tensor_operator_registry.register('split', P.Split) tensor_operator_registry.register('standard_normal', P.StandardNormal) tensor_operator_registry.register('erf', P.Erf) tensor_operator_registry.register('erfc', P.Erfc) # ms cannot support Tensor(True) compare tensor_operator_registry.register('__eq__', equal) tensor_operator_registry.register('__ne__', not_equal) tensor_operator_registry.register('__neg__', neg_tensor) tensor_operator_registry.register('__lt__', tensor_lt) tensor_operator_registry.register('__le__', tensor_le) tensor_operator_registry.register('__gt__', tensor_gt) tensor_operator_registry.register('__ge__', tensor_ge) tensor_operator_registry.register('__logical_not__', logical_not) tensor_operator_registry.register('shape', shape) tensor_operator_registry.register('squeeze', squeeze) tensor_operator_registry.register('expand_dims', expand_dims) # support GE backend for no compare operators tensor_operator_registry.register('cast', cast) tensor_operator_registry.register('shape_mul', shape_mul) tensor_operator_registry.register('fill', fill) tensor_operator_registry.register('fills', fills) tensor_operator_registry.register('concatenate', P.Concat) tensor_operator_registry.register('eye', eye) tensor_operator_registry.register('reduce_sum', reduce_sum) tensor_operator_registry.register('tensor_slice', tensor_slice) tensor_operator_registry.register('select', select) tensor_operator_registry.register('gather', gather) tensor_operator_registry.register('gather_d', gather_d) tensor_operator_registry.register('gather_elements', gather_elements) tensor_operator_registry.register('gather_nd', gather_nd) tensor_operator_registry.register('stack', stack) tensor_operator_registry.register('unstack', unstack) tensor_operator_registry.register('log', log) tensor_operator_registry.register('lerp', lerp) tensor_operator_registry.register('floor', floor) # support sparse tensor operators tensor_operator_registry.register('csr_mul', csr_mul) tensor_operator_registry.register('csr2coo', csr2coo) tensor_operator_registry.register('coo2csr', coo2csr) tensor_operator_registry.register('csr_div', csr_div) tensor_operator_registry.register('csr_mv', csr_mv) tensor_operator_registry.register('csr_mm', _csr_ops.CSRMM) tensor_operator_registry.register('csr_reduce_sum', csr_reduce_sum) tensor_operator_registry.register('dense_to_sparse_csr', dense_to_sparse_csr) tensor_operator_registry.register('dense_to_sparse_coo', dense_to_sparse_coo) tensor_operator_registry.register('narrow', narrow) tensor_operator_registry.register('sort', sort) tensor_operator_registry.register('csr_to_coo', csr_to_coo) tensor_operator_registry.register('zeros', zeros) tensor_operator_registry.register('unsorted_segment_min', unsorted_segment_min) tensor_operator_registry.register('unsorted_segment_max', unsorted_segment_max) tensor_operator_registry.register('unsorted_segment_prod', unsorted_segment_prod) tensor_operator_registry.register('tensor_scatter_update', tensor_scatter_update) tensor_operator_registry.register('tensor_scatter_mul', tensor_scatter_mul) tensor_operator_registry.register('tensor_scatter_div', tensor_scatter_div) tensor_operator_registry.register('tensor_scatter_max', P.TensorScatterMax) tensor_operator_registry.register('tensor_scatter_min', P.TensorScatterMin) tensor_operator_registry.register('tensor_scatter_sub', P.TensorScatterSub) tensor_operator_registry.register('tensor_scatter_add', P.TensorScatterAdd) tensor_operator_registry.register('bernoulli', bernoulli) tensor_operator_registry.register('norm', norm) tensor_operator_registry.register('renorm', renorm) tensor_operator_registry.register('adaptive_max_pool2d', AdaptiveMaxPool2D) tensor_operator_registry.register('argmin_with_value', min) tensor_operator_registry.register('top_k', P.TopK) tensor_operator_registry.register('isfinite', P.IsFinite) __all__ = [name for name in dir() if name[0] != "_"] __all__.remove('Primitive')