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# ============================================================================
"""Holding mint APIs"""
from mindspore._c_expression import _bitwise_not_instance
from mindspore._c_expression import _matmul_reduce_scatter_instance
from mindspore._c_expression import _add_instance
from mindspore._c_expression import _repeat_interleave_instance
from mindspore._c_expression import _clamp_instance
from mindspore._c_expression import _where_instance
from mindspore._c_expression import _div_instance
from mindspore._c_expression import _max_instance
from mindspore._c_expression import _lerp_instance
from mindspore._c_expression import _greater_equal_instance
from mindspore._c_expression import _remainder_instance
from mindspore._c_expression import _nansum_instance
from mindspore._c_expression import _floor_divide_instance
from mindspore._c_expression import _empty_instance
from mindspore._c_expression import _xlogy_instance
from mindspore._c_expression import _min_instance
from mindspore._c_expression import _sub_instance
from mindspore._c_expression import _all_gather_matmul_instance
from mindspore._c_expression import _fmod_instance
def bitwise_not(*args, **kwargs):
bitwise_not(input) -> Tensor
Returns bitwise `not` of the input tensor.
.. warning::
This is an experimental API that is subject to change or deletion.
input (Tensor): The input tensor must be of integral or Boolean types.
Tensor, has the same shape and type as `input`.
TypeError: If `input` is not a Tensor.
RuntimeError: If dtype of `input` is not int or bool.
Supported Platforms:
>>> import mindspore
>>> import numpy as np
>>> from mindspore import Tensor, mint
>>> x = Tensor(np.array([True, False, True, False]))
>>> y = mint.bitwise_not(x)
>>> print(y)
[False True False True]
return _bitwise_not_instance(*args, **kwargs)
[文档]def matmul_reduce_scatter(*args, **kwargs):
matmul_reduce_scatter(input, x2, group, world_size, *, reduce_op='sum', bias=None, comm_turn=0, trans_input=False, trans_x2=False) -> Tensor
In the TP segmentation scenario, matmul and reducescatter are fused, and communication and computational
pipelines are parallelized within the fusion operator.
.. math::
output = reducescatter(input@x2)
.. warning::
This is an experimental API that is subject to change or deletion.
input (Tensor): The left matrix of matmul, the dtype supports float16 and bfloat16, the shape supports 2
dimensions, and the data format supports ND.
x2 (Tensor): The right matrix of matmul, the dtype needs to be consistent with ``input`` , the shape
supports 2 dimensions, and the data format supports ND.
group (str): Communication group name, can be created by ``create_group`` method, or use the default group
world_size (int): The total number of ranks in the communication group, should be consistent with the number
of devices actually running, supporting ``2`` , ``4`` , and ``8`` .
Keyword Args:
reduce_op (str, optional) The reduce operation type. Currently only ``'sum'`` is supported. Default:
``'sum'`` .
bias (Tensor, optional): Currently only ``None`` is supported. Default: ``None`` .
comm_turn (int, optional): Indicates the granularity of communication between ranks. Currently only ``0``
is supported. Default: ``0`` .
trans_input (bool, optional): Indicates whether ``input`` is transposed. Currently only ``False`` is
supported. Default: ``False`` .
trans_x2 (bool, optional): Indicates whether ``x2`` is transposed. Default: ``False`` .
- output (Tensor) - The result of allgather and matmul fusion calculations.
- When using this interface, please ensure that the driver firmware package and CANN package are both the
matching 8.0.RC2 version or a higher version, otherwise an error will be reported, such as BUS ERROR.
- The shape of ``input`` is (m, k), the shape of ``x2`` is (k, n), k is required to be equal, and the value
range of k is [256, 65535), and m is required to be an integer multiple of ``world_size`` . The shape of
``output`` is (m * world_size, n).
- The common fusion operators in a model only support the same communication group.
TypeError: Any arg is of wrong type.
RuntimeError: The dtype of ``input`` or ``x2`` is neither float16 nor bfloat16.
RuntimeError: The dtypes of ``input`` and ``x2`` are different.
RuntimeError: The shape of ``input`` or ``x2`` is not two-dimensional.
RuntimeError: The k axis of ``input`` shape and ``x2`` shape are not equal.
RuntimeError: k is less than ``256`` or greater than or equal to ``65535`` .
RuntimeError: ``bias`` is not None.
RuntimeError: ``group`` does not exist.
RuntimeError: ``world_size`` is inconsistent with the actual number of running cards.
RuntimeError: ``world_size`` is not equal to ``2`` , ``4`` , or ``8`` .
RuntimeError: ``reduce_op`` is not ``'sum'`` .
RuntimeError: ``trans_input`` is ``True`` .
Supported Platforms:
.. note::
Before running the following examples, you need to configure the communication environment variables.
For Ascend/GPU/CPU devices, it is recommended to use the msrun startup method without any third-party or
configuration file dependencies. Please see the `msrun start up <https://www.mindspore.cn/docs/en/master/model_train/parallel/msrun_launcher.html>`_
for more details.
This example should be run with 2 devices.
>>> import mindspore as ms
>>> from mindspore import ops
>>> import numpy as np
>>> ms.communication.init()
>>> rank = ms.communication.get_rank()
>>> np.random.seed(rank)
>>> input = ms.Tensor(np.random.randn(1024, 256).astype(np.float32), dtype=ms.float16)
>>> x2 = ms.Tensor(np.random.randn(256, 512).astype(np.float32), dtype=ms.float16)
>>> group = ms.communication.GlobalComm.WORLD_COMM_GROUP
>>> world_size = ms.communication.get_group_size()
>>> reduce_op = ops.ReduceOp.SUM
>>> output = ops.matmul_reduce_scatter(
... input,
... x2,
... group,
... world_size,
... reduce_op=reduce_op,
... bias=None,
... comm_turn=0,
... trans_input=False,
... trans_x2=False,
... )
>>> print(output.shape)
(512, 512)
return _matmul_reduce_scatter_instance(*args, **kwargs)
[文档]def add(*args, **kwargs):
add(input, other, *, alpha=1) -> Tensor
Adds scaled other value to `self`.
.. math::
out_{i} = self_{i} + alpha \times other_{i}
- When `self` and `other` have different shapes,
they must be able to broadcast to a common shape.
- `self`, `other` and `alpha` comply with the implicit type conversion rules to make the data types
input (Tensor): Input data, which type is Tensor.
other (Union[Tensor, number.Number, bool]): `other` is a number.Number or a bool or a tensor whose data type is
`number <https://www.mindspore.cn/docs/en/master/api_python/mindspore/mindspore.dtype.html>`_ or
`bool_ <https://www.mindspore.cn/docs/en/master/api_python/mindspore/mindspore.dtype.html>`_.
Keyword Args:
alpha (number.Number, optional): A scaling factor applied to `other`, default ``1``.
Tensor with a shape that is the same as the broadcasted shape of the `self` and `other`,
and the data type is the one with higher precision or higher digits among `self`, `other` and `alpha`.
TypeError: If the type of `other` or `alpha` is not one of the following: Tensor, number.Number, bool.
TypeError: If `alpha` is of type float but `self` and `other` are not of type float.
TypeError: If `alpha` is of type bool but `self` and `other` are not of type bool.
Supported Platforms:
``Ascend`` ``GPU`` ``CPU``
>>> import numpy as np
>>> import mindspore
>>> from mindspore import Tensor, mint
>>> x = Tensor(1, mindspore.int32)
>>> y = Tensor(np.array([4, 5, 6]).astype(np.float32))
>>> alpha = 0.5
>>> output = mint.add(x, y, alpha=alpha) # x.add(y, alpha=alpha)
>>> print(output)
[3. 3.5 4.]
>>> # the data type of x is int32, the data type of y is float32,
>>> # alpha is a float, and the output is the data format of higher precision float32.
>>> print(output.dtype)
return _add_instance(*args, **kwargs)
def __add__(*args, **kwargs):
__add__(input, other, *, alpha=1) -> Tensor
Alias for :func:`mindspore.mint.add`.
.. method:: mint.__add__(input, other, *, alpha=1) -> Tensor
Alias for overload function of :func:`mindspore.mint.add`.
return _add_instance(*args, **kwargs)
[文档]def repeat_interleave(*args, **kwargs):
repeat_interleave(input, repeats, dim=None, *, output_size=None) -> Tensor
Repeat elements of a tensor along an axis, like :func:`mindspore.numpy.repeat`.
.. warning::
Only support on Atlas A2 training series.
input (Tensor): The tensor to repeat values for. Must be of types: float16,
float32, int8, uint8, int16, int32, or int64.
repeats (Union[int, tuple, list, Tensor]): The number of times to repeat, must be positive.
dim (int, optional): The dim along which to repeat, Default: ``None``. If dims is None,
the input Tensor will be flattened and the output will alse be flattened.
Keyword Args:
output_size (int, optional): Total output size for the given axis (e.g. sum of repeats),
Default: ``None``.
One tensor with values repeated along the specified dim. If input has shape
:math:`(s1, s2, ..., sn)` and dim is i, the output will have shape :math:`(s1, s2, ...,
si * repeats, ..., sn)`. The output type will be the same as the type of `input`.
Supported Platforms:
>>> import mindspore
>>> import numpy as np
>>> from mindspore import Tensor, mint
>>> input = Tensor(np.array([[0, 1, 2], [3, 4, 5]]), mindspore.int32)
>>> output = mint.repeat_interleave(input, repeats=2, dim=0)
>>> print(output)
[[0 1 2]
[0 1 2]
[3 4 5]
[3 4 5]]
return _repeat_interleave_instance(*args, **kwargs)
[文档]def clamp(*args, **kwargs):
clamp(input, min=None, max=None) -> Tensor
Clamps tensor values between the specified minimum value and maximum value.
Limits the value of :math:`input` to a range, whose lower limit is `min` and upper limit is `max` .
.. math::
out_i= \left\{
max & \text{ if } input_i\ge max \\
input_i & \text{ if } min \lt input_i \lt max \\
min & \text{ if } input_i \le min \\
- `min` and `max` cannot be None at the same time;
- When `min` is None and `max` is not None, the elements in Tensor larger than `max` will become `max`;
- When `min` is not None and `max` is None, the elements in Tensor smaller than `min` will become `min`;
- If `min` is greater than `max`, the value of all elements in Tensor will be set to `max`;
- The data type of `input`, `min` and `max` should support implicit type conversion and cannot be bool type.
input (Tensor): Input data, which type is Tensor. Tensors of arbitrary dimensions are supported.
min (Union(Tensor, float, int), optional): The minimum value. Default: ``None`` .
max (Union(Tensor, float, int), optional): The maximum value. Default: ``None`` .
Tensor, a clipped Tensor.
The data type and shape are the same as input.
ValueError: If both `min` and `max` are None.
TypeError: If the type of `input` is not Tensor.
TypeError: If the type of `min` is not in None, Tensor, float or int.
TypeError: If the type of `max` is not in None, Tensor, float or int.
Supported Platforms:
>>> # case 1: the data type of input is Tensor
>>> import mindspore
>>> from mindspore import Tensor, mint
>>> import numpy as np
>>> min_value = Tensor(5, mindspore.float32)
>>> max_value = Tensor(20, mindspore.float32)
>>> input = Tensor(np.array([[1., 25., 5., 7.], [4., 11., 6., 21.]]), mindspore.float32)
>>> output = mint.clamp(input, min_value, max_value)
>>> print(output)
[[ 5. 20. 5. 7.]
[ 5. 11. 6. 20.]]
>>> # case 2: the data type of input is number
>>> import mindspore
>>> from mindspore import Tensor, mint
>>> import numpy as np
>>> min_value = 5
>>> max_value = 20
>>> input = Tensor(np.array([[1., 25., 5., 7.], [4., 11., 6., 21.]]), mindspore.float32)
>>> output = mint.clamp(input, min_value, max_value)
>>> print(output)
[[ 5. 20. 5. 7.]
[ 5. 11. 6. 20.]]
return _clamp_instance(*args, **kwargs)
def clip(*args, **kwargs):
clip(input, min=None, max=None) -> Tensor
Alias for :func:`mindspore.mint.clamp`.
return _clamp_instance(*args, **kwargs)
[文档]def where(*args, **kwargs):
where(condition, input, other) -> Tensor
Selects elements from `input` or `other` based on `condition` and returns a tensor.
.. math::
output_i = \begin{cases} input_i,\quad &if\ condition_i \\ other_i,\quad &otherwise \end{cases}
condition (Tensor[bool]): If true, yield `input`, otherwise yield `other`.
input (Union[Tensor, Scalar]): When `condition` is true, values to select from.
other (Union[Tensor, Scalar]): When `condition` is false, values to select from.
Tensor, elements are selected from `input` and `other`.
TypeError: If `condition` is not a tensor.
TypeError: If both `input` and `other` are scalars.
ValueError: If `condition`, `input` and `other` can not broadcast to each other.
Supported Platforms:
``Ascend`` ``GPU`` ``CPU``
>>> import numpy as np
>>> from mindspore import tensor, ops
>>> from mindspore import dtype as mstype
>>> a = tensor(np.arange(4).reshape((2, 2)), mstype.float32)
>>> b = tensor(np.ones((2, 2)), mstype.float32)
>>> condition = a < 3
>>> output = ops.where(condition, a, b)
>>> print(output)
[[0. 1.]
[2. 1.]]
.. function:: where(condition) -> Tensor
Identical to :func:`mindspore.ops.nonzero` with input `condition` and `as_tuple` being True.
Supported Platforms:
return _where_instance(*args, **kwargs)
[文档]def div(*args, **kwargs):
div(input, other, *, rounding_mode=None) -> Tensor
Divides each element of the `input` by the corresponding element of the `other` .
.. math::
out_{i} = input_{i} / other_{i}
.. note::
- When the two inputs have different shapes, they must be able to broadcast to a common shape.
- The two inputs can not be bool type at the same time,
[True, Tensor(True, bool\_), Tensor(np.array([True]), bool\_)] are all considered bool type.
- The two inputs comply with the implicit type conversion rules to make the data types
input (Union[Tensor, Number, bool]): The dividend.
other (Union[Tensor, Number, bool]): The divisor.
Keyword Args:
rounding_mode (str, optional): Type of rounding applied to the result. Default: ``None`` .
Three types are defined as,
- None: Default behavior, which is the same as true division in Python or `true_divide` in NumPy.
- "floor": Rounds the division of the inputs down, which is the same as floor division in Python
or `floor_divide` in NumPy.
- "trunc": Rounds the division of the inputs towards zero, which is the same as C-style integer division.
Tensor, the shape is the same as the one after broadcasting,
and the data type is the one with higher precision or higher digits among the two inputs.
TypeError: If `input` and `other` is not one of the following: Tensor, Number, bool.
ValueError: If `rounding_mode` value is not None, "floor" or "trunc".
Supported Platforms:
>>> import mindspore
>>> import numpy as np
>>> from mindspore import Tensor, mint
>>> x = Tensor(np.array([1.0, 2.0, 3.0]), mindspore.float32)
>>> y = Tensor(np.array([4.0, 5.0, 6.0]), mindspore.float32)
>>> output = mint.div(x, y)
>>> print(output)
[0.25 0.4 0.5]
return _div_instance(*args, **kwargs)
def divide(*args, **kwargs):
divide(input, other, *, rounding_mode=None) -> Tensor
Alias for :func:`mindspore.mint.div`.
return _div_instance(*args, **kwargs)
[文档]def max(*args, **kwargs):
max(input) -> Tensor
Returns the maximum value of the input tensor.
input (Tensor): The input tensor.
Scalar Tensor with the same dtype as `input`, the maximum value of the input.
Supported Platforms:
``Ascend`` ``GPU`` ``CPU``
>>> import mindspore
>>> import numpy as np
>>> from mindspore import Tensor, mint
>>> x = Tensor(np.array([0.0, 0.4, 0.6, 0.7, 0.1]), mindspore.float32)
>>> output = mint.max(x)
>>> print(output)
.. function:: max(input, dim, keepdim=False) -> tuple(Tensor)
Calculates the maximum value along with the given dim for the input tensor, and returns the maximum values and
input (Tensor): The input tensor, can be any dimension. Set the shape of input tensor as
:math:`(input_1, input_2, ..., input_N)` , Complex tensor is not supported.
dim (int): The dimension to reduce.
keepdim (bool, optional): Whether to reduce dimension, if ``True`` the output will keep the same dimension as the
`input` , the output will reduce dimension if ``false``. Default: ``False``.
tuple (Tensor), tuple of 2 tensors, containing the maximum value of the self tensor along the given
dimension `dim` and the corresponding index.
- **values** (Tensor) - The maximum value of input tensor, with the same shape as `index`, and same dtype as `input`.
- **index** (Tensor) - The index for the maximum value of the input tensor, with dtype int64. If `keepdim`
is ``True`` , the shape of output tensors is :math:`(input_1, input_2, ..., input_{dim-1}, 1, input_{dim+1}, ..., input_N)`.
Otherwise, the shape is :math:`(input_1, input_2, ..., input_{dim-1}, input_{dim+1}, ..., input_N)` .
TypeError: If `input` is not Tensor.
TypeError: If `keepdim` is not a bool.
TypeError: If `dim` is not an int.
Supported Platforms:
``Ascend`` ``GPU`` ``CPU``
>>> import mindspore
>>> import numpy as np
>>> from mindspore import Tensor, mint
>>> x = Tensor(np.array([0.0, 0.4, 0.6, 0.7, 0.1]), mindspore.float32)
>>> output, index = mint.max(x, 0, keepdim=True)
>>> print(output, index)
[0.7] [3]
.. function:: max(input, other) -> Tensor
For details, please refer to :func:`mindspore.mint.maximum`.
return _max_instance(*args, **kwargs)
[文档]def lerp(*args, **kwargs):
lerp(input, end, weight) -> Tensor
Perform a linear interpolation of two tensors input and end based on a float or tensor weight.
If `weight` is a tensor, the shapes of three inputs need to be broadcast;
If `weight` is a float, the shapes of `input` and `end` need to be broadcast.
If `weight` is a float and platform is Ascend, the types of `input` and `end` need to be float32.
.. warning::
This is an experimental API that is subject to change or deletion.
.. math::
output_{i} = input_{i} + weight_{i} * (end_{i} - input_{i})
input (Tensor): The tensor with the starting points. Data type must be float16 or float32.
end (Tensor): The tensor with the ending points. Data type must be the same as `input`.
weight (Union[float, Tensor]): The weight for the interpolation formula. Must be a float scalar
or a tensor with float16 or float32 data type.
Tensor, has the same type and shape as input `input`.
TypeError: If `input` or `end` is not a tensor.
TypeError: If `weight` is neither scalar(float) nor tensor.
TypeError: If dtype of `input` or `end` is neither float16 nor float32.
TypeError: If dtype of `weight` is neither float16 nor float32 when it is a tensor.
TypeError: If `input` and `end` have different data types.
TypeError: If `input`, `end` and `weight` have different data types when `weight` is a tensor.
ValueError: If `end` could not be broadcast to a tensor with shape of `input`.
ValueError: If `weight` could not be broadcast to tensors with shapes of `input` and `end` when it is a tensor.
Supported Platforms:
``Ascend`` ``GPU`` ``CPU``
>>> import mindspore
>>> import numpy as np
>>> from mindspore import Tensor, mint
>>> start = Tensor(np.array([1., 2., 3., 4.]), mindspore.float32)
>>> end = Tensor(np.array([10., 10., 10., 10.]), mindspore.float32)
>>> output = mint.lerp(start, end, 0.5)
>>> print(output)
[5.5 6. 6.5 7. ]
return _lerp_instance(*args, **kwargs)
[文档]def greater_equal(*args, **kwargs):
greater_equal(input, other) -> Tensor
Computes the boolean value of :math:`input >= other` element-wise.
.. math::
out_{i} =\begin{cases}
& \text{True, if } input_{i}>=other_{i} \\
& \text{False, if } input_{i}<other_{i}
- Inputs of `input` and `other` comply with the implicit type conversion rules to make the data types
- The inputs must be two tensors or one tensor and one scalar.
- When the inputs are two tensors, dtypes of them cannot be bool at the same time,
and the shapes of them can be broadcast.
- When the inputs are one tensor and one scalar, the scalar could only be a constant.
- Broadcasting is supported.
- If the input Tensor can be broadcast, the low dimension will be extended to the corresponding high dimension
in another input by copying the value of the dimension.
input (Union[Tensor, Number]): The first input is a number
or a tensor whose data type is `number <https://www.mindspore.cn/docs/en/master/api_python/mindspore/mindspore.dtype.html#mindspore.dtype>`_ or `bool_ <https://www.mindspore.cn/docs/en/master/api_python/mindspore/mindspore.dtype.html#mindspore.dtype>`_.
other (Union[Tensor, Number]): Second input. When the first input is a Tensor, the second input should be a Number,
or a Tensor of the number or bool_ data type. When the first input is a Scalar,
the second input must be a Tensor of number or bool_ data type.
Tensor, the shape is the same as the one after broadcasting, and the data type is bool.
TypeError: If neither `input` nor `other` is a Tensor.
Supported Platforms:
>>> import mindspore
>>> import numpy as np
>>> from mindspore import Tensor, mint
>>> input = Tensor(np.array([1, 2, 3]), mindspore.int32)
>>> other = Tensor(np.array([1, 1, 4]), mindspore.int32)
>>> output = mint.greater_equal(input, other)
>>> print(output)
[True True False]
>>> y = 2.1
>>> output = mint.greater_equal(input, other)
>>> print(output)
[False False True]
return _greater_equal_instance(*args, **kwargs)
def ge(*args, **kwargs):
ge(input, other) -> Tensor
Alias for :func:`mindspore.mint.greater_equal`.
return _greater_equal_instance(*args, **kwargs)
[文档]def remainder(*args, **kwargs):
remainder(input, other) -> Tensor
Computes the remainder of `input` divided by `other` element-wise. The result has the same sign as the divisor and
its absolute value is less than that of `other`.
Supports broadcasting to a common shape and implicit type promotion.
.. code:: python
remainder(input, other) == input - input.div(other, rounding_mode="floor") * other
Complex inputs are not supported. At least one input need to be tensor, but not both are bool tensors.
input (Union[Tensor, numbers.Number, bool]): The dividend is a numbers.Number or
a bool or a tensor whose data type is
`number <https://www.mindspore.cn/docs/en/master/api_python/mindspore/mindspore.dtype.html>`_ or
`bool_ <https://www.mindspore.cn/docs/en/master/api_python/mindspore/mindspore.dtype.html>`_.
other (Union[Tensor, numbers.Number, bool]): The divisor is a numbers.Number or
a bool or a tensor whose data type is number or bool\_ when the dividend is a tensor.
When the dividend is Scalar, the divisor must be a Tensor whose data type is number or bool\_.
Tensor, with dtype promoted and shape broadcasted.
TypeError: If `input` and `other` are not of types: (tensor, tensor), (tensor, number), (tensor, bool),
(number, tensor) or (bool, tensor).
ValueError: If `input` and `other` are not broadcastable.
Supported Platforms:
>>> import numpy as np
>>> from mindspore import Tensor, mint
>>> x = Tensor(np.array([-4.0, 5.0, 6.0]).astype(np.float32))
>>> y = Tensor(np.array([3.0, 2.0, 3.0]).astype(np.float64))
>>> output = mint.remainder(x, y)
>>> print(output)
[2. 1. 0.]
return _remainder_instance(*args, **kwargs)
[文档]def nansum(*args, **kwargs):
nansum(input, dim=None, keepdim=False, *, dtype=None) -> Tensor
Computes sum of `input` over a given dimension, treating NaNs as zero.
.. warning::
It is only supported on Atlas A2 Training Series Products.
This is an experimental API that is subject to change or deletion.
input (Tensor): The input Tensor.
dim (Union[int, tuple(int)], optional): The dimensions to sum.
Dim must be in the range [-rank(input), rank(input)). Default: ``None``, which indicates the sum of all
elements in a tensor.
keepdim (bool, optional): Whether the output Tensor keeps dimensions or not. Default: ``False``, indicating that no dimension is kept.
Keyword Args:
dtype (:class:`mindspore.dtype`, optional): The dtype of output Tensor. Default: ``None``.
Tensor, the sum of input `input` in the given dimension dim, treating NaNs as zero.
- If dim is None, keepdim is False,
the output is a 0-D Tensor representing the sum of all elements in the input Tensor.
- If dim is int, set as 2, and keepdim is False,
the shape of output is :math:`(input_1, input_3, ..., input_R)`.
- If dim is tuple(int) or list(int), set as (2, 3), and keepdim is False,
the shape of output is :math:`(input_1, input_4, ..., input_R)`.
TypeError: If `input` is not Tensor.
TypeError: If `keepdim` is not a bool.
TypeError: If the dtype of `input` or `dtype` is complex type.
ValueError: If `dim` is not in [-rank(input), rank(input)).
Supported Platforms:
>>> import mindspore
>>> import numpy as np
>>> from mindspore import Tensor, mint
>>> x = Tensor(np.array([[float("nan"), 2, 3], [1, 2, float("nan")]]), mindspore.float32)
>>> output1 = mint.nansum(x, dim=0, keepdim=False, dtype=mindspore.float32)
>>> output2 = mint.nansum(x, dim=0, keepdim=True, dtype=mindspore.float32)
>>> print(output1)
[1. 4. 3.]
>>> print(output2)
[[1. 4. 3.]]
return _nansum_instance(*args, **kwargs)
def floor_divide(*args, **kwargs):
Divides the first input tensor by the second input tensor element-wise and round down to the closest integer.
Inputs of `input` and `other` comply with the implicit type conversion rules to make the data types consistent.
When the inputs are two tensors,
dtypes of them cannot be bool at the same time, and the shapes of them could be broadcast.
When the inputs are one tensor and one scalar,
the scalar could only be a constant.
.. math::
out_{i} = \text{floor}( \frac{input_i}{other_i})
where the :math:`floor` indicates the Floor operator. For more details,
please refer to the :class:`mindspore.mint.Floor` operator.
.. warning::
This is an experimental API that is subject to change or deletion.
input (Union[Tensor, Number, bool]): The first input is a number or
a bool or a tensor whose data type is number or bool.
other (Union[Tensor, Number, bool]): The second input is a number or
a bool or a tensor whose data type is number or bool.
Tensor, the shape is the same as the one after broadcasting,
and the data type is the one with higher precision or higher digits among the two inputs.
TypeError: If `input` and `other` are not the following: Tensor, number.Number or bool.
Supported Platforms:
``Ascend`` ``GPU`` ``CPU``
>>> import mindspore
>>> from mindspore import Tensor, mint
>>> import numpy as np
>>> input = Tensor(np.array([2, 4, -1]), mindspore.int32)
>>> other = Tensor(np.array([3, 3, 3]), mindspore.int32)
>>> output = mint.floor_divide(input, other)
>>> print(output)
[ 0 1 -1]
>>> input = Tensor(2.0, mindspore.float32)
>>> other = Tensor(2.0, mindspore.float32)
>>> output = mint.floor_divide(input, other)
>>> print(output)
return _floor_divide_instance(*args, **kwargs)
[文档]def empty(*args, **kwargs):
empty(*size, dtype=None, device=None) -> Tensor
Creates a tensor with uninitialized data, whose shape, dtype and device are described by the argument `size`,
`dtype` and `device` respectively.
.. warning::
This is an experimental API that is subject to change or deletion.
size (Union[tuple[int], list[int], int]): The specified shape of output tensor. Can be variable numbers of
positive integers or tupled or list containing positive integers.
Keyword Args:
dtype (:class:`mindspore.dtype`, optional): The specified type of output tensor. If `dtype` is ``None`` ,
`mindspore.float32` will be used. Default: ``None`` .
device (string, optional): The specified device of the output tensor. Support ``CPU`` and ``Ascend``. If
`device = None`, `mindspore.context.device_target` will be used. Default ``None``.
Tensor, whose dtype and size are defined by input.
TypeError: If `size` is neither an int nor a tuple or list of int.
Supported Platforms:
>>> import mindspore
>>> from mindspore import ops
>>> output = ops.empty((2, 3), dtype=mindspore.float32)
>>> print(output)
[[0. 0. 0.]
[0. 0. 0.]]
return _empty_instance(*args, **kwargs)
[文档]def xlogy(*args, **kwargs):
xlogy(input, other) -> Tensor
Computes the first input multiplied by the logarithm of second input element-wise.
Returns zero when `input` is zero.
.. math::
out_i = input_{i}\log{other_{i}}
Inputs of `input` and `other` comply with the implicit type conversion rules to make the data types consistent.
The inputs must be two tensors or one tensor and one scalar.
When the inputs are two tensors, the shapes of them could be broadcast.
input (Union[Tensor, numbers.Number, bool]): The first input is a numbers.Number or
a bool or a tensor whose data type is
`number <https://www.mindspore.cn/docs/en/master/api_python/mindspore/mindspore.dtype.html>`_ or
`bool_ <https://www.mindspore.cn/docs/en/master/api_python/mindspore/mindspore.dtype.html>`_.
other (Union[Tensor, numbers.Number, bool]): The second input is a numbers.Number or
a bool or a tensor whose data type is number or bool when the first input is a tensor.
When the first input is Scalar, the second input must be a Tensor whose data type is number or bool.
Tensor, the shape is the same as the one after broadcasting,
and the data type is the one with higher precision or higher digits among the two inputs.
TypeError: If `input` and `other` is not a numbers.Number or a bool or a Tensor.
ValueError: If `input` could not be broadcast to a tensor with shape of `other`.
Supported Platforms:
``Ascend`` ``GPU`` ``CPU``
>>> import mindspore
>>> import numpy as np
>>> from mindspore import Tensor, ops
>>> input = Tensor(np.array([-5, 0, 4]), mindspore.float32)
>>> other = Tensor(np.array([2, 2, 2]), mindspore.float32)
>>> output = ops.xlogy(input, other)
>>> print(output)
[-3.465736 0. 2.7725887]
return _xlogy_instance(*args, **kwargs)
[文档]def min(*args, **kwargs):
min(input) -> Tensor
Returns the minimum value of the input tensor.
input (Tensor): The input tensor.
Scalar Tensor with the same dtype as `input`, the minimum value of the input.
Supported Platforms:
``Ascend`` ``GPU`` ``CPU``
>>> import mindspore
>>> import numpy as np
>>> from mindspore import Tensor, mint
>>> x = Tensor(np.array([0.0, 0.4, 0.6, 0.7, 0.1]), mindspore.float32)
>>> output = mint.min(x)
>>> print(output)
.. function:: min(input, dim, keepdim=False) -> Tensor
Calculates the minimum value along with the given dim for the input tensor, and returns the minimum values and
input (Tensor) - The input tensor, can be any dimension. Set the shape of input tensor as
:math:`(input_1, input_2, ..., input_N)` , Complex tensor is not supported.
dim (int): The dimension to reduce.
keepdim (bool, optional): Whether to reduce dimension, if ``True`` the output will keep the same dimension as the
input, the output will reduce dimension if ``false``. Default: ``False``.
tuple (Tensor), tuple of 2 tensors, containing the minimum value of the self tensor along the given
dimension `dim` and the corresponding index.
- **values** (Tensor) - The minimum value of input tensor, with the same shape as `index`, and same dtype as `input`.
- **index** (Tensor) - The index for the minimum value of the input tensor, with dtype int64. If `keepdim`
is ``True`` , the shape of output tensors is :math:`(input_1, input_2, ..., input_{dim-1}, 1, input_{dim+1}, ..., input_N)`.
Otherwise, the shape is :math:`(input_1, input_2, ..., input_{dim-1}, input_{dim+1}, ..., input_N)` .
TypeError: If `input` is not Tensor.
TypeError: If `keepdim` is not a bool.
TypeError: If `dim` is not an int.
Supported Platforms:
``Ascend`` ``GPU`` ``CPU``
>>> import mindspore
>>> import numpy as np
>>> from mindspore import Tensor, mint
>>> x = Tensor(np.array([0.0, 0.4, 0.6, 0.7, 0.1]), mindspore.float32)
>>> output, index = mint.min(x, 0, keepdim=True)
>>> print(output, index)
[0.0] [0]
.. function:: min(input, other) -> Tensor
For details, please refer to :func:`mindspore.mint.minimum`.
return _min_instance(*args, **kwargs)
[文档]def sub(*args, **kwargs):
sub(input, other, *, alpha=1) -> Tensor
Subtracts scaled other value from self Tensor.
.. math::
out_{i} = self_{i} - alpha \times other_{i}
- When the two inputs have different shapes,
they must be able to broadcast to a common shape.
- The two inputs and alpha comply with the implicit type conversion rules to make the data types
input (Tensor): Input data, which type is Tensor.
other (Union[Tensor, number.Number, bool]): The second self, is a number.Number or
a bool or a tensor whose data type is
`number <https://www.mindspore.cn/docs/en/master/api_python/mindspore/mindspore.dtype.html>`_ or
`bool_ <https://www.mindspore.cn/docs/en/master/api_python/mindspore/mindspore.dtype.html>`_.
Keyword Args:
alpha (number.Number, optional): A scaling factor applied to `other`, default ``1``.
Tensor with a shape that is the same as the broadcasted shape of the self `self` and `other`,
and the data type is the one with higher precision or higher digits among the two inputs and alpha.
TypeError: If the type of `other` or `alpha` is not one of the following: Tensor, number.Number, bool.
TypeError: If `alpha` is of type float but `input` and `other` are not of type float.
TypeError: If `alpha` is of type bool but `input` and `other` are not of type bool.
Supported Platforms:
``Ascend`` ``GPU`` ``CPU``
>>> import numpy as np
>>> import mindspore
>>> from mindspore import Tensor, mint
>>> x = Tensor(np.array([4, 5, 6]).astype(np.float32))
>>> y = Tensor(1, mindspore.int32)
>>> alpha = 0.5
>>> output = mint.sub(x, y, alpha)
>>> print(output)
[3.5 4.5 5.5]
>>> # the data type of x is float32, the data type of y is int32,
>>> # alpha is a float, and the output is the data format of higher precision float32.
>>> print(output.dtype)
return _sub_instance(*args, **kwargs)
def __sub__(*args, **kwargs):
__sub__(input, other, *, alpha=1) -> Tensor
Alias for :func:`mindspore.mint.sub`.
.. method:: mint.__sub__(input, other, *, alpha=1) -> Tensor
Alias for overload function of :func:`mindspore.mint.sub`.
return _sub_instance(*args, **kwargs)
[文档]def all_gather_matmul(*args, **kwargs):
all_gather_matmul(input, x2, group, world_size, *, bias=None, gather_index=0, gather_output=True, comm_turn=0, trans_input=False, trans_x2=False) -> Tensor
In the TP segmentation scenario, allgather and matmul are fused, and communication and computational pipelines
are parallelized within the fusion operator.
.. math::
output = allgather(input)@x2
gather\_out = allgather(input)
.. warning::
This is an experimental API that is subject to change or deletion.
input (Tensor): The left matrix of matmul, the dtype supports float16 and bfloat16, the shape supports 2
dimensions, and the data format supports ND.
x2 (Tensor): The right matrix of matmul, the dtype needs to be consistent with ``input`` , the shape
supports 2 dimensions, and the data format supports ND.
group (str): Communication group name, can be created by ``create_group`` method, or use the default group
world_size (int): The total number of ranks in the communication group, should be consistent with the number
of devices actually running, supporting ``2`` , ``4`` , and ``8`` .
Keyword Args:
bias (Tensor, optional): Currently only ``None`` is supported. Default: ``None`` .
gather_index (int, optional): Indicates the allgather operation object, ``0`` means gather ``input`` ,
``1`` means gather ``x2`` . Currently only ``0`` is supported. Default: ``0`` .
gather_output (bool, optional): Indicates whether gather output is required. Default: ``True`` .
comm_turn (int, optional): Indicates the granularity of communication between ranks. Currently only ``0``
is supported. Default: ``0`` .
trans_input (bool, optional): Indicates whether ``input`` is transposed. Currently only ``False`` is
supported. Default: ``False`` .
trans_x2 (bool, optional): Indicates whether ``x2`` is transposed. Default: ``False`` .
- output (Tensor) - The result of allgather and matmul fusion calculations.
- gather_out (Tensor) - The result of allgather. If gather_output is ``False`` , ``gather_out`` returns a
tensor with shape 0.
- When using this interface, please ensure that the driver firmware package and CANN package are both the
matching 8.0.RC2 version or a higher version, otherwise an error will be reported, such as BUS ERROR.
- The shape of ``input`` is (m, k), the shape of ``x2`` is (k, n), k is required to be equal, and the value
range of k is [256, 65535). The shape of ``output`` is (m * world_size, n), and the shape of
``gather_out`` is (m * world_size, k).
- The common fusion operators in a model only support the same communication group.
TypeError: Any arg is of wrong type.
RuntimeError: The dtype of ``input`` or ``x2`` is neither float16 nor bfloat16.
RuntimeError: The dtypes of ``input`` and ``x2`` are different.
RuntimeError: The shape of ``input`` or ``x2`` is not two-dimensional.
RuntimeError: The k axis of ``input`` shape and ``x2`` shape are not equal.
RuntimeError: k is less than ``256`` or greater than or equal to ``65535`` .
RuntimeError: ``bias`` is not None.
RuntimeError: ``group`` does not exist.
RuntimeError: ``world_size`` is inconsistent with the actual number of running cards.
RuntimeError: ``world_size`` is not equal to ``2`` , ``4`` , or ``8`` .
RuntimeError: ``gather_index`` is not ``0`` .
RuntimeError: ``trans_input`` is ``True`` .
Supported Platforms:
.. note::
Before running the following examples, you need to configure the communication environment variables.
For Ascend/GPU/CPU devices, it is recommended to use the msrun startup method without any third-party or
configuration file dependencies. Please see the `msrun start up <https://www.mindspore.cn/docs/en/master/model_train/parallel/msrun_launcher.html>`_
for more details.
This example should be run with 2 devices.
>>> import mindspore as ms
>>> import numpy as np
>>> from mindspore import ops
>>> ms.communication.init()
>>> rank = ms.communication.get_rank()
>>> np.random.seed(rank)
>>> input = ms.Tensor(np.random.randn(128, 256).astype(np.float32), dtype=ms.float16)
>>> x2 = ms.Tensor(np.random.randn(256, 512).astype(np.float32), dtype=ms.float16)
>>> group = ms.communication.GlobalComm.WORLD_COMM_GROUP
>>> world_size = ms.communication.get_group_size()
>>> output, gather_out = ops.all_gather_matmul(
... input,
... x2,
... group,
... world_size,
... bias=None,
... gather_index=0,
... gather_output=True,
... comm_turn=0,
... trans_input=False,
... trans_x2=False,
... )
>>> print(output.shape)
(256, 512)
>>> print(gather_out.shape)
(256, 256)
return _all_gather_matmul_instance(*args, **kwargs)
[文档]def fmod(*args, **kwargs):
fmod(input, other) -> Tensor
Computes the floating-point remainder of the division operation input/other.
.. math::
out = input - n * other
Where :math:`n` is :math:`input/other` with its fractional part truncated.
The returned value has the same sign as `input` and is less than `other` in magnitude.
.. warning::
This is an experimental API that is subject to change or deletion.
input (Tensor): the dividend.
other (Union[Tensor, Number]): the divisor.
Tensor, the shape is the same as the one after broadcasting,
and the data type is the one with higher precision or higher digits among the two inputs.
TypeError: If `input` is not a Tensor.
Supported Platforms:
>>> import mindspore
>>> import numpy as np
>>> from mindspore import Tensor, mint
>>> input = Tensor(np.array([-4., -3.5, 0, 3.5, 4]), mindspore.float32)
>>> output = mint.fmod(input, 2.5)
>>> print(output)
[-1.5 -1. 0. 1. 1.5]
return _fmod_instance(*args, **kwargs)
__all__ = [