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mindspore.ops.orgqr(input, input2)[source]

Calculates the explicit representation of the orthogonal matrix Q returned by mindspore.ops.Geqrf.

Take the case of input without batch dimension as an example, computes the first N columns of a product of Householder matrices. Suppose input input is a matrix of size (M,N) after householder transformation. When the diagonal of input is set to 1, every colunm of lower triangular in input is denoted as wj for j for j=1,,M, this function returns the first N columns of the matrix

H1H2Hk with Hj=IMτjwjwjH

where IM is the M-dimensional identity matrix. And when w is complex, wH is the conjugate transpose, otherwise the transpose. The output matrix is the same size as the input matrix input. tau is corresponding to input2.

  • input (Tensor) – Tensor of shape (,M,N), indicating 2D or 3D matrices, with float32, float64, complex64 and complex128 data type.

  • input2 (Tensor) – Tensor of shape (,K), where K is less than or equal to N, indicating the reflecting coefficient in Householder transformation, which have the same type as input.


Tensor, has the same shape and data type as input.

  • TypeError – If input or input2 are not Tensors.

  • TypeError – If dtype of input and input2 is not one of: float64, float32, complex64, complex128.

  • ValueError – If input and input2 have different batch size.

  • ValueError – If input.shape[-2] < input.shape[-1].

  • ValueError – If input.shape[-1] < input2.shape[-1].

  • ValueError – If rank(input) - rank(input2) != 1.

  • ValueError – If rank(input) != 2 or 3.

Supported Platforms:

Ascend GPU CPU


>>> import mindspore
>>> import numpy as np
>>> from mindspore import Tensor, ops
>>> input = Tensor(np.array([[-114.6, 10.9, 1.1], [-0.304, 38.07, 69.38], [-0.45, -0.17, 62.]]),
... mindspore.float32)
>>> input2 = Tensor(np.array([1.55, 1.94, 0.0]), mindspore.float32)
>>> y = ops.orgqr(input, input2)
>>> print(y)
[[-0.54999995 -0.2128925   0.8137956 ]
 [ 0.47119996 -0.8752807   0.08240613]
 [ 0.69749993  0.42560163  0.57772595]]