Source code for mindspore.dataset.engine.datasets_user_defined

# Copyright 2019-2022 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
# ==============================================================================
This file contains basic classes that help users do flexible dataset loading.
You can define your own dataset loading class, and use GeneratorDataset to help load data.
After declaring the dataset object, you can further apply dataset operations
(e.g. filter, skip, concat, map, batch) on it.
import builtins
import errno
import math
import os
import signal
import time
import multiprocessing
from multiprocessing.util import Finalize
import queue
from functools import partial
import subprocess
import threading
import weakref
import platform
import psutil
import numpy as np

import mindspore._c_dataengine as cde

from mindspore.common import Tensor
from mindspore import log as logger

from .datasets import UnionBaseDataset, MappableDataset, Schema, to_list, _PythonMultiprocessing, _check_shm_usage
from . import samplers
from .queue import _SharedQueue
from .validators import check_generatordataset, check_numpyslicesdataset, check_paddeddataset
from ..core.config import get_enable_shared_mem, get_prefetch_size, get_multiprocessing_timeout_interval, \
    get_enable_watchdog, get_debug_mode
from ..core.datatypes import mstypelist_to_detypelist
from ..core.py_util_helpers import ExceptionHandler

def _iter_fn(dataset, num_samples):
    Generator function wrapper for iterable dataset.
    if num_samples is not None and num_samples != 0:
        ds_iter = iter(dataset)
        for _ in range(num_samples):
                val = next(ds_iter)
            except StopIteration:
            # convert output tensors to ndarrays
            yield _convert_row(val)
        for val in dataset:
            # convert output tensors to ndarrays
            yield _convert_row(val)

def _generator_fn(generator, num_samples):
    Generator function wrapper for generator function dataset.
    if num_samples is not None and num_samples != 0:
        gen_iter = generator()
        for _ in range(num_samples):
                val = next(gen_iter)
            except StopIteration:
            yield _convert_row(val)
        gen_iter = generator()
        for val in gen_iter:
            yield _convert_row(val)

def _cpp_sampler_fn(sample_ids, dataset):
    Generator function wrapper for mappable dataset with cpp sampler.
    if not isinstance(sample_ids, np.ndarray):
        raise RuntimeError("Sample IDs are not in a numpy array.")
    if sample_ids.size == 0:
        raise RuntimeError("Sampler passed an empty sample IDs list.")

    for i in sample_ids:
        val = dataset[i]
        # convert output tensors to ndarrays
        yield _convert_row(val)

def _cpp_sampler_fn_mp(sample_ids, sample_fn):
    Multiprocessing generator function wrapper for mappable dataset with cpp sampler.
    if not isinstance(sample_ids, np.ndarray):
        raise RuntimeError("Sample IDs are not in a numpy array.")
    if sample_ids.size == 0:
        raise RuntimeError("Sampler passed an empty sample IDs list.")

    return sample_fn.process(sample_ids)

def _fill_worker_indices(workers, indices, idx):
    Worker index queue filler, fill worker index queue in round robin order.
    num_worker = len(workers)
    while idx < len(indices):
            workers[idx % num_worker].put(indices[idx])
            idx += 1
        except queue.Full:
    return idx

def _convert_row(row):
    Convert Op return value to numpy, or keep as a dict (if already a dict)

    # convert single item to np.array
    prim_type = (int, float, str, bytes, np.ndarray, Tensor)
    if isinstance(row, prim_type):
        if isinstance(row, Tensor):  # mindspore.Tensor
            item = row.asnumpy()
            item = np.array(row, copy=False)
            if item.dtype == 'object':
                raise TypeError("Data type of the input or its converted Numpy array is expected to be " \
                                "int or float or str, but got {}.".format(item.dtype))
        return tuple([item])

    if isinstance(row, dict):
        return tuple([row])

    value = []
    # convert each item to np.array
    idx = 0
    for x in row:
        idx += 1
        if isinstance(x, Tensor):  # mindspore.Tensor
        elif isinstance(x, dict):
            item = np.array(x, copy=False)
            if item.dtype == 'object':
                raise TypeError("Data type of {}th item of the input or its converted Numpy array is expected to be " \
                                "int or float or str, but got {}.".format(idx, item.dtype))
    return tuple(value)

class SamplerFn:
    Multiprocessing or multithread generator function wrapper master process.

    def __init__(self, dataset, num_worker, multi_process, max_rowsize):
        self.workers = []
        self.dataset = dataset
        self.num_worker = num_worker
        self.multi_process = multi_process
        self.max_rowsize = max_rowsize
        self.need_join = False
        self.ppid = os.getpid()
        self.pids = []
        self.check_interval = get_multiprocessing_timeout_interval()  # the interval of check queue's size
        self._final_join = True

        # Event for end of epoch
        if multi_process is True:
                self.eof = multiprocessing.Event()
            except Exception:
                raise RuntimeError("Init multiprocessing.Event() failed, This might be caused by insufficient shm,"
                                   + " and the recommended shm size is at least 5 GB.")
            self.eof = threading.Event()
        # Create workers

        # get default queue size and adjust queuesize per worker if there are large # workers
        queue_size = get_prefetch_size()
        queue_size = min(queue_size, queue_size * 4 // num_worker)
        queue_size = max(2, queue_size)

        if multi_process and get_enable_shared_mem():
            _check_shm_usage(num_worker, queue_size, max_rowsize)
        self.count = multiprocessing.Value('i', 0)
        for _ in range(num_worker):
            if multi_process is True:
                    worker = _GeneratorWorkerMp(dataset, self.eof, max_rowsize, queue_size, self.ppid, self.count)
                    worker.daemon = True
                    # When multi processes fork a subprocess, the lock of the main process is copied to the subprocess,
                    # which may cause deadlock. Therefore, the subprocess startup is performed in the initialization
                    # phase. In this phase, the main process is not locked.
                except OSError as e:
                    if e.errno == errno.EMFILE:
                        raise RuntimeError("Failed to launch multiprocessing of GeneratorDataset: "
                                           "Too many open files. Please check if `num_parallel_workers` "
                                           "is set too large, or you are creating iterators multiple times. "
                                           "You can also increase the limit using `ulimit -n` in the shell "
                                           "to avoid this error.")
                except Exception as e:
                    raise RuntimeError("Failed to launch multiprocessing of GeneratorDataset: {0}".format(e))
                self.need_join = True
                worker = _GeneratorWorkerMt(dataset, self.eof)
                worker.daemon = True

    def process(self, indices):
        The main process, start the child process or child thread, and fill the index queue.
        Get the result and return.
        for w in self.workers:
            # Check whether the queue of the subprocess is empty.
            if not w.queue_empty():
                raise Exception("The queue of the subprocess is not empty.")
            # Start all workers
            if not w.is_alive():

        # Fill initial index queues
        idx_cursor = 0
        idx_cursor = _fill_worker_indices(self.workers, indices, idx_cursor)

        # Fetch results
        for i in range(len(indices)):
            if self.eof.is_set():
            if self.multi_process is True and not psutil.pid_exists(self.workers[i % self.num_worker].pid):
            # Fetch result and put index
                # To avoid get timeout from queue, check the res_queue size.
                start_time = int(time.time())
                wait_count = 1
                while self.workers[i % self.num_worker].res_queue.empty():
                    if self.eof.is_set():
                        logger.warning("Generator receives a termination signal, stop waiting for data "
                                       "from subprocess.")
                    cost_time = int(time.time()) - start_time
                    if cost_time / self.check_interval >= wait_count:
                        wait_count += 1
                        self._log_stuck_warning(self.workers[i % self.num_worker], cost_time)
                result = self.workers[i % self.num_worker].get()
                if isinstance(result, ExceptionHandler):
            except queue.Empty:
                raise Exception("Generator worker process timeout.")
            except KeyboardInterrupt:
                raise Exception("Generator worker receives KeyboardInterrupt.")
            if self.eof.is_set():
            if idx_cursor < len(indices):
                idx_cursor = _fill_worker_indices(self.workers, indices, idx_cursor)
            yield _convert_row(result)

    def _log_stuck_warning(self, worker, waiting_time):
        Log warning of the stuck worker, containing the worker ID, waiting time and
        the current stack (if py-spy installed).

            worker (Union[threading.Thread, multiprocessing.Process]): The worker instance.
            waiting_time (int): The waiting time for getting data from the worker.
        if self.multi_process:
            stuck_worker_id =
            worker_type = "process"
            stuck_pid = stuck_worker_id
            if hasattr(worker, "native_id"):
                # only supported since Python 3.8
                stuck_worker_id = worker.native_id
                stuck_worker_id = worker.ident
            worker_type = "thread"
            stuck_pid = os.getpid()  # get the process ID of the stuck thread
        warning_message = "Has been waiting for data from Generator worker {0} ID '{1}' " \
                          "for more than {2} seconds. Please check if the user defined " \
                          "dataset of GeneratorDataset has a dead loop, or is processing " \
                          "too slowly. ".format(worker_type, stuck_worker_id, waiting_time)
        install_status, _ = subprocess.getstatusoutput("py-spy --version")
        if install_status == 0:
            stack = subprocess.getoutput("py-spy dump -p {}".format(stuck_pid))
            warning_message += "Below is the stack of this worker:\n{0}\n".format(stack)
            warning_message += "You can install py-spy via `pip install py-spy`, then " \
                               "stop and rerun your script to get the current stack. "
        warning_message += "If it is not a problem, you can adjust the printing frequency of this log via " \
                           "the `mindspore.dataset.config.set_multiprocessing_timeout_interval` interface."

    def _launch_cleanup_worker(self, multi_process):
        We need a extra thread and process if main process or subprocess was killed.

            multi_process: Whether use multiprocess.
        if multi_process is True and platform.system().lower() != 'windows':
            _clean_worker_func = _PythonMultiprocessing._clean_process  # pylint: disable=W0212
            self.cleaning_process = multiprocessing.Process(target=_clean_worker_func, args=(self.ppid, self.workers))
            self.cleaning_process.daemon = True

            if get_enable_watchdog():
                self.eot = threading.Event()
                self.watch_dog = threading.Thread(target=_PythonMultiprocessing._watch_dog,  # pylint: disable=W0212
                                                  args=(self.eot, self.workers + [self.cleaning_process]))
                self.watch_dog.daemon = True

                if self._final_join is True:
                    self._jointhread = Finalize(
                        self.watch_dog, self._finalize_join,
                        args=(weakref.ref(self.watch_dog), self.eot),

    def _stop_subprocess(self):
        """Only the main process can call join."""
        if self.need_join is True and self.ppid == os.getpid():
            # close the watch dog first

            if hasattr(self, 'eof') and self.eof is not None and not self.eof.is_set():
            self.need_join = False
            for w in self.workers:
                if self.multi_process is True and hasattr(w, '_closed') and w._closed is False:  # pylint: disable=W0212
                        # del the queue first
                        del w.res_queue
                        del w.idx_queue

                        # close all the subprocess workers
                    except Exception:  # pylint: disable=W0703
                        # Block all errors when join

            # release the file descriptor handle
            check_interval = get_multiprocessing_timeout_interval()
            for w in self.workers:
                    subprocess_file_descriptor = w.sentinel
                    st = time.time()
                    while _PythonMultiprocessing.is_process_alive(
                        time.sleep(0.01)  # sleep 10ms, waiting for the subprocess exit
                        if time.time() - st > check_interval:
                            logger.warning("Waiting for the subprocess worker [{}] to exit.".format(
                            st += check_interval
                except ValueError as e:
                    if "process object is closed" in str(e):
                    raise e
                    if w.is_alive():
                except OSError as e:
                    # Maybe the file descriptor had been released, so ignore the 'Bad file descriptor'
                    if "Bad file descriptor" not in str(e):
                        raise e

            self.workers = None

    def _abort_watchdog(self):
        if hasattr(self, 'eot') and self.eot is not None and not self.eot.is_set():
        if hasattr(self, 'cleaning_process') and self.cleaning_process is not None:
            _PythonMultiprocessing._terminate_processes([self.cleaning_process])  # pylint: disable=W0212
            del self.cleaning_process
        if hasattr(self, 'count'):
            del self.count

    def _finalize_join(cls, twr, eot):
        thread = twr()
        if thread is not None:
            if eot is not None and not eot.is_set():

    def __del__(self):
        except TypeError:

    def __deepcopy__(self, memodict, exclude=()):
        self.__init__(self.dataset, self.num_worker, self.multi_process, self.max_rowsize)

def _subprocess_handle(eof, signum, frame):

def _ignore_sigint(is_multiprocessing):
    We need to ignore sigint signal here so subprocesses can exit normally and clear.
    if is_multiprocessing:
        signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, signal.SIG_IGN)

def _main_process_already_exit(eof, is_multiprocessing, idx_queue, result_queue, ppid):
    Judge whether main process already exit.
    if eof.is_set() or (is_multiprocessing and platform.system().lower() != 'windows' and
                        not _PythonMultiprocessing.is_process_alive(ppid)):
        if is_multiprocessing:
        return True
    return False

def _generator_worker_loop(dataset, idx_queue, result_queue, eof, is_multiprocessing, ppid=-1):
    Multithread or multiprocess generator worker process loop.
    if is_multiprocessing:
        signal.signal(signal.SIGTERM, partial(_subprocess_handle, eof))
    while True:

        # Fetch index, block
            idx = idx_queue.get(timeout=1)
        except queue.Empty:
            if _main_process_already_exit(eof, is_multiprocessing, idx_queue, result_queue, ppid) is True:
                del idx_queue
                del result_queue
            # If end-of-file (eof) is not set, continue to get data from idx_queue
        if idx is None:
            # When the queue is out of scope from master process, a None item can be fetched from the queue.
            # Upon receiving None, worker process should check if eof is set.
            if not eof.is_set():
                raise Exception("")
            del idx_queue
            del result_queue
        if eof.is_set():
            del idx_queue
            del result_queue
        # Fetch data, any exception from __getitem__ will terminate worker and timeout master process
            result = dataset[idx]
        except Exception:  # pylint: disable=broad-except
            result = ExceptionHandler(where="in GeneratorDataset worker process")
        # Send data, block
        while True:
                result_queue.put(result, timeout=5)
            except queue.Full:
                if _main_process_already_exit(eof, is_multiprocessing, idx_queue, result_queue, ppid) is True:
                    del idx_queue
                    del result_queue
                # If eof is not set, continue to put data to result_queue
        del result, idx

class _GeneratorWorkerMt(threading.Thread):
    Worker process for multi-thread Generator.

    def __init__(self, dataset, eof):
        self.idx_queue = queue.Queue(16)
        self.res_queue = queue.Queue(16)
        super().__init__(target=_generator_worker_loop, args=(dataset, self.idx_queue, self.res_queue, eof, False),

    def put(self, item):
        Put function for worker index queue. Never block. Raise queue.Full on failure.

    def get(self):
        Get function for worker result queue. Block with timeout.
        return self.res_queue.get(timeout=30)

    def queue_empty(self):
        if not self.idx_queue.empty():
            logger.warning("idx_queue is not empty")
            return False
        if not self.res_queue.empty():
            logger.warning("res_queue is not empty")
            return False
        return True

class _GeneratorWorkerMp(multiprocessing.Process):
    Worker process for multiprocess Generator.

    def __init__(self, dataset, eof, max_rowsize, queue_size, ppid, count):
        self.idx_queue = multiprocessing.Queue(queue_size)
        if get_enable_shared_mem():
            self.res_queue = _SharedQueue(queue_size, count, max_rowsize=max_rowsize)
            self.res_queue = multiprocessing.Queue(queue_size)
        self.idx_queue._joincancelled = True  # pylint: disable=W0212
        self.res_queue._joincancelled = True  # pylint: disable=W0212
        super().__init__(target=_generator_worker_loop, args=(dataset, self.idx_queue, self.res_queue, eof, True, ppid),

    def put(self, item):
        Put function for worker index queue. Never block. Raise queue.Full on failure.

    def get(self):
        Get function for worker result queue. Block with timeout.
        # Relax 10s to 30s, since it sometimes will cause "Generator worker process timeout"
        # when we run too many iterators with infinite epoch(num_epoch=-1)
        return self.res_queue.get(timeout=30)

    def queue_empty(self):
        if not self.idx_queue.empty():
            logger.warning("idx_queue is not empty.")
            return False
        if not self.res_queue.empty():
            logger.warning("res_queue is not empty.")
            return False
        return True

    def __del__(self):
        # del all the Queue & SharedQueue when the iter had been deleted from ITERATORS_LIST
        if hasattr(self, 'idx_queue'):
            del self.idx_queue
        if hasattr(self, 'res_queue'):
            # del the queue when has
            del self.res_queue

[docs]class GeneratorDataset(MappableDataset, UnionBaseDataset): """ A source dataset that generates data from Python by invoking Python data source each epoch. The column names and column types of generated dataset depend on Python data defined by users. Args: source (Union[Callable, Iterable, Random Accessible]): A generator callable object, an iterable Python object or a random accessible Python object. Callable source is required to return a tuple of NumPy arrays as a row of the dataset on source().next(). Iterable source is required to return a tuple of NumPy arrays as a row of the dataset on iter(source).next(). Random accessible source is required to return a tuple of NumPy arrays as a row of the dataset on source[idx]. column_names (Union[str, list[str]], optional): List of column names of the dataset. Default: ``None`` . Users are required to provide either column_names or schema. column_types (list[mindspore.dtype], optional): List of column data types of the dataset. Default: ``None`` . If provided, sanity check will be performed on generator output. schema (Union[str, Schema], optional): Data format policy, which specifies the data types and shapes of the data column to be read. Both JSON file path and objects constructed by :class:`mindspore.dataset.Schema` are acceptable. Default: ``None`` . num_samples (int, optional): The number of samples to be included in the dataset. Default: ``None`` , all images. num_parallel_workers (int, optional): Number of worker threads/subprocesses used to fetch the dataset in parallel. Default: ``1``. shuffle (bool, optional): Whether or not to perform shuffle on the dataset. Random accessible input is required. Default: ``None`` , expected order behavior shown in the table below. sampler (Union[Sampler, Iterable], optional): Object used to choose samples from the dataset. Random accessible input is required. Default: ``None`` , expected order behavior shown in the table below. num_shards (int, optional): Number of shards that the dataset will be divided into. Default: ``None`` . Random accessible input is required. When this argument is specified, `num_samples` reflects the maximum sample number of per shard. shard_id (int, optional): The shard ID within `num_shards` . Default: ``None`` . This argument must be specified only when `num_shards` is also specified. Random accessible input is required. python_multiprocessing (bool, optional): Parallelize Python operations with multiple worker process. This option could be beneficial if the Python operation is computational heavy. Default: ``True``. max_rowsize(int, optional): Maximum size of row in MB that is used for shared memory allocation to copy data between processes. This is only used if `python_multiprocessing` is set to ``True``. Default: ``6`` MB. Raises: RuntimeError: If source raises an exception during execution. RuntimeError: If len of column_names does not match output len of source. ValueError: If `num_parallel_workers` exceeds the max thread numbers. ValueError: If sampler and shuffle are specified at the same time. ValueError: If sampler and sharding are specified at the same time. ValueError: If `num_shards` is specified but shard_id is None. ValueError: If shard_id is specified but `num_shards` is None. ValueError: If `shard_id` is not in range of [0, `num_shards` ). Tutorial Examples: - `Load & Process Data With Dataset Pipeline <>`_ Note: - If you configure `python_multiprocessing=True` (Default: ``True`` ) and `num_parallel_workers>1` (default: ``1`` ) indicates that the multi-process mode is started for data load acceleration. At this time, as the datasetiterates, the memory consumption of the subprocess will gradually increase, mainly because the subprocess of the user-defined dataset obtains the member variables from the main process in the Copy On Write way. Example: If you define a dataset with `__ init__` function which contains a large number of member variable data (for example, a very large file name list is loaded during the dataset construction) and uses the multi-process mode, which may cause the problem of OOM (the estimated total memory usage is: `(num_parallel_workers+1) * size of the parent process` ). The simplest solution is to replace Python objects (such as list/dict/int/float/string) with non referenced data types (such as Pandas, Numpy or PyArrow objects) for member variables, or load less meta data in member variables, or configure `python_multiprocessing=False` to use multi-threading mode. There are several classes/functions that can help you reduce the size of member variables, and you can choose to use them: 1. :class:`mindspore.dataset.utils.LineReader`: Use this class to initialize your text file object in the `__init__` function. Then read the file content based on the line number of the object with the `__getitem__` function. - Input `source` accepts user-defined Python functions (PyFuncs), Do not add network computing operators from mindspore.nn and mindspore.ops or others into this `source` . - This dataset can take in a `sampler` . `sampler` and `shuffle` are mutually exclusive. The table below shows what input arguments are allowed and their expected behavior. .. list-table:: Expected Order Behavior of Using `sampler` and `shuffle` :widths: 25 25 50 :header-rows: 1 * - Parameter `sampler` - Parameter `shuffle` - Expected Order Behavior * - None - None - random order * - None - True - random order * - None - False - sequential order * - Sampler object - None - order defined by sampler * - Sampler object - True - not allowed * - Sampler object - False - not allowed Examples: >>> import mindspore.dataset as ds >>> import numpy as np >>> >>> # 1) Multidimensional generator function as callable input. >>> def generator_multidimensional(): ... for i in range(64): ... yield (np.array([[i, i + 1], [i + 2, i + 3]]),) >>> >>> dataset = ds.GeneratorDataset(source=generator_multidimensional, column_names=["multi_dimensional_data"]) >>> >>> # 2) Multi-column generator function as callable input. >>> def generator_multi_column(): ... for i in range(64): ... yield np.array([i]), np.array([[i, i + 1], [i + 2, i + 3]]) >>> >>> dataset = ds.GeneratorDataset(source=generator_multi_column, column_names=["col1", "col2"]) >>> >>> # 3) Iterable dataset as iterable input. >>> class MyIterable: ... def __init__(self): ... self._index = 0 ... self._data = np.random.sample((5, 2)) ... self._label = np.random.sample((5, 1)) ... ... def __next__(self): ... if self._index >= len(self._data): ... raise StopIteration ... else: ... item = (self._data[self._index], self._label[self._index]) ... self._index += 1 ... return item ... ... def __iter__(self): ... self._index = 0 ... return self ... ... def __len__(self): ... return len(self._data) >>> >>> dataset = ds.GeneratorDataset(source=MyIterable(), column_names=["data", "label"]) >>> >>> # 4) Random accessible dataset as random accessible input. >>> class MyAccessible: ... def __init__(self): ... self._data = np.random.sample((5, 2)) ... self._label = np.random.sample((5, 1)) ... ... def __getitem__(self, index): ... return self._data[index], self._label[index] ... ... def __len__(self): ... return len(self._data) >>> >>> dataset = ds.GeneratorDataset(source=MyAccessible(), column_names=["data", "label"]) >>> >>> # list, dict, tuple of Python is also random accessible >>> dataset = ds.GeneratorDataset(source=[(np.array(0),), (np.array(1),), (np.array(2),)], column_names=["col"]) """ @check_generatordataset def __init__(self, source, column_names=None, column_types=None, schema=None, num_samples=None, num_parallel_workers=1, shuffle=None, sampler=None, num_shards=None, shard_id=None, python_multiprocessing=True, max_rowsize=6): super().__init__(num_parallel_workers=num_parallel_workers, sampler=sampler, num_samples=num_samples, shuffle=shuffle, num_shards=num_shards, shard_id=shard_id) if isinstance(source, # Although zip is iterable, it does not have the feature of repeated iteration, so pass it to the array. self.source = [item for item in source] else: self.source = source self.prepared_source = None # source to be sent to C++ if hasattr(self, 'operator_mixed') and getattr(self, 'operator_mixed') is True: self.num_parallel_workers = 1 logger.warning( "Input 'source' of 'GeneratorDataset' includes network computing operators like in mindspore.nn, " "mindspore.ops, mindspore.numpy module and etc, which do not support multi-thread compiling, recommend" " to replace it with python implemented operator like numpy etc. Here decrease 'num_parallel_workers' " "into 1.") if platform.system().lower() == 'windows' and num_parallel_workers > 1 and python_multiprocessing: logger.warning("Python multiprocessing is not supported on Windows platform.") self.python_multiprocessing = python_multiprocessing if platform.system().lower() != 'windows' else False if self.python_multiprocessing and get_debug_mode(): logger.warning("Python multiprocessing is not supported in debug mode." " Ignoring Python multiprocessing for GeneratorDataset.") self.python_multiprocessing = False self.column_names = to_list(column_names) if column_types is not None: self.column_types = mstypelist_to_detypelist(column_types) else: self.column_types = [] self.schema = schema if schema is not None: self.schema = schema if not isinstance(schema, Schema): self.schema = Schema(schema) # Move get dataset_size by len from parse to here, because self.source will # lose attribution of '__len__' after deepcopy. self.source_len = -1 # unknown if hasattr(self.source, "__len__"): self.source_len = len(self.source) # if user defined sampler, update the self.source_len if isinstance(self.sampler, samplers.Sampler) or hasattr(self.sampler, "__iter__"): self.source_len = len(list(sampler)) self.max_rowsize = max_rowsize self.sample_fn = None def __deepcopy__(self, memodict): if id(self) in memodict: return memodict[id(self)] new_op = self.__safe_deepcopy__(memodict, exclude=("source", "__transfer_dataset__")) sample_fn = None if new_op.sampler is not None and hasattr(self.source, "__getitem__"): # The reason why there is a try catch here is because when the new op is being constructed with shared # memory enabled, there will be an exception thrown if there is not enough shared memory available if self.source_len == -1: raise RuntimeError("Attempt to construct a random access dataset, '__len__' method is required!") if new_op.num_parallel_workers > 1: self.__validate_memory_usage() sample_fn = SamplerFn(self.source, new_op.num_parallel_workers, self.python_multiprocessing, self.max_rowsize) new_op.prepared_source = (lambda sample_ids: _cpp_sampler_fn_mp(sample_ids, sample_fn)) else: new_op.prepared_source = (lambda sample_ids: _cpp_sampler_fn(sample_ids, self.source)) new_op.sample_fn = sample_fn else: new_op.sampler = None new_op.sample_fn = sample_fn new_op.source_len = min(new_op.source_len, new_op.num_samples) if new_op.num_samples != 0 else new_op.source_len if not hasattr(self.source, "__iter__"): # Use generator function if input callable new_op.prepared_source = (lambda: _generator_fn(self.source, new_op.num_samples)) else: # Use iterator function if input is iterable # Random accessible input is also iterable new_op.prepared_source = (lambda: _iter_fn(self.source, new_op.num_samples)) return new_op def is_shuffled(self): if self.sampler: return self.sampler.is_shuffled() return False def is_sharded(self): if self.sampler: return self.sampler.is_sharded() return False def split(self, sizes, randomize=True): if hasattr(self.source, "__getitem__"): # If the source has __getitem__ attribute, call the split method of MappableDataset. # Otherwise, call the split method of Dataset. return super().split(sizes, randomize) return super(MappableDataset, self).split(sizes, randomize) def parse(self, children=None): if self.schema is None: return cde.GeneratorNode(self.prepared_source, self.column_names, self.column_types, self.source_len, self.sampler, self.num_parallel_workers) schema = self.schema if isinstance(schema, Schema): schema = self.schema.cpp_schema return cde.GeneratorNode(self.prepared_source, schema, self.source_len, self.sampler, self.num_parallel_workers) def __validate_memory_usage(self): """ Check memory usage when mulit-processing mode, when 85% prompt warning and 100% raise error. """ if self.python_multiprocessing: # if use num_parallel_workers is to large when python_multiprocessing=True which would cause # OOM error get the num_shards valid_num_shards = 1 if isinstance(self.sampler, samplers.DistributedSampler): valid_num_shards = self.sampler.num_shards elif self.num_shards is not None: valid_num_shards = self.num_shards # get process memory usage process = psutil.Process(os.getpid()) process_memory = process.memory_info().rss sys_memory_available = psutil.virtual_memory().available total_memory_maybe_used = process_memory * self.num_parallel_workers * valid_num_shards if total_memory_maybe_used / sys_memory_available > 0.85: valid_num_worker = math.floor(sys_memory_available * 0.85 / valid_num_shards / process_memory) valid_num_worker = 1 if valid_num_worker <= 0 else valid_num_worker info = "GeneratorDataset's num_parallel_workers: {} is too large which may cause a lot of memory " \ "occupation (>85%) or out of memory(OOM) during multiprocessing. Therefore, it is recommended " \ "to reduce num_parallel_workers to {} or smaller.".format(self.num_parallel_workers, valid_num_worker) logger.warning(info)
class _NumpySlicesDataset: """ Mainly for dealing with several kinds of formats of Python data, and return one row each time. """ def __init__(self, data, column_list=None): self.column_list = None # Convert dict data into tuple if isinstance(data, dict): data = self.process_dict(data) if isinstance(data, tuple): = data else: = (data,) # check whether the data length in each column is equal data_len = [len(data_item) for data_item in] if data_len[1:] != data_len[:-1]: raise ValueError("Data length in each column is not equal.") # Init column_name if column_list is not None: self.column_list = column_list elif self.column_list is None: self.column_list = [] column_num = len( for i in range(column_num): self.column_list.append("column_" + str(i)) def __getitem__(self, index): data_row = [d[index] for d in] data_res = tuple(data_row) return data_res def __len__(self): return len([0]) def process_dict(self, input_data): """ Convert the dict like data into tuple format, when input is a tuple of dicts then compose it into a dict first. """ # Convert pandas like dict(has "values" column) into General dict data_keys = list(input_data.keys()) data_col = input_data[data_keys[0]] if hasattr(data_col, "values"): new_dict = {} for key in data_keys: item1 = input_data.pop(key) new_dict[key] = item1.values input_data = new_dict # Convert the data in dict into tuple data = () keys = list(input_data.keys()) self.column_list = keys for key in keys: value = input_data[key] data = data + (list(value),) return data
[docs]class NumpySlicesDataset(GeneratorDataset): """ Creates a dataset with given data slices, mainly for loading Python data into dataset. The column names and column types of generated dataset depend on Python data defined by users. Args: data (Union[list, tuple, dict]) Input of given data. Supported data types include: list, tuple, dict and other NumPy formats. Input data will be sliced along the first dimension and generate additional rows, if input is list, there will be one column in each row, otherwise there tends to be multi columns. Large data is not recommended to be loaded in this way as data is loading into memory. column_names (list[str], optional): List of column names of the dataset. Default: ``None`` . If `column_names` is not provided, the output column names will be named as the keys of dict when the input data is a dict, otherwise they will be named like column_0, column_1 ... num_samples (int, optional): The number of samples to be included in the dataset. Default: ``None`` , all samples. num_parallel_workers (int, optional): Number of worker subprocesses used to fetch the dataset in parallel. Default: ``1``. shuffle (bool, optional): Whether or not to perform shuffle on the dataset. Default: ``None`` , expected order behavior shown in the table below. sampler (Union[Sampler, Iterable], optional): Object used to choose samples from the dataset. Default: ``None`` , expected order behavior shown in the table below. num_shards (int, optional): Number of shards that the dataset will be divided into. Default: ``None`` . When this argument is specified, `num_samples` reflects the max sample number of per shard. shard_id (int, optional): The shard ID within `num_shards` . Default: ``None`` . This argument must be specified only when `num_shards` is also specified. Note: - This dataset can take in a `sampler` . `sampler` and `shuffle` are mutually exclusive. The table below shows what input arguments are allowed and their expected behavior. .. list-table:: Expected Order Behavior of Using `sampler` and `shuffle` :widths: 25 25 50 :header-rows: 1 * - Parameter `sampler` - Parameter `shuffle` - Expected Order Behavior * - None - None - random order * - None - True - random order * - None - False - sequential order * - Sampler object - None - order defined by sampler * - Sampler object - True - not allowed * - Sampler object - False - not allowed Raises: RuntimeError: If len of column_names does not match output len of data. ValueError: If `num_parallel_workers` exceeds the max thread numbers. ValueError: If sampler and shuffle are specified at the same time. ValueError: If sampler and sharding are specified at the same time. ValueError: If `num_shards` is specified but shard_id is None. ValueError: If shard_id is specified but `num_shards` is None. ValueError: If `shard_id` is not in range of [0, `num_shards` ). Tutorial Examples: - `Load & Process Data With Dataset Pipeline <>`_ Examples: >>> import mindspore.dataset as ds >>> # 1) Input data can be a list >>> data = [1, 2, 3] >>> dataset = ds.NumpySlicesDataset(data=data, column_names=["column_1"]) >>> >>> # 2) Input data can be a dictionary, and column_names will be its keys >>> data = {"a": [1, 2], "b": [3, 4]} >>> dataset = ds.NumpySlicesDataset(data=data) >>> >>> # 3) Input data can be a tuple of lists (or NumPy arrays), each tuple element refers to data in each column >>> data = ([1, 2], [3, 4], [5, 6]) >>> dataset = ds.NumpySlicesDataset(data=data, column_names=["column_1", "column_2", "column_3"]) >>> >>> # 4) Load data from CSV file >>> import pandas as pd >>> df = pd.read_csv(filepath_or_buffer=csv_dataset_dir[0]) >>> dataset = ds.NumpySlicesDataset(data=dict(df), shuffle=False) """ @check_numpyslicesdataset def __init__(self, data, column_names=None, num_samples=None, num_parallel_workers=1, shuffle=None, sampler=None, num_shards=None, shard_id=None): dataset = _NumpySlicesDataset(data, column_names) super().__init__(dataset, column_names=dataset.column_list, num_samples=num_samples, num_parallel_workers=num_parallel_workers, shuffle=shuffle, sampler=sampler, num_shards=num_shards, shard_id=shard_id)
class _PaddedDataset: """ Mainly for combining false samples provided by users into a dataset. Args: padded_samples (list(dict)): Data provided by user to be added to the initial Dataset. """ def __init__(self, padded_samples): self.column_names = list(padded_samples[0].keys()) self.padded_samples = padded_samples def __getitem__(self, item): return (self.padded_samples[item][key] for key in self.column_names) def __len__(self): return len(self.padded_samples)
[docs]class PaddedDataset(GeneratorDataset): """ Creates a dataset with filler data provided by user. Mainly used to add to the original dataset and assign it to the corresponding shard. Args: padded_samples (list(dict)): Samples provided by user. Raises: TypeError: If padded_samples is not an instance of list. TypeError: If the element of padded_samples is not an instance of dict. ValueError: If the padded_samples is empty. Tutorial Examples: - `Load & Process Data With Dataset Pipeline <>`_ Examples: >>> import mindspore.dataset as ds >>> import numpy as np >>> data = [{'image': np.zeros(1, np.uint8)}, {'image': np.zeros(2, np.uint8)}] >>> dataset = ds.PaddedDataset(padded_samples=data) """ @check_paddeddataset def __init__(self, padded_samples): dataset = _PaddedDataset(padded_samples) super().__init__(dataset, column_names=dataset.column_names, num_shards=None, shard_id=None, shuffle=False) self._dataset_size = len(dataset.padded_samples) self.padded_samples = padded_samples