Differences with torch.distributed.scatter
For more information, see torch.distributed.scatter。
mindspore.communication.comm_func.scatter_tensor(tensor, src=0, group=GlobalComm.WORLD_COMM_GROUP)
For more information, see mindspore.communication.comm_func.scatter_tensor。
API function of MindSpore is not consistent with that of PyTorch.
will store the scattered result, the tensors to be gatherd scatter_list
, the rank(global rank) src
of the process, the communication group
to work on, and the async op flag async_op
. The process will scatter the tensors and store in tensor
. The return is a async work handle if async_op
is True, otherwise is None
. The async op flag async_op
and the working device lists device_ids
are not supported.
MindSpore: The inputs contains the tensor
to be scattered, the rank(global rank) src
of the process, the communication group
to work on, and it will return the tensor. The dimension 0 of data is equal to the dimension of input tensor divided by src
, and the other dimension keep the same.
|Parameters | Parameters 1 | tensor | tensor |PyTorch:tensor
will store the scattered result. MindSpore:the tensor to be scattered |
| | Parameters 2 | scatter_list | - | PyTorch:the tensors to be scattered, MindSpore does not have this parameter|
| | Parameters 3 | src | src |No difference|
| | Parameters 4 | group | group |No difference|
| | Parameters 5 | async_op | - |PyTorch: the async op flag. MindSpore: does not have this parameter. |