Network Migration Debugging Example
The following uses the classic network ResNet50 as an example to describe the network migration method in detail based on the code.
Model Analysis and Preparation
Assume that the MindSpore operating environment has been configured according to Environment Preparation and Information Acquisition. Assume that ResNet-50 has not been implemented in the models repository.
First, analyze the algorithm and network structure.
The Residual Neural Network (ResNet) was proposed by Kaiming He et al. from Microsoft Research Institute. They used residual units to successfully train a 152-layer neural network, and thus became the winner of ILSVRC 2015. A conventional convolutional network or fully-connected network has more or less information losses, and further causes gradient disappearance or explosion. As a result, deep network training fails. The ResNet can solve these problems to some extent. By passing the input information to the output, the information integrity is protected. The network only needs to learn the differences between the input and output, simplifying the learning objective and difficulty. Its structure can accelerate training of a neural network and greatly improve the accuracy of the network model.
Paper: Kaiming He, Xiangyu Zhang, Shaoqing Ren, Jian Sun."Deep Residual Learning for Image Recognition"
The sample code of PyTorch ResNet-50 CIFAR-10 contains the PyTorch ResNet implementation, CIFAR-10 data processing, network training, and inference processes.
When reading the paper and referring to the implementation, analyze and fill in the following checklist:
Trick |
Record |
Data augmentation |
RandomCrop, RandomHorizontalFlip, Resize, Normalize |
Learning rate attenuation policy |
Fixed learning rate = 0.001 |
Optimization parameters |
Adam optimizer, weight_decay = 1e-5 |
Training parameters |
batch_size = 32, epochs = 90 |
Network structure optimization |
Bottleneck |
Training process optimization |
None |
Reproducing Reference Implementation
Download the PyTorch code and CIFAR-10 dataset to train the network.
Train Epoch: 89 [0/1563 (0%)] Loss: 0.010917
Train Epoch: 89 [100/1563 (6%)] Loss: 0.013386
Train Epoch: 89 [200/1563 (13%)] Loss: 0.078772
Train Epoch: 89 [300/1563 (19%)] Loss: 0.031228
Train Epoch: 89 [400/1563 (26%)] Loss: 0.073462
Train Epoch: 89 [500/1563 (32%)] Loss: 0.098645
Train Epoch: 89 [600/1563 (38%)] Loss: 0.112967
Train Epoch: 89 [700/1563 (45%)] Loss: 0.137923
Train Epoch: 89 [800/1563 (51%)] Loss: 0.143274
Train Epoch: 89 [900/1563 (58%)] Loss: 0.088426
Train Epoch: 89 [1000/1563 (64%)] Loss: 0.071185
Train Epoch: 89 [1100/1563 (70%)] Loss: 0.094342
Train Epoch: 89 [1200/1563 (77%)] Loss: 0.126669
Train Epoch: 89 [1300/1563 (83%)] Loss: 0.245604
Train Epoch: 89 [1400/1563 (90%)] Loss: 0.050761
Train Epoch: 89 [1500/1563 (96%)] Loss: 0.080932
Test set: Average loss: -9.7052, Accuracy: 91%
Finished Training
You can download training logs and saved parameter files from resnet_pytorch_res.
Analyzing API/Feature Missing
API analysis
PyTorch API
MindSpore API
Different or Not
Yes. Difference
Yes. Difference
Yes. Difference
Yes. Difference
By using MindSpore Dev Toolkit tool or checking PyTorch API Mapping, we find that four APIs are different.
Function analysis
PyTorch Function
MindSpore Function
(The interface design of MindSpore is different from that of PyTorch. Therefore, only the comparison of key functions is listed here.)
After API and function analysis, we find that there are no missing APIs and functions on MindSpore compared with PyTorch.
MindSpore Model Implementation
The CIFAR-10 dataset is as follows:
├─cifar-10-batches-bin # train dataset
├─ data_batch_1.bin
├─ data_batch_2.bin
├─ data_batch_3.bin
├─ data_batch_4.bin
├─ data_batch_5.bin
└─cifar-10-verify-bin # evaluate dataset
├─ test_batch.bin
This operation is implemented on PyTorch/MindSpore as follows:
PyTorch Dataset Processing | MindSpore Dataset Processing |
Network Model Implementation
By referring to PyTorch ResNet, we have implemented MindSpore ResNet. The comparison tool shows that the implementation is different in the following aspects:
PyTorch | MindSpore |
Loss Function
PyTorch | MindSpore |
Learning Rate and Optimizer
PyTorch | MindSpore |
Model Validation
The trained PyTorch parameters are obtained in Reproducing Reference Implementation. How do I convert the parameter file into a checkpoint file that can be used by MindSpore?
The following steps are required:
Print the names and shapes of all parameters in the PyTorch parameter file and the names and shapes of all parameters in the MindSpore cell to which parameters need to be loaded.
Compare the parameter name and shape to construct the parameter mapping.
Create a parameter list based on the parameter mapping (PyTorch parameters -> numpy -> MindSpore parameters) and save the parameter list as a checkpoint.
Unit test: Load PyTorch parameters and MindSpore parameters, construct random input, and compare the output.
Printing Parameters
PyTorch | MindSpore |
Parameter Mapping and Checkpoint Saving
Except the BatchNorm parameter, the names and shapes of other parameters are correct. In this case, you can write a simple Python script for parameter mapping.
import mindspore as ms
def param_convert(ms_params, pt_params, ckpt_path):
# Parameter name mapping dictionary
bn_ms2pt = {"gamma": "weight",
"beta": "bias",
"moving_mean": "running_mean",
"moving_variance": "running_var"}
new_params_list = []
for ms_param in ms_params.keys():
# In the parameter list, only the parameters that contain bn and downsample.1 are the parameters of the BatchNorm operator.
if "bn" in ms_param or "downsample.1" in ms_param:
ms_param_item = ms_param.split(".")
pt_param_item = ms_param_item[:-1] + [bn_ms2pt[ms_param_item[-1]]]
pt_param = ".".join(pt_param_item)
# If the corresponding parameter is found and the shape is the same, add the parameter to the parameter list.
if pt_param in pt_params and pt_params[pt_param].shape == ms_params[ms_param].shape:
ms_value = pt_params[pt_param]
new_params_list.append({"name": ms_param, "data": ms.Tensor(ms_value)})
print(ms_param, "not match in pt_params")
# Other parameters
# If the corresponding parameter is found and the shape is the same, add the parameter to the parameter list.
if ms_param in pt_params and pt_params[ms_param].shape == ms_params[ms_param].shape:
ms_value = pt_params[ms_param]
new_params_list.append({"name": ms_param, "data": ms.Tensor(ms_value)})
print(ms_param, "not match in pt_params")
# Save as MindSpore checkpoint.
ms.save_checkpoint(new_params_list, ckpt_path)
ckpt_path = "resnet50.ckpt"
param_convert(ms_params, pt_params, ckpt_path)
After the execution is complete, you can find the generated checkpoint file in ckpt_path
If the parameter mapping is complex and it is difficult to find the mapping based on the parameter name, you can write a parameter mapping dictionary, for example:
param = {
'bn1.bias': 'bn1.beta',
'bn1.weight': 'bn1.gamma',
'IN.weight': 'IN.gamma',
'IN.bias': 'IN.beta',
'BN.bias': 'BN.beta',
'in.weight': 'in.gamma',
'bn.weight': 'bn.gamma',
'bn.bias': 'bn.beta',
'bn2.weight': 'bn2.gamma',
'bn2.bias': 'bn2.beta',
'bn3.bias': 'bn3.beta',
'bn3.weight': 'bn3.gamma',
'BN.running_mean': 'BN.moving_mean',
'BN.running_var': 'BN.moving_variance',
'bn.running_mean': 'bn.moving_mean',
'bn.running_var': 'bn.moving_variance',
'bn1.running_mean': 'bn1.moving_mean',
'bn1.running_var': 'bn1.moving_variance',
'bn2.running_mean': 'bn2.moving_mean',
'bn2.running_var': 'bn2.moving_variance',
'bn3.running_mean': 'bn3.moving_mean',
'bn3.running_var': 'bn3.moving_variance',
'downsample.1.running_mean': 'downsample.1.moving_mean',
'downsample.1.running_var': 'downsample.1.moving_variance',
'downsample.0.weight': 'downsample.1.weight',
'downsample.1.bias': 'downsample.1.beta',
'downsample.1.weight': 'downsample.1.gamma'
Then, you can obtain the parameter file based on the param_convert
Unit Test
After obtaining the corresponding parameter file, you need to perform a unit test on the entire model to ensure model consistency.
import numpy as np
import torch
import mindspore as ms
from resnet_ms.src.resnet import resnet50 as ms_resnet50
from resnet_pytorch.resnet import resnet50 as pt_resnet50
def check_res(pth_path, ckpt_path):
inp = np.random.uniform(-1, 1, (4, 3, 224, 224)).astype(np.float32)
# When performing a unit test, you need to add a training or inference label to the cell.
ms_resnet = ms_resnet50(num_classes=10).set_train(False)
pt_resnet = pt_resnet50(num_classes=10).eval()
pt_resnet.load_state_dict(torch.load(pth_path, map_location='cpu'))
ms.load_checkpoint(ckpt_path, ms_resnet)
print("========= pt_resnet conv1.weight ==========")
print("========= ms_resnet conv1.weight ==========")
pt_res = pt_resnet(torch.from_numpy(inp))
ms_res = ms_resnet(ms.Tensor(inp))
print("========= pt_resnet res ==========")
print("========= ms_resnet res ==========")
print("diff", np.max(np.abs(pt_res.detach().numpy() - ms_res.asnumpy())))
pth_path = "resnet.pth"
ckpt_path = "resnet50.ckpt"
check_res(pth_path, ckpt_path)
During the unit test, you need to add training or inference labels to cells. PyTorch training uses .train()
and inference uses .eval()
, MindSpore training uses .set_train()
and inference uses .set_train(False)
========= pt_resnet conv1.weight ==========
[ 1.091892e-40 -1.819391e-39 3.509566e-40 -8.281730e-40 1.207908e-39
-3.576954e-41 -1.000796e-39 1.115791e-39 -1.077758e-39 -6.031427e-40]
========= ms_resnet conv1.weight ==========
[ 1.091892e-40 -1.819391e-39 3.509566e-40 -8.281730e-40 1.207908e-39
-3.576954e-41 -1.000796e-39 1.115791e-39 -1.077758e-39 -6.031427e-40]
========= pt_resnet res ==========
tensor([[-15.1945, -5.6529, 6.5738, 9.7807, -2.4615, 3.0365, -4.7216,
-11.1005, 2.7121, -9.3612],
[-14.2412, -5.9004, 5.6366, 9.7030, -1.6322, 2.6926, -3.7307,
-10.7582, 1.4195, -7.9930],
[-13.4795, -5.6582, 5.6432, 8.9152, -1.5169, 2.6958, -3.4469,
-10.5300, 1.3318, -8.1476],
[-13.6448, -5.4239, 5.8254, 9.3094, -2.1969, 2.7042, -4.1194,
-10.4388, 1.9331, -8.1746]], grad_fn=<AddmmBackward0>)
========= ms_resnet res ==========
[[-15.194535 -5.652934 6.5737996 9.780719 -2.4615316 3.0365033
-4.7215843 -11.100524 2.7121294 -9.361177 ]
[-14.24116 -5.9004383 5.6366115 9.702984 -1.6322318 2.69261
-3.7307222 -10.758192 1.4194587 -7.992969 ]
[-13.47945 -5.658216 5.6432185 8.915173 -1.5169426 2.6957715
-3.446888 -10.529953 1.3317728 -8.147601 ]
[-13.644804 -5.423854 5.825424 9.309403 -2.1969485 2.7042081
-4.119426 -10.438771 1.9330862 -8.174606 ]]
diff 2.861023e-06
The final result is similar and basically meets the expectation. When the results are very different, you can fix the randomness of PyTorch and MindSpore after completing the parameter mapping, and then use the tool: TroubleShooter API level network results automatic comparison for comparing the network forward and reverse results to improve the localization efficiency.
Inference Process
PyTorch | MindSpore |
Execute: |
Result: |
Result: |
The inference accuracy is the same.
When inference results are inconsistent, here the tool TroubleShooter compares MindSpore and PyTorch network outputs for consistency compares the inference results of PyTorch and MindSpore networks to locate where the network outputs start to be inconsistent, to improve the migration efficiency.
Training Process
For details about the PyTorch training process, see PyToch ResNet-50 CIFAR-10 Sample Code. The log file and trained path are stored in resnet_pytorch_res.
The corresponding MindSpore code is as follows:
import numpy as np
import mindspore as ms
from mindspore.train import Model
from mindspore import nn
from mindspore import Profiler
from src.dataset import create_dataset
from src.model_utils.moxing_adapter import moxing_wrapper
from src.model_utils.config import config
from src.utils import init_env
from src.resnet import resnet50
def train_epoch(epoch, model, loss_fn, optimizer, data_loader):
# Define forward function
def forward_fn(data, label):
logits = model(data)
loss = loss_fn(logits, label)
return loss, logits
# Get gradient function
grad_fn = ms.value_and_grad(forward_fn, None, optimizer.parameters, has_aux=True)
# Define function of one-step training
def train_step(data, label):
(loss, _), grads = grad_fn(data, label)
return loss
dataset_size = data_loader.get_dataset_size()
for batch_idx, (data, target) in enumerate(data_loader):
loss = float(train_step(data, target).asnumpy())
if batch_idx % 100 == 0:
print('Train Epoch: {} [{}/{} ({:.0f}%)]\tLoss: {:.6f}'.format(
epoch, batch_idx, dataset_size,
100. * batch_idx / dataset_size, loss))
def test_epoch(model, data_loader, loss_func):
test_loss = 0
correct = 0
for data, target in data_loader:
output = model(data)
test_loss += float(loss_func(output, target).asnumpy())
pred = np.argmax(output.asnumpy(), axis=1)
correct += (pred == target.asnumpy()).sum()
dataset_size = data_loader.get_dataset_size()
test_loss /= dataset_size
print('\nTest set: Average loss: {:.4f}, Accuracy: {:.0f}%\n'.format(
test_loss, 100. * correct / dataset_size))
def train_net():
if config.enable_profiling:
profiler = Profiler()
train_dataset = create_dataset(config.dataset_name, config.data_path, True, batch_size=config.batch_size,
image_size=(int(config.image_height), int(config.image_width)),
rank_size=40, rank_id=config.rank_id)
eval_dataset = create_dataset(config.dataset_name, config.data_path, False, batch_size=1,
image_size=(int(config.image_height), int(config.image_width)))
config.steps_per_epoch = train_dataset.get_dataset_size()
resnet = resnet50(num_classes=config.class_num)
optimizer = nn.Adam(resnet.trainable_params(),, weight_decay=config.weight_decay)
loss_fn = nn.SoftmaxCrossEntropyWithLogits(sparse=True, reduction='mean')
for epoch in range(config.epoch_size):
train_epoch(epoch, train_net, loss_fn, optimizer, train_dataset)
test_epoch(resnet, eval_dataset, loss_fn)
print('Finished Training')
save_path = './resnet.ckpt'
ms.save_checkpoint(resnet, save_path)
if __name__ == '__main__':