- class mindspore.dataset.CocoDataset(dataset_dir, annotation_file, task="Detection", num_samples=None, num_parallel_workers=None, shuffle=None, decode=False, sampler=None, num_shards=None, shard_id=None, cache=None, extra_metadata=False)[source]
A source dataset for reading and parsing COCO dataset.
CocoDataset supports four kinds of tasks, which are Object Detection, Keypoint Detection, Stuff Segmentation and Panoptic Segmentation of 2017 Train/Val/Test dataset.
The generated dataset with different task setting has different output columns:
task =
, output columns:[image, dtype=uint8]
,[bbox, dtype=float32]
,[category_id, dtype=uint32]
,[iscrowd, dtype=uint32]
.task =
, output columns:[image, dtype=uint8]
.task =
, output columns:[image, dtype=uint8]
,[keypoints, dtype=float32]
,[num_keypoints, dtype=uint32]
.task =
, output columns:[image, dtype=uint8]
,[bbox, dtype=float32]
,[category_id, dtype=uint32]
,[iscrowd, dtype=uint32]
,[area, dtype=uint32]
- Parameters
dataset_dir (str) – Path to the root directory that contains the dataset.
annotation_file (str) – Path to the annotation JSON file.
task (str, optional) – Set the task type for reading COCO data. Supported task types: Detection, Stuff, Panoptic and Keypoint (default=`Detection`).
num_samples (int, optional) – The number of images to be included in the dataset (default=None, all images).
num_parallel_workers (int, optional) – Number of workers to read the data (default=None, number set in the configuration file).
shuffle (bool, optional) – Whether to perform shuffle on the dataset (default=None, expected order behavior shown in the table).
decode (bool, optional) – Decode the images after reading (default=False).
sampler (Sampler, optional) – Object used to choose samples from the dataset (default=None, expected order behavior shown in the table).
num_shards (int, optional) – Number of shards that the dataset will be divided into (default=None). When this argument is specified, num_samples reflects the maximum sample number of per shard.
shard_id (int, optional) – The shard ID within num_shards (default=None). This argument can only be specified when num_shards is also specified.
cache (DatasetCache, optional) – Use tensor caching service to speed up dataset processing. (default=None, which means no cache is used).
extra_metadata (bool, optional) – Flag to add extra meta-data to row. If True, an additional column will be output at the end
[_meta-filename, dtype=string]
- Raises
RuntimeError – If dataset_dir does not contain data files.
RuntimeError – If num_parallel_workers exceeds the max thread numbers.
RuntimeError – If sampler and shuffle are specified at the same time.
RuntimeError – If sampler and sharding are specified at the same time.
RuntimeError – If num_shards is specified but shard_id is None.
RuntimeError – If shard_id is specified but num_shards is None.
RuntimeError – If parse JSON file failed.
ValueError – If task is not in [Detection, Stuff, Panoptic, Keypoint].
ValueError – If annotation_file is not exist.
ValueError – If dataset_dir is not exist.
ValueError – If shard_id is invalid (< 0 or >= num_shards).
Column ‘[_meta-filename, dtype=string]’ won’t be output unless an explicit rename dataset op is added to remove the prefix(‘_meta-‘).
CocoDataset doesn’t support PKSampler.
This dataset can take in a sampler. sampler and shuffle are mutually exclusive. The table below shows what input arguments are allowed and their expected behavior.
Expected Order Behavior of Using sampler and shuffle Parameter sampler
Parameter shuffle
Expected Order Behavior
random order
random order
sequential order
Sampler object
order defined by sampler
Sampler object
not allowed
Sampler object
not allowed
>>> coco_dataset_dir = "/path/to/coco_dataset_directory/images" >>> coco_annotation_file = "/path/to/coco_dataset_directory/annotation_file" >>> >>> # 1) Read COCO data for Detection task >>> dataset = ds.CocoDataset(dataset_dir=coco_dataset_dir, ... annotation_file=coco_annotation_file, ... task='Detection') >>> >>> # 2) Read COCO data for Stuff task >>> dataset = ds.CocoDataset(dataset_dir=coco_dataset_dir, ... annotation_file=coco_annotation_file, ... task='Stuff') >>> >>> # 3) Read COCO data for Panoptic task >>> dataset = ds.CocoDataset(dataset_dir=coco_dataset_dir, ... annotation_file=coco_annotation_file, ... task='Panoptic') >>> >>> # 4) Read COCO data for Keypoint task >>> dataset = ds.CocoDataset(dataset_dir=coco_dataset_dir, ... annotation_file=coco_annotation_file, ... task='Keypoint') >>> >>> # In COCO dataset, each dictionary has keys "image" and "annotation"
About COCO dataset:
COCO(Microsoft Common Objects in Context) is a large-scale object detection, segmentation, and captioning dataset with several features: Object segmentation, Recognition in context, Superpixel stuff segmentation, 330K images (>200K labeled), 1.5 million object instances, 80 object categories, 91 stuff categories, 5 captions per image, 250,000 people with keypoints. In contrast to the popular ImageNet dataset, COCO has fewer categories but more instances in per category.
You can unzip the original COCO-2017 dataset files into this directory structure and read by MindSpore’s API.
. └── coco_dataset_directory ├── train2017 │ ├── 000000000009.jpg │ ├── 000000000025.jpg │ ├── ... ├── test2017 │ ├── 000000000001.jpg │ ├── 000000058136.jpg │ ├── ... ├── val2017 │ ├── 000000000139.jpg │ ├── 000000057027.jpg │ ├── ... └── annotations ├── captions_train2017.json ├── captions_val2017.json ├── instances_train2017.json ├── instances_val2017.json ├── person_keypoints_train2017.json └── person_keypoints_val2017.json
@article{DBLP:journals/corr/LinMBHPRDZ14, author = {Tsung{-}Yi Lin and Michael Maire and Serge J. Belongie and Lubomir D. Bourdev and Ross B. Girshick and James Hays and Pietro Perona and Deva Ramanan and Piotr Doll{'{a}}r and C. Lawrence Zitnick}, title = {Microsoft {COCO:} Common Objects in Context}, journal = {CoRR}, volume = {abs/1405.0312}, year = {2014}, url = {http://arxiv.org/abs/1405.0312}, archivePrefix = {arXiv}, eprint = {1405.0312}, timestamp = {Mon, 13 Aug 2018 16:48:13 +0200}, biburl = {https://dblp.org/rec/journals/corr/LinMBHPRDZ14.bib}, bibsource = {dblp computer science bibliography, https://dblp.org} }
- add_sampler(new_sampler)
Add a sampler for current dataset,.
- Parameters
new_sampler (Sampler) – The sampler to be added as the parent sampler for current dataset.
>>> # dataset is an instance object of Dataset >>> # use a DistributedSampler instead >>> new_sampler = ds.DistributedSampler(10, 2) >>> dataset.add_sampler(new_sampler)
- apply(apply_func)
Apply a function in this dataset.
- Parameters
apply_func (function) – A function that must take one ‘Dataset’ as an argument and return a preprocessed ‘Dataset’.
- Returns
Dataset, dataset applied by the function.
>>> # dataset is an instance object of Dataset >>> >>> # Declare an apply_func function which returns a Dataset object >>> def apply_func(data): ... data = data.batch(2) ... return data >>> >>> # Use apply to call apply_func >>> dataset = dataset.apply(apply_func)
- batch(batch_size, drop_remainder=False, num_parallel_workers=None, per_batch_map=None, input_columns=None, output_columns=None, column_order=None, pad_info=None, python_multiprocessing=False, max_rowsize=16)
Combine batch_size number of consecutive rows into batches.
For any child node, a batch is treated as a single row. For any column, all the elements within that column must have the same shape. If a per_batch_map callable is provided, it will be applied to the batches of tensors.
The order of using repeat and batch reflects the number of batches and per_batch_map. It is recommended that the repeat operation applied after the batch operation finished.
- Parameters
batch_size (int or function) – The number of rows each batch is created with. An int or callable object which takes exactly 1 parameter, BatchInfo.
drop_remainder (bool, optional) – Determines whether or not to drop the last block whose data row number is less than batch size (default=False). If True, and if there are less than batch_size rows available to make the last batch, then those rows will be dropped and not propagated to the child node.
num_parallel_workers (int, optional) – Number of workers(threads) to process the dataset in parallel (default=None).
per_batch_map (callable, optional) – Per batch map callable. A callable which takes (list[Tensor], list[Tensor], …, BatchInfo) as input parameters. Each list[Tensor] represents a batch of Tensors on a given column. The number of lists should match with number of entries in input_columns. The last parameter of the callable should always be a BatchInfo object. Per_batch_map should return (list[Tensor], list[Tensor], …). The length of each list in output should be same as the input. output_columns is required if the number of output lists is different from input.
input_columns (Union[str, list[str]], optional) – List of names of the input columns. The size of the list should match with signature of per_batch_map callable (default=None).
output_columns (Union[str, list[str]], optional) – List of names assigned to the columns outputted by the last operation. This parameter is mandatory if len(input_columns) != len(output_columns). The size of this list must match the number of output columns of the last operation. (default=None, output columns will have the same name as the input columns, i.e., the columns will be replaced).
column_order (Union[str, list[str]], optional) – Specifies the list of all the columns you need in the whole dataset. The parameter is required when len(input_column) != len(output_column). Caution: the list here is not just the columns specified in parameter input_columns and output_columns.
pad_info (dict, optional) – Whether to perform padding on selected columns. pad_info={“col1”:([224,224],0)} would pad column with name “col1” to a tensor of size [224,224] and fill the missing with 0 (default=None).
python_multiprocessing (bool, optional) – Parallelize Python function per_batch_map with multi-processing. This option could be beneficial if the function is computational heavy (default=False).
max_rowsize (int, optional) – Maximum size of row in MB that is used for shared memory allocation to copy data between processes. This is only used if python_multiprocessing is set to True (default 16 MB).
- Returns
BatchDataset, dataset batched.
>>> # Create a dataset where every 100 rows are combined into a batch >>> # and drops the last incomplete batch if there is one. >>> dataset = dataset.batch(100, True) >>> # resize image according to its batch number, if it's 5-th batch, resize to (5^2, 5^2) = (25, 25) >>> def np_resize(col, batchInfo): ... output = col.copy() ... s = (batchInfo.get_batch_num() + 1) ** 2 ... index = 0 ... for c in col: ... img = Image.fromarray(c.astype('uint8')).convert('RGB') ... img = img.resize((s, s), Image.ANTIALIAS) ... output[index] = np.array(img) ... index += 1 ... return (output,) >>> dataset = dataset.batch(batch_size=8, input_columns=["image"], per_batch_map=np_resize)
- close_pool()
Close multiprocessing pool in dataset. If you are familiar with multiprocessing library, you can regard this as a destructor for a processingPool object.
- concat(datasets)
Concatenate the dataset objects in the input list. Performing “+” operation on dataset objects can achieve the same effect.
The column name, and rank and type of the column data must be the same in the input datasets.
- Parameters
datasets (Union[list, class Dataset]) – A list of datasets or a single class Dataset to be concatenated together with this dataset.
- Returns
ConcatDataset, dataset concatenated.
>>> # Create a dataset by concatenating dataset_1 and dataset_2 with "+" operator >>> dataset = dataset_1 + dataset_2 >>> # Create a dataset by concatenating dataset_1 and dataset_2 with concat operation >>> dataset = dataset_1.concat(dataset_2)
- create_dict_iterator(num_epochs=-1, output_numpy=False)
Create an iterator over the dataset. The data retrieved will be a dictionary datatype.
The order of the columns in the dictionary may not be the same as the original order.
- Parameters
- Returns
DictIterator, dictionary iterator over the dataset.
>>> # dataset is an instance object of Dataset >>> iterator = dataset.create_dict_iterator() >>> for item in iterator: ... # item is a dict ... print(type(item)) ... break <class 'dict'>
- create_ir_tree()
Internal method to build an IR tree.
- Returns
DatasetNode, the root node of the IR tree. Dataset, the root dataset of the IR tree.
- create_tuple_iterator(columns=None, num_epochs=-1, output_numpy=False, do_copy=True)
Create an iterator over the dataset. The datatype retrieved back will be a list of ndarrays.
To specify which columns to list and the order needed, use columns_list. If columns_list is not provided, the order of the columns will remain unchanged.
- Parameters
columns (list[str], optional) – List of columns to be used to specify the order of columns (default=None, means all columns).
num_epochs (int, optional) – Maximum number of epochs that iterator can be iterated. (default=-1, iterator can be iterated infinite number of epochs)
output_numpy (bool, optional) – Whether or not to output NumPy datatype. If output_numpy=False, iterator will output MSTensor (default=False).
do_copy (bool, optional) – when output data type is mindspore.Tensor, use this param to select the conversion method, only take False for better performance (default=True).
- Returns
TupleIterator, tuple iterator over the dataset.
>>> # dataset is an instance object of Dataset >>> iterator = dataset.create_tuple_iterator() >>> for item in iterator: ... # item is a list ... print(type(item)) ... break <class 'list'>
- device_que(send_epoch_end=True, create_data_info_queue=False)
Return a transferred Dataset that transfers data through a device.
- Parameters
If device is Ascend, features of data will be transferred one by one. The limitation of data transmission per time is 256M.
- Returns
TransferDataset, dataset for transferring.
- dynamic_min_max_shapes()
Get minimum and maximum data length of dynamic source data, for dynamic graph compilation.
- Returns
lists, min_shapes, max_shapes of source data.
>>> import numpy as np >>> >>> def generator1(): >>> for i in range(1, 100): >>> yield np.ones((16, i, 83)), np.array(i) >>> >>> dataset = ds.GeneratorDataset(generator1, ["data1", "data2"]) >>> dataset.set_dynamic_columns(columns={"data1": [16, None, 83], "data2": []}) >>> min_shapes, max_shapes = dataset.dynamic_min_max_shapes()
- filter(predicate, input_columns=None, num_parallel_workers=None)
Filter dataset by prediction.
If input_columns not provided or provided with empty, all columns will be used.
- Parameters
predicate (callable) – Python callable which returns a boolean value. If False then filter the element.
input_columns (Union[str, list[str]], optional) – List of names of the input columns, when default=None, the predicate will be applied on all columns in the dataset.
num_parallel_workers (int, optional) – Number of workers to process the dataset in parallel (default=None).
- Returns
FilterDataset, dataset filtered.
>>> # generator data(0 ~ 63) >>> # filter the data that greater than or equal to 11 >>> dataset = dataset.filter(predicate=lambda data: data < 11, input_columns = ["data"])
- flat_map(func)
Map func to each row in dataset and flatten the result.
The specified func is a function that must take one ‘Ndarray’ as input and return a ‘Dataset’.
- Parameters
func (function) – A function that must take one ‘Ndarray’ as an argument and return a ‘Dataset’.
- Returns
Dataset, dataset applied by the function.
>>> # use NumpySlicesDataset as an example >>> dataset = ds.NumpySlicesDataset([[0, 1], [2, 3]]) >>> >>> def flat_map_func(array): ... # create a NumpySlicesDataset with the array ... dataset = ds.NumpySlicesDataset(array) ... # repeat the dataset twice ... dataset = dataset.repeat(2) ... return dataset >>> >>> dataset = dataset.flat_map(flat_map_func) >>> # [[0, 1], [0, 1], [2, 3], [2, 3]]
- get_batch_size()
Return the size of batch.
- Returns
int, the number of data in a batch.
>>> # dataset is an instance object of Dataset >>> batch_size = dataset.get_batch_size()
- get_class_indexing()[source]
Get the class index.
- Returns
dict, a str-to-list<int> mapping from label name to index.
>>> coco_dataset_dir = "/path/to/coco_dataset_directory/images" >>> coco_annotation_file = "/path/to/coco_dataset_directory/annotation_file" >>> >>> # Read COCO data for Detection task >>> dataset = ds.CocoDataset(dataset_dir=coco_dataset_dir, ... annotation_file=coco_annotation_file, ... task='Detection') >>> >>> class_indexing = dataset.get_class_indexing()
- get_col_names()
Return the names of the columns in dataset.
- Returns
list, list of column names in the dataset.
>>> # dataset is an instance object of Dataset >>> col_names = dataset.get_col_names()
- get_dataset_size()
Return the number of batches in an epoch.
- Returns
int, number of batches.
>>> # dataset is an instance object of Dataset >>> dataset_size = dataset.get_dataset_size()
- get_repeat_count()
Get the replication times in RepeatDataset (default is 1).
- Returns
int, the count of repeat.
>>> # dataset is an instance object of Dataset >>> repeat_count = dataset.get_repeat_count()
- property input_indexs
Get Input Index Information
- Returns
tuple, tuple of the input index information.
>>> # dataset is an instance object of Dataset >>> # set input_indexs >>> dataset.input_indexs = 10 >>> print(dataset.input_indexs) 10
- map(operations, input_columns=None, output_columns=None, column_order=None, num_parallel_workers=None, python_multiprocessing=False, cache=None, callbacks=None, max_rowsize=16)
Apply each operation in operations to this dataset.
The order of operations is determined by the position of each operation in the operations parameter. operations[0] will be applied first, then operations[1], then operations[2], etc.
Each operation will be passed one or more columns from the dataset as input, and zero or more columns will be outputted. The first operation will be passed the columns specified in input_columns as input. If there is more than one operator in operations, the outputted columns of the previous operation are used as the input columns for the next operation. The columns outputted by the very last operation will be assigned names specified by output_columns.
Only the columns specified in column_order will be propagated to the child node. These columns will be in the same order as specified in column_order.
- Parameters
operations (Union[list[TensorOp], list[functions]]) – List of operations to be applied on the dataset. Operations are applied in the order they appear in this list.
input_columns (Union[str, list[str]], optional) – List of the names of the columns that will be passed to the first operation as input. The size of this list must match the number of input columns expected by the first operator. (default=None, the first operation will be passed however many columns that are required, starting from the first column).
output_columns (Union[str, list[str]], optional) – List of names assigned to the columns outputted by the last operation. This parameter is mandatory if len(input_columns) != len(output_columns). The size of this list must match the number of output columns of the last operation. (default=None, output columns will have the same name as the input columns, i.e., the columns will be replaced).
column_order (list[str], optional) – Specifies the list of all the columns you need in the whole dataset. The parameter is required when len(input_column) != len(output_column). Caution: the list here is not just the columns specified in parameter input_columns and output_columns.
num_parallel_workers (int, optional) – Number of threads used to process the dataset in parallel (default=None, the value from the configuration will be used).
python_multiprocessing (bool, optional) – Parallelize Python operations with multiple worker processes. This option could be beneficial if the Python operation is computational heavy (default=False).
cache (DatasetCache, optional) – Use tensor caching service to speed up dataset processing. (default=None, which means no cache is used).
callbacks (DSCallback, list[DSCallback], optional) – List of Dataset callbacks to be called (Default=None).
max_rowsize (int, optional) – Maximum size of row in MB that is used for shared memory allocation to copy data between processes. This is only used if python_multiprocessing is set to True (default 16 MB).
- Returns
MapDataset, dataset after mapping operation.
>>> # dataset is an instance of Dataset which has 2 columns, "image" and "label". >>> >>> # Define two operations, where each operation accepts 1 input column and outputs 1 column. >>> decode_op = c_vision.Decode(rgb=True) >>> random_jitter_op = c_vision.RandomColorAdjust(brightness=(0.8, 0.8), contrast=(1, 1), ... saturation=(1, 1), hue=(0, 0)) >>> >>> # 1) Simple map example. >>> >>> # Apply decode_op on column "image". This column will be replaced by the outputted >>> # column of decode_op. Since column_order is not provided, both columns "image" >>> # and "label" will be propagated to the child node in their original order. >>> dataset = dataset.map(operations=[decode_op], input_columns=["image"]) >>> >>> # Decode and rename column "image" to "decoded_image". >>> dataset = dataset.map(operations=[decode_op], input_columns=["image"], output_columns=["decoded_image"]) >>> >>> # Specify the order of the output columns. >>> dataset = dataset.map(operations=[decode_op], input_columns=["image"], ... output_columns=None, column_order=["label", "image"]) >>> >>> # Rename column "image" to "decoded_image" and also specify the order of the output columns. >>> dataset = dataset.map(operations=[decode_op], input_columns=["image"], ... output_columns=["decoded_image"], column_order=["label", "decoded_image"]) >>> >>> # Rename column "image" to "decoded_image" and keep only this column. >>> dataset = dataset.map(operations=[decode_op], input_columns=["image"], ... output_columns=["decoded_image"], column_order=["decoded_image"]) >>> >>> # A simple example for mapping pyfunc. Renaming columns and specifying column order >>> # work in the same way as the previous examples. >>> dataset = ds.NumpySlicesDataset(data=[[0, 1, 2]], column_names=["data"]) >>> dataset = dataset.map(operations=[(lambda x: x + 1)], input_columns=["data"]) >>> >>> # 2) Map example with more than one operation. >>> >>> # Create a dataset where the images are decoded, then randomly color jittered. >>> # decode_op takes column "image" as input and outputs one column. The column >>> # outputted by decode_op is passed as input to random_jitter_op. >>> # random_jitter_op will output one column. Column "image" will be replaced by >>> # the column outputted by random_jitter_op (the very last operation). All other >>> # columns are unchanged. Since column_order is not specified, the order of the >>> # columns will remain the same. >>> dataset = dataset.map(operations=[decode_op, random_jitter_op], input_columns=["image"]) >>> >>> # Rename the column outputted by random_jitter_op to "image_mapped". >>> # Specifying column order works in the same way as examples in 1). >>> dataset = dataset.map(operations=[decode_op, random_jitter_op], input_columns=["image"], ... output_columns=["image_mapped"]) >>> >>> # Map with multiple operations using pyfunc. Renaming columns and specifying column order >>> # work in the same way as examples in 1). >>> dataset = ds.NumpySlicesDataset(data=[[0, 1, 2]], column_names=["data"]) >>> dataset = dataset.map(operations=[(lambda x: x * x), (lambda x: x - 1)], input_columns=["data"], ... output_columns=["data_mapped"]) >>> >>> # 3) Example where number of input columns is not equal to number of output columns. >>> >>> # operations[0] is a lambda that takes 2 columns as input and outputs 3 columns. >>> # operations[1] is a lambda that takes 3 columns as input and outputs 1 column. >>> # operations[2] is a lambda that takes 1 column as input and outputs 4 columns. >>> # >>> # Note: The number of output columns of operation[i] must equal the number of >>> # input columns of operation[i+1]. Otherwise, this map call will also result >>> # in an error. >>> operations = [(lambda x, y: (x, x + y, x + y + 1)), ... (lambda x, y, z: x * y * z), ... (lambda x: (x % 2, x % 3, x % 5, x % 7))] >>> >>> # Note: Since the number of input columns is not the same as the number of >>> # output columns, the output_columns and column_order parameters must be >>> # specified. Otherwise, this map call will also result in an error. >>> >>> dataset = ds.NumpySlicesDataset(data=([[0, 1, 2]], [[3, 4, 5]]), column_names=["x", "y"]) >>> >>> # Propagate all columns to the child node in this order: >>> dataset = dataset.map(operations, input_columns=["x", "y"], ... output_columns=["mod2", "mod3", "mod5", "mod7"], ... column_order=["mod2", "mod3", "mod5", "mod7"]) >>> >>> # Propagate some columns to the child node in this order: >>> dataset = dataset.map(operations, input_columns=["x", "y"], ... output_columns=["mod2", "mod3", "mod5", "mod7"], ... column_order=["mod7", "mod3", "col2"])
- num_classes()
Get the number of classes in a dataset.
- Returns
int, number of classes.
>>> # dataset is an instance object of Dataset >>> num_classes = dataset.num_classes()
- output_shapes()
Get the shapes of output data.
- Returns
list, list of shapes of each column.
>>> # dataset is an instance object of Dataset >>> output_shapes = dataset.output_shapes()
- output_types()
Get the types of output data.
- Returns
list, list of data types.
>>> # dataset is an instance object of Dataset >>> output_types = dataset.output_types()
- parse_tree()
Internal method to parse the API tree into an IR tree.
- Returns
DatasetNode, the root node of the IR tree.
- project(columns)
Project certain columns in input dataset.
The specified columns will be selected from the dataset and passed into the pipeline with the order specified. The other columns are discarded.
- Parameters
columns (Union[str, list[str]]) – List of names of the columns to project.
- Returns
ProjectDataset, dataset projected.
>>> # dataset is an instance object of Dataset >>> columns_to_project = ["column3", "column1", "column2"] >>> >>> # Create a dataset that consists of column3, column1, column2 >>> # in that order, regardless of the original order of columns. >>> dataset = dataset.project(columns=columns_to_project)
- rename(input_columns, output_columns)
Rename the columns in input datasets.
- Parameters
- Returns
RenameDataset, dataset renamed.
>>> # dataset is an instance object of Dataset >>> input_columns = ["input_col1", "input_col2", "input_col3"] >>> output_columns = ["output_col1", "output_col2", "output_col3"] >>> >>> # Create a dataset where input_col1 is renamed to output_col1, and >>> # input_col2 is renamed to output_col2, and input_col3 is renamed >>> # to output_col3. >>> dataset = dataset.rename(input_columns=input_columns, output_columns=output_columns)
- repeat(count=None)
Repeat this dataset count times. Repeat infinitely if the count is None or -1.
The order of using repeat and batch reflects the number of batches. It is recommended that the repeat operation is used after the batch operation.
- Parameters
count (int) – Number of times the dataset is going to be repeated (default=None).
- Returns
RepeatDataset, dataset repeated.
>>> # dataset is an instance object of Dataset >>> >>> # Create a dataset where the dataset is repeated for 50 epochs >>> dataset = dataset.repeat(50) >>> >>> # Create a dataset where each epoch is shuffled individually >>> dataset = dataset.shuffle(10) >>> dataset = dataset.repeat(50) >>> >>> # Create a dataset where the dataset is first repeated for >>> # 50 epochs before shuffling. The shuffle operator will treat >>> # the entire 50 epochs as one big dataset. >>> dataset = dataset.repeat(50) >>> dataset = dataset.shuffle(10)
- reset()
Reset the dataset for next epoch.
- save(file_name, num_files=1, file_type="mindrecord")
Save the dynamic data processed by the dataset pipeline in common dataset format. Supported dataset formats: ‘mindrecord’ only
Implicit type casting exists when saving data as ‘mindrecord’. The transform table shows how to do type casting.
Implicit Type Casting when Saving as ‘mindrecord’ Type in ‘dataset’
Type in ‘mindrecord’
Not supported
bytes(1D uint8)
Drop dimension
Not supported
Multi-dimensional string not supported
To save the samples in order, set dataset’s shuffle to False and num_files to 1.
Before calling the function, do not use batch operator, repeat operator or data augmentation operators with random attribute in map operator.
When array dimension is variable, one-dimensional arrays or multi-dimensional arrays with variable dimension 0 are supported.
Mindrecord does not support DE_UINT64, multi-dimensional DE_UINT8(drop dimension) nor multi-dimensional DE_STRING.
- set_dynamic_columns(columns=None)
Set dynamic shape information of source data, it should be set after the pipeline is defined.
- Parameters
columns (dict) – A dict contains shape information of each column in dataset. The value of shape[i] is
indicates that the data length of shape[i] is dynamic.
>>> import numpy as np >>> >>> def generator1(): >>> for i in range(1, 100): >>> yield np.ones((16, i, 83)), np.array(i) >>> >>> dataset = ds.GeneratorDataset(generator1, ["data1", "data2"]) >>> dataset.set_dynamic_columns(columns={"data1": [16, None, 83], "data2": []})
- shuffle(buffer_size)
Randomly shuffles the rows of this dataset using the following policy:
Make a shuffle buffer that contains the first buffer_size rows.
Randomly select an element from the shuffle buffer to be the next row propagated to the child node.
Get the next row (if any) from the parent node and put it in the shuffle buffer.
Repeat steps 2 and 3 until there are no more rows left in the shuffle buffer.
A random seed can be provided to be used on the first epoch. In every subsequent epoch, the seed is changed to a new one, randomly generated value.
- Parameters
buffer_size (int) – The size of the buffer (must be larger than 1) for shuffling. Setting buffer_size equal to the number of rows in the entire dataset will result in a global shuffle.
- Returns
ShuffleDataset, dataset shuffled.
- Raises
RuntimeError – If exist sync operators before shuffle.
>>> # dataset is an instance object of Dataset >>> # Optionally set the seed for the first epoch >>> ds.config.set_seed(58) >>> # Create a shuffled dataset using a shuffle buffer of size 4 >>> dataset = dataset.shuffle(4)
- skip(count)
Skip the first N elements of this dataset.
- Parameters
count (int) – Number of elements in the dataset to be skipped.
- Returns
SkipDataset, dataset that containing rows like origin rows subtract skipped rows.
>>> # dataset is an instance object of Dataset >>> # Create a dataset which skips first 3 elements from data >>> dataset = dataset.skip(3)
- split(sizes, randomize=True)
Split the dataset into smaller, non-overlapping datasets.
- Parameters
sizes (Union[list[int], list[float]]) –
If a list of integers [s1, s2, …, sn] is provided, the dataset will be split into n datasets of size s1, size s2, …, size sn respectively. If the sum of all sizes does not equal the original dataset size, an error will occur. If a list of floats [f1, f2, …, fn] is provided, all floats must be between 0 and 1 and must sum to 1, otherwise an error will occur. The dataset will be split into n Datasets of size round(f1*K), round(f2*K), …, round(fn*K) where K is the size of the original dataset. If after rounding:
Any size equals 0, an error will occur.
The sum of split sizes < K, the difference will be added to the first split.
The sum of split sizes > K, the difference will be removed from the first large enough split such that it will have at least 1 row after removing the difference.
randomize (bool, optional) – Determines whether or not to split the data randomly (default=True). If True, the data will be randomly split. Otherwise, each split will be created with consecutive rows from the dataset.
There is an optimized split function, which will be called automatically when the dataset that calls this function is a MappableDataset.
Dataset should not be sharded if split is going to be called. Instead, create a DistributedSampler and specify a split to shard after splitting. If the dataset is sharded after a split, it is strongly recommended setting the same seed in each instance of execution, otherwise each shard may not be part of the same split (see Examples).
It is strongly recommended to not shuffle the dataset, but use randomize=True instead. Shuffling the dataset may not be deterministic, which means the data in each split will be different in each epoch. Furthermore, if sharding occurs after split, each shard may not be part of the same split.
- Raises
RuntimeError – If get_dataset_size returns None or is not supported for this dataset.
RuntimeError – If sizes is list of integers and sum of all elements in sizes does not equal the dataset size.
RuntimeError – If sizes is list of float and there is a split with size 0 after calculations.
RuntimeError – If the dataset is sharded prior to calling split.
ValueError – If sizes is list of float and not all floats are between 0 and 1, or if the floats don’t sum to 1.
- Returns
tuple(Dataset), a tuple of datasets that have been split.
>>> # Since many datasets have shuffle on by default, set shuffle to False if split will be called! >>> dataset = ds.ImageFolderDataset(image_folder_dataset_dir, shuffle=False) >>> >>> # Set the seed, and tell split to use this seed when randomizing. >>> # This is needed because sharding will be done later >>> ds.config.set_seed(58) >>> train_dataset, test_dataset = dataset.split([0.9, 0.1]) >>> >>> # To shard the train dataset, use a DistributedSampler >>> train_sampler = ds.DistributedSampler(10, 2) >>> train_dataset.use_sampler(train_sampler)
- sync_update(condition_name, num_batch=None, data=None)
Release a blocking condition and trigger callback with given data.
- Parameters
condition_name (str) – The condition name that is used to toggle sending next row.
num_batch (Union[int, None]) – The number of batches (rows) that are released. When num_batch is None, it will default to the number specified by the sync_wait operator (default=None).
data (Any) – The data passed to the callback, user defined (default=None).
- sync_wait(condition_name, num_batch=1, callback=None)
Add a blocking condition to the input Dataset. A synchronize action will be applied.
- Parameters
- Returns
SyncWaitDataset, dataset added a blocking condition.
- Raises
RuntimeError – If condition name already exists.
>>> import numpy as np >>> def gen(): ... for i in range(100): ... yield (np.array(i),) >>> >>> class Augment: ... def __init__(self, loss): ... self.loss = loss ... ... def preprocess(self, input_): ... return input_ ... ... def update(self, data): ... self.loss = data["loss"] >>> >>> batch_size = 4 >>> dataset = ds.GeneratorDataset(gen, column_names=["input"]) >>> >>> aug = Augment(0) >>> dataset = dataset.sync_wait(condition_name="policy", callback=aug.update) >>> dataset = dataset.map(operations=[aug.preprocess], input_columns=["input"]) >>> dataset = dataset.batch(batch_size) >>> count = 0 >>> for data in dataset.create_dict_iterator(num_epochs=1, output_numpy=True): ... assert data["input"][0] == count ... count += batch_size ... data = {"loss": count} ... dataset.sync_update(condition_name="policy", data=data)
- take(count=- 1)
Takes at most given numbers of elements from the dataset.
If count is greater than the number of elements in the dataset or equal to -1, all the elements in dataset will be taken.
The order of using take and batch matters. If take is before batch operation, then take given number of rows; otherwise take given number of batches.
- Parameters
count (int, optional) – Number of elements to be taken from the dataset (default=-1).
- Returns
TakeDataset, dataset taken.
>>> # dataset is an instance object of Dataset >>> # Create a dataset where the dataset includes 50 elements. >>> dataset = dataset.take(50)
- to_device(send_epoch_end=True, create_data_info_queue=False)
Transfer data from CPU to GPU or Ascend or other devices.
- Parameters
If device is Ascend, features of data will be transferred one by one. The limitation of data transmission per second is 256M.
- Returns
TransferDataset, dataset for transferring.
- Raises
RuntimeError – If distribution file path is given but failed to read.
- to_json(filename='')
Serialize a pipeline into JSON string and dump into file if filename is provided.
- Parameters
filename (str) – filename of JSON file to be saved as.
- Returns
str, JSON string of the pipeline.
- use_sampler(new_sampler)
Make the current dataset use the new_sampler provided by other API.
- Parameters
new_sampler (Sampler) – The sampler to use for the current dataset.
>>> # dataset is an instance object of Dataset >>> # use a DistributedSampler instead >>> new_sampler = ds.DistributedSampler(10, 2) >>> dataset.use_sampler(new_sampler)
- zip(datasets)
Zip the datasets in the sense of input tuple of datasets. Columns in the input datasets must have different name.
- Parameters
datasets (Union[tuple, class Dataset]) – A tuple of datasets or a single class Dataset to be zipped together with this dataset.
- Returns
ZipDataset, dataset zipped.
>>> # Create a dataset which is the combination of dataset and dataset_1 >>> dataset = dataset.zip(dataset_1)