
The context of mindspore, used to configure the current execution environment, includes the execution mode, execution backend and other feature switches.

class mindspore.context.ParallelMode[source]

Parallel mode options.

There are five kinds of parallel modes, “STAND_ALONE”, “DATA_PARALLEL”, “HYBRID_PARALLEL”, “SEMI_AUTO_PARALLEL” and “AUTO_PARALLEL”. Default: “STAND_ALONE”.

  • STAND_ALONE: Only one processor is working.

  • DATA_PARALLEL: Distributes the data across different processors.

  • HYBRID_PARALLEL: Achieves data parallelism and model parallelism manually.

  • SEMI_AUTO_PARALLEL: Achieves data parallelism and model parallelism by setting parallel strategies.

  • AUTO_PARALLEL: Achieves parallelism automatically.

MODE_LIST: The list of all supported parallel modes.


Get auto parallel context attribute value according to the key.


attr_key (str) – The key of the attribute.


Returns attribute value according to the key.


ValueError – If input key is not attribute in auto parallel context.


Get context attribute value according to the input key. If some attributes are not set, they will be automatically obtained.


attr_key (str) – The key of the attribute.


Object, The value of given attribute key.


ValueError – If input key is not an attribute in context.


>>> context.get_context("device_target")
>>> context.get_context("device_id")

Get parameter server training mode context attribute value according to the key.


attr_key (str) –

The key of the attribute:

  • enable_ps (bool): Whether to enable parameter server training mode.


Returns attribute value according to the key.


ValueError – If input key is not attribute in auto parallel context.


>>> context.get_ps_context(enable_ps)

Reset auto parallel context attributes to the default values:

  • device_num: 1.

  • global_rank: 0.

  • gradients_mean: False.

  • gradient_fp32_sync: True.

  • parallel_mode: ‘stand_alone’.

  • auto_parallel_search_mode: ‘dynamic_programming’.

  • parameter_broadcast: False.

  • strategy_ckpt_load_file: ‘’.

  • strategy_ckpt_save_file: ‘’.

  • full_batch: False.

  • enable_parallel_optimizer: False.

  • pipeline_stages: 1.


Reset parameter server training mode context attributes to the default values:

  • enable_ps: False.


Set auto parallel context, which is valid only for Ascend and GPU target.

Auto parallel context should be configured before the initialization of your network.


Attribute name is required for setting attributes. If a program has tasks on different parallel modes, before setting a new parallel mode for the next task, interface mindspore.context.reset_auto_parallel_context() should be called to reset the configuration. Setting or changing parallel modes must be called before creating any Initializer, otherwise, it may have RuntimeError when compiling the network.

Some configurations are parallel mode specific, see the below table for details:

















  • device_num (int) – Available device number, the value must be in [1, 4096]. Default: 1.

  • global_rank (int) – Global rank id, the value must be in [0, 4095]. Default: 0.

  • gradients_mean (bool) – Whether to perform mean operator after allreduce of gradients. “stand_alone” do not support gradients_mean. Default: False.

  • gradient_fp32_sync (bool) – Run allreduce of gradients in fp32. “stand_alone”, “data_parallel” and “hybrid_parallel” do not support gradient_fp32_sync. Default: True.

  • parallel_mode (str) –

    There are five kinds of parallel modes, “stand_alone”, “data_parallel”, “hybrid_parallel”, “semi_auto_parallel” and “auto_parallel”. Note the pynative mode only supports the “stand_alone” and “data_parallel” mode. Default: “stand_alone”.

    • stand_alone: Only one processor is working.

    • data_parallel: Distributes the data across different processors.

    • hybrid_parallel: Achieves data parallelism and model parallelism manually.

    • semi_auto_parallel: Achieves data and model parallelism by setting parallel strategies.

    • auto_parallel: Achieving parallelism automatically.

  • auto_parallel_search_mode (str) –

    There are two kinds of shard strategy search modes, “recursive_programming” and “dynamic_programming”. Default: “dynamic_programming”.

    • recursive_programming: Recursive programming search mode.

    • dynamic_programming: Dynamic programming search mode.

  • parameter_broadcast (bool) – Whether to broadcast parameters before training. Before training, in order to have the same network initialization parameter values for all devices, broadcast the parameters on device 0 to other devices. Parameter broadcasting in different parallel modes is different, data_parallel mode, all parameters are broadcast except for the parameter whose attribute layerwise_parallel is True. Hybrid_parallel, semi_auto_parallel and auto_parallel mode, the segmented parameters do not participate in broadcasting. Default: False.

  • strategy_ckpt_load_file (str) – The path to load parallel strategy checkpoint. Default: ‘’

  • strategy_ckpt_save_file (str) – The path to save parallel strategy checkpoint. Default: ‘’

  • full_batch (bool) – If you load whole batch datasets in auto_parallel mode, this parameter should be set as True. Default: False. The interface is not be recommended currently, it is better using ‘dataset_strategy’ to replace it.

  • dataset_strategy (Union[str, tuple]) – Dataset sharding strategy. Default: “data_parallel”. dataset_strategy=”data_parallel” is equal to full_batch=False, dataset_strategy=”full_batch” is equal to full_batch=True. For dataset load into net by model parallel strategy likes ds_stra ((1, 8), (1, 8)), it requires using set_auto_parallel_context(dataset_strategy=ds_stra).

  • enable_parallel_optimizer (bool) – This is a developing feature, which shards the weight update computation for data parallel training in the benefit of time and memory saving. Currently, auto and semi auto parallel mode support all optimizers in both Ascend and GPU. Data parallel mode only supports Lamb and AdamWeightDecay in Ascend . Default: False.

  • all_reduce_fusion_config (list) – Set allreduce fusion strategy by parameters indices. Only support ReduceOp.SUM and HCCL_WORLD_GROUP/NCCL_WORLD_GROUP. No Default, if it is not set, the fusion is closed.

  • pipeline_stages (int) – Set the stage information for pipeline parallel. This indicates how the devices are distributed alone the pipeline. The total devices will be divided into ‘pipeline_stags’ stages. Currently this could only be used when parallel mode semi_auto_parallel is enabled. Default: 1.

  • grad_accumulation_step (int) – Set the accumulation steps of gradients in auto and semi auto parallel mode. This should be a positive int. Default: 1.


ValueError – If input key is not attribute in auto parallel context.


>>> context.set_auto_parallel_context(device_num=8)
>>> context.set_auto_parallel_context(global_rank=0)
>>> context.set_auto_parallel_context(gradients_mean=True)
>>> context.set_auto_parallel_context(gradient_fp32_sync=False)
>>> context.set_auto_parallel_context(parallel_mode="auto_parallel")
>>> context.set_auto_parallel_context(auto_parallel_search_mode="dynamic_programming")
>>> context.set_auto_parallel_context(parameter_broadcast=False)
>>> context.set_auto_parallel_context(strategy_ckpt_load_file="./strategy_stage1.ckpt")
>>> context.set_auto_parallel_context(strategy_ckpt_save_file="./strategy_stage1.ckpt")
>>> context.set_auto_parallel_context(dataset_strategy=((1, 8), (1, 8)))
>>> context.set_auto_parallel_context(enable_parallel_optimizer=False)
>>> context.set_auto_parallel_context(all_reduce_fusion_config=[8, 160])
>>> context.set_auto_parallel_context(pipeline_stages=2)

Set context for running environment.

Context should be configured before running your program. If there is no configuration, it will be automatically set according to the device target by default.


Attribute name is required for setting attributes. The mode is not recommended to be changed after net was initialized because the implementations of some operations are different in graph mode and pynative mode. Default: GRAPH_MODE.

Some configurations are device specific, see the below table for details:

Function Classification

Configuration Parameters

Hardware Platform Support

System Configuration









Debug Configuration























Executive Control























  • device_id (int) – ID of the target device, the value must be in [0, device_num_per_host-1], while device_num_per_host should be no more than 4096. Default: 0.

  • device_target (str) – The target device to run, support “Ascend”, “GPU”, and “CPU”. If device target is not set, the version of MindSpore package is used.

  • max_device_memory (str) – Set the maximum memory available for devices. Currently, it is only supported on GPU. The format is “xxGB”. Default: “1024GB”. The actual used memory size is the minimum of the available memory of the device and max_device_memory.

  • variable_memory_max_size (str) – Set the maximum size of the variable memory max size. Default: “30GB”. After this parameter is set, the maximum memory used by the framework is restricted to the configured value.

  • save_graphs (bool) – Whether to save graphs. Default: False. When the save_graphs attribute is set as True, attribute of save_graphs_path is used to set the intermediate compilation graph storage path. By default, the graphs are saved in the current directory.

  • save_graphs_path (str) – Path to save graphs. Default: “.”. If the specified directory does not exist, the system will automatically create the directory. During distributed training, graphs will be saved to the directory of save_graphs_path/rank_${rank_id}/. rank_id is the ID of the current device in the cluster.

  • enable_dump (bool) – This parameters is deprecated, and will be deleted in the next version.

  • save_dump_path (str) – This parameters is deprecated, and will be deleted in the next version.

  • enable_profiling (bool) – This parameters is deprecated, and will be deleted in the next version. Please use mindspore.profiler.Profiler api instead.

  • profiling_options (str) – This parameters is deprecated, and will be deleted in the next version. Please use mindspore.profiler.Profiler api instead.

  • print_file_path (str) – The path of saving print data. If this parameter is set, print data is saved to a file by default, and print_file_path is not set, the screen will be displayed. If the saved file already exists, the timestamp suffix will be added to the file. Saving data to a file solves the problem of data loss in screen printing when a large amount of data is generated. If it is not set, an error will be reported: prompt to set the upper absolute path.

  • env_config_path (str) –

    Config path for DFX. Through context.set_context(env_config_path=”./mindspore_config.json”)

    configure RDR:

    • enable: controls whether the RDR is enabled to collect the key data during training and save key data in the fault scenario. When set to true, the RDR will be turned on. When set to false, the RDR will be turned off.

    • path: sets the path where RDR saves data. The current path must be absolute.

    Memory reuse:

    • mem_Reuse: controls whether the memory reuse function is turned on. When set to True,

    • the memory reuse function is turned on. When set to False, the memory reuse function is turned off.

  • precompile_only (bool) – Whether to only precompile the network. Default: False. If set to True, the network will only be compiled, not executed.

  • reserve_class_name_in_scope (bool) –

    Whether to save the network class name in the scope. Default: True. Each node has a scope. A scope of a subnode is the name of its parent node. If reserve_class_name_in_scope is set to True, the class name will be saved after keyword ‘net-’ in the scope. For example:

    Default/net-Net1/net-Net2 (reserve_class_name_in_scope=True)

    Default/net/net (reserve_class_name_in_scope=False)

  • pynative_synchronize (bool) – Whether to enable synchronous execution of the device in PyNative mode. Default: False. When the value is set to False, the operator is executed asynchronously on the device. When an error occurs in the execution of the operator, the specific error script code location cannot be located, when the value is set to True, the operator is executed synchronously on the device. It will reduce the execution performance of the program. At this time, when an error occurs in the execution of the operator, the location of the error script code can be located according to the call stack of the error.

  • mode (int) – Running in GRAPH_MODE(0) or PYNATIVE_MODE(1). Default: GRAPH_MODE(0). GRAPH_MODE or PYNATIVE_MODE can be set by mode attribute and both modes support all backends, default mode is GRAPH_MODE.

  • enable_graph_kernel (bool) – Whether to enable graph kernel fusion to optimize network execution performance. Default: False. Indicates whether to enable image-computing convergence to optimize network execution performance. If enable_graph_kernel is set to True, acceleration can be enabled. For details of graph kernel fusion, please check Enabling Graph Kernel Fusion.

  • graph_kernel_flags (str) –

    Optimization options of graph kernel fusion, and the priority is higher when it conflicts with enable_graph_kernel. Only for experienced users. For example, context.set_context(graph_kernel_flags=”–opt_level=2 –dump_as_text”). Some general options:

    • opt_level: Set the optimization level. Default: 2. Graph kernel fusion can be enabled equivalently by setting opt_level greater than 0. Available values are:

      • 0: Disable graph kernel fusion;

      • 1: enable the basic fusion of operators;

      • 2: includes all optimizations of level 1, and turns on more optimizations such as CSE, arithmetic simplification and so on;

      • 3: includes all optimizations of level 2, and turns on more optimizations such as SitchingFusion, ParallelFusion and so on. Optimizations of this level are radical and unstable in some scenarios. Be caution when using this level.

    • dump_as_text: dump detail info as text files. Default: false.

    More options can refer to the implementation code. These options can also be set by environment variable MS_GRAPH_KERNEL_FLAGS, without modifying network source code. For example, export MS_GRAPH_KERNEL_FLAGS=”–opt_level=2 –dump_as_text”.

  • enable_reduce_precision (bool) – Whether to enable precision reduction. Default: True. If set to True: user specified precision is not supported, the precision will change automatically. If set to False: if the specified precision of the use case is not specified, an error will be reported and exit; For example, on the ascend backend, conv2d only supports fp16 input. Under the fp32 input condition, set true will automatically insert the cast operator to convert fp16, and the flash personnel will report an error and exit.

  • auto_tune_mode (str) –

    The mode of auto tune when op building, get the best tiling performance. Default: NO_TUNE. The value must be in [‘RL’, ‘GA’, ‘RL,GA’].

    • RL: Reinforcement Learning tune.

    • GA: Genetic Algorithm tune.

    • RL,GA: When both RL and GA optimization are enabled, the tool automatically selects RL or GA based on different types of operators in the network model. The sequence of RL and GA is not differentiated. (Automatic selection).

    For more information about the enable operator tuning tool settings, please check Enable the operator optimization tool.

  • check_bprop (bool) – Whether to check back propagation nodes. The checking ensures that the shape and dtype of back propagation node outputs is the same as input parameters. Default: False.

  • max_call_depth (int) – Specify the maximum depth of function call. Must be positive integer. Default: 1000. The max_call_depth parameter needs to be set when the nested call is too deep or the number of subgraphs is too large. If max_call_depth is set larger than before, the system max stack depth should be set larger too, otherwise a core dumped exception may be raised because of system stack overflow.

  • enable_sparse (bool) – Whether to enable sparsity feature. Default: False. For details of sparsity and sparse tensor, please check sparse tensor.

  • grad_for_scalar (bool) – Whether to get gradient for scalar. Default: False. When grad_for_scalar is set to True, the function’s scalar input can be derived. The default value is False. Because the back-end does not support scaling operations currently, this interface only supports simple operations that can be deduced by the front-end.

  • save_compile_cache (bool) – Whether to cache the graph compiled by front-end. Default: False. After save_compile_cache is set to True, a hardware-independent compilation cache is generated and exported to a MINDIR file, This is an experimental prototype that is subject to change and/or deletion.

  • load_compile_cache (bool) – Whether to use the cache of the graph compiled by front-end. This parameter must be used together with save_compile_cache. After save_compile_cache is set to True, a hardware-independent compilation cache is generated and exported to a MINDIR file. When the network is executed again, if load_compile_cache is set to True, the compile cache is loaded. By now, we do not support automatic checking for changes. Default: False. This is an experimental prototype that is subject to change and/or deletion.


ValueError – If input key is not an attribute in context.


>>> context.set_context(mode=context.PYNATIVE_MODE)
>>> context.set_context(precompile_only=True)
>>> context.set_context(device_target="Ascend")
>>> context.set_context(device_id=0)
>>> context.set_context(save_graphs=True, save_graphs_path="./graph")
>>> context.set_context(enable_reduce_precision=True)
>>> context.set_context(enable_dump=True, save_dump_path=".")
>>> context.set_context(enable_graph_kernel=True)
>>> context.set_context(graph_kernel_flags="--opt_level=2 --dump_as_text")
>>> context.set_context(reserve_class_name_in_scope=True)
>>> context.set_context(variable_memory_max_size="6GB")
>>> context.set_context(enable_profiling=True,
...                     profiling_options='{"output":"/home/data/output","training_trace":"on"}')
>>> context.set_context(check_bprop=True)
>>> context.set_context(max_device_memory="3.5GB")
>>> context.set_context(print_file_path="print.pb")
>>> context.set_context(enable_sparse=True)
>>> context.set_context(max_call_depth=80)
>>> context.set_context(env_config_path="./env_config.json")
>>> context.set_context(auto_tune_mode="GA,RL")
>>> context.set_context(grad_for_scalar=True)
>>> context.set_context(save_compile_cache=True)
>>> context.set_context(load_compile_cache=True)
>>> context.set_context(pynative_synchronize=True)

Set parameter server training mode context.


Some other environment variables should also be set for parameter server training mode. These environment variables are listed below:

MS_SERVER_NUM: Server number

MS_WORKER_NUM: Worker number

MS_SCHED_HOST: Scheduler IP address

MS_SCHED_PORT: Scheduler port

MS_ROLE: The role of this process:

MS_SCHED: represents the scheduler,

MS_WORKER: represents the worker,

MS_PSERVER: represents the Server


enable_ps (bool) – Whether to enable parameter server training mode. Only after enable_ps is set True, the environment variables will be effective. Default: False.


ValueError – If input key is not the attribute in parameter server training mode context.


>>> context.set_ps_context(enable_ps=True)