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import numpy as np
from mindspore import nn
from mindspore.common.tensor import Tensor
from mindspore._checkparam import Validator as validator
from .metric import Metric, rearrange_inputs
from tqdm import trange
except (ImportError, AttributeError):
trange = range
[docs]class OcclusionSensitivity(Metric):
This function is used to calculate the occlusion sensitivity of the model for a given image.
Occlusion sensitivity refers to how the probability of a given prediction changes with the change of the occluded
part of the image.
For a given result, the output probability is the probability of a region.
The higher the value in the output image is, the greater the decline of certainty, indicating that
the occluded area is more important in the decision-making process.
pad_val (float): What values need to be entered in the image when a part of the image is occluded. Default: 0.0.
margin (Union[int, Sequence]): Create a cuboid / cube around the voxel you want to occlude. Default: 2.
n_batch (int): number of images in a batch before inference. Default: 128.
b_box (Sequence): Bounding box on which to perform the analysis. The output image will also match in size.
There should be a minimum and maximum for all dimensions except batch:
``[min1, max1, min2, max2,...]``. If no bounding box is supplied, this will be the same size
as the input image. If a bounding box is used, the output image will be cropped to this size.
Default: None.
Supported Platforms:
``Ascend`` ``GPU`` ``CPU``
>>> import numpy as np
>>> from mindspore import nn, Tensor
>>> class DenseNet(nn.Cell):
... def __init__(self):
... super(DenseNet, self).__init__()
... w = np.array([[0.1, 0.8, 0.1, 0.1],[1, 1, 1, 1]]).astype(np.float32)
... b = np.array([0.3, 0.6]).astype(np.float32)
... self.dense = nn.Dense(4, 2, weight_init=Tensor(w), bias_init=Tensor(b))
... def construct(self, x):
... return self.dense(x)
>>> model = DenseNet()
>>> test_data = np.array([[0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4]]).astype(np.float32)
>>> label = np.array(1).astype(np.int32)
>>> metric = nn.OcclusionSensitivity()
>>> metric.clear()
>>> metric.update(model, test_data, label)
>>> score = metric.eval()
>>> print(score)
[0.29999995 0.6 1 0.9]
def __init__(self, pad_val=0.0, margin=2, n_batch=128, b_box=None):
self.pad_val = validator.check_value_type("pad_val", pad_val, [float])
self.margin = validator.check_value_type("margin", margin, [int, list])
self.n_batch = validator.check_value_type("n_batch", n_batch, [int])
self.b_box = b_box if b_box is None else validator.check_value_type("b_box", b_box, [list])
[docs] def clear(self):
"""Clears the internal evaluation result."""
self._baseline = 0
self._sensitivity_im = 0
self._is_update = False
def _check_input_bounding_box(self, b_box, im_shape):
"""Check that the bounding box (if supplied) is as expected."""
# If no bounding box has been supplied, set min and max to None
if b_box is None:
b_box_min = b_box_max = None
if len(b_box) != 2 * len(im_shape):
raise ValueError("The bounding box should contain upper and lower "
"for all dimensions (except batch number)")
b_box_min = np.array(b_box[::2])
b_box_max = np.array(b_box[1::2])
b_box_min[b_box_min < 0] = 0
b_box_max[b_box_max < 0] = im_shape[b_box_max < 0] - 1
if np.any(b_box_max >= im_shape):
raise ValueError("Max bounding box should be < image size for all values")
if np.any(b_box_min > b_box_max):
raise ValueError("Min bounding box should be <= max for all values")
return b_box_min, b_box_max
def _append_to_sensitivity_im(self, model, batch_images, batch_ids, sensitivity_im):
For a given number of images, the probability of predicting a given label is obtained. Attach to previous
batch_images = np.vstack(batch_images)
batch_ids = np.expand_dims(batch_ids, 1)
model_numpy = model(Tensor(batch_images)).asnumpy()
first_indices = np.arange(batch_ids.shape[0])[:, None]
scores = model_numpy[first_indices, batch_ids]
if sensitivity_im.size == 0:
return np.vstack(scores)
return np.vstack((sensitivity_im, scores))
[docs] @rearrange_inputs
def update(self, *inputs):
Updates input, including `model`, `y_pred` and `label`.
- **model** (nn.Cell) - classification model to use for inference.
- **y_pred** (Union[Tensor, list, np.ndarray]) - image to test. Should be a tensor consisting of 1 batch,
can be 2- or 3D.
- **label** (Union[int, Tensor]) - classification label to check for changes (normally the true label,
but doesn't have to be
ValueError: If the number of input is not 3.
RuntimeError: If the batch size is not 1.
RuntimeError: If the number of labels is different from the number of batches.
if len(inputs) != 3:
raise ValueError('The occlusion_sensitivity needs 3 inputs (model, y_pred, y), '
'but got {}'.format(len(inputs)))
model = inputs[0]
y_pred = self._convert_data(inputs[1])
label = self._convert_data(inputs[2])
model = validator.check_value_type("model", model, [nn.Cell])
if y_pred.shape[0] > 1:
raise RuntimeError("Expected batch size of 1.")
if isinstance(label, int):
label = np.array([[label]], dtype=int)
# If the label is a tensor, make sure there's only 1 element
elif np.prod(label.shape) != y_pred.shape[0]:
raise RuntimeError("Expected as many labels as batches.")
y_pred_shape = np.array(y_pred.shape[1:])
b_box_min, b_box_max = self._check_input_bounding_box(self.b_box, y_pred_shape)
temp = model(Tensor(y_pred)).asnumpy()
self._baseline = temp[0, label].item()
batch_images = []
batch_ids = []
sensitivity_im = np.empty(0, dtype=float)
output_im_shape = y_pred_shape if self.b_box is None else b_box_max - b_box_min + 1
num_required_predictions = np.prod(output_im_shape)
for i in trange(num_required_predictions):
idx = np.unravel_index(i, output_im_shape)
if b_box_min is not None:
idx += b_box_min
min_idx = [max(0, i - self.margin) for i in idx]
max_idx = [min(j, i + self.margin) for i, j in zip(idx, y_pred_shape)]
occlu_im = y_pred.copy()
occlu_im[(...,) + tuple(slice(i, j) for i, j in zip(min_idx, max_idx))] = self.pad_val
if len(batch_images) == self.n_batch or i == num_required_predictions - 1:
sensitivity_im = self._append_to_sensitivity_im(model, batch_images, batch_ids, sensitivity_im)
batch_images = []
batch_ids = []
self._sensitivity_im = sensitivity_im.reshape(output_im_shape)
self._is_update = True
[docs] def eval(self):
Computes the occlusion_sensitivity.
A numpy ndarray.
RuntimeError: If the update method is not called first, an error will be reported.
if not self._is_update:
raise RuntimeError('Call the update method before calling eval.')
sensitivity = self._baseline - np.squeeze(self._sensitivity_im)
return sensitivity