
class mindspore.dataset.vision.py_transforms.RandomPerspective(distortion_scale=0.5, prob=0.5, interpolation=Inter.BICUBIC)[source]

Randomly apply perspective transformation to the input PIL image with a given probability.

  • distortion_scale (float, optional) – The scale of distortion, a float value between 0 and 1 (default=0.5).

  • prob (float, optional) – Probability of the image being applied perspective transformation (default=0.5).

  • interpolation (Inter mode, optional) –

    Image interpolation mode (default=Inter.BICUBIC). It can be any of [Inter.BILINEAR, Inter.NEAREST, Inter.BICUBIC].

    • Inter.BILINEAR, means the interpolation method is bilinear interpolation.

    • Inter.NEAREST, means the interpolation method is nearest-neighbor interpolation.

    • Inter.BICUBIC, means the interpolation method is bicubic interpolation.


>>> import mindspore.dataset.vision.py_transforms as py_vision
>>> from mindspore.dataset.transforms.py_transforms import Compose
>>> Compose([py_vision.Decode(),
>>>          py_vision.RandomPerspective(prob=0.1),
>>>          py_vision.ToTensor()])