Operators can be used in the construct function of Cell.
>>> import mindspore.ops as ops
The Primitive operators in operations need to be instantiated before being used.
Neural Network Operators
API Name |
Description |
Supported Platforms |
Computes inverse hyperbolic cosine of the input element-wise. |
Updates gradients by the Adaptive Moment Estimation (Adam) algorithm. |
Updates gradients by Adaptive Moment Estimation (Adam) algorithm. |
Updates relevant entries according to the adadelta scheme. |
Updates relevant entries according to the adagrad scheme. |
Updates relevant entries according to the adagradv2 scheme. |
Updates relevant entries according to the adamax scheme. |
Updates relevant entries according to the AddSign algorithm. |
Optimizer that implements the centered RMSProp algorithm. |
Updates relevant entries according to the following. |
Optimizer that implements the Momentum algorithm. |
Updates relevant entries according to the AddSign algorithm. |
Updates relevant entries according to the proximal adagrad algorithm. |
Updates relevant entries according to the FOBOS(Forward Backward Splitting) algorithm. |
Optimizer that implements the Root Mean Square prop(RMSProp) algorithm. |
Average pooling operation. |
Applies the long short-term memory (LSTM) to the input. |
Batch Normalization for input data and updated parameters. |
Returns sum of input and bias tensor. |
Computes the binary cross entropy between the target and the output. |
For the BatchNorm operation this operator update the moving averages for training and is used in conjunction with BNTrainingUpdate. |
For the BatchNorm operation, this operator update the moving averages for training and is used in conjunction with BNTrainingReduce. |
Compute accidental hits of sampled classes which happen to match target classes. |
2D convolution layer. |
Computes the gradients of convolution with respect to the input. |
Performs greedy decoding on the logits given in inputs. |
To Be Developed |
Calculates the CTC (Connectionist Temporal Classification) loss and the gradient. |
Returns the dimension index in the destination data format given in the source data format. |
Returns the depth-wise convolution value for the input. |
Applies dropout mask on the input tensor. |
Generates the mask value for the input shape. |
Applies a single-layer gated recurrent unit (GRU) to an input sequence. |
DynamicRNN Operator. |
Computes exponential linear: |
Fast Gaussian Error Linear Units activation function. |
To Be Developed |
Fast Gaussian Error Linear Units activation function. |
Flattens a tensor without changing its batch size on the 0-th axis. |
Computes the remainder of division element-wise. |
FusedBatchNorm is a BatchNorm. |
FusedBatchNormEx is an extension of FusedBatchNorm, FusedBatchNormEx has one more output(output reserve) than FusedBatchNorm, reserve will be used in backpropagation phase. |
Merges the duplicate value of the gradient and then updates parameters by the Adaptive Moment Estimation (Adam) algorithm. |
Merges the duplicate value of the gradient and then updates parameters by the Adaptive Moment Estimation (LazyAdam) algorithm. |
Merges the duplicate value of the gradient and then updates relevant entries according to the proximal adagrad algorithm. |
Gaussian Error Linear Units activation function. |
To Be Developed |
Gaussian Error Linear Units activation function. |
Returns the next element in the dataset queue. |
Hard sigmoid activation function. |
Hard swish activation function. |
Computes the Kullback-Leibler divergence between the target and the output. |
Calculates half of the L2 norm of a tensor without using the sqrt. |
L2 normalization Operator. |
Conducts LARS (layer-wise adaptive rate scaling) update on the sum of squares of gradient. |
Applies the Layer Normalization to the input tensor. |
Log Softmax activation function. |
Local Response Normalization. |
Performs the Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) on the input. |
Max pooling operation. |
Performs max pooling on the input Tensor and returns both max values and indices. |
Pads the input tensor according to the paddings and mode. |
Computes a one-hot tensor. |
Packs a list of tensors in specified axis. |
To Be Developed |
Pads the input tensor according to the paddings. |
Parametric Rectified Linear Unit activation function. |
Computes ReLU (Rectified Linear Unit) of input tensors element-wise. |
Computes ReLU (Rectified Linear Unit) upper bounded by 6 of input tensors element-wise. |
Computes ReLU (Rectified Linear Unit) of input tensors element-wise. |
Resizes an image to a certain size using the bilinear interpolation. |
Computes the RNNTLoss and its gradient with respect to the softmax outputs. |
Computes the Region of Interest (RoI) Align operator. |
Computes the stochastic gradient descent. |
Sigmoid activation function. |
Uses the given logits to compute sigmoid cross entropy. |
Computes smooth L1 loss, a robust L1 loss. |
Softmax operation. |
Gets the softmax cross-entropy value between logits and labels with one-hot encoding. |
Softplus activation function. |
Softsign activation function. |
Updates relevant entries according to the adagrad scheme. |
Updates relevant entries according to the adagrad scheme, one more epsilon attribute than SparseApplyAdagrad. |
Updates relevant entries according to the proximal adagrad algorithm. |
Computes the softmax cross-entropy value between logits and sparse encoding labels. |
Stacks a list of tensors in specified axis. |
Tanh activation function. |
Finds values and indices of the k largest entries along the last dimension. |
Unpacks tensor in specified axis. |
To Be Developed |
Unstacks tensor in specified axis. |
Math Operators
API Name |
Description |
Supported Platforms |
Returns absolute value of a tensor element-wise. |
Computes accumulation of all input tensors element-wise. |
Computes arccosine of input tensors element-wise. |
Adds two input tensors element-wise. |
Computes addition of all input tensors element-wise. |
Returns True if abs(x1-x2) is smaller than tolerance element-wise, otherwise False. |
Computes arcsine of input tensors element-wise. |
Computes inverse hyperbolic sine of the input element-wise. |
Updates a Parameter by adding a value to it. |
Updates a Parameter by subtracting a value from it. |
Computes the trigonometric inverse tangent of the input element-wise. |
Returns arctangent of input_x/input_y element-wise. |
Computes inverse hyperbolic tangent of the input element-wise. |
Computes matrix multiplication between two tensors by batch |
Computes BesselI0e of input element-wise. |
Computes BesselI1e of input element-wise. |
Returns bitwise and of two tensors element-wise. |
Returns bitwise or of two tensors element-wise. |
Returns bitwise xor of two tensors element-wise. |
Rounds a tensor up to the closest integer element-wise. |
Computes cosine of input element-wise. |
Computes hyperbolic cosine of input element-wise. |
Computes the cumulative product of the tensor x along axis. |
Computes the cumulative sum of input tensor along axis. |
Computes the quotient of dividing the first input tensor by the second input tensor element-wise. |
Computes a safe divide and returns 0 if the y is zero. |
Creates a tensor filled with input_x dtype minimum value. |
Computes the equivalence between two tensors element-wise. |
Computes the number of the same elements of two tensors. |
Computes the Gauss error function of input_x element-wise. |
Computes the complementary error function of input_x element-wise. |
Returns exponential of a tensor element-wise. |
Returns exponential then minus 1 of a tensor element-wise. |
Determines if the elements contain Not a Number(NaN), infinite or negative infinite. |
Rounds a tensor down to the closest integer element-wise. |
Divides the first input tensor by the second input tensor element-wise and round down to the closest integer. |
Computes the boolean value of \(x > y\) element-wise. |
Computes the boolean value of \(x >= y\) element-wise. |
Returns a rank 1 histogram counting the number of entries in values that fall into every bin. |
Adds v into specified rows of x. |
Subtracts v into specified rows of x. |
Computes Inv(Reciprocal) of input tensor element-wise. |
Flips all bits of input tensor element-wise. |
Determines which elements are inf or -inf for each position |
Determines which elements are NaN for each position. |
Computes the boolean value of \(x < y\) element-wise. |
Computes the boolean value of \(x <= y\) element-wise. |
Generates values in an interval (inclusive of start and stop) and returns the corresponding interpolated array with num number of ticks. |
Returns the natural logarithm of a tensor element-wise. |
Returns the natural logarithm of one plus the input tensor element-wise. |
Computes the "logical AND" of two tensors element-wise. |
Computes the "logical NOT" of a tensor element-wise. |
Computes the "logical OR" of two tensors element-wise. |
Multiplies matrix a and matrix b. |
Computes the maximum of input tensors element-wise. |
Computes the minimum of input tensors element-wise. |
Computes the remainder of dividing the first input tensor by the second input tensor element-wise. |
Multiplies two tensors element-wise. |
Returns a tensor with negative values of the input tensor element-wise. |
Selects some bounding boxes in descending order of score. |
Computes the non-equivalence of two tensors element-wise. |
Allocates a flag to store the overflow status. |
Clears the flag which stores the overflow status. |
Updates the flag which is the output tensor of NPUAllocFloatStatus with the latest overflow status. |
Computes a tensor to the power of the second input. |
Divides the first input tensor by the second input tensor in floating-point type element-wise. |
Returns reciprocal of a tensor element-wise. |
Reduces a dimension of a tensor by the "logicalAND" of all elements in the dimension. |
Reduces a dimension of a tensor by the "logical OR" of all elements in the dimension. |
Reduces a dimension of a tensor by the maximum value in this dimension. |
Reduces a dimension of a tensor by averaging all elements in the dimension. |
Reduces a dimension of a tensor by the minimum value in the dimension. |
Reduces a dimension of a tensor by multiplying all elements in the dimension. |
Reduces a dimension of a tensor by summing all elements in the dimension. |
Returns half to even of a tensor element-wise. |
Computes reciprocal of square root of input tensor element-wise. |
Performs sign on the tensor element-wise. |
Computes sine of the input element-wise. |
Computes hyperbolic sine of the input element-wise. |
Returns square root of a tensor element-wise. |
Returns square of a tensor element-wise. |
Subtracts the second input tensor from the first input tensor element-wise and returns square of it. |
Returns the square sum of a tensor element-wise |
Subtracts the second input tensor from the first input tensor element-wise. |
Computes tangent of input_x element-wise. |
Adds two input tensors element-wise. |
To Be Developed |
Divides the first input tensor by the second input tensor element-wise for integer types, negative numbers will round fractional quantities towards zero. |
Returns the remainder of division element-wise. |
Divides the first input tensor by the second input tensor element-wise. |
Computes the first input tensor multiplied by the logarithm of second input tensor element-wise. |
Array Operators
API Name |
Description |
Supported Platforms |
Updates relevant entries according to the FTRL scheme. |
Returns the indices of the maximum value of a tensor across the axis. |
Calculates the maximum value with the corresponding index. |
Returns the indices of the minimum value of a tensor across the axis. |
Calculates the minimum value with corresponding index, and returns indices and values. |
Divides batch dimension with blocks and interleaves these blocks back into spatial dimensions. |
Divides batch dimension with blocks and interleaves these blocks back into spatial dimensions. |
Broadcasts input tensor to a given shape. |
Returns a tensor with the new specified data type. |
Connect tensor in the specified axis. |
Rearranges blocks of depth data into spatial dimensions. |
Returns the data type of the input tensor as mindspore.dtype. |
Returns the shape of the input tensor. |
Computes the Levenshtein Edit Distance. |
Returns a slice of input tensor based on the specified indices. |
Adds an additional dimension at the given axis. |
Creates a tensor with ones on the diagonal and zeros the rest. |
Creates a tensor filled with a scalar value. |
Merges the duplicate value of the gradient and then updates relevant entries according to the FTRL-proximal scheme. |
Gathers values along an axis specified by dim. |
Gathers slices from a tensor by indices. |
Returns a slice of the input tensor based on the specified indices and axis. |
To Be Developed |
Returns a slice of the input tensor based on the specified indices and axis. |
Returns a Tensor with the same shape and contents as input. |
Updates specified rows with values in v. |
Computes the inverse of an index permutation. |
Determines which elements are finite for each position. |
Checks whether an object is an instance of a target type. |
Checks whether this type is a sub-class of another type. |
Generates coordinate matrices from given coordinate tensors. |
Creates a tensor filled with value ones. |
Creates a new tensor. |
Extends the last dimension of the input tensor from 1 to pad_dim_size, by filling with 0. |
Concats tensor in the first dimension. |
Returns the rank of a tensor. |
Reshapes the input tensor with the same values based on a given shape tuple. |
Resizes the input tensor by using the nearest neighbor algorithm. |
Reverses variable length slices. |
Reverses specific dimensions of a tensor. |
Returns an integer that is closest to x element-wise. |
Checks whether the data type and shape of two tensors are the same. |
Converts a scalar to a Tensor. |
Converts a scalar to a Tensor, and converts the data type to the specified type. |
Updates the value of the input tensor through the addition operation. |
Updates the value of the input tensor through the divide operation. |
Updates the value of the input tensor through the maximum operation. |
Updates the value of the input tensor through the minimum operation. |
Updates the value of the input tensor through the multiply operation. |
Scatters a tensor into a new tensor depending on the specified indices. |
Applies sparse addition to individual values or slices in a tensor. |
Applies sparse subtraction to individual values or slices in a tensor. |
Updates tensor values by using input indices and value. |
Applies sparse addition to the input using individual values or slices. |
Updates the value of the input tensor through the subtraction operation. |
Updates tensor values by using input indices and value. |
Returns the selected elements, either from input \(x\) or input \(y\), depending on the condition. |
Returns the shape of the input tensor. |
Returns the size of a tensor. |
Slices a tensor in the specified shape. |
Sorts the elements of the input tensor along a given dimension in ascending order by value. |
Divides spatial dimensions into blocks and combines the block size with the original batch. |
Divides spatial dimensions into blocks and combines the block size with the original batch. |
Rearranges blocks of spatial data into depth. |
Updates relevant entries according to the FTRL-proximal scheme. |
Updates relevant entries according to the FTRL-proximal scheme. |
Returns a slice of input tensor based on the specified indices and axis. |
Splits the input tensor into output_num of tensors along the given axis and output numbers. |
Returns a tensor with the same type but dimensions of 1 are removed based on axis. |
Extracts a strided slice of a tensor. |
Updates tensor values using given values, along with the input indices. |
Replicates a tensor with given multiples times. |
Permutes the dimensions of the input tensor according to input permutation. |
Converts a tuple to a tensor. |
Returns the unique elements of input tensor and also return a tensor containing the index of each value of input tensor corresponding to the output unique tensor. |
Returns unique elements and relative indexes in 1-D tensor, filled with padding num. |
Computes the maximum along segments of a tensor. |
Computes the minimum of a tensor along segments. |
Computes the product of a tensor along segments. |
Computes the sum of a tensor along segments. |
Creates a tensor filled with value zeros. |
Creates a new tensor. |
Common Operators
API Name |
Description |
Supported Platforms |
Gathers tensors from the specified communication group. |
Reduces the tensor data across all devices in such a way that all devices will get the same final result. |
Broadcasts the tensor to the whole group. |
Operation options for reducing tensors. |
Reduces and scatters tensors from the specified communication group. |
Control Flows
API Name |
Description |
Supported Platforms |
Adds control dependency relation between source and destination operations. |
Debug Operators
API Name |
Description |
Supported Platforms |
Outputs the tensor to protocol buffer through histogram summary operator. |
Outputs the image tensor to protocol buffer through image summary operator. |
Attaches callback to the graph node that will be invoked on the node's gradient. |
Outputs the tensor or string to stdout. |
Outputs a scalar to a protocol buffer through a scalar summary operator. |
Outputs a tensor to a protocol buffer through a tensor summary operator. |
Random Operators
API Name |
Description |
Supported Platforms |
Produces random positive floating-point values x, distributed according to probability density function: |
Generates random labels with a log-uniform distribution for sampled_candidates. |
Returns a tensor sampled from the multinomial probability distribution located in the corresponding row of tensor input. |
Produces random non-negative integer values i, distributed according to discrete probability function: |
Generates random samples from a given categorical distribution tensor. |
Generates a random sample as index tensor with a mask tensor from a given tensor. |
Generates random numbers according to the Laplace random number distribution (mean=0, lambda=1). |
Generates random numbers according to the standard Normal (or Gaussian) random number distribution. |
Uniform candidate sampler. |
Produces random integer values i, uniformly distributed on the closed interval [minval, maxval), that is, distributed according to the discrete probability function: |
Produces random floating-point values i, uniformly distributed to the interval [0, 1). |
Inner Operators
API Name |
Description |
Supported Platforms |
Casts the input scalar to another type. |
Image Operators
API Name |
Description |
Supported Platforms |
Extracts crops from the input image tensor and resizes them. |
Other Operators
API Name |
Description |
Supported Platforms |
Assigns Parameter with a value. |
Decodes bounding boxes locations. |
Encodes bounding boxes locations. |
Checks bounding box. |
Depend is used for processing dependency operations. |
Determines whether the targets are in the top k predictions. |
Calculates intersection over union for boxes. |
Makes a RefKey instance by string. |
Calculates population count. |
The composite operators are the pre-defined combination of operators.
API Name |
Description |
Supported Platforms |
A decorator that adds a flag to the function. |
To Be Developed |
Clips tensor values by the ratio of the sum of their norms. |
Clips tensor values to a specified min and max. |
A decorator that adds a flag to the function. |
Count number of nonzero elements across axis of input tensor |
Generates random numbers according to the Gamma random number distribution. |
A higher-order function which is used to generate the gradient function for the input function. |
To Be Developed |
Hypermap will apply the set operation to input sequences. |
To Be Developed |
Generates random numbers according to the Laplace random number distribution. |
Returns a tensor sampled from the multinomial probability distribution located in the corresponding row of the input tensor. |
Generates overloaded functions. |
To Be Developed |
Generates random numbers according to the Normal (or Gaussian) random number distribution. |
Generates random numbers according to the Poisson random number distribution. |
Repeat elements of a tensor along an axis, like np.repeat. |
Returns a mask tensor representing the first N positions of each cell. |
Computation of Tensor contraction on arbitrary axes between tensors a and b. |
Generates random numbers according to the Uniform random number distribution. |
The functional operators are the pre-instantiated Primitive operators, which can be used directly as a function.
functional |
operations |
mindspore.ops.addn |
mindspore.ops.array_reduce |
mindspore.ops.array_to_scalar |
mindspore.ops.assign |
mindspore.ops.assign_add |
mindspore.ops.assign_sub |
mindspore.ops.bool_and |
mindspore.ops.bool_eq |
mindspore.ops.bool_not |
mindspore.ops.bool_or |
mindspore.ops.cast |
mindspore.ops.control_depend |
mindspore.ops.distribute |
mindspore.ops.dtype |
mindspore.ops.equal |
mindspore.ops.expand_dims |
mindspore.ops.fill |
mindspore.ops.gather |
mindspore.ops.gather_nd |
mindspore.ops.hastype |
mindspore.ops.in_dict |
mindspore.ops.is_not |
mindspore.ops.is_ |
mindspore.ops.isconstant |
mindspore.ops.isinstance_ |
mindspore.ops.issubclass_ |
mindspore.ops.logical_and |
mindspore.ops.logical_not |
mindspore.ops.logical_or |
mindspore.ops.make_row_tensor |
mindspore.ops.make_sparse_tensor |
mindspore.ops.mixed_precision_cast |
mindspore.ops.neg_tensor |
mindspore.ops.not_equal |
mindspore.ops.not_in_dict |
mindspore.ops.ones_like |
mindspore.ops.pack |
mindspore.ops.print_ |
mindspore.ops.rank |
mindspore.ops.reduced_shape |
mindspore.ops.reshape |
mindspore.ops.row_tensor_get_dense_shape |
mindspore.ops.row_tensor_get_indices |
mindspore.ops.row_tensor_get_values |
mindspore.ops.same_type_shape |
mindspore.ops.scalar_add |
mindspore.ops.scalar_cast |
mindspore.ops.scalar_div |
mindspore.ops.scalar_eq |
mindspore.ops.scalar_floordiv |
mindspore.ops.scalar_ge |
mindspore.ops.scalar_gt |
mindspore.ops.scalar_le |
mindspore.ops.scalar_log |
mindspore.ops.scalar_lt |
mindspore.ops.scalar_mod |
mindspore.ops.scalar_mul |
mindspore.ops.scalar_ne |
mindspore.ops.scalar_pow |
mindspore.ops.scalar_sub |
mindspore.ops.scalar_to_array |
mindspore.ops.scalar_to_tensor |
mindspore.ops.scalar_uadd |
mindspore.ops.scalar_usub |
mindspore.ops.scatter_nd |
mindspore.ops.scatter_nd_update |
mindspore.ops.scatter_update |
mindspore.ops.select |
mindspore.ops.shape |
mindspore.ops.shape_mul |
mindspore.ops.size |
mindspore.ops.sparse_tensor_get_dense_shape |
mindspore.ops.sparse_tensor_get_indices |
mindspore.ops.sparse_tensor_get_values |
mindspore.ops.sqrt |
mindspore.ops.square |
mindspore.ops.stop_gradient |
mindspore.ops.strided_slice |
mindspore.ops.string_concat |
mindspore.ops.string_eq |
mindspore.ops.tensor_add |
mindspore.ops.tensor_div |
mindspore.ops.tensor_floordiv |
mindspore.ops.tensor_ge |
mindspore.ops.tensor_gt |
mindspore.ops.tensor_le |
mindspore.ops.tensor_lt |
mindspore.ops.tensor_mod |
mindspore.ops.tensor_mul |
mindspore.ops.tensor_pow |
mindspore.ops.tensor_sub |
mindspore.ops.tile |
mindspore.ops.tuple_to_array |
mindspore.ops.typeof |
mindspore.ops.zeros_like |
Creates a PrimitiveWithInfer operator that can infer the value at compile time. |
Primitive attributes register. |
Primitive is the base class of primitives in python. |
PrimitiveWithCheck is the base class of primitives in python defines functions for checking operator input arguments but used the infer method registered in c++ source codes. |
PrimitiveWithInfer is the base class of primitives in python and defines functions for tracking inference in python. |
Gets the virtual implementation function by a primitive object or primitive name. |
Class for AiCPU op info register |
Various combinations of dtype and format. |
A decorator which is used to register an operator. |
Class for TBE operator information register. |