# Copyright 2020 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
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# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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# ============================================================================
"""MindSpore Serving Client"""
import grpc
import numpy as np
import mindspore_serving.proto.ms_service_pb2 as ms_service_pb2
import mindspore_serving.proto.ms_service_pb2_grpc as ms_service_pb2_grpc
def _create_tensor(data, tensor=None):
"""Create tensor from numpy data"""
if tensor is None:
tensor = ms_service_pb2.Tensor()
dtype_map = {
np.bool: ms_service_pb2.MS_BOOL,
np.int8: ms_service_pb2.MS_INT8,
np.uint8: ms_service_pb2.MS_UINT8,
np.int16: ms_service_pb2.MS_INT16,
np.uint16: ms_service_pb2.MS_UINT16,
np.int32: ms_service_pb2.MS_INT32,
np.uint32: ms_service_pb2.MS_UINT32,
np.int64: ms_service_pb2.MS_INT64,
np.uint64: ms_service_pb2.MS_UINT64,
np.float16: ms_service_pb2.MS_FLOAT16,
np.float32: ms_service_pb2.MS_FLOAT32,
np.float64: ms_service_pb2.MS_FLOAT64,
for k, v in dtype_map.items():
if k == data.dtype:
tensor.dtype = v
if tensor.dtype == ms_service_pb2.MS_UNKNOWN:
raise RuntimeError("Unknown data type " + str(data.dtype))
tensor.data = data.tobytes()
return tensor
def _create_scalar_tensor(vals, tensor=None):
"""Create tensor from scalar data"""
if not isinstance(vals, (tuple, list)):
vals = (vals,)
return _create_tensor(np.array(vals), tensor)
def _create_bytes_tensor(bytes_vals, tensor=None):
"""Create tensor from bytes data"""
if tensor is None:
tensor = ms_service_pb2.Tensor()
if not isinstance(bytes_vals, (tuple, list)):
bytes_vals = (bytes_vals,)
tensor.dtype = ms_service_pb2.MS_BYTES
for item in bytes_vals:
return tensor
def _create_str_tensor(str_vals, tensor=None):
"""Create tensor from str data"""
if tensor is None:
tensor = ms_service_pb2.Tensor()
if not isinstance(str_vals, (tuple, list)):
str_vals = (str_vals,)
tensor.dtype = ms_service_pb2.MS_STRING
for item in str_vals:
tensor.bytes_val.append(bytes(item, encoding="utf8"))
return tensor
def _create_numpy_from_tensor(tensor):
"""Create numpy from protobuf tensor"""
dtype_map = {
ms_service_pb2.MS_BOOL: np.bool,
ms_service_pb2.MS_INT8: np.int8,
ms_service_pb2.MS_UINT8: np.uint8,
ms_service_pb2.MS_INT16: np.int16,
ms_service_pb2.MS_UINT16: np.uint16,
ms_service_pb2.MS_INT32: np.int32,
ms_service_pb2.MS_UINT32: np.uint32,
ms_service_pb2.MS_INT64: np.int64,
ms_service_pb2.MS_UINT64: np.uint64,
ms_service_pb2.MS_FLOAT16: np.float16,
ms_service_pb2.MS_FLOAT32: np.float32,
ms_service_pb2.MS_FLOAT64: np.float64,
if tensor.dtype == ms_service_pb2.MS_STRING or tensor.dtype == ms_service_pb2.MS_BYTES:
result = []
for item in tensor.bytes_val:
if tensor.dtype == ms_service_pb2.MS_STRING:
if len(result) == 1:
return result[0]
return result
result = np.frombuffer(tensor.data, dtype_map[tensor.dtype]).reshape(tensor.shape.dims)
return result
def _check_str(arg_name, str_val):
"""Check whether the input parameters are reasonable str input"""
if not isinstance(str_val, str):
raise RuntimeError(f"Parameter '{arg_name}' should be str, but actually {type(str_val)}")
if not str_val:
raise RuntimeError(f"Parameter '{arg_name}' should not be empty str")
def _check_int(arg_name, int_val, minimum=None, maximum=None):
"""Check whether the input parameters are reasonable int input"""
if not isinstance(int_val, int):
raise RuntimeError(f"Parameter '{arg_name}' should be int, but actually {type(int_val)}")
if minimum is not None and int_val < minimum:
if maximum is not None:
raise RuntimeError(f"Parameter '{arg_name}' should be in range [{minimum},{maximum}]")
raise RuntimeError(f"Parameter '{arg_name}' should be >= {minimum}")
if maximum is not None and int_val > maximum:
if minimum is not None:
raise RuntimeError(f"Parameter '{arg_name}' should be in range [{minimum},{maximum}]")
raise RuntimeError(f"Parameter '{arg_name}' should be <= {maximum}")
[docs]class Client:
The Client encapsulates the serving gRPC API, which can be used to create requests,
access serving, and parse results.
ip (str): Serving ip.
port (int): Serving port.
servable_name (str): The name of servable supplied by Serving.
method_name (str): The name of method supplied by servable.
version_number (int): The version number of servable, default 0,
which means the maximum version number in all running versions.
RuntimeError: The type or value of the parameters is invalid, or other errors happened.
>>> from mindspore_serving.client import Client
>>> import numpy as np
>>> client = Client("localhost", 5500, "add", "add_cast")
>>> instances = []
>>> x1 = np.ones((2, 2), np.int32)
>>> x2 = np.ones((2, 2), np.int32)
>>> instances.append({"x1": x1, "x2": x2})
>>> result = client.infer(instances)
>>> print(result)
def __init__(self, ip, port, servable_name, method_name, version_number=0):
_check_str("ip", ip)
_check_int("port", port, 1, 65535)
_check_str("servable_name", servable_name)
_check_str("method_name", method_name)
_check_int("version_number", version_number, 0)
self.ip = ip
self.port = port
self.servable_name = servable_name
self.method_name = method_name
self.version_number = version_number
channel_str = str(ip) + ":" + str(port)
msg_bytes_size = 512 * 1024 * 1024 # 512MB
channel = grpc.insecure_channel(channel_str,
('grpc.max_send_message_length', msg_bytes_size),
('grpc.max_receive_message_length', msg_bytes_size),
self.stub = ms_service_pb2_grpc.MSServiceStub(channel)
[docs] def infer(self, instances):
Used to create requests, access serving service, and parse and return results.
instances (map, tuple of map): Instance or tuple of instances, every instance item is the inputs map.
The map key is the input name, and the value is the input value, the type of value can be python int,
float, bool, str, bytes, numpy number, or numpy array object.
RuntimeError: The type or value of the parameters is invalid, or other errors happened.
>>> from mindspore_serving.client import Client
>>> import numpy as np
>>> client = Client("localhost", 5500, "add", "add_cast")
>>> instances = []
>>> x1 = np.ones((2, 2), np.int32)
>>> x2 = np.ones((2, 2), np.int32)
>>> instances.append({"x1": x1, "x2": x2})
>>> result = client.infer(instances)
>>> print(result)
request = self._create_request(instances)
result = self.stub.Predict(request)
return self._paser_result(result)
except grpc.RpcError as e:
status_code = e.code()
return {"error": "Grpc Error, " + str(status_code.value)}
[docs] def infer_async(self, instances):
Used to create requests, async access serving.
instances (map, tuple of map): Instance or tuple of instances, every instance item is the inputs map.
The map key is the input name, and the value is the input value.
RuntimeError: The type or value of the parameters is invalid, or other errors happened.
>>> from mindspore_serving.client import Client
>>> import numpy as np
>>> client = Client("localhost", 5500, "add", "add_cast")
>>> instances = []
>>> x1 = np.ones((2, 2), np.int32)
>>> x2 = np.ones((2, 2), np.int32)
>>> instances.append({"x1": x1, "x2": x2})
>>> result_future = client.infer_async(instances)
>>> result = result_future.result()
>>> print(result)
request = self._create_request(instances)
result_future = self.stub.Predict.future(request)
return ClientGrpcAsyncResult(result_future)
except grpc.RpcError as e:
status_code = e.code()
return ClientGrpcAsyncError({"error": "Grpc Error, " + str(status_code.value)})
def _create_request(self, instances):
"""Used to create request spec."""
if not isinstance(instances, (tuple, list)):
instances = (instances,)
request = ms_service_pb2.PredictRequest()
request.servable_spec.name = self.servable_name
request.servable_spec.method_name = self.method_name
request.servable_spec.version_number = self.version_number
for item in instances:
if isinstance(item, dict):
raise RuntimeError("instance should be a map")
return request
def _create_instance(**kwargs):
"""Used to create gRPC instance."""
instance = ms_service_pb2.Instance()
for k, w in kwargs.items():
tensor = instance.items[k]
if isinstance(w, (np.ndarray, np.number)):
_create_tensor(w, tensor)
elif isinstance(w, str):
_create_str_tensor(w, tensor)
elif isinstance(w, (bool, int, float)):
_create_scalar_tensor(w, tensor)
elif isinstance(w, bytes):
_create_bytes_tensor(w, tensor)
raise RuntimeError("Not support value type " + str(type(w)))
return instance
def _paser_result(result):
"""Used to parse result."""
error_msg_len = len(result.error_msg)
if error_msg_len == 1:
return {"error": bytes.decode(result.error_msg[0].error_msg)}
ret_val = []
instance_len = len(result.instances)
if error_msg_len not in (0, instance_len):
raise RuntimeError(f"error msg result size {error_msg_len} not be 0, 1 or "
f"length of instances {instance_len}")
for i in range(instance_len):
instance = result.instances[i]
if error_msg_len == 0 or result.error_msg[i].error_code == 0:
instance_map = {}
for k, w in instance.items.items():
instance_map[k] = _create_numpy_from_tensor(w)
ret_val.append({"error": bytes.decode(result.error_msg[i].error_msg)})
return ret_val
class ClientGrpcAsyncResult:
When Client.infer_async invoke successfully, a ClientGrpcAsyncResult object is returned.
>>> from mindspore_serving.client import Client
>>> import numpy as np
>>> client = Client("localhost", 5500, "add", "add_cast")
>>> instances = []
>>> x1 = np.ones((2, 2), np.int32)
>>> x2 = np.ones((2, 2), np.int32)
>>> instances.append({"x1": x1, "x2": x2})
>>> result_future = client.infer_async(instances)
>>> result = result_future.result()
>>> print(result)
def __init__(self, result_future):
self.result_future = result_future
def result(self):
"""Wait and get result of inference result, the gRPC message will be parse to tuple of instances result.
Every instance result is dict, and value could be numpy array/number, str or bytes according gRPC Tensor
data type.
result = self.result_future.result()
# pylint: disable=protected-access
result = Client._paser_result(result)
return result
class ClientGrpcAsyncError:
"""When gRPC failed happened when calling Client.infer_async, a ClientGrpcAsyncError object is returned.
def __init__(self, result_error):
self.result_error = result_error
def result(self):
"""Get gRPC error message.
return self.result_error