Customizing Reverse Propagation Function of Cell

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When MindSpore is used to build a neural network, the nn.Cell class needs to be inherited. We might have the following problems when we construct networks:

  1. There are operations or operators in Cell that are not derivable or for which reverse propagation rules are not yet defined.

  2. When replacing certain forward calculation procedures of Cell, you need to customize the corresponding reverse propagation function.

Then we can use the function of customizing the backward propagation function of the Cell object. The format is as follows:

def bprop(self, ..., out, dout):
    return ...
  • Input parameters: Input parameters in the forward propagation plus out and dout. out indicates the computation result of the forward propagation, and dout indicates the gradient returned to the nn.Cell object.

  • Return values: Gradient of each input in the forward propagation. The number of return values must be the same as the number of inputs in the forward propagation.

A complete simple example is as follows:

import mindspore.nn as nn
import mindspore as ms
import mindspore.ops as ops

class Net(nn.Cell):
    def __init__(self):
        super(Net, self).__init__()
        self.matmul = ops.MatMul()

    def construct(self, x, y):
        out = self.matmul(x, y)
        return out

    def bprop(self, x, y, out, dout):
        dx = x + 1
        dy = y + 1
        return dx, dy

class GradNet(nn.Cell):
    def __init__(self, net):
        super(GradNet, self).__init__() = net
        self.grad_op = ops.GradOperation(get_all=True)

    def construct(self, x, y):
        gradient_function = self.grad_op(
        return gradient_function(x, y)

x = ms.Tensor([[0.5, 0.6, 0.4], [1.2, 1.3, 1.1]], dtype=ms.float32)
y = ms.Tensor([[0.01, 0.3, 1.1], [0.1, 0.2, 1.3], [2.1, 1.2, 3.3]], dtype=ms.float32)
out = GradNet(Net())(x, y)
    (Tensor(shape=[2, 3], dtype=Float32, value=
    [[ 1.50000000e+00,  1.60000002e+00,  1.39999998e+00],
     [ 2.20000005e+00,  2.29999995e+00,  2.09999990e+00]]), Tensor(shape=[3, 3], dtype=Float32, value=
    [[ 1.00999999e+00,  1.29999995e+00,  2.09999990e+00],
     [ 1.10000002e+00,  1.20000005e+00,  2.29999995e+00],
     [ 3.09999990e+00,  2.20000005e+00,  4.30000019e+00]]))

This example customizes the gradient calculation process for the MatMul operation by defining bprop function of Cell, where dx is the derivative of the input x, dy is the derivative of the input y, out is the result of the MatMul calculation, and dout is the gradient passed back to Net.

Application example

  1. There are some operators which is non-differentiable or has not been defined the back propagation function in the Cell. For example, the operator ReLU6 has not been defined its second-order back propagation rule, which can be defined by customizing the bprop function of Cell. The code is as follow:

    import mindspore.nn as nn
    from mindspore import Tensor
    from mindspore import dtype as mstype
    import mindspore.ops as ops
    class ReluNet(nn.Cell):
        def __init__(self):
            super(ReluNet, self).__init__()
            self.relu = ops.ReLU()
        def construct(self, x):
            return self.relu(x)
    class Net(nn.Cell):
        def __init__(self):
            super(Net, self).__init__()
            self.relu6 = ops.ReLU6()
            self.relu = ReluNet()
        def construct(self, x):
            return self.relu6(x)
        def bprop(self, x, out, dout):
            dx = self.relu(x)
            return (dx, )
    x = Tensor([[0.5, 0.6, 0.4], [1.2, 1.3, 1.1]], dtype=mstype.float32)
    net = Net()
    out = ops.grad(ops.grad(net))(x)
    [[1. 1. 1.]
     [1. 1. 1.]]

    The above code defines the first-order back propagation rule by customizing the bprop function of Net and gets the second-order back propagation rule by the back propagation rule of self.relu in the bprop.

  2. We need the customized back propagation function when we want to replace some forward calculate process of the Cell. For example, there is following code in the network SNN:

    class relusigmoid(nn.Cell):
        def __init__(self):
            self.sigmoid = ops.Sigmoid()
            self.greater = ops.Greater()
        def construct(self, x):
            spike = self.greater(x, 0)
            return spike.astype(mindspore.float32)
        def bprop(self, x, out, dout):
            sgax = self.sigmoid(x * 5.0)
            grad_x = dout * (1 - sgax) * sgax * 5.0
            return (grad_x,)
    class IFNode(nn.Cell):
        def __init__(self, v_threshold=1.0, fire=True, surrogate_function=relusigmoid()):
            self.v_threshold = v_threshold
   = fire
            self.surrogate_function = surrogate_function
        def construct(self, x, v):
            v = v + x
                spike = self.surrogate_function(v - self.v_threshold) * self.v_threshold
                v -= spike
                return spike, v
            return v, v

    The above code replaces the origin sigmoid activation function in the sub-network IFNode with a customized activation function relusigmoid, and then we should customize the new back propagation function for the new activation function.


  • If the number of return values of the bprop function is 1, the return value must be written in the tuple format, that is, return (dx,).

  • In graph mode, the bprop function needs to be converted into a graph IR. Therefore, the static graph syntax must be complied with. For details, see Static Graph Syntax Support.

  • Only support returning the gradient of the forward propagation input, not the gradient of the Parameter.

  • The use of Parameter is not supported in bprop.