Source code for mindquantum.simulator.simulator

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from mindquantum.core.gates.basic import BasicGate
import numpy as np
from mindquantum.core.circuit import Circuit
from mindquantum.core.operators import Hamiltonian
from mindquantum.core.operators.hamiltonian import MODE
from mindquantum.core.parameterresolver import ParameterResolver
from mindquantum.core.gates import MeasureResult
from mindquantum.core.gates import Measure
from mindquantum.core.gates import BarrierGate
from mindquantum.utils import ket_string
from mindquantum import mqbackend as mb
from mindquantum.utils.type_value_check import _check_input_type
from mindquantum.utils.type_value_check import _check_int_type
from mindquantum.utils.type_value_check import _check_value_should_not_less
from mindquantum.utils.type_value_check import _check_and_generate_pr_type
from mindquantum.utils.type_value_check import _check_seed


[docs]def get_supported_simulator(): """ Get simulator name that supported by MindQuantum. Returns: list, The supported simulator list. """ return SUPPORTED_SIMULATOR
[docs]class Simulator: """ Quantum simulator that simulate quantum circuit. Args: backend (str): which backend you want. The supported backend can be found in SUPPORTED_SIMULATOR n_qubits (int): number of quantum simulator. seed (int): the random seed for this simulator, if None, seed will generate by `numpy.random.randint`. Default: None. Raises: TypeError: if `backend` is not str. TypeError: if `n_qubits` is not int. TypeError: if `seed` is not int. ValueError: if `backend` is not supported. ValueError: if `n_qubits` is negative. ValueError: if `seed` is less than 0 or great than 2**23 - 1. Examples: >>> from mindquantum import Simulator >>> from mindquantum import qft >>> sim = Simulator('projectq', 2) >>> sim.apply_circuit(qft(range(2))) >>> sim.get_qs() array([0.5+0.j, 0.5+0.j, 0.5+0.j, 0.5+0.j]) """ def __init__(self, backend, n_qubits, seed=None): _check_input_type('backend', str, backend) _check_int_type('n_qubits', n_qubits) _check_value_should_not_less('n_qubits', 0, n_qubits) if seed is None: seed = np.random.randint(1, 2**23) _check_seed(seed) if backend not in SUPPORTED_SIMULATOR: raise ValueError(f"backend {backend} not supported, now we support {SUPPORTED_SIMULATOR}!") self.backend = backend self.seed = seed self.n_qubits = n_qubits if backend == 'projectq': self.sim = mb.projectq(seed, n_qubits) def __str__(self): state = self.get_qs() s = f"{self.backend} simulator with {self.n_qubits} qubit{'s' if self.n_qubits > 1 else ''} (little endian)." s += f"\nCurrent quantum state:\n" if self.n_qubits < 4: s += '\n'.join(ket_string(state)) else: s += state.__str__() return s def __repr__(self): return self.__str__()
[docs] def reset(self): """ Reset simulator to zero state. Examples: >>> from mindquantum import Simulator >>> from mindquantum import qft >>> sim = Simulator('projectq', 2) >>> sim.apply_circuit(qft(range(2))) >>> sim.reset() >>> sim.get_qs() array([1.+0.j, 0.+0.j, 0.+0.j, 0.+0.j]) """ self.sim.reset()
[docs] def flush(self): """ Flush gate that works for projectq simulator. The projectq simulator will cache several gate and fushion these gate into a bigger gate, and than act on the quantum state. The flush command will ask the simulator to fushion currently stored gate and act on the quantum state. Examples: >>> from mindquantum import Simulator >>> from mindquantum import H >>> sim = Simulator('projectq', 1) >>> sim.apply_gate(H.on(0)) >>> sim.flush() """ if self.backend == 'projectq':
[docs] def apply_gate(self, gate, pr=None): """ Apply a gate on this simulator, can be a quantum gate or a measurement operator Args: gate (BasicGate): The gate you want to apply. pr (Union[numbers.Number, numpy.ndarray, ParameterResolver, list]): The parameter for parameterized gate. Default: None. Returns: int or None, if the gate if a measure gate, then return a collapsed state, Otherwise return None. Raises: TypeError: if `gate` is not a BasicGate. ValueError: if any qubit of `gate` is higher than simulator qubits. ValueError: if `gate` is parameterized, but no parameter supplied. TypeError: the `pr` is not a ParameterResolver if `gate` is parameterized. Examples: >>> import numpy as np >>> from mindquantum import Simulator >>> from mindquantum import RY, Measure >>> sim = Simulator('projectq', 1) >>> sim.apply_gate(RY('a').on(0), np.pi/2) >>> sim.get_qs() array([0.70710678+0.j, 0.70710678+0.j]) >>> sim.apply_gate(Measure().on(0)) 1 >>> sim.get_qs() array([0.+0.j, 1.+0.j]) """ _check_input_type('gate', BasicGate, gate) if not isinstance(gate, BarrierGate): gate_max = max(max(gate.obj_qubits, gate.ctrl_qubits)) if self.n_qubits < gate_max: raise ValueError(f"qubits of gate {gate} is higher than simulator qubits.") if isinstance(gate, Measure): return self.sim.apply_measure(gate.get_cpp_obj()) if pr is None: if gate.parameterized: raise ValueError("apply a parameterized gate needs a parameter_resolver") self.sim.apply_gate(gate.get_cpp_obj()) else: pr = _check_and_generate_pr_type(pr, gate.coeff.params_name) self.sim.apply_gate(gate.get_cpp_obj(), pr.get_cpp_obj(), False) return None
[docs] def apply_circuit(self, circuit, pr=None): """ Apply a circuit on this simulator. Args: circuit (Circuit): The quantum circuit you want to apply on this simulator. pr (Union[ParameterResolver, dict, numpy.ndarray, list, numbers.Number]): The parameter resolver for this circuit. If the circuit is not parameterized, this arg should be None. Default: None. Returns: MeasureResult or None, if the circuit has measure gate, then return a MeasureResult, otherwise return None. Examples: >>> import numpy as np >>> from mindquantum import Circuit, H >>> from mindquantum import Simulator >>> sim = Simulator('projectq', 2) >>> sim.apply_circuit(Circuit().un(H, 2)) >>> sim.apply_circuit(Circuit().ry('a', 0).ry('b', 1), np.array([1.1, 2.2])) >>> sim projectq simulator with 2 qubits (little endian). Current quantum state: -0.0721702531972066¦00⟩ -0.30090405886869676¦01⟩ 0.22178317006196263¦10⟩ 0.9246947752567126¦11⟩ >>> sim.apply_circuit(Circuit().measure(0).measure(1)) shots: 1 Keys: q1 q0│0.00 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 ───────────┼───────────┴───────────┴───────────┴───────────┴───────────┴ 11│▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓ {'11': 1} """ _check_input_type('circuit', Circuit, circuit) if self.n_qubits < circuit.n_qubits: raise ValueError(f"Circuit has {circuit.n_qubits} qubits, which is more than simulator qubits.") if circuit.has_measure_gate: res = MeasureResult() res.add_measure(circuit.all_measures.keys()) if circuit.params_name: if pr is None: raise ValueError("Applying a parameterized circuit needs a parameter_resolver") pr = _check_and_generate_pr_type(pr, circuit.params_name) else: pr = ParameterResolver() if circuit.has_measure_gate: samples = np.array( self.sim.apply_circuit_with_measure(circuit.get_cpp_obj(), pr.get_cpp_obj(), res.keys_map)) samples = samples.reshape((1, -1)) res.collect_data(samples) return res if circuit.params_name: self.sim.apply_circuit(circuit.get_cpp_obj(), pr.get_cpp_obj()) else: self.sim.apply_circuit(circuit.get_cpp_obj()) return None
[docs] def sampling(self, circuit, pr=None, shots=1, seed=None): """ Samping the measure qubit in circuit. Sampling do not change the origin quantum state of this simulator. Args: circuit (Circuit): The circuit that you want to evolution and do sampling. pr (Union[None, dict, ParameterResolver]): The parameter resolver for this circuit, if this circuit is a parameterized circuit. Default: None. shots (int): How many shots you want to sampling this circuit. Default: 1 seed (int): Random seed for random sampling. If None, seed will be a random int number. Default: None. Returns: MeasureResult, the measure result of sampling. Examples: >>> from mindquantum import Circuit, Measure >>> from mindquantum import Simulator >>> circ = Circuit().ry('a', 0).ry('b', 1) >>> circ += Measure('q0_0').on(0) >>> circ += Measure('q0_1').on(0) >>> circ += Measure('q1').on(1) >>> sim = Simulator('projectq', circ.n_qubits) >>> res = sim.sampling(circ, {'a': 1.1, 'b': 2.2}, shots=100, seed=42) >>> res shots: 100 Keys: q1 q0_1 q0_0│0.00 0.122 0.245 0.367 0.49 0.612 ──────────────────┼───────────┴───────────┴───────────┴───────────┴───────────┴ 000│▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒ 011│▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒ 100│▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓ 111│▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒ {'000': 18, '011': 9, '100': 49, '111': 24} """ if not raise ValueError("circuit must have at least one measurement gate.") _check_input_type("circuit", Circuit, circuit) if self.n_qubits < circuit.n_qubits: raise ValueError(f"Circuit has {circuit.n_qubits} qubits, which is more than simulator qubits.") _check_int_type("sampling shots", shots) _check_value_should_not_less("sampling shots", 1, shots) if circuit.parameterized: if pr is None: raise ValueError("Sampling a parameterized circuit need a ParameterResolver") if not isinstance(pr, (dict, ParameterResolver)): raise TypeError("pr requires a dict or a ParameterResolver, but get {}!".format(type(pr))) pr = ParameterResolver(pr) else: pr = ParameterResolver() if seed is None: seed = int(np.random.randint(1, 2 << 20)) else: _check_seed(seed) res = MeasureResult() res.add_measure(circuit.all_measures.keys()) sim = self if circuit.is_measure_end and not circuit.is_noise_circuit: sim = Simulator(self.backend, self.n_qubits, self.seed) sim.set_qs(self.get_qs()) sim.apply_circuit(circuit.remove_measure(), pr) circuit = Circuit(circuit.all_measures.keys()) samples = np.array(sim.sim.sampling(circuit.get_cpp_obj(), pr.get_cpp_obj(), shots, res.keys_map, seed)).reshape((shots, -1)) res.collect_data(samples) return res
[docs] def apply_hamiltonian(self, hamiltonian: Hamiltonian): """ Apply hamiltonian to a simulator, this hamiltonian can be hermitian or non hermitian. Note: The quantum state may be not a normalized quantum state after apply hamiltonian. Args: hamiltonian (Hamiltonian): the hamiltonian you want to apply. Examples: >>> from mindquantum import Simulator >>> from mindquantum import Circuit, Hamiltonian >>> from mindquantum.core.operators import QubitOperator >>> import scipy.sparse as sp >>> sim = Simulator('projectq', 1) >>> sim.apply_circuit(Circuit().h(0)) >>> sim.get_qs() array([0.70710678+0.j, 0.70710678+0.j]) >>> ham1 = Hamiltonian(QubitOperator('Z0')) >>> sim.apply_hamiltonian(ham1) >>> sim.get_qs() array([ 0.70710678+0.j, -0.70710678+0.j]) >>> sim.reset() >>> ham2 = Hamiltonian(sp.csr_matrix([[1, 2], [3, 4]])) >>> sim.apply_hamiltonian(ham2) >>> sim.get_qs() array([1.+0.j, 3.+0.j]) """ _check_input_type('hamiltonian', Hamiltonian, hamiltonian) _check_hamiltonian_qubits_number(hamiltonian, self.n_qubits) self.sim.apply_hamiltonian(hamiltonian.get_cpp_obj())
[docs] def get_expectation(self, hamiltonian): r""" Get expectation of the given hamiltonian. The hamiltonian could be non hermitian. .. math:: E = \left<\psi\right|H\left|\psi\right> Args: hamiltonian (Hamiltonian): The hamiltonian you want to get expectation. Returns: numbers.Number, the expectation value. Examples: >>> from mindquantum.core.operators import QubitOperator >>> from mindquantum import Circuit, Simulator >>> from mindquantum import Hamiltonian >>> sim = Simulator('projectq', 1) >>> sim.apply_circuit(Circuit().ry(1.2, 0)) >>> ham = Hamiltonian(QubitOperator('Z0')) >>> sim.get_expectation(ham) (0.36235775447667357+0j) """ if not isinstance(hamiltonian, Hamiltonian): raise TypeError(f"hamiltonian requires a Hamiltonian, but got {type(hamiltonian)}") _check_hamiltonian_qubits_number(hamiltonian, self.n_qubits) return self.sim.get_expectation(hamiltonian.get_cpp_obj())
[docs] def get_qs(self, ket=False): """ Get current quantum state of this simulator. Args: ket (bool): Whether to return the quantum state in ket format or not. Default: False. Returns: numpy.ndarray, the current quantum state. Examples: >>> from mindquantum import qft, Simulator >>> sim = Simulator('projectq', 2) >>> sim.apply_circuit(qft(range(2))) >>> sim.get_qs() array([0.5+0.j, 0.5+0.j, 0.5+0.j, 0.5+0.j]) """ if not isinstance(ket, bool): raise TypeError(f"ket requires a bool, but get {type(ket)}") state = np.array(self.sim.get_qs()) if ket: return '\n'.join(ket_string(state)) return state
[docs] def set_qs(self, quantum_state): """ Set quantum state for this simulation. Args: quantum_state (numpy.ndarray): the quantum state that you want. Examples: >>> from mindquantum import Simulator >>> import numpy as np >>> sim = Simulator('projectq', 1) >>> sim.get_qs() array([1.+0.j, 0.+0.j]) >>> sim.set_qs(np.array([1, 1])) >>> sim.get_qs() array([0.70710678+0.j, 0.70710678+0.j]) """ if not isinstance(quantum_state, np.ndarray): raise TypeError(f"quantum state must be a ndarray, but get {type(quantum_state)}") if len(quantum_state.shape) != 1: raise ValueError(f"vec requires a 1-dimensional array, but get {quantum_state.shape}") n_qubits = np.log2(quantum_state.shape[0]) if n_qubits % 1 != 0: raise ValueError(f"vec size {quantum_state.shape[0]} is not power of 2") n_qubits = int(n_qubits) if self.n_qubits != n_qubits: raise ValueError(f"{n_qubits} qubits vec does not match with simulation qubits ({self.n_qubits})") self.sim.set_qs(quantum_state / np.sqrt(np.sum(np.abs(quantum_state)**2)))
[docs] def get_expectation_with_grad(self, hams, circ_right, circ_left=None, simulator_left=None, encoder_params_name=None, ansatz_params_name=None, parallel_worker=None): r""" Get a function that return the forward value and gradient w.r.t circuit parameters. This method is designed to calculate the expectation and its gradient shown as below. .. math:: E = \left<\varphi\right|U_l^\dagger H U_r \left|\psi\right> where :math:`U_l` is circ_left, :math:`U_r` is circ_right, :math:`H` is hams and :math:`\left|\psi\right>` is the current quantum state of this simulator, and :math:`\left|\varphi\right>` is the quantum state of `simulator_left`. Args: hams (Hamiltonian): The hamiltonian that need to get expectation. circ_right (Circuit): The :math:`U_r` circuit described above. circ_left (Circuit): The :math:`U_l` circuit described above. By default, this circuit will be none, and in this situation, :math:`U_l` will be equals to :math:`U_r`. Default: None. simulator_left (Simulator): The simulator that contains :math:`\left|\varphi\right>`. If None, then :math:`\left|\varphi\right>` is assumed to be equals to :math:`\left|\psi\right>`. Default: None. encoder_params_name (list[str]): To specific which parameters belongs to encoder, that will encoder the input data into quantum state. The encoder data can be a batch. Default: None. ansatz_params_name (list[str]): To specific which parameters belongs to ansatz, that will be trained during training. Default: None. parallel_worker (int): The parallel worker numbers. The parallel workers can handle batch in parallel threads. Default: None. Returns: GradOpsWrapper, a grad ops wrapper than contains information to generate this grad ops. Examples: >>> import numpy as np >>> from mindquantum import Simulator, Hamiltonian >>> from mindquantum import Circuit >>> from mindquantum.core.operators import QubitOperator >>> circ = Circuit().ry('a', 0) >>> ham = Hamiltonian(QubitOperator('Z0')) >>> sim = Simulator('projectq', 1) >>> grad_ops = sim.get_expectation_with_grad(ham, circ) >>> grad_ops(np.array([1.0])) (array([[0.54030231+0.j]]), array([[[-0.84147098+0.j]]])) >>> sim1 = Simulator('projectq', 1) >>> prep_circ = Circuit().h(0) >>> ansatz = Circuit().ry('a', 0).rz('b', 0).ry('c', 0) >>> sim1.apply_circuit(prep_circ) >>> sim2 = Simulator('projectq', 1) >>> ham = Hamiltonian(QubitOperator("")) >>> grad_ops = sim2.get_expectation_with_grad(ham, ansatz, Circuit(), simulator_left=sim1) >>> f, g = grad_ops(np.array([7.902762e-01, 2.139225e-04, 7.795934e-01])) >>> f array([[0.99999989-7.52279618e-05j]]) """ if isinstance(hams, Hamiltonian): hams = [hams] elif not isinstance(hams, list): raise TypeError(f"hams requires a Hamiltonian or a list of Hamiltonian, but get {type(hams)}") for h_tmp in hams: _check_input_type("hams's element", Hamiltonian, h_tmp) _check_hamiltonian_qubits_number(h_tmp, self.n_qubits) _check_input_type("circ_right", Circuit, circ_right) if circ_right.is_noise_circuit: raise ValueError("noise circuit not support yet.") non_hermitian = False if circ_left is not None: _check_input_type("circ_left", Circuit, circ_left) if circ_left.is_noise_circuit: raise ValueError("noise circuit not support yet.") non_hermitian = True if simulator_left is not None: _check_input_type("simulator_left", Simulator, simulator_left) if self.backend != simulator_left.backend: raise ValueError(f"simulator_left should have the same backend as this simulator, \ which is {self.backend}, but get {simulator_left.backend}") if self.n_qubits != simulator_left.n_qubits: raise ValueError(f"simulator_left should have the same n_qubits as this simulator, \ which is {self.n_qubits}, but get {simulator_left.n_qubits}") non_hermitian = True if non_hermitian and simulator_left is None: simulator_left = self if circ_left is None: circ_left = circ_right if circ_left.has_measure_gate or circ_right.has_measure_gate: raise ValueError("circuit for variational algorithm cannot have measure gate") if parallel_worker is not None: _check_int_type("parallel_worker", parallel_worker) if encoder_params_name is None and ansatz_params_name is None: encoder_params_name = [] ansatz_params_name = [i for i in circ_right.params_name] for i in circ_left.params_name: if i not in ansatz_params_name: ansatz_params_name.append(i) if encoder_params_name is None: encoder_params_name = [] if ansatz_params_name is None: ansatz_params_name = [] _check_input_type("encoder_params_name", list, encoder_params_name) _check_input_type("ansatz_params_name", list, ansatz_params_name) for i in encoder_params_name: _check_input_type("Element of encoder_params_name", str, i) for i in ansatz_params_name: _check_input_type("Element of ansatz_params_name", str, i) s1 = set(circ_right.params_name) | set(circ_left.params_name) s2 = set(encoder_params_name) | set(ansatz_params_name) if s1 - s2 or s2 - s1: raise ValueError("encoder_params_name and ansatz_params_name are different with circuit parameters") circ_n_qubits = max(circ_left.n_qubits, circ_right.n_qubits) if self.n_qubits < circ_n_qubits: raise ValueError(f"Simulator has {self.n_qubits} qubits, but circuit has {circ_n_qubits} qubits.") version = "both" if not ansatz_params_name: version = "encoder" if not encoder_params_name: version = "ansatz" def grad_ops(*inputs): if version == "both" and len(inputs) != 2: raise ValueError("Need two inputs!") if version in ("encoder", "ansatz") and len(inputs) != 1: raise ValueError("Need one input!") if version == "both": _check_encoder(inputs[0], len(encoder_params_name)) _check_ansatz(inputs[1], len(ansatz_params_name)) batch_threads, mea_threads = _thread_balance(inputs[0].shape[0], len(hams), parallel_worker) inputs0 = inputs[0] inputs1 = inputs[1] if version == "encoder": _check_encoder(inputs[0], len(encoder_params_name)) batch_threads, mea_threads = _thread_balance(inputs[0].shape[0], len(hams), parallel_worker) inputs0 = inputs[0] inputs1 = np.array([]) if version == "ansatz": _check_ansatz(inputs[0], len(ansatz_params_name)) batch_threads, mea_threads = _thread_balance(1, len(hams), parallel_worker) inputs0 = np.array([[]]) inputs1 = inputs[0] if non_hermitian: f_g1_g2 = self.sim.non_hermitian_measure_with_grad([i.get_cpp_obj() for i in hams], [i.get_cpp_obj(hermitian=True) for i in hams], circ_left.get_cpp_obj(), circ_left.get_cpp_obj(hermitian=True), circ_right.get_cpp_obj(), circ_right.get_cpp_obj(hermitian=True), inputs0, inputs1, encoder_params_name, ansatz_params_name, batch_threads, mea_threads, simulator_left.sim) else: f_g1_g2 = self.sim.hermitian_measure_with_grad([i.get_cpp_obj() for i in hams], circ_right.get_cpp_obj(), circ_right.get_cpp_obj(hermitian=True), inputs0, inputs1, encoder_params_name, ansatz_params_name, batch_threads, mea_threads) res = np.array(f_g1_g2) if version == 'both': f = res[:, :, 0] g1 = res[:, :, 1:1 + len(encoder_params_name)] g2 = res[:, :, 1 + len(encoder_params_name):] return f, g1, g2 f = res[:, :, 0] g = res[:, :, 1:] return f, g grad_wrapper = GradOpsWrapper(grad_ops, hams, circ_right, circ_left, encoder_params_name, ansatz_params_name, parallel_worker) s = f'{self.n_qubits} qubit' + ('' if self.n_qubits == 1 else 's') s += f' {self.backend} VQA Operator' grad_wrapper.set_str(s) return grad_wrapper
def _check_encoder(data, encoder_params_size): if not isinstance(data, np.ndarray): raise ValueError(f"encoder parameters need numpy array, but get {type(data)}") data_shape = data.shape if len(data_shape) != 2: raise ValueError("encoder data requires a two dimension numpy array") if data_shape[1] != encoder_params_size: raise ValueError(f"encoder parameters size do not match with encoder parameters name,\ need {encoder_params_size} but get {data_shape[1]}.") def _check_ansatz(data, ansatz_params_size): """check ansatz""" if not isinstance(data, np.ndarray): raise ValueError(f"ansatz parameters need numpy array, but get {type(data)}") data_shape = data.shape if len(data_shape) != 1: raise ValueError("ansatz data requires a one dimension numpy array") if data_shape[0] != ansatz_params_size: raise ValueError(f"ansatz parameters size do not match with ansatz parameters name,\ need {ansatz_params_size} but get {data_shape[0]}") def _thread_balance(n_prs, n_meas, parallel_worker): """threa balance""" if parallel_worker is None: parallel_worker = n_meas * n_prs if n_meas * n_prs <= parallel_worker: batch_threads = n_prs mea_threads = n_meas else: if n_meas < n_prs: batch_threads = min(n_prs, parallel_worker) mea_threads = min(n_meas, max(1, parallel_worker // batch_threads)) else: mea_threads = min(n_meas, parallel_worker) batch_threads = min(n_prs, max(1, parallel_worker // mea_threads)) return batch_threads, mea_threads def _check_hamiltonian_qubits_number(hamiltonian, sim_qubits): """check hamiltonian qubits number""" if hamiltonian.how_to != MODE['origin']: if hamiltonian.n_qubits != sim_qubits: raise ValueError(f"Hamiltonian qubits is {hamiltonian.n_qubits}, not match \ with simulator qubits number {sim_qubits}") else: if hamiltonian.n_qubits > sim_qubits: raise ValueError(f"Hamiltonian qubits is {hamiltonian.n_qubits}, which is bigger than simulator qubits.")
[docs]class GradOpsWrapper: """ Wrapper the gradient operator that with the information that generate this gradient operator. Args: grad_ops (Union[FunctionType, MethodType])): A function or a method that return forward value and gradient w.r.t parameters. hams (Hamiltonian): The hamiltonian that generate this grad ops. circ_right (Circuit): The right circuit that generate this grad ops. circ_left (Circuit): The left circuit that generate this grad ops. encoder_params_name (list[str]): The encoder parameters name. ansatz_params_name (list[str]): The ansatz parameters name. parallel_worker (int): The number of parallel worker to run the batch. """ def __init__(self, grad_ops, hams, circ_right, circ_left, encoder_params_name, ansatz_params_name, parallel_worker): self.grad_ops = grad_ops self.hams = hams self.circ_right = circ_right self.circ_left = circ_left self.encoder_params_name = encoder_params_name self.ansatz_params_name = ansatz_params_name self.parallel_worker = parallel_worker self.str = '' def __call__(self, *args): return self.grad_ops(*args)
[docs] def set_str(self, s): """ Set expression for gradient operator. Args: s (str): The string of QNN operator. """ self.str = s
__all__ = ['Simulator', 'get_supported_simulator', 'GradOpsWrapper']