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# Copyright 2021 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
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# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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# ============================================================================
import numpy as np
from mindquantum.utils.type_value_check import _check_input_type
from mindquantum.utils.type_value_check import _check_int_type
from mindquantum.utils.type_value_check import _check_value_should_not_less
from mindquantum.utils.type_value_check import _check_seed
from .openqasm import _find_qubit_id
from .openqasm import u3

    '0.1': {
        'np': ['X', 'Y', 'Z', 'S', 'T', 'H', 'CNOT', 'CZ', 'ISWAP', 'CCNOT'],
        'p': ['RX', 'RY', 'RZ', 'U', 'CRX', 'CRY', 'CRZ', 'XX', 'YY', 'ZZ', 'CCRX', 'CCRY', 'CCRZ'],

[docs]def random_hiqasm(n_qubits, gate_num, version='0.1', seed=42): """ Generate random hiqasm supported circuit. Args: n_qubits (int): Total number of qubit in this quantum circuit. gate_num (int): Total number of gate in this quantum circuit. version (str): version of HIQASM. Default: '0.1'. seed (int): The random seed to generate this random quantum circuit. Default: 42. Returns: str, quantum in HIQASM format. Examples: >>> from import random_hiqasm >>> from import HiQASM >>> hiqasm_str = random_hiqasm(2, 5) >>> hiqasm = HiQASM() >>> circuit = hiqasm.from_string(hiqasm_str) >>> circuit q0: ──RZ(-2.513)────RZ(-3.012)────RX(0.738)────M(k0)─────────── q1: ──────S───────────────────────────●──────────Z──────M(k1)── """ _check_int_type("n_qubits", n_qubits) _check_value_should_not_less("n_qubits", 1, n_qubits) _check_int_type("gate_num", gate_num) _check_value_should_not_less("gate_num", 1, gate_num) _check_input_type("version", str, version) _check_seed(seed) np.random.seed(seed) if version not in HIQASM_GATE_SET: raise NotImplementedError(f"version of {version} not implement yet!") gate_set = HIQASM_GATE_SET[version] np_set = gate_set['np'] p_set = gate_set['p'] if version == '0.1': qasm = ['# HIQASM 0.1', '# Instruction stdins', '', f'ALLOCATE q {n_qubits}', 'RESET q'] if n_qubits == 1: np_set = np_set[:6] p_set = p_set[:4] elif n_qubits == 2: np_set = np_set[:9] p_set = p_set[:10] while len(qasm) - 5 < gate_num: g_set = [np_set, p_set][int(np.random.choice([0, 1]))] gate = np.random.choice(g_set) pval = np.random.uniform(-np.pi, np.pi, 3) qidx = np.arange(n_qubits) np.random.shuffle(qidx) if gate in ['X', 'Y', 'Z', 'S', 'T', 'H']: qasm.append(f'{gate} q[{qidx[0]}]') elif gate in ['CNOT', 'CZ', 'ISWAP']: qasm.append(f'{gate} q[{qidx[0]}],q[{qidx[1]}]') elif gate == 'CCNOT': qasm.append('{} q[{}],q[{}],q[{}]'.format(gate, *qidx[:3])) elif gate in ['RX', 'RY', 'RZ']: qasm.append(f'{gate} q[{qidx[0]}] {pval[0]}') elif gate == 'U': qasm.append('U q[{}] {},{},{}'.format(qidx[0], *pval)) elif gate in ['CRX', 'CRY', 'CRZ', 'XX', 'YY', 'ZZ']: qasm.append('{} q[{}],q[{}] {}'.format(gate, *qidx[:2], pval[0])) elif gate in ['CCRX', 'CCRY', 'CCRZ']: qasm.append('{} q[{}],q[{}],q[{}] {}'.format(gate, *qidx[:3], pval[0])) else: raise NotImplementedError(f"gate {gate} not implement in HIQASM {version}") qasm.append('MEASURE q') qasm.append('DEALLOCATE q') qasm.append('') return '\n'.join(qasm) raise NotImplementedError(f'version {version} not implemented')
[docs]class HiQASM: """ Convert a circuit to hiqasm format. Examples: >>> import numpy as np >>> from import HiQASM >>> from mindquantum.core import Circuit >>> circuit = Circuit().rx(0.3, 0).z(0, 1).zz(np.pi, [0, 1]) >>> hiqasm = HiQASM() >>> circuit_str = hiqasm.to_string(circuit) >>> print(circuit_str[68: 80]) CZ q[1],q[0] >>> circuit_2 = hiqasm.from_string(circuit_str) >>> circuit_2 q0: ──RX(3/10)────Z────ZZ(π)── │ │ q1: ──────────────●────ZZ(π)── """ def __init__(self): from mindquantum import Circuit self.circuit = Circuit() self.cmds = [] def _filter(self, cmds): """filter empty cmds and head.""" out = [] version = None n_qubits = None for cmd in cmds: cmd = cmd.strip() if not cmd: continue if _startswithany(cmd, '#', 'ALLOCATE', 'RESET', 'DEALLOCATE'): if cmd.startswith('# HIQASM'): version = cmd.split(' ')[-1] if cmd.startswith('ALLOCATE q '): n_qubits = int(cmd.split(' ')[-1]) continue out.append(cmd) if n_qubits is None: raise ValueError('Can not find qubit number in qasm') if version is None: raise ValueError('Can not find version in qasm') return out, version, n_qubits
[docs] def to_string(self, circuit, version='0.1'): """ Convert circuit to hiqasm. Args: circuit (Circuit): The quantum circuit you want to translated to HiQASM. version (str): The HiQASM version you want to use. Default: '0.1'. Returns: str, The HiQASM format of input circuit. Raises: TypeError: if `circuit` is not a Circuit. TypeError: if `version` is not a str. NotImplementedError: if HiQASM version not implement. ValueError: if gate not implement in this version. """ from mindquantum import gates as G from mindquantum.core import Circuit _check_input_type("circuit", Circuit, circuit) _check_input_type("version", str, version) if version == '0.1': if circuit.parameterized: raise ValueError("Cannot convert parameterized circuit to HIQASM") self.circuit = circuit self.cmds = [f"# HIQASM {version}", "# Instruction stdins", "", f'ALLOCATE q {circuit.n_qubits}', 'RESET q'] for gate in circuit: ctrl_qubits = gate.ctrl_qubits n_ctrl_qubits = len(ctrl_qubits) obj_qubits = gate.obj_qubits n_obj_qubits = len(obj_qubits) if n_ctrl_qubits > 2: raise ValueError(f"HIQASM do not support more than two control qubits gate: {gate}") if n_obj_qubits > 2: raise ValueError(f"HIQASM do not support more than two object qubit gate: {gate}") if self._to_string_non_parametric(gate, ctrl_qubits, obj_qubits, version): pass elif self._to_string_parametric(gate, ctrl_qubits, obj_qubits, version): pass elif isinstance(gate, G.ISWAPGate): if n_ctrl_qubits == 0: self.cmds.append(f'ISWAP q[{obj_qubits[0]}],q[{obj_qubits[1]}]') else: _not_implement(version, gate) elif isinstance(gate, G.Measure): if n_ctrl_qubits == 0: self.cmds.append(f'MEASURE q[{obj_qubits[0]}]') else: _not_implement(version, gate) else: _not_implement(version, gate) self.cmds.append('DEALLOCATE q') self.cmds.append('') else: raise NotImplementedError(f"version of {version} for hiqasm not implement yet.") return '\n'.join(self.cmds)
def _to_string_non_parametric(self, gate, ctrl_qubits, obj_qubits, version): """Conversion of simple gates to string""" from mindquantum.core import gates as G n_ctrl_qubits = len(ctrl_qubits) if isinstance(gate, G.XGate): if n_ctrl_qubits == 0: self.cmds.append(f'X q[{obj_qubits[0]}]') elif n_ctrl_qubits == 1: self.cmds.append(f'CNOT q[{ctrl_qubits[0]}],q[{obj_qubits[0]}]') elif n_ctrl_qubits == 2: self.cmds.append(f'CCNOT q[{ctrl_qubits[0]}],q[{ctrl_qubits[1]}],q[{obj_qubits[0]}]') else: _not_implement(version, gate) elif isinstance(gate, G.YGate): if n_ctrl_qubits == 0: self.cmds.append(f'Y q[{obj_qubits[0]}]') else: _not_implement(version, gate) elif isinstance(gate, G.ZGate): if n_ctrl_qubits == 0: self.cmds.append(f'Z q[{obj_qubits[0]}]') elif n_ctrl_qubits == 1: self.cmds.append(f'CZ q[{ctrl_qubits[0]}],q[{obj_qubits[0]}]') else: _not_implement(version, gate) elif isinstance(gate, G.SGate): if n_ctrl_qubits == 0: if gate.daggered: _not_implement(version, gate) self.cmds.append(f'S q[{obj_qubits[0]}]') else: _not_implement(version, gate) elif isinstance(gate, G.TGate): if n_ctrl_qubits == 0: if gate.daggered: _not_implement(version, gate) self.cmds.append(f'T q[{obj_qubits[0]}]') else: _not_implement(version, gate) elif isinstance(gate, G.HGate): if n_ctrl_qubits == 0: self.cmds.append(f'H q[{obj_qubits[0]}]') else: _not_implement(version, gate) else: return False return True def _to_string_parametric(self, gate, ctrl_qubits, obj_qubits, version): """Conversion of parametric gates to string""" from mindquantum.core import gates as G n_ctrl_qubits = len(ctrl_qubits) if isinstance(gate, (G.RX, G.RY, G.RZ)): if n_ctrl_qubits == 0: self.cmds.append(f'{} q[{obj_qubits[0]}] {gate.coeff}') elif n_ctrl_qubits == 1: self.cmds.append(f'C{} q[{ctrl_qubits[0]}],q[{obj_qubits[0]}] {gate.coeff}') elif n_ctrl_qubits == 2: self.cmds.append( f'CC{} q[{ctrl_qubits[0]}],q[{ctrl_qubits[1]}],q[{obj_qubits[0]}] {gate.coeff}') else: _not_implement(version, gate) elif isinstance(gate, (G.XX, G.YY, G.ZZ)): if n_ctrl_qubits == 0: self.cmds.append(f'{} q[{obj_qubits[0]}],q[{obj_qubits[1]}] {gate.coeff}') else: _not_implement(version, gate) else: return False return True
[docs] def from_string(self, string): """ Read a hiqasm string Args: string (str): The HiQASM string of a Circuit. Returns: Circuit, The quantum circuit translated from HiQASM string. """ _check_input_type('string', str, string) cmds = string.split('\n') self.cmds, version, n_qubits = self._filter(cmds) if version == '0.1': self._trans_v01(self.cmds, n_qubits) else: raise ValueError(f'HIQASM {version} not implement yet') return self.circuit
[docs] def from_file(self, file_name): """ Read a hiqasm file. Args: file_name (str): The path of file that stored quantum circuit in HiQASM format. Returns: Circuit, the quantum circuit translated from HiQASM file. """ _check_input_type('file_name', str, file_name) with open(file_name, 'r') as f: cmds = f.readlines() self.from_string('\n'.join(cmds)) return self.circuit
[docs] def to_file(self, file_name, circuit, version='0.1'): """ Convert a quantum circuit to HiQASM format and save in file. Args: file_name (str): The file name you want to save the HiQASM file. circuit (Circuit): The Circuit you want to convert. version (str): The version of HiQASM. Default: '0.1'. Raises: TypeError: if `file_name` is not a str. TypeError: if `circuit` is not a Circuit. TypeError: if `version` is not a str. """ from mindquantum.core import Circuit _check_input_type('file_name', str, file_name) _check_input_type('circuit', Circuit, circuit) _check_input_type('version', str, version) cs = self.to_string(circuit, version) with open(file_name, 'w') as f: f.writelines(cs) print(f"write circuit to {file_name} finished!")
def _trans_v01(self, cmds, n_qubits): """Trans method for hiqasm version 0.1""" from mindquantum import Circuit import mindquantum.core.gates as G self.circuit = Circuit() for cmd in cmds: q = _find_qubit_id(cmd) if cmd.startswith('CNOT '): self.circuit.x(q[1], q[0]) elif cmd.startswith('CZ '): self.circuit.z(q[1], q[0]) elif cmd.startswith('ISWAP '): self.circuit += G.ISWAP.on(q[:2]) elif cmd.startswith('CCNOT '): self.circuit.x(q[-1], q[:2]) elif cmd.startswith('CRX '): self.circuit.rx(*_extr_parameter(cmd), q[1], q[0]) elif cmd.startswith('CRY '): self.circuit.ry(*_extr_parameter(cmd), q[1], q[0]) elif cmd.startswith('CRZ '): self.circuit.rz(*_extr_parameter(cmd), q[1], q[0]) elif cmd.startswith('XX '): self.circuit.xx(*_extr_parameter(cmd), q[:2]) elif cmd.startswith('YY '): self.circuit.yy(*_extr_parameter(cmd), q[:2]) elif cmd.startswith('ZZ '): self.circuit.zz(*_extr_parameter(cmd), q[:2]) elif cmd.startswith('CCRX '): self.circuit.rx(*_extr_parameter(cmd), q[-1], q[:2]) elif cmd.startswith('CCRY '): self.circuit.ry(*_extr_parameter(cmd), q[-1], q[:2]) elif cmd.startswith('CCRZ '): self.circuit.rz(*_extr_parameter(cmd), q[-1], q[:2]) elif cmd.startswith('MEASURE '): q = _find_qubit_id(cmd) if q: self.circuit.measure(f'k{self.circuit.all_measures.size}', q[0]) else: for midx in range(n_qubits): self.circuit.measure(f'k{self.circuit.all_measures.size}', midx) elif self._trans_v01_single_qubit(cmd, q[0]): pass else: raise ValueError(f"transfer cmd {cmd} not implement yet!") def _trans_v01_single_qubit(self, cmd, qubit): """Trans method for hiqasm version 0.1 (single-qubit gates)""" from mindquantum.core import gates as G if cmd.startswith('H '): self.circuit.h(qubit) elif cmd.startswith('X '): self.circuit.x(qubit) elif cmd.startswith('Y '): self.circuit.y(qubit) elif cmd.startswith('Z '): self.circuit.z(qubit) elif cmd.startswith('S '): self.circuit += G.S.on(qubit) elif cmd.startswith('T '): self.circuit += G.T.on(qubit) elif cmd.startswith('U '): self.circuit += u3(*_extr_parameter(cmd), qubit) elif cmd.startswith('RX '): self.circuit.rx(*_extr_parameter(cmd), qubit) elif cmd.startswith('RY '): self.circuit.ry(*_extr_parameter(cmd), qubit) elif cmd.startswith('RZ '): self.circuit.rz(*_extr_parameter(cmd), qubit) else: return False return True
def _extr_parameter(cmd): """extra parameter for parameterized gate in hiqasm cmd""" return [float(i) for i in cmd.split(' ')[-1].split(',')] def _startswithany(cmd, *s): """Checkout whether cmd starts with any string in s""" for i in s: if cmd.startswith(i): return True return False def _not_implement(version, gate): """not implement error""" raise ValueError(f'{gate} not implement in HIQASM {version}')