Source code for mindquantum.core.operators.qubit_operator

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
#   Portions Copyright (c) 2020 Huawei Technologies Co.,ltd.
#   Portions Copyright 2017 The OpenFermion Developers.

#   Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
#   You may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
#   You may obtain a copy of the License at
#   Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
#   distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
#   WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
#   See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
#   limitations under the License.
#   This module we develop is default being licensed under Apache 2.0 license,
#   and also uses or refactor Fermilib and OpenFermion licensed under
#   Apache 2.0 license.
"""This is the module for the Qubit Operator. """

import json
import ast
import numpy as np
from scipy.sparse import kron, csr_matrix
from mindquantum.core.parameterresolver import ParameterResolver as PR
from mindquantum.utils.type_value_check import _check_input_type, _check_int_type
from ._base_operator import _Operator


# Define products of all Pauli operators for symbolic multiplication.
# Note can translate all the lowercase to uppercase 'i'->'I'
    ('I', 'I'): (1., 'I'),
    ('I', 'X'): (1., 'X'),
    ('I', 'Y'): (1., 'Y'),
    ('I', 'Z'): (1., 'Z'),
    ('X', 'I'): (1., 'X'),
    ('X', 'X'): (1., 'I'),
    ('X', 'Y'): (1.j, 'Z'),
    ('X', 'Z'): (-1.j, 'Y'),
    ('Y', 'I'): (1., 'Y'),
    ('Y', 'X'): (-1.j, 'Z'),
    ('Y', 'Y'): (1., 'I'),
    ('Y', 'Z'): (1.j, 'X'),
    ('Z', 'I'): (1., 'Z'),
    ('Z', 'X'): (1.j, 'Y'),
    ('Z', 'Y'): (-1.j, 'X'),
    ('Z', 'Z'): (1.0, 'I')

def _check_valid_qubit_operator_term(term):
    """Check valid qubit operator term."""
    if term is not None and term != '':
        if not isinstance(term, (str, tuple)):
            raise ValueError('Qubit operator requires a string or a tuple, but get {}'.format(type(term)))

        operators = ('X', 'Y', 'Z')
        if isinstance(term, str):
            terms = term.split(' ')
            for t in terms:
                if len(t) < 2 or t[0].upper() not in operators or not t[1:].isdigit():
                    if t:
                        raise ValueError('Invalid qubit operator term {}.'.format(t))
        if isinstance(term, tuple):
            for t in term:
                if len(t) != 2 or not isinstance(t[0], int) or t[0] < 0 or t[1].upper() not in operators:
                    raise ValueError('Invalid qubit operator term {}.'.format(t))

[docs]class QubitOperator(_Operator): """ A sum of terms acting on qubits, e.g., 0.5 * 'X1 X5' + 0.3 * 'Z1 Z2'. A term is an operator acting on n qubits and can be represented as: coefficient * local_operator[0] x ... x local_operator[n-1] where x is the tensor product. A local operator is a Pauli operator ('I', 'X', 'Y', or 'Z') which acts on one qubit. In mathematical notation a QubitOperator term is, for example, 0.5 * 'X1 X5', which means that a Pauli X operator acts on qubit 1 and 5, while the identity operator acts on all the rest qubits. Note that a Hamiltonian composed of QubitOperators should be a hermitian operator, thus requires the coefficients of all terms must be real. QubitOperator has the following attributes set as follows: operators = ('X', 'Y', 'Z'), different_indices_commute = True. Args: term (str): The input term of qubit operator. Default: None. coefficient (Union[numbers.Number, str, ParameterResolver]): The coefficient of this qubit operator, could be a number or a variable represent by a string or a symbol or a parameter resolver. Default: 1.0. Examples: >>> from mindquantum.core.operators import QubitOperator >>> ham = ((QubitOperator('X0 Y3', 0.5) ... + 0.6 * QubitOperator('X0 Y3'))) >>> ham2 = QubitOperator('X0 Y3', 0.5) >>> ham2 += 0.6 * QubitOperator('X0 Y3') >>> ham2 1.1 [X0 Y3] >>> ham3 = QubitOperator('') >>> ham3 1.0 [] >>> ham_para = QubitOperator('X0 Y3', 'x') >>> ham_para x [X0 Y3] >>> ham_para.subs({'x':1.2}) 1.2 [X0 Y3] """ __hash__ = None def __init__(self, term=None, coefficient=1.0): super(QubitOperator, self).__init__(term, coefficient) _check_valid_qubit_operator_term(term) self.operators = ('X', 'Y', 'Z') self.gates_number = 0 self.qubit_type = True if term is not None: if term == '': term = self._parse_term(()) else: term = self._parse_term(term) self.coefficient, term = self._simplify(term, self.coefficient) self.terms[term] = self.coefficient
[docs] def count_gates(self): """Returns the gate number when treated in single Hamiltonian Returns: int, number of the single qubit quantum gates. """ self.gates_number = 0 for operator in self.terms: n_local_operator = len(operator) self.gates_number += n_local_operator return self.gates_number
def _parse_string(self, terms_string): """Parse a term given as a string type e.g. For QubitOperator: 'X2 Y0 Z3' -> ((0, 'Y'),(2, 'X'), (3,'Z')) Returns: tuple, such as ((0, 'Y'),(2, 'X'), (3,'Z')) Raises: 'XX2' or '1.5 X2' is not the proper format and could raise TypeError. """ terms = terms_string.split() terms_to_tuple = [] for sub_term in terms: operator = sub_term[0] index = sub_term[1:] if operator.upper() not in self.operators: raise ValueError('Invalid type of operator {}.' 'The Qubit Pauli operator should be one of this {}'.format(operator, self.operators)) if not index.isdigit() or int(index) < 0: raise ValueError("Invalid index {}.The qubit index should be\ nonnegative integer".format(self.operators)) terms_to_tuple.append((int(index), operator)) terms_to_tuple = sorted(terms_to_tuple, key=lambda item: item[0]) return tuple(terms_to_tuple)
[docs] def matrix(self, n_qubits=None): """ Convert this qubit operator to csr_matrix. Args: n_qubits (int): The total qubit of final matrix. If None, the value will be the maximum local qubit number. Default: None. """ from mindquantum import X, Y, Z, I pauli_map = { 'X': csr_matrix(X.matrix().astype(np.complex128)), 'Y': csr_matrix(Y.matrix().astype(np.complex128)), 'Z': csr_matrix(Z.matrix().astype(np.complex128)), 'I': csr_matrix(I.matrix().astype(np.complex128)), } if not self.terms: raise ValueError("Cannot convert empty qubit operator to matrix") n_qubits_local = 0 for term in self.terms: for idx, _ in term: n_qubits_local = max(n_qubits_local, idx + 1) if n_qubits_local == 0 and n_qubits is None: raise ValueError("You should specific n_qubits for converting a identity qubit operator.") if n_qubits is None: n_qubits = n_qubits_local _check_int_type("n_qubits", n_qubits) if n_qubits < n_qubits_local: raise ValueError( f"Given n_qubits {n_qubits} is small than qubit of qubit operator, which is {n_qubits_local}.") out = 0 for term, coeff in self.terms.items(): if isinstance(coeff, PR): raise RuntimeError("Cannot convert a parameterized qubit operator to matrix.") if not term: out += csr_matrix(np.identity(2**n_qubits, dtype=np.complex128)) * coeff else: tmp = np.array([1], dtype=np.complex128) * coeff total = [pauli_map['I'] for _ in range(n_qubits)] for idx, s in term: total[idx] = pauli_map[s] for i in total: tmp = kron(i, tmp) out += tmp return out
@property def real(self): """ Convert the coeff to its real part. Returns: QubitOperator, the real part of this qubit operator. Examples: >>> from mindquantum.core.operators import QubitOperator >>> f = QubitOperator('X0', 1 + 2j) + QubitOperator('Y0', 'a') >>> f.real.compress() 1.0 [X0] + a [Y0] """ out = QubitOperator() for k, v in self.terms.items(): out.terms[k] = v.real return out @property def imag(self): """ Convert the coeff to its imag part. Returns: QubitOperator, the imag part of this qubit operator. Examples: >>> from mindquantum.core.operators import QubitOperator >>> f = QubitOperator('X0', 1 + 2j) + QubitOperator('Y0', 'a') >>> f.imag.compress() 2.0 [X0] """ out = QubitOperator() for k, v in self.terms.items(): out.terms[k] = v.imag return out def _simplify(self, terms, coefficient=1.0): r""" Simplify the list by using the commuation and anti-commutation relationship. Args: terms (str, list((int, str),), tuple((int, str),)): The input terms_lst could be a sorted list or unsorted list e.g. [(3, 'Z'),(2, 'X'), (3,'Z')] -> [(2,'X')] Also, it could accept input with tuples ((3, 'Z'),(2, 'X'), (3,'Z')) ->[(2,'X')] coefficient (int, float, complex, str, ParameterResolver): The coefficient for the corresponding single operators Returns: tuple(coefficient, tuple(reduced_terms)), the simplified coefficient and operators """ if not terms: return coefficient, terms if isinstance(terms, dict): terms = list(terms) elif isinstance(terms[0], int): return coefficient, tuple(terms) else: terms = sorted(terms, key=lambda term: term[0]) reduced_terms = [] left_term = terms[0] for right_term in terms[1:]: left_index, left_operator = left_term right_index, right_operator = right_term left_operator, right_operator = left_operator.upper(), right_operator.upper() if left_index == right_index: new_coefficient, new_operator = _PAULI_OPERATOR_PRODUCTS[(left_operator, right_operator)] left_term = (left_index, new_operator) coefficient *= new_coefficient else: if left_term[1].upper() != 'I': reduced_terms.append((left_term[0], left_term[1].upper())) left_term = right_term if left_term[1].upper() != 'I': reduced_terms.append((left_term[0], left_term[1].upper())) return coefficient, tuple(reduced_terms) def __str__(self): """ Return an easy-to-read string representation of the QubitOperator. """ if not self.terms: return '0' string_rep = '' term_cnt = 0 for term, coeff in sorted(self.terms.items()): term_cnt += 1 if isinstance(coeff, PR): tmp_string = '{} ['.format(coeff.expression()) else: tmp_string = '{} ['.format(coeff) # deal with this situation (1,'X') or [1, 'X'] if term == (): tmp_string.join(' ]') elif isinstance(term[0], int): index, operator = term tmp_string += '{}{} '.format(operator, index) else: for sub_term in term: index, operator = sub_term # check validity, if checked before, # then we can take away this step if operator in self.operators: tmp_string += '{}{} '.format(operator, index) if term_cnt < len(self.terms): string_rep += '{}] +\n'.format(tmp_string.strip()) else: string_rep += '{}] '.format(tmp_string.strip()) return string_rep def __repr__(self): return str(self)
[docs] def dumps(self, indent=4): ''' Dump QubitOperator into JSON(JavaScript Object Notation) Args: indent (int): Then JSON array elements and object members will be pretty-printed with that indent level. Default: 4. Returns: JSON(strings), the JSON strings of QubitOperator Examples: >>> from mindquantum.core.operators import QubitOperator >>> ops = QubitOperator('X0 Y1', 1.2) + QubitOperator('Z0 X1', {'a': 2.1}) >>> print(ops.dumps()) { "((0, 'X'), (1, 'Y'))": "1.2", "((0, 'Z'), (1, 'X'))": "{\"a\": 2.1, \"__class__\": \"ParameterResolver\", \ \"__module__\": \"parameterresolver.parameterresolver\", \"no_grad_parameters\": []}", "__class__": "QubitOperator", "__module__": "operators.qubit_operator" } ''' if indent is not None: _check_int_type('indent', indent) d = self.terms # Convert key type from tuple into str key_list = list(d.keys()) for i, k in enumerate(key_list): key_list[i] = k.__str__() # Convert value type from complex/ParameterResolver into str value_list = list(d.values()) for j, v in enumerate(value_list): if isinstance(v, (complex, int, float)): value_list[j] = str(v) elif isinstance(v, PR): value_list[j] = (v.dumps(None)) else: raise ValueError("Coefficient must be a complex/int/float type or a ParameterResolver, \ but get {}.".format(type(v))) dic = dict(zip(key_list, value_list)) dic['__class__'] = self.__class__.__name__ dic['__module__'] = self.__module__ return json.dumps(dic, indent=indent)
[docs] @staticmethod def loads(strs): ''' Load JSON(JavaScript Object Notation) into QubitOperator Args: strs (str): The dumped qubit operator string. Returns: FermionOperator, the QubitOperator load from strings Examples: >>> from mindquantum.core.operators import QubitOperator >>> strings = """{"((0, 'X'), (1, 'Y'))": 1.2, "((0, 'Z'), (1, 'X'))": {"a": 2.1}, \ "__class__": "QubitOperator", "__module__": "__main__"}""" >>> obj = QubitOperator.loads(strings) >>> print(obj) 1.2 [X0 Y1] + 2.1*a [Z0 X1] ''' _check_input_type('strs', str, strs) dic = json.loads(strs) if '__class__' in dic: class_name = dic.pop('__class__') if class_name == 'QubitOperator': module_name = dic.pop('__module__') module = __import__(module_name) class_ = getattr(module, class_name) # Convert key type from str into tuple key_list = list(dic.keys()) for i, k in enumerate(key_list): key_list[i] = tuple(ast.literal_eval(k)) # Convert value type from str into ParameterResolver/complex value_list = list(dic.values()) for j, v in enumerate(value_list): if isinstance(v, str): if '__class__' in v: value_list[j] = PR.loads(v) else: value_list[j] = complex(v) terms = dict(zip(key_list, value_list)) q_op = QubitOperator() for key, value in terms.items(): q_op += class_(key, value) else: raise TypeError("Require a QubitOperator class, but get {} class".format(class_name)) else: raise ValueError("Expect a '__class__' in strings, but not found") return q_op
__all__ = ['QubitOperator']