Source code for mindquantum.core.operators.polynomial_tensor

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
#   Portions Copyright (c) 2020 Huawei Technologies Co.,ltd.
#   Portions Copyright 2017 The OpenFermion Developers.
#   Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
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#   This module we develop is default being licensed under Apache 2.0 license,
#   and also uses or refactor Fermilib and OpenFermion licensed under
#   Apache 2.0 license.
This is the base class that to represent fermionic molecualr or Hamiltonian.

import copy
import itertools
import numpy


class PolynomialTensorError(Exception):
    r"""The particular Exception for this particular class"""

[docs]class PolynomialTensor: r""" Class to store the coefficient of the fermionic ladder operators in a tensor form. For instance, in a molecular Hamiltonian (degree 4 polynomial) which conserves particle number, there are only three kinds of terms, namely constant term, single excitation :math:`a^\dagger_p a_q` and double excitation terms :math:`a^\dagger_p a^\dagger_q a_r a_s`, and their corresponding coefficients can be stored in an scalar, :math:`n_\text{qubits}\times n_\text{qubits}` matrix and :math:`n_\text{qubits}\times n_\text{qubits} n_\text{qubits}\times n_\text{qubits}` matrix. Note that each tensor must have an even number of dimensions due to the parity conservation. Much of the functionality of this class is similar to that of FermionOperator. Args: n_body_tensors(dict): A dictionary storing the tensors describing n-body interactions. The keys are tuples that indicate the type of tensor. For instance, n_body_tensors[()] would return a constant, while a n_body_tensors[(1, 0)] would be an :math:`n_\text{qubits}\times n_\text{qubits}` numpy array, and n_body_tensors[(1,1,0,0)] would return a :math:`n_\text{qubits}\times n_\text{qubits} n_\text{qubits}\times n_\text{qubits}` numpy array and those constant and array represent the coefficients of terms of the form identity, :math:`a^\dagger_p a_q`, :math:`a^\dagger_p a^\dagger_q a_r a_s`, respectively. Default: None. Note: Here '1' represents :math:`a^\dagger`, while '0' represent :math:`a`. Examples: >>> import numpy as np >>> from mindquantum.core.operators import PolynomialTensor >>> constant = 1 >>> one_body_term = np.array([[1,0],[0,1]]) >>> two_body_term = two_body_term = np.array([[[[1,0],[0,1]],[[1,0],[0,1]]],[[[1,0],[0,1]],[[1,0],[0,1]]]]) >>> n_body_tensors = {(): 1, (1,0): one_body_term,(1,1,0,0):two_body_term} >>> poly_op = PolynomialTensor(n_body_tensors) >>> poly_op () 1 ((0, 1), (0, 0)) 1 ((1, 1), (1, 0)) 1 ((0, 1), (0, 1), (0, 0), (0, 0)) 1 ((0, 1), (0, 1), (1, 0), (1, 0)) 1 ((0, 1), (1, 1), (0, 0), (0, 0)) 1 ((0, 1), (1, 1), (1, 0), (1, 0)) 1 ((1, 1), (0, 1), (0, 0), (0, 0)) 1 ((1, 1), (0, 1), (1, 0), (1, 0)) 1 ((1, 1), (1, 1), (0, 0), (0, 0)) 1 ((1, 1), (1, 1), (1, 0), (1, 0)) 1 >>> # get the constant >>> poly_op.constant 1 >>> # set the constant >>> poly_op.constant = 2 >>> poly_op.constant 2 >>> poly_op.n_qubits 2 >>> poly_op.one_body_tensor array([[1, 0], [0, 1]]) >>> poly_op.two_body_tensor array([[[[1, 0], [0, 1]], [[1, 0], [0, 1]]], [[[1, 0], [0, 1]], [[1, 0], [0, 1]]]]) """ __hash__ = None def __init__(self, n_body_tensors=None): self.n_body_tensors = n_body_tensors self.n_qubits = 0 for key, _ in self.n_body_tensors.items(): if key == (): pass elif len(key) == 2 or len(key) == 4: # one body tensors self.n_qubits = self.n_body_tensors[key].shape[0] else: PolynomialTensorError("Unexpected type of n-body-tensors!") @property def constant(self): """get the value of the identity term""" return self.n_body_tensors.get(()) @constant.setter def constant(self, value): """set the value of the identity term""" self.n_body_tensors[()] = value @property def one_body_tensor(self): """get the one-body term""" if (1, 0) in self.n_body_tensors: return self.n_body_tensors[(1, 0)] return 0 @one_body_tensor.setter def one_body_tensor(self, value): """ set the value of the one body term, the value should numpy array with size n_qubits x n_qubits """ self.n_body_tensors[(1, 0)] = value @property def two_body_tensor(self): """get the two body term""" if (1, 1, 0, 0) in self.n_body_tensors: return self.n_body_tensors[(1, 1, 0, 0)] return 0 @two_body_tensor.setter def two_body_tensor(self, value): """ set the two body term, the value should be of numpy array with size n_qubits x n_qubits x n_qubits x n_qubits """ self.n_body_tensors[(1, 1, 0, 0)] = value def __getitem__(self, args): r""" Look up the matrix table. Args: args(tuples): Tuples indicating which coefficient to get. For instance, `my_tensor[(3, 1), (4, 1), (2, 0)]` means look for the coefficient of fermionic ladder operator (a^\dagger_3 a^\dagger_4 a_2 ) returns `my_tensor.n_body_tensors[1, 1, 0][3, 4, 2]` Note: this supports single element extraction """ if args == (): return self.constant # change it into array index, key = tuple(zip(*args))[0], tuple(zip(*args))[1] return self.n_body_tensors[key][index] def __setitem__(self, args, value): """ Set matrix element. Args: args(tuples): Tuples indicating which terms to set the corresponding coefficient. """ if args == (): self.constant = value else: # handle with the case (1,0) or ((1,0),(2,1)) they both have the # length 2 index, key = tuple(zip(*args))[0], tuple(zip(*args))[1] self.n_body_tensors[key][index] = value def __eq__(self, other): # first check qubits number if self.n_qubits != other.n_qubits: return False # then check the maximum difference whether within the EQ_TOLERANCE diff = 0. self_keys = set(self.n_body_tensors.keys()) other_keys = set(other.n_body_tensors.keys()) # check the intersection part for key in self_keys.intersection(other_keys): if key == () or key is not None: self_tensor = self.n_body_tensors[key] other_tensor = other.n_body_tensors[key] discrepancy = numpy.amax( numpy.absolute(self_tensor - other_tensor)) diff = max(diff, discrepancy) # check the difference part for key in self_keys.symmetric_difference(other_keys): if key == () or key is not None: tensor = self.n_body_tensors[key] if self.n_body_tensors[key]\ is not None \ else other.n_body_tensors[key] discrepancy = numpy.amax(numpy.abs(tensor)) diff = max(diff, discrepancy) return diff < EQ_TOLERANCE def __ne__(self, other): return not self == other def __iadd__(self, addend): """ In-place method for += addition of PolynomialTensor. Args: addend (PolynomialTensor): The addend. Returns: sum (PolynomialTensor), Mutated self. Raises: TypeError: Cannot add invalid addend type. """ if not isinstance(addend, type(self)): raise PolynomialTensorError( "Cannot add invalid type! \n Expect {}".format(type(self))) # check dimension, self.n_qubits if self.n_qubits != addend.n_qubits: raise PolynomialTensorError( "Can not add invalid type, the shape does not match!") # add the common part self_keys = set(self.n_body_tensors.keys()) addend_keys = set(addend.n_body_tensors.keys()) for key in self_keys.intersection(addend_keys): self.n_body_tensors[key] = numpy.add(self.n_body_tensors[key], addend.n_body_tensors[key]) for key in addend_keys.difference( self_keys): # the term in added but not in self if key: self.n_body_tensors[key] = addend.n_body_tensors[key] return self def __add__(self, addend): """ Args: added(PolynomialTensor): The addend. Returns: sum (PolynomialTensor), un-mutated self, but has new instance Raises: TypeError: Cannot add invalid operator type. """ sum_addend = copy.deepcopy(self) sum_addend += addend return sum_addend def __neg__(self): """Return negation of the PolynomialTensor,mutated itself""" for key in self.n_body_tensors: self.n_body_tensors[key] = numpy.negative(self.n_body_tensors[key]) return self def __isub__(self, subtractend): """ In-place method for -= subtraction of PolynomialTensor. Args: subtractend (PolynomialTensor): subtractend. Returns: subtract (PolynomialTensor), Mutated self. Raises: TypeError: Cannot sub invalid addend type. """ if not isinstance(subtractend, type(self)): raise PolynomialTensorError( "Cannot sub invalid type! \n Expect {}".format(type(self))) # check dimension, self.n_qubits if self.n_qubits != subtractend.n_qubits: raise PolynomialTensorError( "Cannot sub invalid type, the shape does not match!") # sub the common part self_keys = set(self.n_body_tensors.keys()) sub_keys = set(subtractend.n_body_tensors.keys()) for key in self_keys.intersection(sub_keys): self.n_body_tensors[key] = numpy.subtract( self.n_body_tensors[key], subtractend.n_body_tensors[key]) for key in sub_keys.difference( self_keys): # the term in sub but not in self if key: self.n_body_tensors[key] = numpy.negative( subtractend.n_body_tensors[key]) return self def __sub__(self, subtractend): """ Args: subtractend(PolynomialTensor): The subtractend. Returns: subtractend (PolynomialTensor), un-mutated self, but has new instance Raises: TypeError: Cannot sub invalid operator type. """ subend = copy.deepcopy(self) subend -= subtractend return subend def __imul__(self, multiplier): """ In-place multiply (*=) with scalar or operator of the same type. Default implementation is to multiply coefficients and concatenate terms (same operator). Args: multiplier(complex, float, or PolynomialTensor): multiplier Returns: products(PolynomialTensor) Raises: TypeError: cannot multiply invalid type of multiplier. """ # hand with scalar if isinstance(multiplier, (int, float, complex)): for key in self.n_body_tensors: self.n_body_tensors[key] *= multiplier elif isinstance(multiplier, type(self)): if self.n_qubits != multiplier.n_qubits: raise PolynomialTensorError( "Cannot multiply invalid type, the shape does not match!") # note we do not deal with the key multiplication, # unlike that in FermionOperator, which is possible self_keys = set(self.n_body_tensors.keys()) multiply_keys = set(multiplier.n_body_tensors.keys()) for key in self_keys.intersection(multiply_keys): self.n_body_tensors[key] = numpy.multiply( self.n_body_tensors[key], multiplier.n_body_tensors[key]) for key in self_keys.difference( multiply_keys): # the term in added but not in self if key == (): self.constant = 0 else: self.n_body_tensors[key] = numpy.zeros( self.n_body_tensors[key].shape) else: raise PolynomialTensorError("Cannot multiply invalid type!") return self def __mul__(self, multiplier): """ Method for * addition of PolynomialTensor. Args: multiplier (PolynomialTensor): The multiplier to multiply. Returns: multiply (PolynomialTensor), un-Mutated self. Raises: TypeError: Cannot multiply invalid type. """ if isinstance(multiplier, (int, float, complex, type(self))): # make use of the *= method product_results = copy.deepcopy(self) product_results *= multiplier else: raise PolynomialTensorError( 'Cannot multiply invalid type to {}.'.format(type(self))) return product_results def __rmul__(self, multiplier): """ Return multiplier * self Args: multiplier: The operator to multiply. Returns: a new instance of PolynomialTensor Raises: TypeError: Cannot multiply invalid type. """ if isinstance(multiplier, (int, float, complex)): # make use of the * method, basically scalar return self * multiplier raise PolynomialTensorError( 'Cannot multiply invalid operator type to {}.'.format(type(self))) def __itruediv__(self, divisor): """ Returns self/divisor for the scalar Args: divisor(int, float, complex): scalar Returns: a new instance of PolynomialTensor Raises: TypeError: cannot divide non-numeric type. """ if isinstance(divisor, (int, float, complex)) and divisor != 0: for key in self.n_body_tensors: self.n_body_tensors[key] /= divisor else: raise PolynomialTensorError( 'Cannot divide the {} by non_numeric type or \ the divisor is 0.'.format(type(self))) return self def __truediv__(self, divisor): if isinstance(divisor, (int, float, complex)) and divisor != 0: quotient = copy.deepcopy(self) quotient /= divisor else: raise PolynomialTensorError( 'Cannot divide the {} by non_numeric type or \ the divisor is 0.'.format(type(self))) return quotient # be careful with this function def __div__(self, divisor): """ For compatibility with Python 2. """ return self.__truediv__(divisor) def __iter__(self): """Iterate over non-zero elements in the PolynomialTensor.""" def sort_key(key): """ This determines how the keys to n_body_tensors should be sorted by mapping it to the corresponding integer. """ if key == (): return 0 key_int = int(''.join(map(str, key))) return key_int for key in sorted(self.n_body_tensors, key=sort_key): if key == (): yield () else: n_body_tensors = self.n_body_tensors[key] # get the matrix # look up the non-zero elements in the n_body_tensors for index in itertools.product(range(self.n_qubits), repeat=len(key)): if n_body_tensors[index]: yield tuple(zip(index, key)) def __str__(self): """Print out the non-zero elements of PolynomialTensor.""" strings = [] for key in self: strings.append('{} {}\n'.format(key, self[key])) return ''.join(strings) if strings else '0' def __repr__(self): return str(self)
__all__ = ['PolynomialTensor']