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"""Hardware efficient ansatz."""
import itertools
import numpy as np
from mindquantum.core.gates import BasicGate, X
from mindquantum.core.circuit import Circuit
from mindquantum.core.circuit.utils import AP, A
from mindquantum.utils.type_value_check import _check_int_type
from mindquantum.utils.type_value_check import _check_value_should_not_less
from .._ansatz import Ansatz
def _check_single_rot_gate_seq(single_rot_gate_seq):
"""check single rotation gate seq"""
if not isinstance(single_rot_gate_seq, list):
raise TypeError(f"single_rot_gate_seq requires a list, but get {type(single_rot_gate_seq)}")
for gate in single_rot_gate_seq:
if not issubclass(gate, BasicGate):
raise ValueError(f"single rotation gate require a parameterized gate, but get {gate}")
gate_shape = gate(0).matrix().shape
if gate_shape[0] != 2 or gate_shape[1] != 2:
raise ValueError(f"single rotation gate should be a one qubit gate.")
[docs]class HardwareEfficientAnsatz(Ansatz):
Hardware efficient ansatz is a kind of ansatz that can be easily implement on quantum chip.
The hardware efficient is constructed by a layer of single qubit rotation gate and a layer
of two qubits entanglement gate. The single qubit rotation gate layer is constructed by one
or several rotation gate that act on every qubit. The two qubits entanglement gate layer is
constructed by CNOT, CZ, XX, YY, ZZ, etc. acting on entangle_mapping. For more detail, please
refers https://www.nature.com/articles/nature23879.
n_qubits (int): number of qubit that this ansatz act on.
single_rot_gate_seq (list[BasicGate]): A list of parameterized rotation gate that act on
each qubit.
entangle_gate (BasicGate): The non parameterized entanglement gate. If it is a single qubit
gate, than the control version will be used. Default: XGate.
entangle_mapping (Union[str, list[tuple[int]]]): The entanglement mapping of entanglement gate.
'linear' means the entanglement gate will be act on every neighboring qubits. 'all' means
the entanglemtn gate will be act on any two qbuits. Besides, you can specific which two
qubits you want to do entanglement by setting the entangle_mapping to a list of two qubits
tuple. Default: "linear".
depth (int): The depth of ansatz. Default: 1.
>>> from mindquantum.algorithm.nisq.chem import HardwareEfficientAnsatz
>>> from mindquantum import RY, RZ, Z
>>> hea = HardwareEfficientAnsatz(3, [RY, RZ], Z, [(0, 1), (0, 2)])
>>> hea.circuit
q0: ──RY(d0_n0_0)────RZ(d0_n0_1)────●────●────RY(d1_n0_0)────RZ(d1_n0_1)──
│ │
q1: ──RY(d0_n1_0)────RZ(d0_n1_1)────Z────┼────RY(d1_n1_0)────RZ(d1_n1_1)──
q2: ──RY(d0_n2_0)────RZ(d0_n2_1)─────────Z────RY(d1_n2_0)────RZ(d1_n2_1)──
def __init__(self, n_qubits, single_rot_gate_seq, entangle_gate=X, entangle_mapping='linear', depth=1):
_check_int_type('depth', depth)
_check_value_should_not_less('depth', 1, depth)
if not isinstance(entangle_gate, BasicGate) or entangle_gate.parameterized:
raise ValueError(f"entangle gate requires a non parameterized gate, but get {entangle_gate}")
super().__init__('Hardware Efficient', n_qubits, single_rot_gate_seq, entangle_gate, entangle_mapping, depth)
def _implement(self, single_rot_gate_seq, entangle_gate, entangle_mapping, depth):
"""Implement of hardware efficient ansatz"""
entangle_mapping = self._get_entangle_mapping(entangle_mapping)
circ = Circuit()
for d in range(depth):
circ += AP(self._build_single_rot(single_rot_gate_seq), f'd{d}')
circ += self._build_entangle(entangle_gate, entangle_mapping)
circ += AP(self._build_single_rot(single_rot_gate_seq), f'd{d+1}')
self._circuit = circ
def _get_entangle_mapping(self, entangle_mapping):
"""Get entanglement mapping"""
if isinstance(entangle_mapping, str):
if entangle_mapping == 'all':
return list(itertools.combinations(range(self.n_qubits), 2))
if entangle_mapping == 'linear':
res = []
for i in range(self.n_qubits - 1):
res.append((i, i + 1))
return res
raise ValueError("entangle_mapping can only be 'all', 'linear', \
or a list of tuple of the qubits that the entanglement gate act on.")
if isinstance(entangle_mapping, list):
for i in entangle_mapping:
if isinstance(i, tuple):
if len(i) != 2:
raise ValueError(f"entanglement only act on two qubits, but get {i}")
raise TypeError(f"Element of entangle_mapping need a tuple, but get {type(i)}")
raise ValueError("entangle_mapping can only be 'all', 'linear', \
or a list of tuple of the qubits that the entanglement gate act on.")
return entangle_mapping
def _build_entangle(self, entangle_gate, entangle_mapping):
"""build entanglement layer"""
gate_qubit = int(np.log2(entangle_gate.matrix().shape[0]))
circ = Circuit()
for qs in entangle_mapping:
if gate_qubit == 1:
circ += entangle_gate.on(qs[1], qs[0])
elif gate_qubit == 2:
circ += entangle_gate.on(qs)
raise ValueError(f"Entangle gate can only be a controlled single qubit gate \
or two qubits gate, but get {gate_qubit} qubits gate.")
return circ
def _build_single_rot(self, single_rot_gate_seq):
"""build single rotation layer"""
circ = Circuit()
single_circ = Circuit()
for index, gate in enumerate(single_rot_gate_seq):
single_circ += gate(f'{index}').on(0)
for n in range(self.n_qubits):
circ += A(AP(single_circ, f'n{n}'), [n])
return circ