mindelec.solver.solver 源代码

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from mindspore.train import Model, amp
from mindspore import nn, Tensor
from .callback import EvalCallback
from ..loss import NetWithLoss, NetWithEval, get_loss_metric
from ..architecture.util import check_mode

[文档]class Solver: """ High-Level API for training or inference. `Solver` groups layers into an object with training and inference features. Args: network (Cell): A training or testing network. optimizer (Cell): Optimizer for updating the weights. loss_fn (Union(str, dict, Cell)): Objective function, if loss_fn is None, the network should contain the logic of loss and grads calculation,. Note that the dict type of loss_fn is not supported in Data mode. Default: "l2". mode (str): The type of model. Supports ["Data", "PINNs"]. Default: "Data". - Data: The model is data_driven. - PINNs: The model is physics_informed. train_constraints (Constraints): Definition of the loss for train dataset. Default: None. If mode is PINNs, the train_constraints cannot be None. test_constraints (Constraints): Definition of the loss for test dataset. Default: None. If mode is PINNs and eval is needed(see train_with_eval and eval functions in the class), the test_constraints cannot be None. train_input_map (dict): Specifies the column names of the data in the corresponding dataset to enter into the network while training. The key is name of dataset and the value is column names of the data in the corresponding dataset to enter into the network. Default: None. If the input of model is not single, train_input_map can not be None. test_input_map (dict): Specifies the column names of the data in the corresponding dataset to enter into the network while doing eval. The key is name of dataset and the value is column names of the data in the corresponding dataset to enter into the network. Default: None. If the input of model is not single and eval is needed, test_input_map can not be None. mtl_weighted_cell (Cell): Losses weighting algorithms based on multi-task learning uncertainty evaluation. Default: None. latent_vector (Parameter): Tensor of Parameter. The latent vector to encodes the variational parameters in governing equation. It will be concated with the sampling data togother as final network inputs. Default: None. latent_reg (float): The regularization coefficient of latent vector. Default: 1e-2. metrics (Union[dict, set]): A Dictionary or a set of metrics to be evaluated by the model during training and inference. eg: {'accuracy', 'recall'}. Default: None. eval_network (Cell): Network for evaluation. If not defined, `network` and `loss_fn` would be wrapped as `eval_network` . Default: None. Note that eval_network do not need to be set in PINNs mode. eval_indexes (list): When defining the `eval_network`, if `eval_indexes` is None, all outputs of the `eval_network` would be passed to metrics, otherwise `eval_indexes` must contain three elements, including the positions of loss value, predicted value and label. The loss value would be passed to the `Loss` metric, the predicted value and label would be passed to other metric. Default: None. amp_level (str): Option for argument `level` in `mindspore.amp.build_train_network` , level for mixed precision training. Supports ["O0", "O2", "O3", "auto"]. Default: "O0". - O0: Do not change. - O2: Cast network to float16, keep batchnorm run in float32, using dynamic loss scale. - O3: Cast network to float16, with additional property `keep_batchnorm_fp32=False` . - auto: Set to level to recommended level in different devices. Set level to O2 on GPU, Set level to O3 Ascend. The recommended level is choose by the export experience, cannot always general. User should specify the level for special network. O2 is recommended on GPU, O3 is recommended on Ascend.The more detailed explanation of `amp_level` setting can be found at `mindspore.amp.build_train_network <https://www.mindspore.cn/docs/en/r2.0/api_python/ amp/mindspore.amp.build_train_network.html#mindspore.amp.build_train_network>`_ . Supported Platforms: ``Ascend`` Examples: >>> from mindelec.solver import Solver >>> import mindspore >>> from mindspore import nn ... >>> class Net(nn.Cell): ... def __init__(self, num_class=10, num_channel=1): ... super(Net, self).__init__() ... self.conv1 = nn.Conv2d(num_channel, 6, 5, pad_mode='valid') ... self.conv2 = nn.Conv2d(6, 16, 5, pad_mode='valid') ... self.fc1 = nn.Dense(16*5*5, 120, weight_init='ones') ... self.fc2 = nn.Dense(120, 84, weight_init='ones') ... self.fc3 = nn.Dense(84, num_class, weight_init='ones') ... self.relu = nn.ReLU() ... self.max_pool2d = nn.MaxPool2d(kernel_size=2, stride=2) ... self.flatten = nn.Flatten() ... ... def construct(self, x): ... x = self.max_pool2d(self.relu(self.conv1(x))) ... x = self.max_pool2d(self.relu(self.conv2(x))) ... x = self.flatten(x) ... x = self.relu(self.fc1(x)) ... x = self.relu(self.fc2(x)) ... x = self.fc3(x) ... return x ... >>> net = Net() >>> loss = nn.SoftmaxCrossEntropyWithLogits() >>> optim = nn.Momentum(params=net.trainable_params(), learning_rate=0.1, momentum=0.9) >>> solver = Solver(net, loss_fn=loss, optimizer=optim, metrics=None) """ def __init__(self, network, optimizer, loss_fn="l2", mode="Data", train_constraints=None, test_constraints=None, train_input_map=None, test_input_map=None, mtl_weighted_cell=None, latent_vector=None, latent_reg=1e-2, metrics=None, eval_network=None, eval_indexes=None, amp_level="O0", **kwargs): check_mode("Solver") if not isinstance(mode, str): raise TypeError("the type of mode should be str but got {}".format(type(mode))) self._mode = mode self._network = network if mode == "PINNs": if train_constraints is None: raise ValueError("train_constraints can not be None when mode is PINNs") self._loss_scale_manager = None self._loss_scale_manager_set = False self._keep_bn_fp32 = True self._amp_level = amp_level self._eval_network = eval_network self._process_amp_args(kwargs) self._train_constraints = train_constraints self._train_input_map = train_input_map self._optimizer = optimizer self._loss_fn = loss_fn self._test_constraints = test_constraints self.mtl_weighted_cell = mtl_weighted_cell self.latent_vector = latent_vector self.latent_reg = latent_reg train_network = self._build_train_network() if not test_constraints: eval_network = train_network else: eval_network = NetWithEval(self._network, test_constraints, loss_fn, test_input_map) eval_indexes = [0, 1, 2] if not eval_indexes else eval_indexes self.model = Model(network=train_network, eval_network=eval_network, metrics=metrics, eval_indexes=eval_indexes) elif mode == "Data": if not isinstance(loss_fn, (str, nn.Cell)): raise TypeError("For `Data` mode, the type of loss_fn should be str or an instance of Cell but got {}" .format(type(loss_fn))) loss_fn = get_loss_metric(loss_fn) if isinstance(loss_fn, str) else loss_fn self.model = Model(self._network, loss_fn=loss_fn, optimizer=optimizer, metrics=metrics, eval_network=eval_network, eval_indexes=eval_indexes, amp_level=amp_level, **kwargs) else: raise ValueError("the value of `mode` should be Data or PINNs, but got {}".format(mode)) def _build_train_network(self): """Build train network""" loss_network = NetWithLoss(self._network, self._train_constraints, self._loss_fn, dataset_input_map=self._train_input_map, mtl_weighted_cell=self.mtl_weighted_cell, latent_vector=self.latent_vector, latent_reg=self.latent_reg) if self._loss_scale_manager_set: network = amp.build_train_network(loss_network, self._optimizer, level=self._amp_level, loss_scale_manager=self._loss_scale_manager, keep_batchnorm_fp32=self._keep_bn_fp32) else: network = amp.build_train_network(loss_network, self._optimizer, level=self._amp_level, keep_batchnorm_fp32=self._keep_bn_fp32) return network def _process_amp_args(self, kwargs): if self._amp_level in ["O0", "O3"]: self._keep_bn_fp32 = False if 'keep_batchnorm_fp32' in kwargs: self._keep_bn_fp32 = kwargs['keep_batchnorm_fp32'] if 'loss_scale_manager' in kwargs: self._loss_scale_manager = kwargs['loss_scale_manager'] self._loss_scale_manager_set = True
[文档] def train(self, epoch, train_dataset, callbacks=None, dataset_sink_mode=True, sink_size=-1): """ Training API where the iteration is controlled by python front-end. Note: If dataset_sink_mode is True, data will be sent to device. If device is Ascend, features of data will be transferred one by one. The limitation of data transmission per time is 256M. If sink_size > 0, each epoch the dataset can be traversed unlimited times until you get sink_size elements of the dataset. Next epoch continues to traverse from the end position of the previous traversal. Args: epoch (int): Generally, total number of iterations on the data per epoch. When dataset_sink_mode is set to true and sink_size>0, each epoch sink sink_size steps on the data instead of total number of iterations. train_dataset (Dataset): A training dataset iterator. If there is no loss_fn, a tuple with multiple data (data1, data2, data3, ...) should be returned and passed to the network. Otherwise, a tuple (data, label) should be returned. callbacks (Union[list[Callback], Callback]): List of callback objects or callback object, which should be executed while training. Default: None. dataset_sink_mode (bool): Determines whether to pass the data through dataset channel. Configure pynative mode or CPU, the training process will be performed with dataset not sink. Default: True. sink_size (int): Control the amount of data in each sink. If sink_size = -1, sink the complete dataset for each epoch. If sink_size > 0, sink sink_size data for each epoch. If dataset_sink_mode is False, set sink_size as invalid. Default: -1. Examples: >>> # For details about how to build the dataset, please refer to the tutorial >>> # document on the official website. >>> dataset = create_custom_dataset() >>> solver.train(2, dataset) """ self.model.train(epoch, train_dataset, callbacks=callbacks, dataset_sink_mode=dataset_sink_mode, sink_size=sink_size)
[文档] def train_with_eval(self, epoch, train_dataset, test_dataset, eval_interval, callbacks=None, dataset_sink_mode=True, sink_size=-1): """ Train_with_eval API where the iteration is controlled by python front-end. Note: If dataset_sink_mode is True, data will be sent to device. If device is Ascend, features of data will be transferred one by one. The limitation of data transmission per time is 256M. If sink_size > 0, each epoch the dataset can be traversed unlimited times until you get sink_size elements of the dataset. Next epoch continues to traverse from the end position of the previous traversal. Args: epoch (int): Generally, total number of iterations on the data per epoch. When `dataset_sink_mode` is set to true and `sink_size`>0, each epoch sink `sink_size` steps on the data instead of total number of iterations. train_dataset (Dataset): A training dataset iterator. If there is no `loss_fn`, a tuple with multiple data (data1, data2, data3, ...) should be returned and passed to the network. Otherwise, a tuple (data, label) should be returned. The data and label would be passed to the network and loss function respectively. test_dataset (Dataset): Dataset to evaluate the model. eval_interval (int): Specifies eval interval. callbacks (Union[list[Callback], Callback]): List of callback objects or callback object, which should be executed while training. Default: None. dataset_sink_mode (bool): Determines whether to pass the data through dataset channel. Default: True. Configure pynative mode or CPU, the training process will be performed with dataset not sink. Default: True. sink_size (int): Control the amount of data in each sink. If sink_size = -1, sink the complete dataset for each epoch. If sink_size > 0, sink sink_size data for each epoch. If dataset_sink_mode is False, set sink_size as invalid. Default: -1. Examples: >>> # For details about how to build the dataset, please refer to the tutorial >>> # document on the official website. >>> dataset = create_custom_dataset() >>> solver.train_with_eval(20, dataset, dataset, 10) """ if self._mode == "PINNs" and not self._test_constraints: raise ValueError("test_constraints cannot be None while train_with_eval in PINNs mode") eval_callback = EvalCallback(self.model, test_dataset, eval_interval) if not callbacks: callbacks = [eval_callback] else: callbacks.append(eval_callback) self.model.train(epoch, train_dataset, callbacks=callbacks, dataset_sink_mode=dataset_sink_mode, sink_size=sink_size)
[文档] def eval(self, valid_dataset, callbacks=None, dataset_sink_mode=True): """ Evaluation API where the iteration is controlled by python front-end. Configure to pynative mode or CPU, the evaluating process will be performed with dataset non-sink mode. Note: If dataset_sink_mode is True, data will be sent to device. If device is Ascend, features of data will be transferred one by one. The limitation of data transmission per time is 256M. Args: valid_dataset (Dataset): Dataset to evaluate the model. callbacks (Optional[list(Callback)]): List of callback objects which should be executed while training. Default: None. dataset_sink_mode (bool): Determines whether to pass the data through dataset channel. Default: True. Returns: Dict, whose key is name of metric and value is value of metric. Examples: >>> # For details about how to build the dataset, please refer to the tutorial >>> # document on the official website. >>> dataset = create_custom_dataset() >>> acc = solver.eval(dataset, dataset_sink_mode=False) """ if self._mode == "PINNs" and not self._test_constraints: raise ValueError("test_constraints cannot be None while eval in PINNs mode") return self.model.eval(valid_dataset, callbacks=callbacks, dataset_sink_mode=dataset_sink_mode)
[文档] def predict(self, *predict_data): """ Calculate model predictions based on input. Note: This is a pre-compile function. The arguments should be the same with model.predict() function. Args: predict_data (Union[Tensor, tuple(Tensor)]): The predict data can be tensor or tuple of tensor. Returns: Tensor, array(s) of predictions. Raises: TypeError: if predict_data is not Tensor or tuple of tensor. Examples: >>> input_data = Tensor(np.random.randint(0, 255, [1, 1, 32, 32]), mindspore.float32) >>> result = solver.predict(input_data) >>> print(result.shape) (1, 10) """ if isinstance(predict_data, tuple): for item in predict_data: if not isinstance(item, Tensor): raise TypeError("The element of predict_data should be tensor, but got {}".format(type(item))) else: if not isinstance(predict_data, Tensor): raise TypeError("predict_data should be Tensor or tuple of tensor but got {}" .format(type(predict_data))) return self._network(*predict_data)