mindelec.loss.net_with_loss 源代码

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# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
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#pylint: disable=C0111
Define net_with_loss cell
from __future__ import absolute_import

import numpy as np
from mindspore import log as logger
from mindspore import nn
from mindspore import ops
from mindspore import Tensor, Parameter

from .losses import get_loss_metric
from .constraints import Constraints
from ..architecture.util import check_mode

def _transfer_tensor_to_tuple(inputs):
    If the input is a tensor, convert it to a tuple. If not, the output is unchanged.
    if isinstance(inputs, Tensor):
        return (inputs,)

    return inputs

[文档]class NetWithLoss(nn.Cell): r""" Encapsulation class of network with loss. Args: net_without_loss (Cell): The training network without loss definition. constraints (Constraints): The constraints function of pde problem. loss (Union[str, dict, Cell]): The name of loss function, e.g. "l1", "l2" and "mae". Default: "l2". dataset_input_map (dict): The input map of the dataset. If it takes "None", the first column will be set as input. Default: None. mtl_weighted_cell (Cell): Losses weighting algorithms based on multi-task learning uncertainty evaluation. Default: None. latent_vector (Parameter): Tensor of Parameter. The latent vector to encodes the variational parameters in governing equation. It will be concated with the sampling data togother as final network inputs. Default: None. latent_reg (float): The regularization coefficient of latent vector. Default: 0.01. Inputs: - **inputs** (Tensor) - The input is variable-length argument which contains network inputs. Outputs: Tensor, a scalar tensor with shape :math:`(1,)`. Supported Platforms: ``Ascend`` Examples: >>> import numpy as np >>> from mindelec.loss import Constraints, NetWithLoss >>> from mindspore import Tensor, nn >>> class Net(nn.Cell): ... def __init__(self, input_dim, output_dim): ... super(NetWithoutLoss, self).__init__() ... self.fc1 = nn.Dense(input_dim, 64) ... self.fc2 = nn.Dense(64, output_dim) ... ... def construct(self, *input): ... x = input[0] ... out = self.fc1(x) ... out = self.fc2(out) ... return out >>> net = Net(3, 3) >>> # For details about how to build the Constraints, please refer to the tutorial >>> # document on the official website. >>> constraints = Constraints(dataset, pde_dict) >>> loss_network = NetWithLoss(net, constraints) >>> input = Tensor(np.ones([1000, 3]).astype(np.float32) * 0.01) >>> label = Tensor(np.ones([1000, 3]).astype(np.float32)) >>> output_data = loss_network(input, label) """ def __init__(self, net_without_loss, constraints, loss="l2", dataset_input_map=None, mtl_weighted_cell=None, latent_vector=None, latent_reg=0.01): super(NetWithLoss, self).__init__(auto_prefix=False) check_mode("NetWithLoss") _check_type(net_without_loss, "net_without_loss", nn.Cell, False) _check_type(constraints, "constraints", Constraints, False) _check_type(loss, "loss", (str, dict, nn.Cell), False) _check_type(dataset_input_map, "dataset_input_map", dict) _check_type(mtl_weighted_cell, "mtl_weighted_cell", nn.Cell) _check_type(latent_vector, "latent_vector", Parameter) _check_type(latent_reg, "latent_reg", float) self.fn_cell_list = constraints.fn_cell_list self.dataset_cell_index_map = constraints.dataset_cell_index_map self.dataset_columns_map = constraints.dataset_columns_map self.column_index_map = constraints.column_index_map self.net_without_loss = net_without_loss self.loss_fn_dict = {} if dataset_input_map is None: logger.info("The input columns was not defined, the first column will be set as input") self.dataset_input_map = {} for name in self.dataset_columns_map.keys(): self.dataset_input_map[name] = [self.dataset_columns_map[name][0]] else: if len(dataset_input_map.keys()) != len(self.dataset_cell_index_map.keys()): raise ValueError("Inconsistent dataset input columns info, total datasets number is {}, but only {} " "sub-dataset's inputs were defined".format(len(self.dataset_cell_index_map.keys()), len(dataset_input_map.keys()))) input_number = len(dataset_input_map[list(dataset_input_map.keys())[0]]) for data_name in dataset_input_map.keys(): if len(dataset_input_map[data_name]) != input_number: raise ValueError("Number of inputs of each dataset should be equal, but got: {}".format( [len(dataset_input_map[key]) for key in dataset_input_map.keys()])) self.dataset_input_map = dataset_input_map logger.info("Check input columns of each dataset: {}".format(self.dataset_input_map)) if not isinstance(loss, dict): loss_fn = get_loss_metric(loss) if isinstance(loss, str) else loss for name in self.dataset_columns_map.keys(): self.loss_fn_dict[name] = loss_fn else: for name in self.dataset_columns_map.keys(): if name in loss.keys(): self.loss_fn_dict[name] = get_loss_metric(loss[name]) if isinstance(loss[name], str) \ else loss[name] else: self.loss_fn_dict[name] = get_loss_metric("l2") self.zero = Tensor(np.array([0]).astype(np.float32)) self.zeros_like = ops.ZerosLike() self.reduce_mean = ops.ReduceMean() self.pow = ops.Pow() self.mtl_cell = mtl_weighted_cell self.latent_vector = latent_vector self.latent_reg = latent_reg def construct(self, *inputs): data = _transfer_tensor_to_tuple(inputs) loss = {} total_loss = self.zero for name in self.dataset_columns_map.keys(): columns_list = self.dataset_columns_map[name] input_data = {} for column_name in columns_list: input_data[column_name] = data[self.column_index_map[column_name]] net_input = () for column_name in self.dataset_input_map[name]: net_input += (data[self.column_index_map[column_name]],) out = self.net_without_loss(*net_input) out = _transfer_tensor_to_tuple(out) base = self.fn_cell_list[self.dataset_cell_index_map[name]](*out, **input_data) temp_loss = self.reduce_mean(self.loss_fn_dict[name](base, self.zeros_like(base))) loss[name] = temp_loss total_loss += temp_loss if self.mtl_cell is not None: total_loss = self.mtl_cell(loss.values()) if self.latent_vector is not None: loss_reg = self.latent_reg * self.reduce_mean(self.pow(self.latent_vector, 2)) loss["reg"] = loss_reg total_loss += loss_reg loss["total_loss"] = total_loss return total_loss
[文档]class NetWithEval(nn.Cell): r""" Encapsulation class of network with loss of eval. Args: net_without_loss (Cell): The training network without loss definition. constraints (Constraints): The constraints function of pde problem. loss(Union[str, dict, Cell]): The name of loss function, e.g. "l1", "l2" and "mae". Default: "l2". dataset_input_map (dict): The input map of the dataset Default: None. Inputs: - **inputs** (Tensor) - The input is variable-length argument which contains network inputs and label. Outputs: Tuple, containing a scalar loss Tensor, a network output Tensor of shape :math:`(N, \ldots)` and a label Tensor of shape :math:`(N, \ldots)`. Supported Platforms: ``Ascend`` Examples: >>> import numpy as np >>> from mindelec.loss import Constraints, NetWithEval >>> from mindspore import Tensor, nn >>> class Net(nn.Cell): ... def __init__(self, input_dim, output_dim): ... super(Net, self).__init__() ... self.fc1 = nn.Dense(input_dim, 64) ... self.fc2 = nn.Dense(64, output_dim) ... ... def construct(self, *input): ... x = input[0] ... out = self.fc1(x) ... out = self.fc2(out) ... return out >>> net = Net(3, 3) >>> # For details about how to build the Constraints, please refer to the tutorial >>> # document on the official website. >>> constraints = Constraints(dataset, pde_dict) >>> loss_network = NetWithEval(net, constraints) >>> input = Tensor(np.ones([1000, 3]).astype(np.float32) * 0.01) >>> label = Tensor(np.ones([1000, 3]).astype(np.float32)) >>> output_data = loss_network(input, label) """ def __init__(self, net_without_loss, constraints, loss="l2", dataset_input_map=None): super(NetWithEval, self).__init__(auto_prefix=False) check_mode("NetWithEval") _check_type(net_without_loss, "net_without_loss", nn.Cell, False) _check_type(constraints, "constraints", Constraints, False) _check_type(loss, "loss", (str, dict, nn.Cell), False) _check_type(dataset_input_map, "dataset_input_map", dict) self.fn_cell_list = constraints.fn_cell_list self.dataset_cell_index_map = constraints.dataset_cell_index_map self.dataset_columns_map = constraints.dataset_columns_map self.label_key = None self.column_index_map = constraints.column_index_map for key in self.column_index_map: if 'label' in key: self.label_key = key if self.label_key is None: raise NameError("The word 'label' should be in the column name of label.") self.net_without_loss = net_without_loss self.loss_fn_dict = {} if dataset_input_map is None: logger.info("The input columns was not defined, the first column will be set as input") self.dataset_input_map = {} for name in self.dataset_columns_map.keys(): self.dataset_input_map[name] = [self.dataset_columns_map[name][0]] else: if len(dataset_input_map.keys()) != len(self.dataset_cell_index_map.keys()): raise ValueError("Inconsistent eval dataset input columns info, total datasets number is {}, but only" " {} sub-dataset's inputs were defined".format(len(self.dataset_cell_index_map.keys()), len(dataset_input_map.keys()))) input_number = len(dataset_input_map[list(dataset_input_map.keys())[0]]) for data_name in dataset_input_map.keys(): if len(dataset_input_map[data_name]) != input_number: raise ValueError("Number of inputs of each eval dataset should be equal, but got: {}".format( [len(dataset_input_map[key]) for key in dataset_input_map.keys()])) self.dataset_input_map = dataset_input_map logger.info("Check input columns of each eval dataset: {}".format(self.dataset_input_map)) if not isinstance(loss, dict): loss_fn = get_loss_metric(loss) if isinstance(loss, str) else loss for name in self.dataset_columns_map.keys(): self.loss_fn_dict[name] = loss_fn else: for name in self.dataset_columns_map.keys(): if name in loss.keys(): self.loss_fn_dict[name] = get_loss_metric(loss[name]) if isinstance(loss[name], str) \ else loss[name] else: self.loss_fn_dict[name] = get_loss_metric("l2") self.zero = Tensor(np.array([0]).astype(np.float32)) self.zeros_like = ops.ZerosLike() self.reduce_mean = ops.ReduceMean() def construct(self, *inputs): data = _transfer_tensor_to_tuple(inputs) total_loss = self.zero out = 0 loss = {} for name in self.dataset_columns_map.keys(): columns_list = self.dataset_columns_map[name] input_data = {} for column_name in columns_list: input_data[column_name] = data[self.column_index_map[column_name]] net_input = () for column_name in self.dataset_input_map[name]: net_input += (data[self.column_index_map[column_name]],) out = self.net_without_loss(*net_input) out = _transfer_tensor_to_tuple(out) base = self.fn_cell_list[self.dataset_cell_index_map[name]](*out, **input_data) temp_loss = self.reduce_mean(self.loss_fn_dict[name](base, self.zeros_like(base))) loss[name] = temp_loss total_loss += temp_loss loss["total_loss"] = total_loss return loss["total_loss"], out[0], data[self.column_index_map[self.label_key]]
def _check_type(param, param_name, param_type, can_be_none=True): """check type""" if can_be_none: if param is not None and not isinstance(param, param_type): raise TypeError("The type of {} should be instance of {}, but got {}".format( param_name, param_type, type(param))) else: if not isinstance(param, param_type): raise TypeError("The type of {} should be instance of {}, but got {}".format( param_name, param_type, type(param)))