# Copyright 2019 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
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import numpy as np
from mindarmour.utils._check_param import check_model, check_pair_numpy_param, \
check_int_positive, check_param_type
from mindarmour.utils.logger import LogUtil
from ..attack import Attack
from .black_model import BlackModel
from .salt_and_pepper_attack import SaltAndPepperNoiseAttack
LOGGER = LogUtil.get_instance()
TAG = 'PointWiseAttack'
[docs]class PointWiseAttack(Attack):
The Pointwise Attack make sure use the minimum number of changed pixels to generate adversarial sample for each
original sample.Those changed pixels will use binary search to make sure the distance between adversarial sample
and original sample is as close as possible.
References: `L. Schott, J. Rauber, M. Bethge, W. Brendel: "Towards the
first adversarially robust neural network model on MNIST", ICLR (2019)
model (BlackModel): Target model.
max_iter (int): Max rounds of iteration to generate adversarial image. Default: 1000.
search_iter (int): Max rounds of binary search. Default: 10.
is_targeted (bool): If True, targeted attack. If False, untargeted attack. Default: False.
init_attack (Union[Attack, None]): Attack used to find a starting point. Default: None.
sparse (bool): If True, input labels are sparse-encoded. If False, input labels are one-hot-encoded.
Default: True.
>>> from mindspore import Tensor
>>> from mindarmour import BlackModel
>>> import mindspore.ops.operations as P
>>> from mindarmour.adv_robustness.attacks import PointWiseAttack
>>> class Net(nn.Cell):
... def __init__(self):
... super(Net, self).__init__()
... self._softmax = P.Softmax()
... self._reduce = P.ReduceSum()
... self._squeeze = P.Squeeze(1)
... def construct(self, inputs):
... out = self._softmax(inputs)
... out = self._reduce(out, 2)
... out = self._squeeze(out)
... return out
>>> class ModelToBeAttacked(BlackModel):
... def __init__(self, network):
... super(ModelToBeAttacked, self).__init__()
... self._network = network
... def predict(self, inputs):
... result = self._network(Tensor(inputs.astype(np.float32)))
... return result.asnumpy()
>>> net = Net()
>>> np.random.seed(5)
>>> model = ModelToBeAttacked(net)
>>> attack = PointWiseAttack(model)
>>> x_test = np.asarray(np.random.random((1,1,32,32)), np.float32)
>>> y_test = np.random.randint(0, 3, size=1)
>>> is_adv_list, adv_list, query_times_each_adv = attack.generate(x_test, y_test)
def __init__(self, model, max_iter=1000, search_iter=10, is_targeted=False, init_attack=None, sparse=True):
super(PointWiseAttack, self).__init__()
self._model = check_model('model', model, BlackModel)
self._max_iter = check_int_positive('max_iter', max_iter)
self._search_iter = check_int_positive('search_iter', search_iter)
self._is_targeted = check_param_type('is_targeted', is_targeted, bool)
if init_attack is None:
self._init_attack = SaltAndPepperNoiseAttack(model, is_targeted=self._is_targeted)
self._init_attack = init_attack
self._sparse = check_param_type('sparse', sparse, bool)
[docs] def generate(self, inputs, labels):
Generate adversarial examples based on input samples and targeted labels.
inputs (numpy.ndarray): Benign input samples used as references to create adversarial examples.
labels (numpy.ndarray): For targeted attack, labels are adversarial target labels.
For untargeted attack, labels are ground-truth labels.
- numpy.ndarray, bool values for each attack result.
- numpy.ndarray, generated adversarial examples.
- numpy.ndarray, query times for each sample.
arr_x, arr_y = check_pair_numpy_param('inputs', inputs, 'labels', labels)
if not self._sparse:
arr_y = np.argmax(arr_y, axis=1)
ini_bool, ini_advs, ini_count = self._initialize_starting_point(arr_x, arr_y)
is_adv_list = list()
adv_list = list()
query_times_each_adv = list()
for sample, sample_label, start_adv, ite_bool, ite_c in zip(arr_x, arr_y, ini_advs, ini_bool, ini_count):
if ite_bool:
LOGGER.info(TAG, 'Start optimizing.')
ori_label = np.argmax(self._model.predict(np.expand_dims(sample, axis=0))[0])
ini_label = np.argmax(self._model.predict(np.expand_dims(start_adv, axis=0))[0])
is_adv, adv_x, query_times = self._decision_optimize(sample, sample_label, start_adv)
adv_label = np.argmax(self._model.predict(np.expand_dims(adv_x, axis=0))[0])
LOGGER.info(TAG, 'before ini attack label is :{}'.format(ori_label))
LOGGER.info(TAG, 'after ini attack label is :{}'.format(ini_label))
LOGGER.info(TAG, 'INPUT optimize label is :{}'.format(sample_label))
LOGGER.info(TAG, 'after pointwise attack label is :{}'.format(adv_label))
query_times_each_adv.append(query_times + ite_c)
LOGGER.info(TAG, 'Initial sample is not adversarial, pass.')
is_adv_list = np.array(is_adv_list)
adv_list = np.array(adv_list)
query_times_each_adv = np.array(query_times_each_adv)
LOGGER.info(TAG, 'ret list is: {}'.format(adv_list))
return is_adv_list, adv_list, query_times_each_adv
def _decision_optimize(self, unperturbed_img, input_label, perturbed_img):
Make the perturbed samples more similar to unperturbed samples,
while maintaining the perturbed_label.
unperturbed_img (numpy.ndarray): Input sample as reference to create
adversarial example.
input_label (numpy.ndarray): Input label.
perturbed_img (numpy.ndarray): Starting point to optimize.
numpy.ndarray, a generated adversarial example.
ValueError: if input unperturbed and perturbed samples have different size.
query_count = 0
img_size = unperturbed_img.size
img_shape = unperturbed_img.shape
perturbed_img = perturbed_img.reshape(-1)
unperturbed_img = unperturbed_img.reshape(-1)
recover = np.copy(perturbed_img)
if unperturbed_img.dtype != perturbed_img.dtype:
msg = 'unperturbed sample and perturbed sample must have the same' \
' dtype, but got dtype of unperturbed is: {}, dtype of perturbed ' \
'is: {}'.format(unperturbed_img.dtype, perturbed_img.dtype)
LOGGER.error(TAG, msg)
raise ValueError(msg)
l2_dis = np.linalg.norm(perturbed_img - unperturbed_img)
LOGGER.info(TAG, 'Before optimize, the l2 distance between original ' \
'sample and adversarial sample is: {}'.format(l2_dis))
# recover pixel if image is adversarial
for _ in range(self._max_iter):
is_improve = False
# at the premise of adversarial feature, recover pixels
pixels_ind = np.arange(img_size)
mask = unperturbed_img != perturbed_img
for ite_ind in pixels_ind:
if mask[ite_ind]:
recover[ite_ind] = unperturbed_img[ite_ind]
query_count += 1
is_adv = self._model.is_adversarial(recover.reshape(img_shape), input_label, self._is_targeted)
if is_adv:
is_improve = True
perturbed_img[ite_ind] = recover[ite_ind]
recover[ite_ind] = perturbed_img[ite_ind]
l2_dis = np.linalg.norm(perturbed_img - unperturbed_img)
if not is_improve or (np.square(l2_dis) / np.sqrt(len(pixels_ind)) <= self._get_threthod()):
LOGGER.debug(TAG, 'first round: Query count {}'.format(query_count))
LOGGER.debug(TAG, 'Starting binary searches.')
# tag the optimized pixels.
mask = unperturbed_img != perturbed_img
for _ in range(self._max_iter):
is_improve = False
pixels_ind = np.arange(img_size)
for ite_ind in pixels_ind:
if not mask[ite_ind]:
recover[ite_ind] = unperturbed_img[ite_ind]
query_count += 1
is_adv = self._model.is_adversarial(recover.reshape(img_shape), input_label, self._is_targeted)
if is_adv:
is_improve = True
mask[ite_ind] = False
perturbed_img[ite_ind] = recover[ite_ind]
l2_dis = np.linalg.norm(perturbed_img - unperturbed_img)
LOGGER.info(TAG, 'Reset {}th pixel value to original, l2 distance: {}.'.format(ite_ind, l2_dis))
# use binary searches
optimized_value, b_query = self._binary_search(perturbed_img,
input_label, img_shape)
query_count += b_query
if optimized_value != perturbed_img[ite_ind]:
is_improve = True
perturbed_img[ite_ind] = optimized_value
l2_dis = np.linalg.norm(perturbed_img - unperturbed_img)
LOGGER.info(TAG, 'Reset {}th pixel value to original, l2 distance: {}.'.format(ite_ind, l2_dis))
l2_dis = np.linalg.norm(perturbed_img - unperturbed_img)
if not is_improve or (np.square(l2_dis) / np.sqrt(len(pixels_ind)) <= self._get_threthod()):
LOGGER.info(TAG, 'second optimized finish.')
LOGGER.info(TAG, 'Optimized finished, query count is {}'.format(query_count))
# this method use to optimized the adversarial sample
return True, perturbed_img.reshape(img_shape), query_count
def _binary_search(self, perturbed_img, unperturbed_img, ite_ind, input_label, img_shape):
For original pixel of inputs, use binary search to get the nearest pixel
value with original value with adversarial feature.
perturbed_img (numpy.ndarray): Adversarial sample.
unperturbed_img (numpy.ndarray): Input sample.
ite_ind (int): The index of pixel in inputs.
input_label (numpy.ndarray): Input labels.
img_shape (tuple): Shape of the original sample.
float, adversarial pixel value.
query_count = 0
adv_value = perturbed_img[ite_ind]
non_adv_value = unperturbed_img[ite_ind]
for _ in range(self._search_iter):
next_value = (adv_value + non_adv_value) / 2
recover = np.copy(perturbed_img)
recover[ite_ind] = next_value
query_count += 1
is_adversarial = self._model.is_adversarial(
recover.reshape(img_shape), input_label, self._is_targeted)
if is_adversarial:
adv_value = next_value
non_adv_value = next_value
return adv_value, query_count
def _initialize_starting_point(self, inputs, labels):
Use init_attack to generate original adversarial inputs.
inputs (numpy.ndarray): Benign input sample used as references to create
adversarial examples.
labels (numpy.ndarray): If is targeted attack, labels is adversarial
labels, if is untargeted attack, labels is true labels.
numpy.ndarray, adversarial image(s) generate by init_attack method.
is_adv, start_adv, query_c = self._init_attack.generate(inputs, labels)
return is_adv, start_adv, query_c
def _get_threthod(self):
Return a float number, when distance small than this number,
optimize will abort early.
float, the optimized level, the smaller of number, the better
of adversarial sample.
predefined_threshold = 0.01
return predefined_threshold