
This module provides Suppress Privacy feature to protect user privacy.

class mindarmour.privacy.sup_privacy.MaskLayerDes(layer_name, grad_idx, is_add_noise, is_lower_clip, min_num, upper_bound=1.2)[source]

Describe the layer that need to be suppressed.

  • layer_name (str) –

    Layer name, get the name of one layer as following:

    for layer in networks.get_parameters(expand=True):
        if layer.name == "conv": ...

  • grad_idx (int) – Mask layer’s index in grad tuple.You can refer to the construct function of TrainOneStepCell in mindarmour/privacy/sup_privacy/train/model.py to print the index of some specified grad layers in PYNATIVE_MODE.

  • is_add_noise (bool) – If True, the weight of this layer can add noise. If False, the weight of this layer can not add noise. If parameter num is greater than 100000, is_add_noise has no effect.

  • is_lower_clip (bool) – If True, the weights of this layer would be clipped to greater than an lower bound value. If False, the weights of this layer won’t be clipped. If parameter num is greater than 100000, is_lower_clip has no effect.

  • min_num (int) – The number of weights left that not be suppressed. If min_num is smaller than (parameter num*SupperssCtrl.sparse_end), min_num has not effect.

  • upper_bound (Union[float, int]) – max abs value of weight in this layer, default: 1.20. If parameter num is greater than 100000, upper_bound has not effect.


>>> from mindarmour.privacy.sup_privacy import MaskLayerDes
>>> masklayers = []
>>> masklayers.append(MaskLayerDes("conv1.weight", 0, False, True, 10))
class mindarmour.privacy.sup_privacy.SuppressCtrl(networks, mask_layers, end_epoch, batch_num, start_epoch, mask_times, lr, sparse_end, sparse_start)[source]

Complete suppress privacy operation, including computing suppress ration, finding the parameters that should be suppressed, and suppress these parameters permanently.

For details, please check Protecting User Privacy with Suppress Privacy.

  • networks (Cell) – The training network.

  • mask_layers (list) – Description of those layers that need to be suppressed.

  • end_epoch (int) – The last epoch in suppress operations.

  • batch_num (int) – The num of grad operation in an epoch.

  • start_epoch (int) – The first epoch in suppress operations.

  • mask_times (int) – The num of suppress operations.

  • lr (Union[float, int]) – Learning rate.

  • sparse_end (float) – The sparsity to reach.

  • sparse_start (Union[float, int]) – The sparsity to start.


Compute actually sparsity of network for conv1 layer and conv2 layer.


networks (Cell) – The training network.


Calculate actual sparse for full connection 1 layer


networks (Cell) – The training network.

calc_actual_sparse_for_layer(networks, layer_name)[source]

Compute actually sparsity of one network layer

  • networks (Cell) – The training network.

  • layer_name (str) – The name of target layer.


Compute actually sparsity of mask matrix for conv1 layer and conv2 layer.


Show parameters info


Set add mask arrays to be zero.

update_mask(networks, cur_step, target_sparse=0.0)[source]

Update add mask arrays and multiply mask arrays of network layers.

  • networks (Cell) – The training network.

  • cur_step (int) – Current epoch of the whole training process.

  • target_sparse (float) – The sparsity to reach. Default: 0.0.

update_mask_layer(weight_array_flat, sparse_weight_thd, sparse_stop_pos, weight_abs_max, layer_index)[source]

Update add mask arrays and multiply mask arrays of one single layer.

  • weight_array_flat (numpy.ndarray) – The weight array of layer’s parameters.

  • sparse_weight_thd (float) – The weight threshold of sparse operation.

  • sparse_stop_pos (int) – The maximum number of elements to be suppressed.

  • weight_abs_max (float) – The maximum absolute value of weights.

  • layer_index (int) – The index of target layer.

update_mask_layer_approximity(weight_array_flat, weight_array_flat_abs, actual_stop_pos, layer_index)[source]

Update add mask arrays and multiply mask arrays of one single layer with many parameter. Disable clipping lower, clipping, adding noise operation

  • weight_array_flat (numpy.ndarray) – The weight array of layer’s parameters.

  • weight_array_flat_abs (numpy.ndarray) – The abs weight array of layer’s parameters.

  • actual_stop_pos (int) – The actually para num should be suppressed.

  • layer_index (int) – The index of target layer.

update_status(cur_epoch, cur_step, cur_step_in_epoch)[source]

Update the suppress operation status.

  • cur_epoch (int) – Current epoch of the whole training process.

  • cur_step (int) – Current step of the whole training process.

  • cur_step_in_epoch (int) – Current step of the current epoch.

class mindarmour.privacy.sup_privacy.SuppressMasker(model, suppress_ctrl)[source]

Periodicity check suppress privacy function status and toggle suppress operation. For details, please check Protecting User Privacy with Suppression Privacy.



>>> import mindspore.nn as nn
>>> import mindspore as ms
>>> from mindspore import set_context
>>> from mindspore.nn import Accuracy
>>> from mindarmour.privacy.sup_privacy import SuppressModel
>>> from mindarmour.privacy.sup_privacy import SuppressMasker
>>> from mindarmour.privacy.sup_privacy import SuppressPrivacyFactory
>>> from mindarmour.privacy.sup_privacy import MaskLayerDes
>>> class Net(nn.Cell):
...     def __init__(self):
...         super(Net, self).__init__()
...         self._softmax = ops.Softmax()
...         self._Dense = nn.Dense(10,10)
...         self._squeeze = ops.Squeeze(1)
...     def construct(self, inputs):
...         out = self._softmax(inputs)
...         out = self._Dense(out)
...         return self._squeeze(out)
>>> set_context(mode=ms.PYNATIVE_MODE, device_target="GPU")
>>> network = Net()
>>> masklayers = []
>>> masklayers.append(MaskLayerDes("_Dense.weight", 0, False, True, 10))
>>> suppress_ctrl_instance = SuppressPrivacyFactory().create(networks=network,
...                                                          mask_layers=masklayers,
...                                                          policy="local_train",
...                                                          end_epoch=10,
...                                                          batch_num=1,
...                                                          start_epoch=3,
...                                                          mask_times=10,
...                                                          lr=0.05,
...                                                          sparse_end=0.95,
...                                                          sparse_start=0.0)
>>> net_loss = nn.SoftmaxCrossEntropyWithLogits(sparse=True, reduction="mean")
>>> net_opt = nn.SGD(network.trainable_params(), 0.05)
>>> model_instance = SuppressModel(network=network,
...                                loss_fn=net_loss,
...                                optimizer=net_opt,
...                                metrics={"Accuracy": Accuracy()})
>>> model_instance.link_suppress_ctrl(suppress_ctrl_instance)
>>> masker_instance = SuppressMasker(model_instance, suppress_ctrl_instance)

Update mask matrix tensor used for SuppressModel instance.


run_context (RunContext) – Include some information of the model.

class mindarmour.privacy.sup_privacy.SuppressModel(network, loss_fn, optimizer, **kwargs)[source]

Suppress privacy training model, which is overload from mindspore.train.model.Model.

For details, please check Protecting User Privacy with Suppress Privacy.

  • network (Cell) – The training network.

  • loss_fn (Cell) – Loss function of optimizers.

  • optimizer (Optimizer) – optimizer instance.

  • kwargs – Keyword parameters used for creating a suppress model.

Link self and SuppressCtrl instance.


suppress_pri_ctrl (SuppressCtrl) – SuppressCtrl instance.

class mindarmour.privacy.sup_privacy.SuppressPrivacyFactory[source]

Factory class of SuppressCtrl mechanisms.

For details, please check Protecting User Privacy with Suppress Privacy.

static create(networks, mask_layers, policy='local_train', end_epoch=10, batch_num=20, start_epoch=3, mask_times=1000, lr=0.05, sparse_end=0.9, sparse_start=0.0)[source]
  • networks (Cell) – The training network. This networks parameter should be same as ‘network’ parameter of SuppressModel().

  • mask_layers (list) – Description of the training network layers that need to be suppressed.

  • policy (str) – Training policy for suppress privacy training. Default: “local_train”, means local training.

  • end_epoch (int) – The last epoch in suppress operations, 0<start_epoch<=end_epoch<=100. Default: 10. This end_epoch parameter should be same as ‘epoch’ parameter of mindspore.train.model.train().

  • batch_num (int) – The num of batches in an epoch, should be equal to num_samples/batch_size. Default: 20.

  • start_epoch (int) – The first epoch in suppress operations, 0<start_epoch<=end_epoch<=100. Default: 3.

  • mask_times (int) – The num of suppress operations. Default: 1000.

  • lr (Union[float, int]) – Learning rate, should be unchanged during training. 0<lr<=0.50. Default: 0.05. This lr parameter should be same as ‘learning_rate’ parameter of mindspore.nn.SGD().

  • sparse_end (float) – The sparsity to reach, 0.0<=sparse_start<sparse_end<1.0. Default: 0.90.

  • sparse_start (Union[float, int]) – The sparsity to start, 0.0<=sparse_start<sparse_end<1.0. Default: 0.0.


SuppressCtrl, class of Suppress Privavy Mechanism.


>>> import mindspore.nn as nn
>>> import mindspore as ms
>>> from mindspore import set_context, ops
>>> from mindspore.nn import Accuracy
>>> from mindarmour.privacy.sup_privacy import SuppressPrivacyFactory
>>> from mindarmour.privacy.sup_privacy import MaskLayerDes
>>> from mindarmour.privacy.sup_privacy import SuppressModel
>>> class Net(nn.Cell):
...     def __init__(self):
...         super(Net, self).__init__()
...         self._softmax = ops.Softmax()
...         self._Dense = nn.Dense(10,10)
...         self._squeeze = ops.Squeeze(1)
...     def construct(self, inputs):
...         out = self._softmax(inputs)
...         out = self._Dense(out)
...         return self._squeeze(out)
>>> set_context(mode=ms.PYNATIVE_MODE, device_target="CPU")
>>> network = Net()
>>> masklayers = []
>>> masklayers.append(MaskLayerDes("_Dense.weight", 0, False, True, 10))
>>> suppress_ctrl_instance = SuppressPrivacyFactory().create(networks=network,
...                                                          mask_layers=masklayers,
...                                                          policy="local_train",
...                                                          end_epoch=10,
...                                                          batch_num=1,
...                                                          start_epoch=3,
...                                                          mask_times=10,
...                                                          lr=0.05,
...                                                          sparse_end=0.95,
...                                                          sparse_start=0.0)
>>> net_loss = nn.SoftmaxCrossEntropyWithLogits(sparse=True, reduction="mean")
>>> net_opt = nn.SGD(network.trainable_params(), 0.05)
>>> model_instance = SuppressModel(network=network,
...                                loss_fn=net_loss,
...                                optimizer=net_opt,
...                                metrics={"Accuracy": Accuracy()})
>>> model_instance.link_suppress_ctrl(suppress_ctrl_instance)