Class Concatenate

Inheritance Relationships

Base Type

Class Documentation

class Concatenate : public mindspore::dataset::TensorTransform

Concatenate all tensors into a single tensor.

Public Functions

explicit Concatenate(int8_t axis = 0, const MSTensor &prepend = {}, const MSTensor &append = {})


  • axis[in] Concatenate the tensors along given axis, only support 0 or -1 so far (default=0).

  • prepend[in] MSTensor to be prepended to the concatenated tensors (default={}).

  • append[in] MSTensor to be appended to the concatenated tensors (default={}).

/* Define operations */
mindspore::MSTensor append_MSTensor;
mindspore::MSTensor prepend_MSTensor;
auto concatenate_op = transforms::Concatenate(0, append_MSTensor, prepend_MSTensor);

/* dataset is an instance of Dataset object */
dataset = dataset->Map({concatenate_op},   // operations
                       {"column"});        // input columns
~Concatenate() = default
