- class mindspore_gl.dataset.BlogCatalog(root)[source]
BlogCatalog Dataset, a source dataset for reading and parsing BlogCatalog dataset.
About BlogCatalog dataset:
This is the data set crawled from BlogCatalog. BlogCatalog is a social blog directory website. This contains the friendship network crawled and group memberships. For easier understanding, all the contents are organized in CSV file format.
Nodes: 10,312
Edges: 333,983
Number of Classes: 39
Dataset can be download here: BlogCatalog .
You can organize the dataset files into the following directory structure and read by preprocess API.
. └── ppi ├── edges.csv ├── group-edges.csv ├── groups.csv └── nodes.csv
- Parameters
root (str) – path to the root directory that contains blog_catalog.npz.
- Raises
TypeError – if root is not a str.
RuntimeError – if root does not contain data files.
>>> from mindspore_gl.dataset.blog_catalog import BlogCatalog >>> root = "path/to/blog_catalog" >>> dataset = BlogCatalog(root)
- property adj_coo
Return the adjacency matrix of COO representation.
- Returns
numpy.ndarray, array of coo matrix.
>>> #dataset is an instance object of Dataset >>> node_label = dataset.adj_coo
- property adj_csr
Return the adjacency matrix of CSR representation.
- Returns
numpy.ndarray, array of csr matrix.
>>> #dataset is an instance object of Dataset >>> node_label = dataset.adj_csr
- property edge_count
Number of edges.
- Returns
int, length of csr col.
>>> #dataset is an instance object of Dataset >>> edge_count = dataset.edge_count
- property node_count
Number of nodes.
- Returns
int, length of csr row.
>>> #dataset is an instance object of Dataset >>> node_count = dataset.node_count
- property node_label
Ground truth labels of each node.
- Returns
numpy.ndarray, array of node label.
>>> #dataset is an instance object of Dataset >>> node_label = dataset.node_label
- property num_classes
Number of label classes.
- Returns
int, the number of classes.
>>> #dataset is an instance object of Dataset >>> num_classes = dataset.num_classes
- property vocab
ID of each node.
- Returns
numpy.ndarray, array of node id.
>>> #dataset is an instance object of Dataset >>> node_label = dataset.vocab