Cloud-based Deployment

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The following uses LeNet as an example to describe how to use MindSpore to deploy a federated learning cluster.

You can download the complete demo from here.

The following figure shows the physical architecture of the MindSpore Federated Learning (FL) Server cluster:


As shown in the preceding figure, in the federated learning cloud cluster, there are two MindSpore process roles: Federated Learning Scheduler and Federated Learning Server:

  • Federated Learning Scheduler

    Scheduler provides the following functions:

    1. Cluster networking assistance: During cluster initialization, the Scheduler collects server information and ensures cluster consistency.

    2. Open management plane: You can manage clusters through the RESTful APIs.

    In a federated learning task, there is only one Scheduler, which communicates with the Server using the TCP proprietary protocol.

  • Federated Learning Server

    Server executes federated learning tasks, receives and parses data from devices, and provides capabilities such as secure aggregation, time-limited communication, and model storage. In a federated learning task, users can configure multiple Servers which communicate with each other through the TCP proprietary protocol and open HTTP ports for device-side connection.

    In the MindSpore federated learning framework, Server also supports auto scaling and disaster recovery, and can dynamically schedule hardware resources without interrupting training tasks.

Scheduler and Server must be deployed on a server or container with a single NIC and in the same network segment. MindSpore automatically obtains the first available IP address as the Server IP address.

The servers will verify the timestamp carried by the clients. It is necessary to eunsure the servers are periodically time synchronized to avoid a large time offset.


Installing MindSpore

The MindSpore federated learning cloud cluster supports deployment on x86 CPU and GPU CUDA hardware platforms. Run commands provided by the MindSpore Installation to install the latest MindSpore.

Defining a Model

To facilitate deployment, the Scheduler and Server processes of MindSpore federated learning can reuse the training script. You can select different startup modes by referring to Configuring Parameters.

This tutorial uses LeNet as an example. For details about the network structure, loss function, and optimizer definition, see LeNet sample code.

Configuring Parameters

The MindSpore federated learning task process reuses the training script. You only need to use the same script to transfer different parameters through the Python API set_fl_context and start different MindSpore process roles. For details about the parameter configuration, see MindSpore API.

After parameter configuration and before training, call the set_fl_context API as follows:

import mindspore.context as context

enable_fl = True
server_mode = "FEDERATED_LEARNING"
ms_role = "MS_SERVER"
server_num = 4
scheduler_ip = ""
scheduler_port = 6667
fl_server_port = 6668
fl_name = "LeNet"
scheduler_manage_port = 11202
config_file_path = "./config.json"

fl_ctx = {
    "enable_fl": enable_fl,
    "server_mode": server_mode,
    "ms_role": ms_role,
    "server_num": server_num,
    "scheduler_ip": scheduler_ip,
    "scheduler_port": scheduler_port,
    "fl_server_port": fl_server_port,
    "fl_name": fl_name,
    "scheduler_manage_port": scheduler_manage_port,
    "config_file_path": config_file_path


In this example, the training task mode is set to federated learning (FEDERATED_LEARNING), and the training process role is Server. In this task, 4 Servers need to be started to complete the cluster networking. The IP address of the cluster Scheduler is, the cluster Scheduler port number is 6667, the HTTP service port number of federated learning is 6668 (connected by the device), the task name is LeNet, and the cluster Scheduler management port number is 11202.

Some parameters are used by either Scheduler (for example, scheduler_manage_port) or Server (for example, fl_server_port). To facilitate deployment, transfer these parameters together to MindSpore. MindSpore reads different parameters based on process roles. You are advised to import the parameter configuration through the Python argparse module:

import argparse

parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument("--server_mode", type=str, default="FEDERATED_LEARNING")
parser.add_argument("--ms_role", type=str, default="MS_SERVER")
parser.add_argument("--server_num", type=int, default=4)
parser.add_argument("--scheduler_ip", type=str, default="")
parser.add_argument("--scheduler_port", type=int, default=6667)
parser.add_argument("--fl_server_port", type=int, default=6668)
parser.add_argument("--fl_name", type=str, default="LeNet")
parser.add_argument("--scheduler_manage_port", type=int, default=11202)
parser.add_argument("--config_file_path", type=str, default="")

args, t = parser.parse_known_args()
server_mode = args.server_mode
ms_role = args.ms_role
server_num = args.server_num
scheduler_ip = args.scheduler_ip
scheduler_port = args.scheduler_port
fl_server_port = args.fl_server_port
fl_name = args.fl_name
scheduler_manage_port = args.scheduler_manage_port
config_file_path = args.config_file_path

Each Python script corresponds to a process. If multiple Server roles need to be deployed on different hosts, you can use shell commands and Python to quickly start multiple Server processes. You can refer to the examples.

Each Server process needs a unique identifier MS_NODE_ID which should be set by environment variable. In this tutorial, this environment variable has been set in the script

Starting a Cluster

Start the cluster by referring to the examples. An example directory structure is as follows:

├── config.json
├── src
│   └──

Descriptions of the documents:

  • config.json: The config file, which is used to configure security, disaster recovery, etc.

  • This script is used to stop the cluster.

  • Launch scheduler.

  • Launch server.

  • The model.

  • Training script.

  1. Start the Scheduler. is a Python script provided for you to start Scheduler and supports configuration modification through passing the argparse parameter. Run the following command to start the Scheduler of the federated learning task. The TCP port number is 6667, the HTTP service port number starts with 6668, the number of Server is 4, and the management port number of the cluster Scheduler is 11202:

    python --scheduler_ip= --scheduler_port=6667 --fl_server_port=6668 --server_num=4 --scheduler_manage_port=11202 --config_file_path=$PWD/config.json
  2. Start the Servers. is a Python script provided for you to start multiple Servers and supports configuration modification through passing the argparse parameter. Run the following command to start the Servers of the federated learning task. The TCP port number is 6667, the HTTP service port number starts with 6668, the number of Server is 4, and the number of devices required for the federated learning task is 8.

    python --scheduler_ip= --scheduler_port=6667 --fl_server_port=6668 --server_num=4 --start_fl_job_threshold=8 --config_file_path=$PWD/config.json

    The preceding command is equivalent to starting four Server processes, of which the federated learning service port numbers are 6668, 6669, 6670, and 6671. For details, see

    If you only want to deploy Scheduler and Server in a standalone system, change the scheduler_ip to

    To distribute the Servers on different physical nodes, you can use the local_server_num parameter to specify the number of Server processes to be executed on the current node.

    #Start three `Server` processes on node 1.
    python --scheduler_ip={ip_address_node_1} --scheduler_port=6667 --fl_server_port=6668 --server_num=4 --start_fl_job_threshold=8 --local_server_num=3 --config_file_path=$PWD/config.json
    #Start one `Server` process on node 2.
    python --scheduler_ip={ip_address_node_2} --scheduler_port=6667 --fl_server_port=6668 --server_num=4 --start_fl_job_threshold=8 --local_server_num=1 --config_file_path=$PWD/config.json

    The log is displayed as follows:

    Server started successfully.

    If the preceding information is displayed, it indicates that the startup is successful.

    In the preceding commands for distributed deployment, all values of server_num are set to 4. This is because this parameter indicates the number of global Servers in the cluster and should not change with the number of physical nodes. Servers on different nodes do not need to be aware of their own IP addresses. The cluster consistency and node discovery are scheduled by Scheduler.

  3. Stop federated learning.

    Currently, is used to stop the federated learning server. Run the following command to stop the federated learning cluster. The value of the scheduler_port parameter is the same as that passed when the server is started.

    python --scheduler_port=6667

    The result is as follows:

    killed $PID1
    killed $PID2
    killed $PID3
    killed $PID4
    killed $PID5
    killed $PID6
    killed $PID7
    killed $PID8

    The services are stopped successfully.

Auto Scaling

The MindSpore federated learning framework supports auto scaling of Server and provides the RESTful service through the Scheduler management port. In this way, you can dynamically schedule hardware resources without interrupting training tasks. Currently, MindSpore supports only horizontal scaling (scale-out or scale-in) and does not support vertical scaling (scale-up or scale-down). In the auto scaling scenario, the number of Server processes either increases or decreases according to user settings.

The following describes how to control cluster scale-in and scale-out using the native RESTful APIs.

  1. Scale-out

    After the cluster is started, enter the machine where the scheduler node is deployed and send a scale-out request to Scheduler. Use the curl instruction to construct a RESTful scale-out request, indicating that two Server nodes need to be added to the cluster.

    curl -i -X POST \
    -H "Content-Type:application/json" \
    -d \
    }' \

    Start 2 new Server processes and the node_id of the expanded Server cannot be the same as the node_id of the existing Server, add up the values of server_num to ensure that the global networking information is correct. After the scale-out, the value of server_num should be 6.

    python --node_id=scale_node --scheduler_ip= --scheduler_port=6667 --fl_server_port=6672 --server_num=6 --start_fl_job_threshold=8 --local_server_num=2 --config_file_path=$PWD/config.json

    This command is used to start two Server nodes. The port numbers of the federated learning services are 6672 and 6673, and the total number of Servers is 6.

  2. Scale-in

    After the cluster is started, enter the machine where the scheduler node is deployed and send a scale-in request to Scheduler. Obtain the node information to perform the scale-in operation on specific nodes.

    curl -i -X GET \

    The scheduler will return the query results in the json format:

        "code": 0,
        "message": "Get nodes info successful.",
        "nodeIds": [
                "alive": "true",
                "nodeId": "3",
                "rankId": "3",
                "role": "SERVER"
                "alive": "true",
                "nodeId": "0",
                "rankId": "0",
                "role": "SERVER"
                "alive": "true",
                "nodeId": "2",
                "rankId": "2",
                "role": "SERVER"
                "alive": "true",
                "nodeId": "1",
                "rankId": "1",
                "role": "SERVER"
                "alive": "true",
                "nodeId": "20",
                "rankId": "0",
                "role": "SCHEDULER"

    Select Rank3 and Rank2 for scale-in.

    curl -i -X POST \
    -H "Content-Type:application/json" \
    -d \
    "node_ids": ["2", "3"]
    }' \
  • After the cluster scale-out or scale-in is successful, the training task is automatically restored. No manual intervention is required.

  • You can use a cluster management tool (such as Kubernetes) to create or release Server resources.

  • After scale-in, the process scaled in will not exit. You need to use the cluster management tool (such as Kubernetes) or command kill -15 $PID to control the process to exit. Please note that you need to query the cluster status from the ‘scheduler’ node and wait for the cluster status to be set to CLUSTER_READY, the reduced node can be recycled.

Disaster Recovery

After a node in the MindSpore federated learning cluster goes offline, you can keep the cluster online without exiting the training task. After the node is restarted, you can resume the training task. Currently, MindSpore supports disaster recovery for Server nodes (except Server 0).

To enable disaster recovery, the fields below should be added to the config.json set by config_file_path:

    "recovery": {
        "storage_type": 1,
        "storge_file_path": "config.json"
  • recovery: If this field is set, the disaster recovery feature is enabled.

  • storage_type: Persistent storage type. Only 1 is supported currently which represents file storage.

  • storage_file_path: The recovery file path.

The node restart command is similar to the scale-out command. After the node is manually brought offline, run the following command:

python --scheduler_ip= --scheduler_port=6667 --fl_server_port=6673 --server_num=6 --start_fl_job_threshold=8 --local_server_num=1 --config_file_path=$PWD/config.json

This command indicates that the Server is restarted. The federated learning service port number is 6673.

MindSpore does not support disaster recovery after the auto scaling command is successfully delivered and before the scaling service is complete.

After recovery, the restarted node’s MS_NODE_ID variable should be the same as the one which exited in exception to ensure the networking recovery.