mindspore.scipy.fft 源代码

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"""fft operations, the function docs are adapted from Scipy API."""
from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import division

from mindspore.ops.auto_generate import DCT
from mindspore.ops._primitive_cache import _get_cache_prim
from mindspore.scipy.utils import _raise_value_error

__all__ = ['dct', 'idct']

[文档]def dct(x, type=2, n=None, axis=-1, norm=None): """ Compute the Discrete Cosine Transform of input tensor x. Note: - only support type 2 Discrete Cosine Transform currently. - `dct` used only for `mindscience` kit. - `dct` dost not support Windows platform. Args: x (Tensor): Tensor to apply Discrete Cosine Transform. type (int, optional): Type of the DCT. Optional Value: {1, 2, 3, 4}, see `'A Fast Cosine Transform in One and Two Dimensions', by J. Makhoul, IEEE Transactions on acoustics, speech and signal processing vol. 28(1), pp. 27-34, <https://doi.org/10.1109/TASSP.1980.1163351>`_ . Default: ``2`` . n (int, optional): Length of the transform. If n < x.shape[axis], x is truncated. If n > x.shape[axis], x is zero-padded. Default: ``n = x.shape[axis]`` . axis (int, optional): Axis along which the dct is computed. Default: ``-1`` . norm (str, optional): Normalization mode, Optional Value: {"BACKWARD", "FORWARD", "ORTHO"}. Default: ``"ORTHO"`` . Returns: Tensor, the result of Discrete Cosine Transform of x. Raises: TypeError: If the `x` type is not Tensor. TypeError: If `n` or `dim` type is not int. ValueError: If `axis` is not in the range of "[ `-x.ndim` , `x.ndim` )". ValueError: If `n` is less than 1. ValueError: If `norm` is not in {"BACKWARD", "FORWARD", "ORTHO"}. Supported Platforms: ``Ascend`` ``CPU`` Examples: >>> from mindspore.scipy.fft import dct >>> from mindspore import Tensor >>> x = Tensor([1, 2, 3]) >>> output = dct(x) >>> print(output) [ 1.20000000e+01 -3.46410162e+00 3.33066907e-15] """ if type != 2: raise NotImplementedError('Only DCT type 2 is implemented') if n is None: n = -1 if norm is None: norm = "BACKWARD" dct_op = _get_cache_prim(DCT)() return dct_op(x, type, n, axis, norm, True, False)
[文档]def idct(x, type=2, n=None, axis=-1, norm=None): """ Compute the inversed Discrete Cosine Transform of input tensor x. Note: - only support type 2 inversed Discrete Cosine Transform currently. - `norm` only support ``'ORTHO'`` (the transform will be orthogonalized). - `idct` used only for `mindscience` kit. - `idct` dost not support Windows platform. Args: x (Tensor): Tensor to apply inversed Discrete Cosine Transform. type (int, optional): Type of the inversed DCT. Optional Value: {1, 2, 3, 4}, see `'A Fast Cosine Transform in One and Two Dimensions', by J. Makhoul, IEEE Transactions on acoustics, speech and signal processing vol. 28(1), pp. 27-34, <https://doi.org/10.1109/TASSP.1980.1163351>`_ . Default: ``2`` . n (int, optional): Length of the transform. If :math:`n < x.shape[axis]`, x is truncated. If :math:`n > x.shape[axis]`, x is zero-padded. Default: ``n = x.shape[axis]`` . axis (int, optional): Axis along which the idct is computed. Default: ``-1`` . norm (str, optional): Normalization mode, only support ``"ORTHO"`` now. Default: ``"ORTHO"`` . Returns: Tensor, the result of inversed Discrete Cosine Transform of x. Raises: TypeError: If the `x` type is not Tensor. TypeError: If `n` or `dim` type is not int. ValueError: If `axis` is not in the range of :math:`[-x.ndim, x.ndim)`. ValueError: If `n` is less than 1. ValueError: If `norm` is not "ORTHO". Supported Platforms: ``Ascend`` ``CPU`` Examples: >>> from mindspore.scipy.fft import idct >>> from mindspore import Tensor >>> x = Tensor([1, 2, 3]) >>> output = idct(x) >>> print(output) [ 3.2163087 -1.87213947 0.38788158] """ if type != 2: raise NotImplementedError('Only DCT type 2 is implemented') if n is None: n = -1 if norm is None: norm = "ORTHO" norm = norm.upper() if norm != "ORTHO": _raise_value_error(f'norm should be \"ORTHO\", but got {norm}') dct_op = _get_cache_prim(DCT)() return dct_op(x, type, n, axis, norm, False, False)