Source code for mindspore.profiler.profiling

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# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
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# ============================================================================
"""Profiling api file."""
import os
import stat
import time
import json
from google.protobuf.json_format import MessageToJson

from mindspore import log as logger, context
from import GlobalComm, get_rank, get_group_size
import mindspore._c_expression as c_expression
import mindspore._c_dataengine as cde
from mindspore.train.profiling_parallel_pb2 import ProfilingParallel
from mindspore.profiler.common.exceptions.exceptions import ProfilerFileNotFoundException, \
    ProfilerIOException, ProfilerException, ProfilerRawFileException
from mindspore.profiler.common.exceptions.exceptions import ProfilerPathErrorException
from mindspore.profiler.common.exceptions.exceptions import ProfilerDirNotFoundException
from mindspore.profiler.common.util import get_file_path, fwrite_format
from mindspore.profiler.common.validator.validate_path import \
from mindspore.profiler.parser.aicpu_data_parser import DataPreProcessParser
from mindspore.profiler.parser.framework_parser import FrameworkParser
from mindspore.profiler.parser.hwts_log_parser import HWTSLogParser
from mindspore.profiler.parser.integrator import Integrator, DeviceTarget
from mindspore.profiler.parser.integrator import GpuTimelineGenerator, CpuTimelineGenerator, AscendTimelineGenerator
from mindspore.profiler.parser.memory_usage_parser import MemoryUsageParser
from mindspore.profiler.parser.minddata_parser import MinddataParser
from mindspore.profiler.parser.minddata_analyzer import MinddataProfilingAnalyzer
from mindspore.profiler.parser.flops_parser import FlopsParser
from mindspore.profiler.parser.minddata_pipeline_parser import \
from mindspore.profiler.parser.optime_parser import OPComputeTimeParser
from mindspore.profiler.parser.step_trace_parser import GpuStepTraceParser, AscendStepTraceParser
from mindspore.profiler.parser.hccl_parser import HcclParser
from mindspore.profiler.parser.op_intermediate_parser import OPIntermediateParser

INIT_OP_NAME = 'Default/InitDataSetQueue'

def _environment_check():
        raise RuntimeError("Profiler is not supported when MindSpore is compiled with \'-s on\'.")

[文档]class Profiler: """ MindSpore users can use this class to collect the performance of neural networks. Args: output_path (str, optional): Output data path. Default: "./data". profile_communication (bool, optional): (Ascend only) Whether to collect communication performance data in a multi devices training,collect when True. Setting this parameter has no effect during single device training. Default: False. profile_memory (bool, optional): (Ascend only) Whether to collect tensor memory data, collect when True. Default: False. start_profile (bool, optional): The start_profile parameter controls whether to enable or disable performance data collection based on conditions. Default: True. Raises: RuntimeError: When the version of CANN does not match the version of MindSpore, MindSpore cannot parse the generated ascend_job_id directory structure. Supported Platforms: ``Ascend`` ``GPU`` Examples: >>> import numpy as np >>> from mindspore import nn, context >>> from mindspore import Model >>> import mindspore.dataset as ds >>> from mindspore.profiler import Profiler >>> >>> >>> class Net(nn.Cell): ... def __init__(self): ... super(Net, self).__init__() ... self.fc = nn.Dense(2,2) ... def construct(self, x): ... return self.fc(x) >>> >>> def generator(): ... for i in range(2): ... yield (np.ones([2, 2]).astype(np.float32), np.ones([2]).astype(np.int32)) >>> >>> def train(net): ... optimizer = nn.Momentum(net.trainable_params(), 1, 0.9) ... loss = nn.SoftmaxCrossEntropyWithLogits(sparse=True) ... data = ds.GeneratorDataset(generator, ["data", "label"]) ... model = Model(net, loss, optimizer) ... model.train(1, data) >>> >>> if __name__ == '__main__': ... # If the device_target is GPU, set the device_target to "GPU" ... context.set_context(mode=context.GRAPH_MODE, device_target="Ascend") ... ... # Init Profiler ... # Note that the Profiler should be initialized after context.set_context and before model.train ... # If you are running in parallel mode on Ascend, the Profiler should be initialized before HCCL ... # initialized. ... profiler = Profiler() ... ... # Train Model ... net = Net() ... train(net) ... ... # Profiler end ... profiler.analyse() """ _hwts_output_filename_target = "output_format_data_hwts_" _opcompute_output_filename_target = "output_op_compute_time_" _aicpu_op_output_filename_target = "output_data_preprocess_aicpu_" _has_analysed = False _has_initialized = False _ascend_profiling_options = "" _ascend_job_id = "" def __init__(self, **kwargs): if Profiler._has_initialized: msg = "Do not init twice in the profiler." raise RuntimeError(msg) self._filt_optype_names = [] self._output_path = "" self._dev_id = "" Profiler._has_initialized = True self._dev_id = None self._cpu_profiler = None self._gpu_profiler = None self._init_time = None self._ascend_job_id = '' self._job_id_env = None self._filt_optype_names = '' self._output_path = '' self._rank_size = 0 _environment_check() # get device_id and device_target self._get_devid_rankid_and_devtarget() self._get_output_path(kwargs) self._profile_communication = False self._has_started = False self._has_started_twice = False self.start_profile = True self._profile_memory = False # Setup and start MindData Profiling self._md_profiler = cde.GlobalContext.profiling_manager() self._md_profiler.init() self._decide_device_target(kwargs) if self.start_profile: self.start() def _decide_device_target(self, kwargs): """Complete Profiler initialization according to device_target.""" if self._device_target: cpu_profiler = c_expression.CPUProfiler self._cpu_profiler = cpu_profiler.get_instance() self._cpu_profiler.init(self._output_path) if self._device_target and self._device_target == DeviceTarget.CPU.value: if context.get_context("mode") == context.PYNATIVE_MODE: raise RuntimeError( "Pynative model is not supported on CPU currently.") self.start_profile = kwargs.pop("start_profile", True) if not isinstance(self.start_profile, bool): raise TypeError(f"For '{self.__class__.__name__}', the parameter start_profile must be bool, " f"but got type {type(self.start_profile)}") if self._device_target and self._device_target == DeviceTarget.GPU.value: if context.get_context("mode") == context.PYNATIVE_MODE: raise RuntimeError( "Pynative model is not supported on GPU currently.") self._parse_parameter_for_gpu(kwargs) gpu_profiler = c_expression.GPUProfiler self._gpu_profiler = gpu_profiler.get_instance() self._gpu_profiler.init(self._output_path) if GlobalComm.WORLD_COMM_GROUP == "nccl_world_group": self._dev_id = str(get_rank()) os.environ['DEVICE_ID'] = self._dev_id elif self._device_target and self._device_target == DeviceTarget.ASCEND.value: self._init_time = int(time.time() * 10000000)"Profiling: profiling init time: %d", self._init_time) self._parse_parameter_for_ascend(kwargs) os.environ['DEVICE_ID'] = self._dev_id self._ascend_profiling_options = json.dumps( self._construct_profiling_options()) # Characters longer than 2048 are ignored, resulting in profiling option resolution errors if len(self._ascend_profiling_options) > 2048: msg = f"For '{self.__class__.__name__}', the environment parameter length exceeds " \ f"the limit (2048), please input valid parameters." logger.critical(msg) raise ValueError(msg) # use context interface to open profiling, for the new mindspore version(after 2020.5.21) self._ascend_profiler = c_expression.AscendProfiler.get_instance() self._ascend_profiler.init(self._output_path, int( self._dev_id), self._ascend_profiling_options) base_profiling_container_path = os.path.join( self._output_path, "container") container_path = os.path.join( base_profiling_container_path, self._dev_id) data_path = os.path.join(container_path, "data") data_path = validate_and_normalize_path(data_path) if not os.path.exists(data_path): os.makedirs(data_path, exist_ok=True) def _construct_profiling_options(self): """ Construct profiling options to determine which profiling data should be collected. """ profile_memory = "off" if self._profile_memory: profile_memory = "on" profiler_communication = "off" if self._profile_communication: profiler_communication = "on" fp_point = os.environ.get("PROFILING_FP_START", "") bp_point = os.environ.get("PROFILING_BP_END", "") profiling_options = { "output": self._output_path, "fp_point": fp_point, "bp_point": bp_point, "training_trace": "on", "task_trace": "on", "aic_metrics": "ArithmeticUtilization", "aicpu": "on", "profile_memory": profile_memory, "hccl": profiler_communication } return profiling_options def _parse_parameter_for_gpu(self, kwargs): """Parse parameter in Proflier when the device target is GPU.""" self.start_profile = kwargs.pop("start_profile", True) if not isinstance(self.start_profile, bool): raise TypeError(f"For '{self.__class__.__name__}', the parameter start_profile must be bool, " f"but got type {type(self.start_profile)}") self._profile_communication = kwargs.pop("profile_communication", False) if not isinstance(self._profile_communication, bool): raise TypeError(f"For '{self.__class__.__name__}', the parameter profile_communication must be bool, " f"but got type {type(self._profile_communication)}") if self._profile_communication: raise RuntimeError(f"The parameter profile_communication is not supported on GPU currently.") self._profile_memory = kwargs.pop("profile_memory", False) if not isinstance(self._profile_memory, bool): raise TypeError(f"For '{self.__class__.__name__}', the parameter _profile_memory must be bool, " f"but got type {type(self._profile_memory)}") if self._profile_memory: raise RuntimeError( f"The parameter profile_memory is not supported on GPU currently.") def _parse_parameter_for_ascend(self, kwargs): """Parse parameter in Proflier when the device target is Ascend.""" self.start_profile = kwargs.pop("start_profile", True) if not isinstance(self.start_profile, bool): raise TypeError(f"For '{self.__class__.__name__}', the parameter start_profile must be bool, " f"but got type {type(self.start_profile)}") self._profile_communication = kwargs.pop("profile_communication", False) if not isinstance(self._profile_communication, bool): raise TypeError(f"For '{self.__class__.__name__}', the parameter profile_communication must be bool, " f"but got type {type(self._profile_communication)}") if self._profile_communication: hccl_option = {"output": self._output_path, "task_trace": "on"} os.environ['PROFILING_OPTIONS'] = json.dumps(hccl_option) if not self.start_profile: raise RuntimeError(f"For '{self.__class__.__name__}', the parameter profile_communication can " f"not be True while starting profiler in the process of training.") self._profile_memory = kwargs.pop("profile_memory", False) if not isinstance(self._profile_memory, bool): raise TypeError(f"For '{self.__class__.__name__}', the parameter profile_memory must be bool, " f"but got type '{type(self._profile_memory)}'") if kwargs: logger.warning("There are invalid params which don't work.") task_sink = os.getenv("GRAPH_OP_RUN") if task_sink and task_sink == "1": logger.warning(f"For '{self.__class__.__name__}', Profiling is not supported if set environment " f"'GRAPH_OP_RUN' value to 1, which means model training task is not sink.") def _set_ascend_job_id(self, ascend_job_id): """Set output_path for offline parsing performance data.""" self._ascend_job_id = validate_and_normalize_path(ascend_job_id) if not os.path.exists(self._ascend_job_id): msg = f"Invalid ascend_job_id: {self._ascend_job_id}, Please pass the absolute path of the JOB dir" logger.critical(msg) raise ValueError(msg) self._output_path, _ = os.path.split(self._ascend_job_id) def _is_offline_parser(self): """Return whether offline parser or online parser.""" if self._device_target and self._device_target == DeviceTarget.ASCEND.value: return bool(self._ascend_job_id) return False
[文档] def analyse(self): """ Collect and analyze training performance data, support calls during and after training. The example shows above. """ if Profiler._has_analysed: msg = "Do not analyze twice in the profiler." raise RuntimeError(msg) Profiler._has_analysed = True _environment_check() self._cpu_profiler.stop() if self._device_target and self._device_target == DeviceTarget.CPU.value: self._cpu_analyse() if self._device_target and self._device_target == DeviceTarget.GPU.value: self._gpu_analyse() elif self._device_target and self._device_target == DeviceTarget.ASCEND.value: self._ascend_analyse()"Profiling: all the data have been analyzed.")
def _ascend_pynative_analyse(self): """Collect and analyse ascend pynative model performance data.""" op_intermediate_parser = OPIntermediateParser( self._output_path, self._rank_id) op_intermediate_parser.parser_pynative_op_type() op_intermediate_parser.parser_pynative_op_intermediate_detail() job_id = self._get_profiling_job_id()"Profiling: job id is %s ", job_id) self._check_output_path(output_path=self._output_path) source_path = os.path.join(self._output_path, job_id) MinddataParser.execute(source_path, self._output_path, self._rank_id) pipeline_parser = MinddataPipelineParser( self._output_path, self._rank_id, self._output_path) "Profiling: analyzing the minddata pipeline operator and queue.") pipeline_parser.parse() timeline_analyser = AscendTimelineGenerator(self._output_path, self._dev_id, self._rank_id, self._rank_size, context.get_context("mode")) timeline_analyser.init_pynative_timeline() size_limit = 100 * 1024 * 1024 # 100MB timeline_analyser.write_timeline(size_limit) timeline_analyser.write_timeline_summary() def _ascend_analyse(self): """Collect and analyse ascend performance data.""" self._rank_size = 1 if self._profile_communication and not GlobalComm.INITED: self._profile_communication = False if GlobalComm.INITED: self._rank_size = get_group_size() if self._has_started: self.stop() else: "No need to stop profiler because profiler has been stopped.") if context.get_context("mode") == context.PYNATIVE_MODE: self._ascend_pynative_analyse() else: self._ascend_graph_analyse() def _ascend_graph_op_analyse(self, source_path): """ Ascend graph model hwts analyse. Returns: list[obj]: The list is: framework_parser, aicpu_data_parser, optime_parser, op_task_dict """ # parse file, and get task profiling data hwts_output_filename = self._hwts_output_filename_target + self._rank_id + ".txt" hwts_output_filename = os.path.join( self._output_path, hwts_output_filename) source_path = validate_and_normalize_path(source_path) hwts_output_filename = validate_and_normalize_path( hwts_output_filename) hwtslog_parser = HWTSLogParser(source_path, hwts_output_filename)"Profiling: analyzing hwts data.") hwtslog_parser.execute() # parse Framework file, and get the relation of op and tasks framework_parser = FrameworkParser( source_path, self._rank_id, self._output_path)"Profiling: analyzing framework data.") framework_parser.parse() op_task_dict = framework_parser.to_task_id_full_op_name_dict() if not op_task_dict: raise RuntimeError('Profiling: fail to parse framework files.') # get op compute time from hwts data and framework data, write output_op_compute_time.txt opcompute_output_filename = self._opcompute_output_filename_target + \ self._rank_id + ".txt" opcompute_output_filename = os.path.join( self._output_path, opcompute_output_filename) opcompute_output_filename = validate_and_normalize_path( opcompute_output_filename) optime_parser = OPComputeTimeParser( hwts_output_filename, opcompute_output_filename, op_task_dict, self._output_path, self._rank_id )"Profiling: analyzing the operation compute time.") optime_parser.execute() # parse file, write output_data_preprocess_aicpu_x.txt output_data_preprocess_aicpu = self._aicpu_op_output_filename_target + \ self._rank_id + ".txt" output_data_preprocess_aicpu = os.path.join( self._output_path, output_data_preprocess_aicpu) output_data_preprocess_aicpu = validate_and_normalize_path( output_data_preprocess_aicpu) aicpu_data_parser = DataPreProcessParser( source_path, output_data_preprocess_aicpu, op_task_dict)"Profiling: analyzing the data preprocess data.") aicpu_data_parser.execute() return [framework_parser, aicpu_data_parser, optime_parser, op_task_dict] def _ascend_graph_minddata_analyse(self, source_path): """Analyse mindadata for ascend graph model.""" # Parsing minddata AICPU profiling"Profiling: analyzing the minddata AICPU data.") MinddataParser.execute(source_path, self._output_path, self._rank_id) # parse minddata pipeline operator and queue try: pipeline_parser = MinddataPipelineParser( self._output_path, self._rank_id, self._output_path) "Profiling: analyzing the minddata pipeline operator and queue.") pipeline_parser.parse() except ProfilerException as err: logger.warning(err.message) finally: pass # Analyze minddata information try: md_analyzer = MinddataProfilingAnalyzer( self._output_path, self._rank_id, self._output_path)"Profiling: analyzing the minddata information.") md_analyzer.analyze() except ProfilerException as err: logger.warning(err.message) finally: pass def _ascend_graph_analyse(self): """Ascend graph mode analyse.""" self._ascend_profiler.finalize() job_id = self._get_profiling_job_id()"Profiling: job id is %s ", job_id) self._check_output_path(output_path=self._output_path) source_path = os.path.join(self._output_path, job_id) op_parser_obj = self._ascend_graph_op_analyse(source_path) framework_parser = op_parser_obj[0] aicpu_data_parser = op_parser_obj[1] optime_parser = op_parser_obj[2] op_task_dict = op_parser_obj[3] self._ascend_graph_minddata_analyse(source_path) # analyse op compute time info try:"Profiling: analyzing the operation compute time.") self._analyser_op_info() except ProfilerException as err: logger.warning(err.message) finally: pass # analyse step trace info points = None is_training_mode_flag = False try:"Profiling: analyzing the step trace data.") points, is_training_mode_flag = self._analyse_step_trace(source_path, framework_parser) except ProfilerException as err: logger.warning(err.message) finally: pass # analyse timeline info try:"Profiling: analyzing the timeline data.") self._analyse_timeline(aicpu_data_parser, optime_parser, source_path) except (ProfilerIOException, ProfilerFileNotFoundException, RuntimeError) as err: logger.warning('Fail to write timeline data: %s', err) finally: pass self._analyse_memory(points) self._analyse_hccl() # get op FLOPs from file, and compute FLOPS, write output_op_flops_x.txt flops_parser = FlopsParser(source_path, self._output_path, op_task_dict, self._dev_id, self._rank_id, is_training_mode_flag)"Profiling: analyzing the operation FLOPs.") flops_parser.execute()"Profiling: analyzing the parallel strategy.") self._analyse_parallel_strategy() @staticmethod def _check_output_path(output_path): """Checking path validity.""" try: output_path = validate_and_normalize_path(output_path) except RuntimeError: raise ProfilerPathErrorException( f'profiling data output path {output_path} is invalid.') finally: pass if not os.path.isdir(output_path): raise ProfilerDirNotFoundException(output_path) return output_path
[文档] def start(self): """ Used for Ascend, GPU, start profiling. Profiling can be turned on based on step and epoch. Raises: RuntimeError: If the profiler has already started. RuntimeError: If MD profiling has stopped, repeated start action is not supported. RuntimeError: If the start_profile parameter is not set or is set to True. Examples: >>> class StopAtStep(Callback): >>> def __init__(self, start_step, stop_step): ... super(StopAtStep, self).__init__() ... self.start_step = start_step ... self.stop_step = stop_step ... self.profiler = Profiler(start_profile=False) ... >>> def step_begin(self, run_context): ... cb_params = run_context.original_args() ... step_num = cb_params.cur_step_num ... if step_num == self.start_step: ... self.profiler.start() ... >>> def step_end(self, run_context): ... cb_params = run_context.original_args() ... step_num = cb_params.cur_step_num ... if step_num == self.stop_step: ... self.profiler.stop() ... >>> def end(self, run_context): ... self.profiler.analyse() """ if not self.start_profile and context.get_context("mode") == context.PYNATIVE_MODE: raise RuntimeError("Pynative model does not support conditional collection of performance data.") self._start_time = int(time.time() * 10000000)"Profiling: start time: %d", self._start_time) if not self._has_started: if not self._has_started_twice: self._has_started = True self._has_started_twice = True else: raise RuntimeError("MindSpore Profiling has finished, repeated start and stop actions are not " "supported.") else: raise RuntimeError("The profiler has already started. Use profiler.start() only when start_profile value " "is set to False.") # No need to start anything if parse profiling data offline if self._is_offline_parser(): return self._md_profiler.start() self._cpu_profiler.step_profiling_enable(True) if self._device_target and self._device_target == DeviceTarget.GPU.value: self._gpu_profiler.step_profiling_enable(True) elif self._device_target and self._device_target == DeviceTarget.ASCEND.value: if context.get_context("mode") == context.PYNATIVE_MODE: self._ascend_pynative_start() else: self._ascend_graph_start()
def _analyse_memory(self, points): """Analyse memory usage info.""" if self._profile_memory: try:"Profiling: analyzing the memory usage info.") self._analyse_memory_usage(points) except (ProfilerIOException, ProfilerFileNotFoundException, ProfilerRawFileException) as err: logger.warning(err.message) finally: pass def _analyse_hccl(self): """Analyse hccl info.""" if self._profile_communication: try:"Profiling: analyzing the hccl profiler info.") self._analyse_hccl_info() except (ProfilerIOException, ProfilerFileNotFoundException, ProfilerRawFileException) as err: logger.warning(err.message) finally: pass def _ascend_pynative_start(self): """Ascend pynative mode start profiling.""" pynative_profiler = c_expression.PynativeProfiler self._pynative_profiler = pynative_profiler.get_instance() self._pynative_profiler.init(self._output_path) self._ascend_profiler.start() def _ascend_graph_start(self): """Ascend graph mode start profiling.""" self._ascend_profiler.start()
[文档] def stop(self): """ Used for Ascend, GPU, stop profiling. Profiling can be turned off based on step and epoch. Raises: RuntimeError: If the profiler has not started, this function is disabled. Examples: >>> class StopAtEpoch(Callback): >>> def __init__(self, start_epoch, stop_epoch): ... super(StopAtEpoch, self).__init__() ... self.start_epoch = start_epoch ... self.stop_epoch = stop_epoch ... self.profiler = Profiler(start_profile=False) ... >>> def epoch_begin(self, run_context): ... cb_params = run_context.original_args() ... epoch_num = cb_params.cur_epoch_num ... if epoch_num == self.start_epoch: ... self.profiler.start() ... >>> def epoch_end(self, run_context): ... cb_params = run_context.original_args() ... epoch_num = cb_params.cur_epoch_num ... if epoch_num == self.stop_epoch: ... self.profiler.stop() ... >>> def end(self, run_context): ... self.profiler.analyse() """ if self._has_started: self._has_started = False else: raise RuntimeError("The profiler has not started, so can not stop. Please call the start() method " "before calling the stop() method.") # No need to stop anything if parse profiling data offline if self._is_offline_parser(): return self._md_profiler.stop() if self._device_target and self._device_target == DeviceTarget.GPU.value: self._gpu_profiler.stop() elif self._device_target and self._device_target == DeviceTarget.ASCEND.value: if context.get_context("mode") == context.PYNATIVE_MODE: self._pynative_profiler.stop() self._ascend_profiler.stop() self._stop_time = int(time.time() * 10000000)"Profiling: stop time: %d", self._stop_time)
def _gpu_analyse(self): """Collect and analyse gpu performance data.""" self._dev_id = context.get_context("device_id") self._rank_size = 1 if GlobalComm.WORLD_COMM_GROUP == "nccl_world_group": self._dev_id = str(get_rank()) if GlobalComm.INITED: self._rank_size = get_group_size() if self._has_started: self.stop() else: "No need to stop profiler because profiler has been stopped.") reduce_op_type = self._get_step_reduce_op_type() timeline_generator = self._generate_timeline(reduce_op_type) # parse minddata pipeline operator and queue for GPU try: pipeline_parser = MinddataPipelineParser( self._output_path, self._dev_id, self._output_path) "Profiling: analyzing the minddata pipeline operator and queue for GPU.") pipeline_parser.parse() except ProfilerException as err: logger.warning(err.message) # Analyze minddata information try: md_analyzer = MinddataProfilingAnalyzer( self._output_path, self._dev_id, self._output_path)"Profiling: analyzing the minddata information.") md_analyzer.analyze() except ProfilerException as err: logger.warning(err.message) # analyse step trace info try:"Profiling: analyzing the step trace info.") self._analyse_step_trace( is_training_mode_flag=timeline_generator.check_op_name( 'Gradients'), is_gpu_kernel_async_launch_flag=timeline_generator.is_gpu_kernel_async_launch() ) except ProfilerException as err: logger.warning(err.message) finally: pass logger.warning( '\nThe GPU supports only the training mode or inference mode, ' 'it does not support train and infer at the same time.' ) def _get_step_reduce_op_type(self): """Gets all communication operator names.""" step_trace_original_filename = f'step_trace_profiling_{self._dev_id}.txt' step_trace_file_path = os.path.join( self._output_path, step_trace_original_filename) step_trace_file_path = validate_and_normalize_path( step_trace_file_path) reduce_op_type = [] with open(step_trace_file_path, 'r') as f_obj: one_step_info = f_obj.readline().strip().split() # The communication operator starts at index 4. for reduce_item in one_step_info[4:]: reduce_op_type.append(reduce_item.split(',')[0].split('/')[-1]) return reduce_op_type def _cpu_analyse(self): """Collect and analyse cpu performance data.""" try: size_limit = 100 * 1024 * 1024 # 100MB timeline_generator = CpuTimelineGenerator( self._output_path, context.get_context("mode")) timeline_generator.init_timeline() timeline_generator.write_timeline(size_limit) timeline_generator.write_timeline_summary() return timeline_generator except (ProfilerIOException, ProfilerFileNotFoundException, RuntimeError) as err: logger.warning('Fail to write timeline data: %s', err) raise RuntimeError('Fail to write timeline data.') def _analyse_step_trace(self, source_path=None, framework_parser=None, is_training_mode_flag=True, is_gpu_kernel_async_launch_flag=False): """ Analyse step trace data and save the result. Args: source_path (str): The directory that contains the step trace original data. framework_parser (FrameworkParser): The framework parse instance. is_training_mode_flag (bool): Whether in training mode or not. """"Begin to parse step trace.") # construct output path dev_id = self._rank_id if self._device_target == DeviceTarget.ASCEND.value else self._dev_id step_trace_intermediate_file_path = os.path.join( self._output_path, f'step_trace_raw_{dev_id}_detail_time.csv' ) point_info_file_path = os.path.join( self._output_path, f'step_trace_point_info_{dev_id}.json' ) step_trace_intermediate_file_path = validate_and_normalize_path( step_trace_intermediate_file_path) point_info_file_path = validate_and_normalize_path( point_info_file_path) if self._device_target and self._device_target == DeviceTarget.GPU.value: input_file_path = os.path.join( self._output_path, f'step_trace_profiling_{self._dev_id}.txt') input_file_path = validate_and_normalize_path(input_file_path) parser = GpuStepTraceParser(input_dir=input_file_path, output_file_path=step_trace_intermediate_file_path, is_training_mode=is_training_mode_flag, is_gpu_kernel_async_launch=is_gpu_kernel_async_launch_flag) parser.parse_and_save() point_info = parser.record_point_info(point_info_file_path) else: # whether keep the first step skip_first_step_flag = framework_parser.check_op_name(INIT_OP_NAME) point_info = framework_parser.point_info # recognize inference or training mode is_training_mode_flag = framework_parser.check_op_name("Gradients") # parser the step trace files and save the result to disk source_path = validate_and_normalize_path(source_path) parser = AscendStepTraceParser(input_dir=source_path, output_file_path=step_trace_intermediate_file_path, skip_first_step=skip_first_step_flag, is_training_mode=is_training_mode_flag) parser.set_task_id_op_name_dict( framework_parser.to_task_id_full_op_name_dict()) parser.parse_and_save() point_info = parser.record_point_info(point_info_file_path) # print parser result"Finish saving the intermediate result: %s", step_trace_intermediate_file_path)"The point info is: %s", point_info) return point_info, is_training_mode_flag def _analyse_timeline(self, aicpu_parser, optime_parser, source_path): """ Analyse and parse timeline info. Args: aicpu_parser (DataPreProcessParser): The parser instance for AI CPU operator execution time calculation. optime_parser (OPComputeTimeParserParser): The parser instance for AI Core operator execution time calculation. """ timeline_analyser = AscendTimelineGenerator(self._output_path, self._dev_id, self._rank_id, self._rank_size, context.get_context("mode")) # Get framework info integrator = Integrator(self._output_path, self._rank_id) aicore_detail_data = integrator.get_aicore_detail_data() aicore_detail_data_size = len(aicore_detail_data) col_names = ['op_name', 'op_type', 'avg_execution_time', 'subgraph', 'full_op_name', 'op_info'] framework_info = { 'col_name': col_names, 'object': aicore_detail_data, 'size': aicore_detail_data_size } all_reduce_info = integrator.query_for_all_reduce() # Get timeline info'Start writing timeline info...')'Warm Prompt: It could take a few minutes if you are training ' 'with a complex network or more than 10 steps.') # Add info into timeline, such as AI CPU, AllReduce, framework info. aicpu_info = aicpu_parser.query_aicpu_data() min_cycle_counter = min( aicpu_parser.min_cycle_counter, optime_parser.min_cycle_counter) timeline_analyser.init_timeline(all_reduce_info, framework_info, aicpu_info, min_cycle_counter, source_path) size_limit = 100 * 1024 * 1024 # 100MB timeline_analyser.write_timeline(size_limit) timeline_analyser.write_timeline_summary() def _generate_timeline(self, reduce_op_type): """Used for gpu, generate timeline info, write to json format file.""" try: size_limit = 100 * 1024 * 1024 # 100MB timeline_generator = GpuTimelineGenerator(self._output_path, self._dev_id, self._rank_size, context.get_context("mode")) timeline_generator.init_timeline(reduce_op_type) timeline_generator.write_timeline(size_limit) timeline_generator.write_timeline_summary() return timeline_generator except (ProfilerIOException, ProfilerFileNotFoundException, RuntimeError) as err: logger.warning('Fail to write timeline data: %s', err) raise RuntimeError('Fail to write timeline data.') def _analyse_memory_usage(self, points): """Analyse memory usage data.""" integrator = Integrator(self._output_path, self._rank_id) aicore_detail_data = integrator.get_aicore_detail_data() memory_parser = MemoryUsageParser(self._output_path, self._rank_id) memory_parser.init_memory_usage_info(aicore_detail_data, points) memory_parser.write_memory_files() def _get_profiling_job_id(self): """Get profiling job id, which was generated by ada service. Returns: str, profiling job id. """ if self._is_offline_parser(): # The self._ascend_job_id directory like "/../PROF***" or "/../JOB***". job_id = self._ascend_job_id.rstrip('/').split('/')[-1] if job_id.startswith('PROF'): device_dir = [dir for dir in os.listdir( self._ascend_job_id) if dir.startswith('device')] return os.path.join(job_id, device_dir[0]) return job_id job_id = "" job_dirs = filter(lambda item: item.startswith('JOB') or item.startswith('PROF') and os.path.isdir(os.path.join(self._output_path, item)), os.listdir(self._output_path)) sorted_job_dirs = sorted(job_dirs, key=lambda x: os.path.getmtime(os.path.join(self._output_path, x)), reverse=True) for dir_name in sorted_job_dirs: if dir_name.startswith('PROF'): prof_dir = os.path.join(self._output_path, dir_name) device_dir = [dir for dir in os.listdir(prof_dir) if dir.startswith('device') and os.path.isdir(os.path.join(prof_dir, dir))] job_dir = os.path.join( self._output_path, dir_name, device_dir[0]) else: job_dir = os.path.join(self._output_path, dir_name) host_start_file_path = get_file_path(job_dir, "host_start.log") if host_start_file_path is None: logger.warning("Find profiling job path %s, but host_start.log not exist, " "profiler will ignore this job dir.", job_dir) continue training_device_id = host_start_file_path.split('.')[-1] if self._dev_id != training_device_id: logger.warning("Find profiling find job path %s, but not current training device id. " "Current training device id %s, but job path device id: %s, " "profiler will ignore this job dir.", job_dir, self._dev_id, training_device_id) continue if not os.listdir(os.path.join(job_dir, 'data')): continue job_start_time = self._parse_host_start_log(host_start_file_path) if not job_start_time: logger.warning("Find profiling job path %s, but fail to get job start info, " "profiler will ignore this job dir.", job_start_time) continue if int(job_start_time) < self._start_time: logger.warning("Find profiling job path %s, but start_time(%d) is earlier than this training " "start_time(%d), profiler will ignore this job dir.", job_dir, int(job_start_time), self._start_time) continue if dir_name.startswith('PROF'): job_id = os.path.join(dir_name, device_dir[0]) else: job_id = dir_name break if not job_id: msg = "Fail to get profiling job, output path is {}, " \ "please check whether job dir or prof dir(name startswith JOB or PROF) in output path " \ "was generated, or may be the device id from job dir dismatch the " \ "device_id in current process.".format(self._output_path) raise RuntimeError(msg) return job_id @staticmethod def _parse_host_start_log(input_file): """ Parse host start log file, get the start time of the job. Args: input_file (str): The file path of the host start log file. Returns: str, job start time. """ job_start_time = "" with open(input_file) as f: for line in f.readlines(): if "clock_realtime" in line: # 16 means the first digit of the timestamp, len(line)-3 means the last. job_start_time = line[16:len(line) - 3] return job_start_time def _analyser_op_info(self): """Analyse the operator information.""" integrator = Integrator(self._output_path, self._rank_id) integrator.integrate() aicore_type_result = self._query_op_type_info() detail_file_path = os.path.join( self._output_path, 'output_op_compute_time_detail_{}.txt'.format(self._rank_id) ) fwrite_format(detail_file_path, data_source='title:op compute time') display_names = [ 'optype_name', 'compute_time(ms, per-step)', 'called_times(per-step)', 'percent' ] fwrite_format(detail_file_path, data_source=" ".join( display_names), is_print=True) fwrite_format(detail_file_path, data_source=aicore_type_result, is_print=True) op_type_order = [item[0] for item in aicore_type_result] aicore_detail_result = self._query_op_detail_info(op_type_order) fwrite_format(detail_file_path, data_source='', is_print=True) fwrite_format(detail_file_path, data_source='Detail:', is_print=True) fwrite_format(detail_file_path, data_source=" ".join(aicore_detail_result.get('col_name_detail')), is_print=True) fwrite_format(detail_file_path, data_source=aicore_detail_result.get( 'object'), is_print=True) def _query_op_type_info(self): """ Query AICORE operator type information. Returns: list[list], the AICORE operator type and execution time information. """ integrator = Integrator(self._output_path, self._rank_id) return integrator.get_aicore_data() def _query_op_detail_info(self, op_type_order): """ Query AICORE operator detail information. Args: op_type_order(list): The name of the op type in order. Returns: dict, the AICORE operator detail information. """ op_type_condition = {} if self._filt_optype_names: op_type_condition['not_in'] = self._filt_optype_names filter_condition = { 'op_type': op_type_condition, 'is_display_detail': False, } integrator = Integrator(self._output_path, self._rank_id) return integrator.query_and_sort_by_op_type(filter_condition, op_type_order) def _get_devid_rankid_and_devtarget(self): """Get device id and rank id and target of this training.""" device_target = "" dev_id = "" rank_id = "" try: dev_id = str(context.get_context("device_id")) device_target = context.get_context("device_target").lower() except ValueError as err: logger.error("Profiling: fail to get context, %s", err) if not dev_id or not dev_id.isdigit(): dev_id = os.getenv('DEVICE_ID') if not dev_id or not dev_id.isdigit(): dev_id = "0" logger.warning("Fail to get DEVICE_ID, use 0 instead.") if device_target and device_target not in [DeviceTarget.ASCEND.value, DeviceTarget.GPU.value, DeviceTarget.CPU.value]: msg = "Profiling: unsupported backend: %s" % device_target raise RuntimeError(msg) rank_id = os.getenv("RANK_ID") if not rank_id or not rank_id.isdigit(): rank_id = "0" logger.warning(f"For '{self.__class__.__name__}', fail to get RANK_ID from environment, " f"use 0 instead.") self._dev_id = dev_id self._device_target = device_target.lower() self._rank_id = rank_id def _get_output_path(self, kwargs): """Get output path of profiling data.""" if os.getenv("MS_DIAGNOSTIC_DATA_PATH") and kwargs.get("output_path") is not None: logger.warning("Both parameter output_path and environment variable MS_DIAGNOSTIC_DATA_PATH" " have values set, and the profiling data saving path is the value set " "in parameter output_path") if kwargs.get("output_path") is None: if "output_path" in kwargs: kwargs.pop("output_path") # Environment variables are mainly set for the convenience of cloud profiler. output_path = os.getenv("MS_DIAGNOSTIC_DATA_PATH") if output_path: self._output_path = validate_and_normalize_path(output_path) else: output_path = "data" self._output_path = validate_and_normalize_path(output_path) else: output_path = kwargs.pop("output_path") self._output_path = validate_and_normalize_path(output_path) self._output_path = os.path.join(self._output_path, "profiler") if not os.path.exists(self._output_path): os.makedirs(self._output_path, exist_ok=True) os.chmod(self._output_path, stat.S_IRUSR | stat.S_IWUSR | stat.S_IXUSR) else: logger.warning("The target dir already exists. " "There may be some old profiling data, and they will be rewritten in the end.") def _analyse_hccl_info(self): """Analyse hccl info.""" hccl_path = os.path.join( self._output_path, "hccl_info_{}".format(self._rank_id)) if not os.path.exists(hccl_path): os.makedirs(hccl_path, exist_ok=True) os.chmod(hccl_path, stat.S_IRUSR | stat.S_IWUSR | stat.S_IXUSR)"Start call the interface HCCLParseOP parsing hccl info...")'Warm Prompt: It could take a few minutes if you are training ' 'with a complex network or more than 10 steps.') # Call the interface HCCLParseOP parsing hccl info. try: from hccl_parser.entry import hccl_parse_op hccl_parse_op(self._dev_id, self._output_path, hccl_path, op_type='all') except ImportError as err: logger.critical("%s,please check if the hccl_parser-{version}-py3-none-any.whl is installed." "The hccl_parser-{version}-py3-none-any.whl package is usually located " "in the /usr/local/Ascend/tools Directory", err) raise ImportError(err)"Parse hccl info successfully.")"Start analyse hccl info.") hccl_parse = HcclParser(hccl_path, self._dev_id, self._rank_id, self._output_path) hccl_parse.parse()"Analyse hccl info successfully.") def _analyse_parallel_strategy(self): """Analyse parallel strategy from proto binary to json.""" binary_file = os.path.join(self._output_path, 'parallel_strategy_pb_{}.bin'.format(self._rank_id)) binary_file = validate_and_normalize_path(binary_file) if not os.path.isfile(binary_file): return with open(binary_file, 'rb') as f: data = parallel = ProfilingParallel() parallel.ParseFromString(data) parallel_json = MessageToJson(parallel) json_file = os.path.join(self._output_path, 'parallel_strategy_{}.json'.format(self._rank_id)) with os.fdopen(, os.O_WRONLY | os.O_CREAT, 0o660), 'w') as f: f.write(parallel_json) os.remove(binary_file)