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# ==============================================================================
Enum for audio ops.
from enum import Enum

import mindspore._c_dataengine as cde
from mindspore.dataset.core.validator_helpers import check_non_negative_float32, check_non_negative_int32, \
    check_pos_float32, check_pos_int32, type_check

class BorderType(str, Enum):
    Padding Mode, BorderType Type.

    Possible enumeration values are: BorderType.CONSTANT, BorderType.EDGE, BorderType.REFLECT, BorderType.SYMMETRIC.

    - BorderType.CONSTANT: means it fills the border with constant values.
    - BorderType.EDGE: means it pads with the last value on the edge.
    - BorderType.REFLECT: means it reflects the values on the edge omitting the last value of edge.
    - BorderType.SYMMETRIC: means it reflects the values on the edge repeating the last value of edge.

    Note: This class derived from class str to support json serializable.
    CONSTANT: str = "constant"
    EDGE: str = "edge"
    REFLECT: str = "reflect"
    SYMMETRIC: str = "symmetric"

class DensityFunction(str, Enum):
    Density Functions.

    Possible enumeration values are: DensityFunction.TPDF, DensityFunction.RPDF,

    - DensityFunction.TPDF: means triangular probability density function.
    - DensityFunction.RPDF: means rectangular probability density function.
    - DensityFunction.GPDF: means gaussian probability density function.
    TPDF: str = "TPDF"
    RPDF: str = "RPDF"
    GPDF: str = "GPDF"

class FadeShape(str, Enum):
    Fade Shapes.

    Possible enumeration values are: FadeShape.QUARTER_SINE, FadeShape.HALF_SINE, FadeShape.LINEAR,

    - FadeShape.QUARTER_SINE: means the fade shape is quarter_sine mode.
    - FadeShape.HALF_SINE: means the fade shape is half_sine mode.
    - FadeShape.LINEAR: means the fade shape is linear mode.
    - FadeShape.LOGARITHMIC: means the fade shape is logarithmic mode.
    - FadeShape.EXPONENTIAL: means the fade shape is exponential mode.
    QUARTER_SINE: str = "quarter_sine"
    HALF_SINE: str = "half_sine"
    LINEAR: str = "linear"
    LOGARITHMIC: str = "logarithmic"
    EXPONENTIAL: str = "exponential"

class GainType(str, Enum):
    Gain Types.

    Possible enumeration values are: GainType.AMPLITUDE, GainType.POWER, GainType.DB.

    - GainType.AMPLITUDE: means input gain type is amplitude.
    - GainType.POWER: means input gain type is power.
    - GainType.DB: means input gain type is decibel.
    AMPLITUDE: str = "amplitude"
    POWER: str = "power"
    DB: str = "db"

class Interpolation(str, Enum):
    Interpolation Type.

    Possible enumeration values are: Interpolation.LINEAR, Interpolation.QUADRATIC.

    - Interpolation.LINEAR: means input interpolation type is linear.
    - Interpolation.QUADRATIC: means input interpolation type is quadratic.
    LINEAR: str = "linear"
    QUADRATIC: str = "quadratic"

class MelType(str, Enum):
    Mel Types.

    Possible enumeration values are: MelType.HTK, MelType.SLANEY.

    - MelType.NONE: scale the input data with htk.
    - MelType.ORTHO: scale the input data with slaney.
    HTK: str = "htk"
    SLANEY: str = "slaney"

class Modulation(str, Enum):
    Modulation Type.

    Possible enumeration values are: Modulation.SINUSOIDAL, Modulation.TRIANGULAR.

    - Modulation.SINUSOIDAL: means input modulation type is sinusoidal.
    - Modulation.TRIANGULAR: means input modulation type is triangular.
    SINUSOIDAL: str = "sinusoidal"
    TRIANGULAR: str = "triangular"

class NormMode(str, Enum):
    Norm Types.

    Possible enumeration values are: NormMode.ORTHO, NormMode.NONE.

    - NormMode.ORTHO: means the mode of input audio is ortho.
    - NormMode.NONE: means the mode of input audio is none.
    ORTHO: str = "ortho"
    NONE: str = "none"

class NormType(str, Enum):
    Norm Types.

    Possible enumeration values are: NormType.SLANEY, NormType.NONE.

    - NormType.SLANEY: norm the input data with slaney.
    - NormType.NONE: norm the input data with none.
    SLANEY: str = "slaney"
    NONE: str = "none"

[文档]class ScaleType(str, Enum): """ Scale Types. Possible enumeration values are: ScaleType.POWER, ScaleType.MAGNITUDE. - ScaleType.POWER: means the scale of input audio is power. - ScaleType.MAGNITUDE: means the scale of input audio is magnitude. """ POWER: str = "power" MAGNITUDE: str = "magnitude"
class WindowType(str, Enum): """ Window Function types, Possible enumeration values are: WindowType.BARTLETT, WindowType.BLACKMAN, WindowType.HAMMING, WindowType.HANN, WindowType.KAISER. - WindowType.BARTLETT: means the type of window function is Bartlett. - WindowType.BLACKMAN: means the type of window function is Blackman. - WindowType.HAMMING: means the type of window function is Hamming. - WindowType.HANN: means the type of window function is Hann. - WindowType.KAISER: means the type of window function is Kaiser, currently not supported on macOS. """ BARTLETT: str = "bartlett" BLACKMAN: str = "blackman" HAMMING: str = "hamming" HANN: str = "hann" KAISER: str = "kaiser" DE_C_NORM_MODE = {NormMode.ORTHO: cde.NormMode.DE_NORM_MODE_ORTHO, NormMode.NONE: cde.NormMode.DE_NORM_MODE_NONE} def create_dct(n_mfcc, n_mels, norm=NormMode.NONE): """ Create a DCT transformation matrix with shape (n_mels, n_mfcc), normalized depending on norm. Args: n_mfcc (int): Number of mfc coefficients to retain, the value must be greater than 0. n_mels (int): Number of mel filterbanks, the value must be greater than 0. norm (NormMode): Normalization mode, can be NormMode.NONE or NormMode.ORTHO (default=NormMode.NONE). Returns: numpy.ndarray, the transformation matrix, to be right-multiplied to row-wise data of size (n_mels, n_mfcc). Examples: >>> from import create_dct, NormMode >>> >>> dct = create_dct(100, 200, NormMode.NONE) """ if not isinstance(n_mfcc, int): raise TypeError("n_mfcc with value {0} is not of type {1}, but got {2}.".format( n_mfcc, int, type(n_mfcc))) if not isinstance(n_mels, int): raise TypeError("n_mels with value {0} is not of type {1}, but got {2}.".format( n_mels, int, type(n_mels))) if not isinstance(norm, NormMode): raise TypeError("norm with value {0} is not of type {1}, but got {2}.".format( norm, NormMode, type(norm))) if n_mfcc <= 0: raise ValueError("n_mfcc must be greater than 0, but got {0}.".format(n_mfcc)) if n_mels <= 0: raise ValueError("n_mels must be greater than 0, but got {0}.".format(n_mels)) return cde.create_dct(n_mfcc, n_mels, DE_C_NORM_MODE[norm]).as_array() DE_C_MEL_TYPE = {MelType.HTK: cde.MelType.DE_MEL_TYPE_HTK, MelType.SLANEY: cde.MelType.DE_MEL_TYPE_SLANEY} DE_C_NORM_TYPE = {NormType.SLANEY: cde.NormType.DE_NORM_TYPE_SLANEY, NormType.NONE: cde.NormType.DE_NORM_TYPE_NONE} def melscale_fbanks(n_freqs, f_min, f_max, n_mels, sample_rate, norm=NormType.NONE, mel_type=MelType.HTK): """ Create a frequency transformation matrix with shape (n_freqs, n_mels). Args: n_freqs (int): Number of frequency. f_min (float): Minimum of frequency in Hz. f_max (float): Maximum of frequency in Hz. n_mels (int): Number of mel filterbanks. sample_rate (int): Sample rate. norm (NormType, optional): Norm to use, can be NormType.NONE or NormType.SLANEY (Default: NormType.NONE). mel_type (MelType, optional): Scale to use, can be MelType.HTK or MelType.SLANEY (Default: NormType.SLANEY). Returns: numpy.ndarray, the frequency transformation matrix. Examples: >>> from import melscale_fbanks >>> >>> fbanks = melscale_fbanks(n_freqs=4096, f_min=0, f_max=8000, n_mels=40, sample_rate=16000) """ type_check(n_freqs, (int,), "n_freqs") check_non_negative_int32(n_freqs, "n_freqs") type_check(f_min, (int, float,), "f_min") check_non_negative_float32(f_min, "f_min") type_check(f_max, (int, float,), "f_max") check_pos_float32(f_max, "f_max") if f_min > f_max: raise ValueError( "Input f_min should be no more than f_max, but got f_min: {0} and f_max: {1}.".format(f_min, f_max)) type_check(n_mels, (int,), "n_mels") check_pos_int32(n_mels, "n_mels") type_check(sample_rate, (int,), "sample_rate") check_pos_int32(sample_rate, "sample_rate") type_check(norm, (NormType,), "norm") type_check(mel_type, (MelType,), "mel_type") return cde.melscale_fbanks(n_freqs, f_min, f_max, n_mels, sample_rate, DE_C_NORM_TYPE[norm], DE_C_MEL_TYPE[mel_type]).as_array()