

Set global seed.


  • The global seed is used by numpy.random, mindspore.common.Initializer and mindspore.nn.probability.distribution.

  • If global seed is not set, these packages will use their own default seed independently, numpy.random and mindspore.common.Initializer will choose a random seed, mindspore.nn.probability.distribution will use zero.

  • Seed set by numpy.random.seed() only used by numpy.random, while seed set by this API will also used by numpy.random, so just set all seed by this API is recommended.

  • In semi_auto_parallel/auto_parallel mode, when using set_seed, weights with same shape and same sharding strategy in the same device would be initialized to the same result, otherwise, they would be initialized to the different result.


seed (int) – The seed to be set.



>>> import numpy as np
>>> import mindspore as ms
>>> from mindspore import Tensor, set_seed, Parameter, ops
>>> from mindspore.common.initializer import initializer
>>> # Note: (1) Please make sure the code is running in PYNATIVE MODE;
>>> # (2) Because Composite-level ops need parameters to be Tensors, for below examples,
>>> # when using ops.uniform operator, minval and maxval are initialised as:
>>> minval = Tensor(1.0, ms.float32)
>>> maxval = Tensor(2.0, ms.float32)
>>> # 1. If global seed is not set, numpy.random and initializer will choose a random seed:
>>> np_1 = np.random.normal(0, 1, [1]).astype(np.float32) # A1
>>> np_1 = np.random.normal(0, 1, [1]).astype(np.float32) # A2
>>> w1 = Parameter(initializer("uniform", [2, 2], ms.float32), name="w1") # W1
>>> w1 = Parameter(initializer("uniform", [2, 2], ms.float32), name="w1") # W2
>>> # Rerun the program will get different results:
>>> np_1 = np.random.normal(0, 1, [1]).astype(np.float32) # A3
>>> np_1 = np.random.normal(0, 1, [1]).astype(np.float32) # A4
>>> w1 = Parameter(initializer("uniform", [2, 2], ms.float32), name="w1") # W3
>>> w1 = Parameter(initializer("uniform", [2, 2], ms.float32), name="w1") # W4
>>> # 2. If global seed is set, numpy.random and initializer will use it:
>>> set_seed(1234)
>>> np_1 = np.random.normal(0, 1, [1]).astype(np.float32) # A1
>>> np_1 = np.random.normal(0, 1, [1]).astype(np.float32) # A2
>>> w1 = Parameter(initializer("uniform", [2, 2], ms.float32), name="w1") # W1
>>> w1 = Parameter(initializer("uniform", [2, 2], ms.float32), name="w1") # W2
>>> # Rerun the program will get the same results:
>>> set_seed(1234)
>>> np_1 = np.random.normal(0, 1, [1]).astype(np.float32) # A1
>>> np_1 = np.random.normal(0, 1, [1]).astype(np.float32) # A2
>>> w1 = Parameter(initializer("uniform", [2, 2], ms.float32), name="w1") # W1
>>> w1 = Parameter(initializer("uniform", [2, 2], ms.float32), name="w1") # W2
>>> # 3. If neither global seed nor op seed is set, mindspore.ops.function.random_func and
>>> # mindspore.nn.probability.distribution will choose a random seed:
>>> c1 = ops.uniform((1, 4), minval, maxval) # C1
>>> c2 = ops.uniform((1, 4), minval, maxval) # C2
>>> # Rerun the program will get different results:
>>> c1 = ops.uniform((1, 4), minval, maxval) # C3
>>> c2 = ops.uniform((1, 4), minval, maxval) # C4
>>> # 4. If global seed is set, but op seed is not set, mindspore.ops.function.random_func and
>>> # mindspore.nn.probability.distribution will calculate a seed according to global seed and
>>> # default op seed. Each call will change the default op seed, thus each call get different
>>> # results.
>>> set_seed(1234)
>>> c1 = ops.uniform((1, 4), minval, maxval) # C1
>>> c2 = ops.uniform((1, 4), minval, maxval) # C2
>>> # Rerun the program will get the same results:
>>> set_seed(1234)
>>> c1 = ops.uniform((1, 4), minval, maxval) # C1
>>> c2 = ops.uniform((1, 4), minval, maxval) # C2
>>> # 5. If both global seed and op seed are set, mindspore.ops.function.random_func and
>>> # mindspore.nn.probability.distribution will calculate a seed according to global seed and
>>> # op seed counter. Each call will change the op seed counter, thus each call get different
>>> # results.
>>> set_seed(1234)
>>> c1 = ops.uniform((1, 4), minval, maxval, seed=2) # C1
>>> c2 = ops.uniform((1, 4), minval, maxval, seed=2) # C2
>>> # Rerun the program will get the same results:
>>> set_seed(1234)
>>> c1 = ops.uniform((1, 4), minval, maxval, seed=2) # C1
>>> c2 = ops.uniform((1, 4), minval, maxval, seed=2) # C2
>>> # 6. If op seed is set but global seed is not set, 0 will be used as global seed. Then
>>> # mindspore.ops.function.random_func and mindspore.nn.probability.distribution act as in
>>> # condition 5.
>>> c1 = ops.uniform((1, 4), minval, maxval, seed=2) # C1
>>> c2 = ops.uniform((1, 4), minval, maxval, seed=2) # C2
>>> # Rerun the program will get the different results:
>>> c1 = ops.uniform((1, 4), minval, maxval, seed=2) # C1
>>> c2 = ops.uniform((1, 4), minval, maxval, seed=2) # C2
>>> # 7. Recall set_seed() in the program will reset numpy seed and op seed counter of
>>> # mindspore.ops.function.random_func and mindspore.nn.probability.distribution.
>>> set_seed(1234)
>>> np_1 = np.random.normal(0, 1, [1]).astype(np.float32) # A1
>>> c1 = ops.uniform((1, 4), minval, maxval, seed=2) # C1
>>> set_seed(1234)
>>> np_2 = np.random.normal(0, 1, [1]).astype(np.float32) # still get A1
>>> c2 = ops.uniform((1, 4), minval, maxval, seed=2) # still get C1