
class mindspore.ops.GLU(axis=- 1)[source]

Computes GLU (Gated Linear Unit activation function) of input tensors.


This is an experimental API that is subject to change or deletion.

Refer to mindspore.ops.glu() for more details.


axis (int, optional) – Axis on which to split the input. The value of axis must be an int within range [-rank(x), rank(x)). Default: -1 , specifying the last dimension.

  • x (Tensor) - Input tensor. x.shape[axis] must be even.


Tensor, has the same data type with x.

Supported Platforms:

Ascend CPU


>>> from mindspore import ops, Tensor
>>> from mindspore import dtype as mstype
>>> import numpy as np
>>> axis = 0
>>> x = Tensor(np.array([0.3220, 0.9545, 0.7879, 0.0975, 0.3698,
...                            0.5135, 0.5740, 0.3435, 0.1895, 0.8764,
...                            0.4980, 0.9673, 0.9879, 0.6988, 0.9022,
...                            0.9304, 0.1558, 0.0153, 0.1559, 0.9852]).reshape([2, 2, 5]), mstype.float32)
>>> glu = ops.GLU(axis=axis)
>>> y = glu(x)
>>> print(y)
[[[0.20028052 0.6916126  0.57412136 0.06512236 0.26307625]
  [0.3682598  0.3093122  0.17306386 0.10212085 0.63814086]]]