MindSpore Implicit Type Conversion API List

Implicit Type Conversion

Conversion Rules

  • Scalar and Tensor operations: during operation, the scalar is automatically converted to Tensor, and the data type is consistent with the Tensor data type involved in the operation; when Tensor is bool data type and the scalar is int or float, both the scalar and Tensor are converted to the Tensor with the data type of int32 or float32; when Tensor is int or uint data type and the scalar is float, both the scalar and Tensor are converted to the Tensor with the data type of float32.

  • Tensor operation of different data types: the priority of data type is bool < uint8 < int8 < int16 < int32 < int64 < float16 < float32 < float64, during the operation, first determine the data type with the relatively highest priority among the Tensors involved in the operation, and then convert the low priority data type Tensor to the relatively highest priority data type; when the Tensor of int8 and uint8 data types are operated, they are converted to int16 Tensor.

  • Data type conversion of Parameter is not supported: If inferred according to the conversion rules, RuntimeError exception will be thrown when the data type conversion of Parameter defined in the network is required.

Data Types Involved in Conversion

  • bool

  • int8

  • uint8

  • int16

  • int32

  • int64

  • float16

  • float32

  • float64

Supported APIs

mindspore.ops.Add mindspore.ops.ApplyAdadelta mindspore.ops.ApplyAdagrad
mindspore.ops.ApplyAdagradV2 mindspore.ops.ApplyAdaMax mindspore.ops.ApplyAddSign
mindspore.ops.ApplyGradientDescent mindspore.ops.ApplyMomentum mindspore.ops.ApplyPowerSign
mindspore.ops.ApplyProximalAdagrad mindspore.ops.ApplyProximalGradientDescent mindspore.ops.ApproximateEqual
mindspore.ops.Assign mindspore.ops.AssignAdd mindspore.ops.AssignSub
mindspore.ops.Atan2 mindspore.ops.BitwiseAnd mindspore.ops.BitwiseOr
mindspore.ops.BitwiseXor mindspore.ops.Div mindspore.ops.DivNoNan
mindspore.ops.Equal mindspore.ops.FloorDiv mindspore.ops.FloorMod
mindspore.ops.Greater mindspore.ops.GreaterEqual mindspore.ops.Less
mindspore.ops.LessEqual mindspore.ops.LogicalAnd mindspore.ops.LogicalOr
mindspore.ops.Maximum mindspore.ops.Minimum mindspore.ops.Mod
mindspore.ops.Mul mindspore.ops.NotEqual mindspore.ops.Pow
mindspore.ops.RealDiv mindspore.ops.ScatterAdd mindspore.ops.ScatterDiv
mindspore.ops.ScatterMax mindspore.ops.ScatterMin mindspore.ops.ScatterMul
mindspore.ops.ScatterNdAdd mindspore.ops.ScatterNdSub mindspore.ops.ScatterNdUpdate
mindspore.ops.ScatterNonAliasingAdd mindspore.ops.ScatterSub mindspore.ops.ScatterUpdate
mindspore.ops.SparseApplyAdagradV2 mindspore.ops.SparseApplyFtrl mindspore.ops.SparseApplyFtrlV2
mindspore.ops.SparseApplyProximalAdagrad mindspore.ops.SquaredDifference mindspore.ops.Sub
mindspore.ops.TruncateDiv mindspore.ops.TruncateMod mindspore.ops.Xdivy