

Return a tensor with axes transposed.

  • For a 1-D tensor, this has no effect, as a transposed vector is simply the same vector.

  • For a 2-D tensor, this is a standard matrix transpose.

  • For an n-D tensor, if axes are given, their order indicates how the axes are permuted.

If axes are not provided and tensor.shape = (i[0], i[1],...i[n-2], i[n-1]), then tensor.transpose().shape = (i[n-1], i[n-2], ... i[1], i[0]).


axes (Union[None, tuple(int), list(int), int], optional) – If axes is None or blank, the method will reverse the order of the axes. If axes is tuple(int) or list(int), tensor.transpose() will transpose the tensor to the new axes order. If axes is int, this form is simply intended as a convenience alternative to the tuple/list form.


Tensor, has the same dimension as input tensor, with axes suitably permuted.

  • TypeError – If input arguments have types not specified above.

  • ValueError – If the number of axes is not equal to Tensor’s ndim.

Supported Platforms:

Ascend GPU CPU


>>> import numpy as np
>>> from mindspore import Tensor
>>> x = Tensor(np.ones((1,2,3), dtype=np.float32))
>>> x = x.transpose()
>>> print(x.shape)
(3, 2, 1)