
class mindspore.dataset.DatasetCache(session_id, size=0, spilling=False, hostname=None, port=None, num_connections=None, prefetch_size=None)[source]

A client to interface with tensor caching service.

For details, please check Tutorial.

  • session_id (int) – A user assigned session id for the current pipeline.

  • size (int, optional) – Size of the memory set aside for the row caching (default=0, which means unlimited, note that it might bring in the risk of running out of memory on the machine).

  • spilling (bool, optional) – Whether or not spilling to disk if out of memory (default=False).

  • hostname (str, optional) – Host name (default=None, use default hostname ‘’).

  • port (int, optional) – Port to connect to server (default=None, use default port 50052).

  • num_connections (int, optional) – Number of tcp/ip connections (default=None, use default value 12).

  • prefetch_size (int, optional) – The size of the cache queue between operations (default=None, use default value 20).


>>> import mindspore.dataset as ds
>>> # Create a cache instance, in which session_id is generated from command line `cache_admin -g`
>>> # In the following code, suppose the session_id is 780643335
>>> some_cache = ds.DatasetCache(session_id=780643335, size=0)
>>> dataset_dir = "/path/to/image_folder_dataset_directory"
>>> ds1 = ds.ImageFolderDataset(dataset_dir, cache=some_cache)

Get the statistics from a cache. After data pipeline, three types of statistics can be obtained, including average number of cache hits (avg_cache_sz), number of caches in memory (num_mem_cached) and number of caches in disk (num_disk_cached).